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    EG*G OPTOELECTRONICS Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TLP3475W Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photorelay (MOSFET output), 60 V/0.4 A, 300 Vrms, WSON4 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TLP3406SRH4 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photorelay (MOSFET output, 1-form-a), 30 V/0.9 A, 300 Vrms, S-VSON16T Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TLP5702H Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photocoupler (Gate Driver Coupler), High-Topr / IGBT driver, 5000 Vrms, SO6L Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TLP3407SRA Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photorelay (MOSFET output, 1-form-a), 60 V/1 A, 500 Vrms, S-VSON4T Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TLP3407SRH Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photorelay (MOSFET output, 1-form-a), 60 V/1 A, 500 Vrms, S-VSON4T Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    EG*G OPTOELECTRONICS Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    Optical Detector

    Abstract: EG*G Heimann Optoelectronics GmbH EG*G Optoelectronics Heimann electron Detector 42 1E-18 CHV30P C1300 transistor c900 C900
    Text: Lighting Imaging Telecom Sensors Channel Photomultipliers Channel Photomultipliers Overview and Specifications . P H O T O M U L T I P L I E R C P M C H A N N E L Description PerkinElmer Optoelectronics, formerly EG&G Optoelectronics, is pleased to introduce the Channel

    DS-291 Optical Detector EG*G Heimann Optoelectronics GmbH EG*G Optoelectronics Heimann electron Detector 42 1E-18 CHV30P C1300 transistor c900 C900 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Page # : 1 of 1 Date : 22/09/98 ISSUED BY : Joan Low Poh Chee Rev Date : Index #: DEVICE NAME : EG 4764 Mechanical Data : Dimension mm e l 63 ± 1 r 101 ± 1 g d 7 ± 0.5 dia x Polarity : Without Colour Corrective Coating : Remarks: 1. Envelope material : Q1, Q2 or Q3

    1x10p7 HS-DDC-H24-0003 HS-DDC-H24-0003 PDF

    ZS 1052

    Abstract: CB-480
    Text: Page # : 1 of 1 Date : 07/09/98 ISSUED BY : Joan Low Poh Chee Rev Date : Index #: DEVICE NAME : EG 9902-1 Mechanical Data : Dimension mm e l 312 ± 3 r a y 392 ± 3 g 14.5 ± 0.5 (2x) 115 ± 5 (2x) m 15 ± 0.5 dia (2x) d 10 ± 1 dia x 120 ± 5 k 16 ± 0.5 dia (2x)

    HS-DDC-H24-0003 ZS 1052 CB-480 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Page # : 1 of 1 Date : 22/09/98 ISSUED BY : Joan Low Poh Chee Rev Date : Index #: DEVICE NAME : EG 3770 Mechanical Data : Dimension mm e l 68 ± 1.5 r a 117 ± 2 g 8 approx (2x) d 7 ± 0.5 dia x b 15 approx (2x) n 8 approx dia (2x) m 6 approx dia (2x) Polarity : Red dot at anode

    HS-DDC-H24-0003 HS-DDC-H24-0003 PDF


    Abstract: INTERSIL Cross Reference Search dg403bdy DG211BDJ MAX32xx MAX333ACWP ADG201ABQ semiconductors cross reference DG442LDY DG303bdy
    Text: CROSS-REFERENCE A nalog IC Pro duc ts w w w. v i s h a y. c o m I N T EG R AT E D C I R C U I T S V I S H AY I N T E R T E C H N O L O G Y, I N C . SEMICONDUCTORS RECTIFIERS Schottky single, Dual Standard, Fast, and Ultra-Fast Recovery (single, Dual) Bridge

    VMN-MS6328-0911 DG3157 INTERSIL Cross Reference Search dg403bdy DG211BDJ MAX32xx MAX333ACWP ADG201ABQ semiconductors cross reference DG442LDY DG303bdy PDF

    SIECOR Fiber Optic cable

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E G & G/CANADA/OPTOELEK ^ M7E D • 3ü3DblG OGDOE^ EGzG OPTOELECTRONICS h ■ CANA C86075E& C86082E Series - n v / ' O i C86082E Series C86075E Series The EG&G series of 1300 nm LEDs are edge emitting InGaAsP

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    C86075E& C86082E C86075E ED-0050/12/90 SIECOR Fiber Optic cable PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C-O EG&G OPTOELECTRONICS GROUP E G S G/HEIMANN OPTOELE tSE D • t-ttSfVIMIHM -otoeiectrcmcs 1003350 0000073 b35 ■ LAE - LARGE AREA ELECTRONICS POSITION SENSING DETECTORS - PSD Description The one- and tw o dimensionai Position Sensing Detectors PSD in Amorphous

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    T0033H0 0Q0D075 LP20100 PDF

    Photodiode vactec

    Abstract: S1723-04 "CT scan" VTH209XDS QQQ112M VTH2090 VTH2091
    Text: 3D3übüT SbE ÜG Ü1 1 23 IVCT SSG J^EG&G VACTEC T ^ l- 5 3 VTH209XDS Rev. E LARGE AREA PIN PHOTODIODE VTH2090, 2091 OPTOELECTRONICS S1723-04, 06 INDUSTRY EQUIVALENT E G & G VACTEC -PRODUCT DESCRIPTIO N This PIN photodiode consists of a chip with a

    OCR Scan
    VTH209XDS VTH2090, S1723-04, Photodiode vactec S1723-04 "CT scan" QQQ112M VTH2090 VTH2091 PDF

    SIECOR Fiber Optic cable

    Abstract: Siecor 62.5
    Text: E G & G/CANADA/OPTOELEK ^ *4?E I> • 3G3GblD 00002=17 EB kO OPTOELECTRONICS C86081E Series I ■ H The EG&G series of 1300 nm LEDs are edge emitting InGaAsP diodes made by vapor phase epitaxy to give high optical power at 65°C. The design utilizes advanced geometries to prevent

    OCR Scan
    C86081E C30616E, C30617E C30986E ED-0051/12/90 SIECOR Fiber Optic cable Siecor 62.5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5bE 3030^0^ D 0001113 n EG kG v a c t e c bQl G 8, G - 4 1-55 VTB9610DS Rev, B PHOTODIODE ARRAY 24 ELEMENT VTB9610 OPTOELECTRONICS E IVCT VACTEC PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FEATURES This is a 24 element photodiode array specifically designed for use in the photovoltaic mode. The anode of each

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    VTB9610DS VTB9610 PDF


    Abstract: MANI3410C MANI3210C
    Text: [*Q OPTOELECTRONICS NUMERIC S EG M EN TE D DISPLAYS 0 .3 ” S in g le D ig it D is p la y 1 3 .2 D e g r e e S e a tin g P la te Wave­ 13.0 - " 13.2P _L L ttttt n- 300 .53! (? 62> (13.5) Part length Segm ent F a ce Num ber D escription \(nm) C olor C o lo r

    OCR Scan
    MANI3110C MANI3210C MANI3410C MSD314C MSD315C MSD344C MSD345C MSD394C MSD395C MANI3110C MANI3410C MANI3210C PDF

    SIECOR Fiber Optic cable

    Abstract: EG*G Optoelectronics 2sa 1300 equivalent c30617e Siecor C860XXE-12 C30654 C30617 Siecor 62.5 SIECOR Fiber Optics
    Text: E G & 6 /CANADA/ OPTOELEK 47E » • 303DblG 00002=13 h ■ E O S iG CANA C86075E & OPTOELECTRONICS C86082E Series T - v t - e i C86082E Series C86075E Series HI“ - Dual-in-Line Package with Single or

    OCR Scan
    303Dbl0 C86075E C86082E C86075E C30616E, C30617E C30654 ED-0050/12/90 SIECOR Fiber Optic cable EG*G Optoelectronics 2sa 1300 equivalent Siecor C860XXE-12 C30617 Siecor 62.5 SIECOR Fiber Optics PDF

    SIECOR Fiber Optic cable

    Abstract: siecor C30617E EG*G Optoelectronics Siecor 62.5 C30986E C86081E-13 C86081E-14 1300 nm LEDs SIECOR Fiber Optics
    Text: E fi 8. G / C A N A D A / O P T O E L E K 4?E T> 3030bl0 OODOET? 3 I CANA t-fl-O l OPTOELECTRONICS C86081E Series Our 100% quality screening tests include a stabilization bake at 85°C for a minimum of 10 hours, burn-in and thermal shock: 5 cycles, -20 to +70°C.

    OCR Scan
    3030bl0 ff-07 C86081E C30616E C30617E C30986E ED-0051/12/90 SIECOR Fiber Optic cable siecor EG*G Optoelectronics Siecor 62.5 C86081E-13 C86081E-14 1300 nm LEDs SIECOR Fiber Optics PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E G & G/CANADA/OPTOELEK Il 47E D • 3D3DblO ■_< — GODDPòfl 2 ■ CANA 1550nm High Power Pulsed Laser C Ij K IJ OPTOELECTRONICS C86091E T-y -cs ■ ■ ■ ■ H T he C 86091E is a high pow er single elem ent pulsed laser diode. W avelength is centered at 1550 nm to take advantage

    OCR Scan
    1550nm C86091E 86091E PDF

    EG*G Optoelectronics

    Abstract: C30724 C30724P EG&G VS289 MIL-Q-9858A Si apd photodiode 800 nm EG&G optoelectronics apd bias 200v eg&g HUV-1100
    Text: J^E G S G CANADA AN OPTOELECTRONICS GROUP COMPANY SÌ APD Package 04-22-97) C30724P Features: 3.25/3.17 ( 0 . 1 2 8 ) / ( 0 .125) 3_ 1 .0 2 (0.040) CATHODE cxzzr 3 t = I J . 2.54 ( 0 . 100 ) ANODE 0 .4 6 -c

    OCR Scan
    C30724P 900nm C30724P EG*G Optoelectronics C30724 EG&G VS289 MIL-Q-9858A Si apd photodiode 800 nm EG&G optoelectronics apd bias 200v eg&g HUV-1100 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC141 OP843 OP130 2SC 141 AN 0P845 0P844 0P842
    Text: OPTEK TECHNOLOGY INC ObE D | bT^flSfiO OOOOiat =1 | g Optoelectronics Division TRW Electronic Components Group Product Bulletin 6144 January 1985 U m W NPiy Silicon Phototransistors Types 0P841, 0P842, 0P843, QP844, 0P845 Features i • Collector currents are binned to minimums only

    OCR Scan
    0P841, 0P842, 0P843, QP844, 0P845 0P841 0P845 X-875 OP845 2SC141 OP843 OP130 2SC 141 AN 0P844 0P842 PDF


    Abstract: OP601 OP64 OP600 OP640
    Text: OPTEK TECHNOLOGY INC OLE D | LTTBSflO DD0017S T | Optoelectronics- Division T R W Electronic Com ponents Group T Product Bulletin 5131 January 1965 t R m w - m -io i NPN Silicon Phototransistors Types OP600 0P604, QP640-OP644 Features • Miniature hermetically sealed package

    OCR Scan
    C00017E OP600 0P604, QP640-OP644 boards/11 0P604 OP640 0P644 X-875 OP601 OP64 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OPTEK TECHNOLOGY INC ObE D | L71flSflQ 0000146 1 | Optoelectronics Division - b T RW Electronic Components Group Product Bulletin 5097 January 1965 'R Y w NPN Silicon Phototransistors Types 0P5Q1, 0P5Q1SLD, 0P501SLC, 0P5Q1SLB, 0P5Q1SLA Features • 0 .1 0 0 " 12.54 mm} lead spacing

    OCR Scan
    L71flSflQ 0P501SLC, OP501 501SLD OP500 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: STANDARD LAMP OPTOELECTRONICS lighting:theway VAOL-3HAE4 Feature Package D im ension • Low Power Consumption ■ I.C. compatible .1 18 “ 3.0 A pplications ■ ■ ■ ■ Commercial Outdoor Sign Board Front Panel Indicator Dot-Matrix Module LED Bulb D escription

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 0603 SMD TYPE LED OPTOELECTRONICS lighting:theway VAOL-S6SB4 Features • Fit automatic placement equipment. • Fit Compatible with infrared and vapor phase reflow solder process. • Pb-free. • RoHS compliant. Descriptions • • • • • For higher packing density .

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SUPERBRIGHT LED LAMP OPTOELECTRONICS lighting:theway VAOL-3GSBY4 Package Dimension Feature • ■ ■ Low Power Consumption High Intensity I.C. compatible .209 5.3 ' Applications ■ ■ ■ ■ 0.1 Commercial Outdoor Sign Board Front Panel Indicator Dot-Matrix Module

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: STANDARD OPTOELECTRONICS lighting:theway LAMP VAOL-3GCE4 Feature Package Dimension • Low Power Consumption ■ I.C. compatible Applications ■ ■ ■ ■ Commercial Outdoor Sign Board Front Panel Indicator Dot-Matrix Module LED Bulb Description ■ These LEDs are Based on GaAsP/GaP

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TIED56 Avalanche Photodiode Texas Optoelectronics, Inc. OPTIMIZED FOR HIGH-SPEED DETECTION OF NEAR-INFRARED RADIANT ENERGY DESCRIPTION FEATURES The TIED56 is a high-speed, high-resistivity photodiode. It is designed to operate in the reverse-voltage avalanche region just below the

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    TIED56 TIED56 Equi1218) 9L53PL375) 5J7I023S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SUPERBRIGHT LED LAMP OPTOELECTRONICS lighting:theway VA0L-3LSBY1 Feature • ■ ■ Package Dimension Low Power Consumption High Intensity I.C. compatible Applications ■ ■ ■ ■ Commercial Outdoor Sign Board Front Panel Indicator Dot-Matrix Module LED Bulb

    OCR Scan