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    EPITAXX ERM Search Results

    EPITAXX ERM Result Highlights (5)

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    DRV2625YFFR Texas Instruments Advanced ERM & LRA Haptics Driver with Smart Loop and Embedded Effects Library 9-DSBGA -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    DRV2625YFFT Texas Instruments Advanced ERM & LRA Haptics Driver with Smart Loop and Embedded Effects Library 9-DSBGA -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    DRV2605YZFT Texas Instruments Haptic Driver for ERM/LRA with Built-In Library and Smart Loop Architecture 9-DSBGA -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    DRV2605YZFR Texas Instruments Haptic Driver for ERM/LRA with Built-In Library and Smart Loop Architecture 9-DSBGA -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    DRV2604YZFT Texas Instruments Haptic Driver for ERM/LRA with Waveform Memory and Smart Loop Architecture 9-DSBGA -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy

    EPITAXX ERM Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 745 diode dual ingaas photodiode InGaAs Epitaxx EPM schema EPM-745
    Text: Forward Path CATV EPM 745 Low Distortion, Low Capacitance InGaAs PIN Photodiode for 860 MHz AM CATV Features • • • • • Low Intermodulation distortion High responsivity Low capacitance Low back reflection Linear with high input optical power to +5 dBm


    InGaAs Epitaxx APD

    Abstract: Photodiode apd high sensitivity epitaxx apd 10gb avalanche photodiode receiver 578BKX 1550 nm APD optical receivers avalanche photodiode DWDM InGaAs apd photodiode 10 gb APD receiver EPITAXX
    Text: Product Bulletin ERM 578BKX 10 Gb/s Avalanche Photodiode Optical Receiver Module Preliminary Specifications Conditions unless noted : Temperature = 25°C, λ = 1550 nm, RL = 50Ω, Vdd = +8V All specifications without connector. Parameter APD Breakdown Voltage, Vb

    578BKX InGaAs Epitaxx APD Photodiode apd high sensitivity epitaxx apd 10gb avalanche photodiode receiver 578BKX 1550 nm APD optical receivers avalanche photodiode DWDM InGaAs apd photodiode 10 gb APD receiver EPITAXX PDF

    InGaAs Epitaxx APD

    Abstract: Photodiode apd high sensitivity InGaas APD photodiode, 1550 sensitivity epitaxx apd 10gb datasheet apd epitaxx LC InGaAs avalanche photodiode ghz InGaAs apd photodiode photodiode Avalanche photodiode 40 gb InGaAs 1550 photodiode transimpedance amplifier
    Text: Product Bulletin ERM 578DKX 10 Gb/s High Sensitivity Avalanche Photodiode Optical Receiver Module Preliminary Specifications Conditions unless noted : Temperature = 25°C, λ = 1550 nm, RL = 50Ω, Vdd = +5.7V All specifications without connector. Parameter

    578DKX InGaAs Epitaxx APD Photodiode apd high sensitivity InGaas APD photodiode, 1550 sensitivity epitaxx apd 10gb datasheet apd epitaxx LC InGaAs avalanche photodiode ghz InGaAs apd photodiode photodiode Avalanche photodiode 40 gb InGaAs 1550 photodiode transimpedance amplifier PDF

    InGaAs Epitaxx APD

    Abstract: InGaAs apd photodiode Photodiode apd high sensitivity InGaas PIN photodiode, 1550 sensitivity APD bias gain avalanche photodiode receiver InGaAs Epitaxx linear APD, applications, bias supply receiver avalanche 1550 fiber 2.5 10 gb APD receiver
    Text: Product Bulletin ERM 537/547 2.5 Gb/s SONET/SDH Mini-DIL Optical Receiver Module Preliminary Specifications Conditions unless noted : Temperature = 25°C, λ = 1550 nm, RL = 50Ω All specifications without connector. Parameter Responsivity APD PIN Dark Current


    InGaAs Epitaxx APD

    Abstract: avalanche photodiodes InGaas APD detector, 1550 sensitivity epitaxx APD photovoltaic receiver 1550 InGaAs apd photodiode Si apd photodiode 10 gb APD receiver apd 1550 rise time, dark, capacitance EPITAXX erm 577
    Text: Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science The University of Texas at Dallas OPTICAL DETECTORS AND RECEIVERS Notes prepared for EE 6310 by Professor Cyrus D. Cantrell August–December 2003 c C. D. Cantrell 06/2003 The University of Texas at Dallas



    Abstract: AD8015 TMAX abb AD8015 Circuits PIN-TIA 1a227 simple circuit diagram of electronic choke 1/3 phase common mode choke C2044 hafo
    Text: a Fiber Optic Receiver with Quantizer and Clock Recovery and Data Retiming AD807 frequency acquisition without false lock. This eliminates a reliance on external components, like a crystal or a SAW filter, to aid frequency acquisition. FEATURES Meets CCITT G.958 Requirements

    AD807 TR-NWT-000253 16-Pin 16-Lead R-16A) PREAMPLIFIER TRANSIMPEDANCE optic fet AD8015 TMAX abb AD8015 Circuits PIN-TIA 1a227 simple circuit diagram of electronic choke 1/3 phase common mode choke C2044 hafo PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Fiber Optic Receiver with Quantizer and Clock Recovery and Data Retiming AD807 a FEATURES Meets CCITT G.958 Requirements for STM-1 Regenerator—Type A Meets Bellcore TR-NWT-000253 Requirements for OC-3 Output Jitter: 2.0 Degrees RMS 155 Mbps Clock Recovery and Data Retiming

    AD807 TR-NWT-000253 16-Lead AD807 R-16A) PDF


    Abstract: AD8015 hafo XFC-B MICA WAFER AD807 AD807-155BR AD807-155BR-REEL AD807-155BR-REEL7 AD807A-155BR
    Text: a Fiber Optic Receiver with Quantizer and Clock Recovery and Data Retiming AD807 frequency acquisition without false lock. This eliminates a reliance on external components such as a crystal or a SAW filter, to aid frequency acquisition. FEATURES Meets CCITT G.958 Requirements

    AD807 TR-NWT-000253 16-Pin 16-Lead R-16A) 1A227 AD8015 hafo XFC-B MICA WAFER AD807 AD807-155BR AD807-155BR-REEL AD807-155BR-REEL7 AD807A-155BR PDF


    Abstract: 750IFJ
    Text: EPITAXX INC 10E » | 33bOHOt 0Q0003i 1 | ~ Y / ~ o7 Prel imirary Pnxluct Information ERM 7 5 0 1FJ EPITAXX InGaAs Planar PIN Photodiode! GaAs FET Hybrid Receiver Module DESCRIPTION T h e ERM 7501FJ is a h y b rid device containing a high speed InGaAs p lan ar

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    33bOHOt 0Q0003i 7501FJ 7501FJ 7501FC epitaxx 750IFJ PDF


    Abstract: GAAS FET AMPLIFIER for optical receiver EPITAXX ERM504 InGaas PIN photodiode, 1550 sensitivity TIA AGC application note TRANSIMpedance Amplifier ERM504FJ-S
    Text: EPITAXX INC SOE T > m 33b040b 00001Û2 b « E P X E R M 501 ERM 5 0 4 EPITAXX Sonet OC-1 & OC-3 PIN-Transim pedance A m p lifie r Receiver M odules Features • InGaAs PIN Photodiode and GaAs Transimpedance Amplifier • Exceeds Sonet sensitivity and overload requirements

    OCR Scan
    33b0mDb ERM501 ERM504 ERM504 ERM501/504RST ERM501/504FJ EPITAXX GAAS FET AMPLIFIER for optical receiver EPITAXX ERM504 InGaas PIN photodiode, 1550 sensitivity TIA AGC application note TRANSIMpedance Amplifier ERM504FJ-S PDF


    Abstract: EPITAXX erm 7501FC 0824 452 fet photodiode ingaas pin photodiode 62.5
    Text: 10E D I 33bOMDh DDODOBi 1 | EPITAXX INC j r f/_ ¿>7 Prel iminary Product Information ERM 7 5 0 TFJ EPITAXX InGaAs Planar PIN Photodiode/GaAs FET H ybrid Receiver Module DESCRIPTION T h e ERM 7501FJ is a h y b r id d e vice c o n ta in in g a h ig h speed In G aA s p la n a r

    OCR Scan
    33b0M0L DD0D03Ã 7501FJ 7501FJ 7501FJ/FC-62 7501FC 7501FJ/FC-SM EPITAXX EPITAXX erm 0824 452 fet photodiode ingaas pin photodiode 62.5 PDF


    Abstract: EPITAXX ETX 75 MM3575 epitaxx eLED epitaxx 250 ETX1300RST
    Text: EPITAXX INC SOE » • 33b040b OQQQlbfl 1 « E P X -pV/-07 E T X 1 3 0 0 R FC, E T X 1 3 0 0 RST EPITAXX ETX1300FJ' ETX1300FC 1 3 0 0 nm H ig h P ow er E L E D M o d u le s Features ■ High coupled power 75 |iW typical into multimode ■ High speed response (3.5 ns typical)

    OCR Scan
    33b040b -pV/-07 ETX1300FJ' X1300FC ERM500 00DD17S 300RFC, 1300RST, 1300FJ, EPITAXX ETX 100 RFC 2 EPITAXX ETX 75 MM3575 epitaxx eLED epitaxx 250 ETX1300RST PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E P X T AX X INC EHTAXX SQE D • 33bG40b G O O O n S T «EPX in c . ERM505 OPTOELECTRONIC DEVICES Sonet OC-12 PIN-Transimpedance Amplifier Receiver Modules Preliminary Product Specification FEATURES * InGaAs PIN Photodiode and GaAs Transimpedance Amplifier

    OCR Scan
    33bG40b ERM505 OC-12 ERM505 33b040b ERM505RFC ERM505RST ERM505RFC2 ERH505FJ/FC PIN-TIA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EPI ERM536 l'MJMilMlTOIWll'iPBP_ Compact Sonet OC-24 PIN-Transimpedance Amplifier Optical Receiver Modules Features Applications • InGaAs PIN Photodiode and GaAs Transimpedance Amplifier ■ Meets Sonet sensitivity and overload requirements ■ Automatic gain control

    OCR Scan
    ERM536 OC-24 ERM536RFC2 ERM536FJ-S ERM536RST 33bQ4Db PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EPi IlifclM JH IiltiltilM M fclCM M M H B PO fclriri ERM531 ERM534 Sonet OC-1 & OC-3 Compact PIN-Transimpedance Am plifier Optical Receiver Modules Features Applications • Sonet receivers Add/Drop Multiplexers Digital Loop Carriers Digital Crossconnects

    OCR Scan
    ERM531 ERM534 ERM501/504 33b040b EPITAXX ERM534 PDF


    Abstract: EPITAXX EPITAXX ETX 300 tl EPITAXX ETX 300 EPITAXX ETX 75 ETX 40 photodiodes 33T0H EPITAXX etx 40
    Text: | p | r â ET X 7 5T E T X 1OOT/TL ETX 300T W V H ig h Speed InGaAs P h o tod iod es Hermetically Sealed TO Packages Features A • Photosensitive diameters of 75,100 or 300 |im ■ High responsivity at 1300 and 1550 nm ■ Low capacitance, low dark current

    OCR Scan
    TA-TSY-000468. 33bQM0b EPITAXX ETX 300T EPITAXX EPITAXX ETX 300 tl EPITAXX ETX 300 EPITAXX ETX 75 ETX 40 photodiodes 33T0H EPITAXX etx 40 PDF


    Abstract: EPITAXX ingaas photodetector
    Text: EPM 600FJ-S/M Pigtailed, High Speed InGaAs Photodetector Module Prelim inary Specifications Features • H igh responsivity a t 1300 nm and 1550 nm ■ B a n d w id th greater th a n 1 GHz ■ H erm etically sealed InGaAs p h o to d io d e ■ Rugged coaxial package

    OCR Scan
    EPM600FJ-S/M 33b04Dfc. photodetector EPITAXX ingaas photodetector PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ERM535A H igh Sensitivity, Compact Sonet OC-12 Pin Transimpedance Am plifier Optical Receiver Modules Preliminary Information Features • InGaAs PIN Photodiode and GaAs Transimpedance Amplifier ■ Meets Sonet sensitivity and overload requirements ■ Automatic gain control

    OCR Scan
    ERM535A OC-12 ERM535 33b040b 1E-10 0GQ342 PDF

    GAAS FET AMPLIFIER for optical receiver

    Abstract: FET 4900 pin Photodiode 2 GHz pin Photodiode 1550 nm ERM507FJ-S STM-16 e188
    Text: EPB ERM 507FJ-S 2 .5 G bps Sonet / SDH PIN-Ttansim pedance O p tica l R eceiver M o d u le Features A ll dimensions in mm - Electro-optical 30 ±0.1 Pin 4 26 ± 0.1 • InGaAs PIN photodiode w ith 1 2 3 4 5 GaAs FET Transimpedance Am plifier ■ Operates betw een 1000 and 1600 nm

    OCR Scan
    ERM507FJ-S OC-48, STM-16 33b04Qb GAAS FET AMPLIFIER for optical receiver FET 4900 pin Photodiode 2 GHz pin Photodiode 1550 nm ERM507FJ-S e188 PDF


    Abstract: InGaAs Epitaxx
    Text: E P I T A X X INC iT IT A X X S D E ]> in c . • 3 3 b 0 M 0 b OOOOlflfl 7 « E P X _ OPTOELECTRONIC DEVICES ERM50‘ Sonet OC-24 PIN-Transimpedance Amplifier Receiver Modules Preliminary Product Specification FEATURES * InGaAs PIN Photodiode and GaAs Transimpedance Amplifier

    OCR Scan
    ERM50` OC-24 ERM506 33bQ4Gb ERM506RST ERM506RFC ERM506RFC2 ERM506FJ/FC epitaxx InGaAs Epitaxx PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Compact Sonet OC-12 PIN-Transimpedance A m plifier Optical Receiver Modules Features • InGaAs PIN Photodiode and GaAs Transimpedance Amplifier ■ Meets Sonet sensitivity and overload requirements ■ Autom atic gain control ■ Integrated 4-pin package

    OCR Scan
    OC-12 ERM535A 535RSC-FM ERM535RFC2 ERM535FJ-S ERM535RST 33b040b EPITAXX ERM535 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: in p f im iiiiiiiw it m ii_E P n 5 1 2 B , ED R512C, E D R 5 I2 D Series 155 Mb/s ATM PIN-TIA Receiver Module P re lim in a ry In fo rm a tio n Features Electro-Optical • InGaAs PIN Photodiode w ith Silicon Transimpedance Am plifier ■ W ide dynam ic range: 0 dBm overload

    OCR Scan
    R512C, EDR512B EDR512C EDR512D co512D EDR512X MB-14 MB-26 R512C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALO G DEVICES Fiber Optic Receiver with Quantizer and Clock Recovery and Data Retiming AD807 FEATURES Meets CCITT G.958 Requirements for STM-1 Regenerator—Type A Meets Bellcore TR-NWT-000253 Requirements for OC-3 Output Jitter: 2.0 Degrees RMS 155 Mbps Clock Recovery and Data Retiming

    OCR Scan
    AD807 TR-NWT-000253 16-Pin AD807 16-Lead R-16A) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALO G D E V IC E S Fiber Optic Receiver with Quantizer and Clock Recovery and Data Retiming AD807 FEATURES Meets CCITT G.958 Requirements for STM-1 Regenerator—Type A Meets Bellcore TR-NWT-000253 Requirements for OC-3 Output Jitter: 2.0 Degrees RMS 155 Mbps Clock Recovery and Data Retiming

    OCR Scan
    AD807 TR-NWT-000253 16-Pin AD807 16-Lead R-16A) PDF