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    EFD15 TRANSFORMER 5V OUT Search Results

    EFD15 TRANSFORMER 5V OUT Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TCR5RG28A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 2.8 V, 500 mA, WCSP4F Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCR3EM33A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 3.3 V, 300 mA, DFN4D Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCR3LM33A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 3.3 V, 300 mA, DFN4D Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCR3UF50A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 5 V, 300 mA, SOT-25 (SMV) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCR5BM28A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 2.8 V, 500 mA, DFN5B Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    EFD15 TRANSFORMER 5V OUT Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: PF0606 EFD20 EF12.6 PA1424NL LM5070 12v output pa1558nl 12V 18W flyback EFD15 5v PA1706NL
    Text: POE POWER TRANSFORMERS - IEEE802.3AF COMPLIANT - 1500VRMS ISOLATION, 33-57V INPUT, 200KHZ CM FLYBACK Customer Name Chipset ISL6844 LT1725 LT3803 LT3803 / LTC4267 / LTC4257 Unreleased MIC9130 LM5070/LM5020 LM5071/LM5072 SC4812 TPS2375/UCC3809 Pulse Part #

    IEEE802 1500VRMS 3-57V 200KHZ ISL6844 LT1725 LT3803 LT3803 LTC4267 LTC4257 PA1646 PF0606 EFD20 EF12.6 PA1424NL LM5070 12v output pa1558nl 12V 18W flyback EFD15 5v PA1706NL PDF

    12v 6A transformer

    Abstract: flyback transformer 12v dc 10 pin flyback transformer schematics 12v transformer 12 pin flyback transformer flyback transformer 10 pin flyback transformer 10/12 pin flyback transformer 12V 1A Transformer specification PA0769NL
    Text: HIGH FREQUENCY WIRE WOUND TRANSFORMERS EFD Platforms - EFD15, EFD20 and EFD25 Transformers and Inductors Power: 30W to 180W Three Different Platforms: THT and SMT Low Profile Platforms: 8.4mm to 13.5mm Custom designs available Electrical Specifications @ 25°C — Operating Temperature -40°C to 125°C

    EFD15, EFD20 EFD25 PB2187NL 36-75v, 225kHz 12v/1 15v/20mA -12v/1A 12v/3A 12v 6A transformer flyback transformer 12v dc 10 pin flyback transformer schematics 12v transformer 12 pin flyback transformer flyback transformer 10 pin flyback transformer 10/12 pin flyback transformer 12V 1A Transformer specification PA0769NL PDF


    Abstract: PA0751 efd-25 transformer
    Text: HIGH FREQUENCY CONVENTIONAL WOUND TRANSFORMERS EFD Platforms - EFD15, EFD20 and EFD25 Transformers and Inductors Power: 30W to 180W Three Different Platforms: THT and SMT Low Profile Platforms: 8.4mm to 13.5mm Custom designs available Electrical Specifications @ 25°C — Operating Temperature -40°C to 125°C

    EFD15, EFD20 EFD25 PB2187 36-75v, 225kHz 12v/1 15v/20mA PB2157 PB2042 EFD20 - TRANSFORMER PA0751 efd-25 transformer PDF

    transformer 3A

    Abstract: 80w flyback PA0751 PA104
    Text: HIGH FREQUENCY CONVENTIONAL WOUND MAGNETICS EFD Platforms - EFD15, EFD20 and EFD25 Transformers and Inductors Power: 30W to 180W Three Different Platforms: THT and SMT Low Profile Platforms: 8.4mm to 13.5mm Custom designs available Electrical Specifications @ 25°C — Operating Temperature -40°C to 125°C

    EFD15, EFD20 EFD25 PB2187 36-75v, 225kHz 12v/1 15v/20mA PA047685538870 transformer 3A 80w flyback PA0751 PA104 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH FREQUENCY CONVENTIONAL WOUND TRANSFORMERS EFD Platforms - EFD15, EFD20 and EFD25 Transformers and Inductors Power: 30W to 180W Three Different Platforms: THT and SMT Low Profile Platforms: 8.4mm to 13.5mm Custom designs available Electrical Specifications @ 25°C — Operating Temperature -40°C to 125°C

    EFD15, EFD20 EFD25 PB2187NL 36-75v, 225kHz 12v/1 15v/20mA PB2157 PB2042 EFD20 - TRANSFORMER PDF


    Abstract: PB2134 15efd PA0476 PA1039 15efd data sheet EFD20 PA0691 flyback transformer 8 pin schematics EFD25
    Text: HIGH FREQUENCY CONVENTIONAL WOUND MAGNETICS EFD Platforms - EFD15, EFD20 and EFD25 Transformers and Inductors Power: 30W to 180W Three Different Platforms: THT and SMT Low Profile Platforms: 8.4mm to 13.5mm Custom designs available Electrical Specifications @ 25°C — Operating Temperature -40°C to 125°C

    EFD15, EFD20 EFD25 PB2187 18-72v, 500kHz 10v/20mA 650Vdc 500Vrms PA0751 PB2134 15efd PA0476 PA1039 15efd data sheet PA0691 flyback transformer 8 pin schematics EFD25 PDF

    EFD15 5v flyback

    Abstract: 12v transformer 12v 6A flyback efd15 5v 2a transformer EFD TRANSFORMER 6 pin pulse transformer
    Text: HIGH FREQUENCY CONVENTIONAL WOUND MAGNETICS EFD Platforms - EFD15, EFD20 and EFD25 Transformers and Inductors Power: 30W to 180W Three Different Platforms: THT and SMT Low Profile Platforms: 8.4mm to 13.5mm Custom designs available Electrical Specifications @ 25°C — Operating Temperature -40°C to 125°C

    EFD15, EFD20 EFD25 PB2187 36-75v, 225kHz 12v/1 15v/20mA PA04765538870 EFD15 5v flyback 12v transformer 12v 6A flyback efd15 5v 2a transformer EFD TRANSFORMER 6 pin pulse transformer PDF

    12 pin flyback transformer

    Abstract: 12v transformer PA0691 PB2134 flyback transformer 12v dc 10 pin flyback transformer schematics PA1039 PA0751 12v 6A flyback efd-15 transformer
    Text: HIGH FREQUENCY CONVENTIONAL WOUND MAGNETICS EFD Platforms - EFD15, EFD20 and EFD25 Transformers and Inductors Power: 30W to 180W Three Different Platforms: THT and SMT Low Profile Platforms: 8.4mm to 13.5mm Custom designs available Electrical Specifications @ 25°C — Operating Temperature -40°C to 125°C

    EFD15, EFD20 EFD25 PB2187 36-75v, 225kHz 12v/1 15v/20mA 650Vdk 12 pin flyback transformer 12v transformer PA0691 PB2134 flyback transformer 12v dc 10 pin flyback transformer schematics PA1039 PA0751 12v 6A flyback efd-15 transformer PDF

    12v transformer

    Abstract: forward TRANSFORMER 15w flyback transformer PB2187 application note 12v 6A transformer efd15 5v 2a transformer flyback transformer efd-25 transformer flyback 5v 2a transformer EFD15 EFD20
    Text: HIGH FREQUENCY CONVENTIONAL WOUND MAGNETICS EFD Platforms - EFD15, EFD20 and EFD25 Transformers and Inductors Power: 30W to 180W Three Different Platforms: THT and SMT Low Profile Platforms: 8.4mm to 13.5mm Custom designs available Electrical Specifications @ 25°C — Operating Temperature -40°C to 125°C

    EFD15, EFD20 EFD25 PB2187 36-75v, 225kHz 12v/1 15v/20mA 12v transformer forward TRANSFORMER 15w flyback transformer PB2187 application note 12v 6A transformer efd15 5v 2a transformer flyback transformer efd-25 transformer flyback 5v 2a transformer EFD15 PDF

    Self-Oscillating Flyback Converters

    Abstract: TV flyback transformer EC35 TRANSFORMER POT3019 EF25 TRANSFORMER EE25 transformer HIGH FREQUENCY Transformer ee19 Self Oscillating Flyback Converters flyback transformer tv Transformer ee19
    Text: Power Transformers OFF-LINE Switch Mode APPLICATION NOTES Converter circuit as a function of S.M.P.S. output voltage Vo and output power (Po) S . M . P . S . Transformers 102 Power Transformers OFF-LINE Switch Mode APPLICATION NOTES Power throughput of different transformer types

    100KHz EFD12 EFD15 EFD20 EFD25 EFD30 EPC13 EPC17 EPC19 EPC25 Self-Oscillating Flyback Converters TV flyback transformer EC35 TRANSFORMER POT3019 EF25 TRANSFORMER EE25 transformer HIGH FREQUENCY Transformer ee19 Self Oscillating Flyback Converters flyback transformer tv Transformer ee19 PDF

    NPN Transistor TO92 40V 200mA

    Abstract: ELECTROLYTIC capacitor 330 35v transformer 220 25v transistor 1002 of capacitor 33uf 35v FZT789A C25 schottky 25MV100AX diode 0102 EC05Q04
    Text: ADSL Modem 8V to 18V INPUT C3 1uF C5 330uF 35V MV-AX 3x D1 CMPSH-3 13 R1 68k C1 15nF 2 20 V+ 19 VL ILIM BST COMP DH C2 100pF 17 LX 16 DL VL GND C6 4.7uF 35V 18 15 C4 0.1uF N1A 1/2 FDS6930A R3 4.7 R4 4.7 1,2 N1B 1/2 FDS6930A 14 OUT1 1 POK FB1 B2 3.3V@1A 12,11

    330uF 100pF FDS6930A 680uF FZT789A 2N3905 MBRS1100 NPN Transistor TO92 40V 200mA ELECTROLYTIC capacitor 330 35v transformer 220 25v transistor 1002 of capacitor 33uf 35v FZT789A C25 schottky 25MV100AX diode 0102 EC05Q04 PDF


    Abstract: ferrite core selection UNITRODE CROSS slup003 EFD17 bobbin ee13 ferrite transformer EE19 type bobbin flyback transformer design EFD20 bobbin with 12 pin 11 pin flyback transformer CIRCULAR EFD17
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > POWER-SUPPLY CIRCUITS Aug 20, 2002 Keywords: MAX1856, SLIC, power supplies, POTS, flyback transformer APPLICATION NOTE 1166 Flyback Transformer Design for MAX1856 SLIC Power Supplies Abstract: The subscriber line interface circuit SLIC provides DC power, ringing and supervision functions for

    MAX1856, MAX1856 MAX18 SLUP003) IR40xx AN1024) com/an1166 MAX1856: AN1166, SLUP003 ferrite core selection UNITRODE CROSS slup003 EFD17 bobbin ee13 ferrite transformer EE19 type bobbin flyback transformer design EFD20 bobbin with 12 pin 11 pin flyback transformer CIRCULAR EFD17 PDF


    Abstract: SMA capacitor TDK Ferrite Core EFD20 PS2501-1-L sanyo WG capacitors ceramic capacitor 1uf/100v-1210 Vitramon 10uh coilcraft 1210 LM5020 sanyo capacitor wg
    Text: National Semiconductor LM5020 Power Applications Design Center, Americas May 2007 1.0 Design Specifications Inputs Output #1 Output #2 Output #3 Output #4 VinMin=9V Vout1=5V Vout2=12V Vout3=3.3V Vout4=5V VinMax=42V Iout1=0.2A Iout2=2.1A Iout3=0.5A Iout4=0.5A

    LM5020 LM5020 300kHz CSP-9-111S2) CSP-9-111S2. EFD15-3F3-A63S SMA capacitor TDK Ferrite Core EFD20 PS2501-1-L sanyo WG capacitors ceramic capacitor 1uf/100v-1210 Vitramon 10uh coilcraft 1210 sanyo capacitor wg PDF


    Abstract: CTX02-14989 COILTRONICS CTX02-15242 CAP ELE CTX-02-15242 GHM3045X7R222K-GC UPF2A UPF2A220MPH LQN6C1R0M04 CR16
    Text: DC 373A-A Introduction DC373A-A is a 48V to isolated 5V/2A converter based on the LT1725 isolated flyback controller. DC373A-A is designed to operate over the standard telecom input voltage range of 36V to 72V. The output is a regulated 5V. The transformer provides 1500V of

    73A-A DC373A-A LT1725 osc05 1/16W EFD15 LT1725IGN CTX02-14989 CTX02-14989 COILTRONICS CTX02-15242 CAP ELE CTX-02-15242 GHM3045X7R222K-GC UPF2A UPF2A220MPH LQN6C1R0M04 CR16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ACT410 Rev 3, 27-Feb-14 ActivePSRTM Quasi-Resonant PWM Controller FEATURES • Patented Primary Side Regulation Technology • Quasi-Resonant Operation • Adjustable up to 120kHz Switching Frequency • • • • +/-5% Output Voltage Regulation and overload conditions, it would enter auto restart

    ACT410 27-Feb-14 120kHz ACT410 PDF

    resistor 10k ohm

    Abstract: resistor 330 Ohm resistor* 10k ohm resistor 100 Ohm 0805 Resistor resistor 4.7k ohm resistor 220 ohm FTZ749 "resistor 330 Ohm" resistor 10k
    Text: M AX1865 Vin 6 TO 14 V Vout 3.3V @ 0.35A, 1.8V @ 0.35A, 5V @ 0.35A, -48V @ 0.1A 6V to 14V INPUT C5,C6 390uF 25V MV-AX 2x D1 CMPSH-3 C4 1uF 10V 20 VP BST VL 19 DH 17 LX 16 DL 15 T1 4:4:17:17:17:17 Lpri = 2.2uH SG3 (EFD15) 3 FB 4 B2 5 ILIM R20 1k T1 R8 4.64k

    AX1865 390uF 680uF EC10QS03L 330uF FTZ749 100PF EFD15) resistor 10k ohm resistor 330 Ohm resistor* 10k ohm resistor 100 Ohm 0805 Resistor resistor 4.7k ohm resistor 220 ohm FTZ749 "resistor 330 Ohm" resistor 10k PDF

    3f3 core

    Abstract: ferrite transformer 300V EFD15-3F3 LT1725 FERRITE flyback CMSH2-60 flyback transformer data pin EFD-15-3F3 EFD15 TRANSFORMER 12 pin flyback transformer
    Text: advertisement Isolated Flyback Converter Regulates Without an Optocoupler Design Note 260 Robert Sheehan Introduction Designing an isolated power supply can be a daunting task. Optocouplers, secondary-side error amplifiers and frequency compensation can send you scurrying to your

    LT1725 1-800-4-LINEAR. dn260f 3f3 core ferrite transformer 300V EFD15-3F3 FERRITE flyback CMSH2-60 flyback transformer data pin EFD-15-3F3 EFD15 TRANSFORMER 12 pin flyback transformer PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ACT410 Product Brief, 07-Aug-13 ActivePSRTM Quasi-Resonant PWM Controller and overload conditions, it would enter auto restart mode including cycle-by-cycle current limiting. FEATURES • Patented Primary Side Regulation ACT410 is to achieve no overshoot and very short

    ACT410 07-Aug-13 ACT410 120kHz EFD15 PDF

    1N4148 5t

    Abstract: y1 smd transistor transistor SMD Y1 smd transistor Y1 sot-23 smd transistor 24 sot23
    Text: ACT41X Product Brief, 06-Dec-12 ActivePSRTM Quasi-Resonant PWM Controller and overload conditions, it would enter auto restart mode including cycle-by-cycle current limiting. FEATURES • Patented Primary Side Regulation ACT41X is to achieve no overshoot and very short

    ACT41X 06-Dec-12 ACT41X 120kHz 1N4148 5t y1 smd transistor transistor SMD Y1 smd transistor Y1 sot-23 smd transistor 24 sot23 PDF

    REGULATOR sw 13003

    Abstract: 13003 switch mode circuit
    Text: ACT334 Rev 2, 14-Nov-12 High Performance ActivePSRTM Primary Switching Regulator FEATURES over temperature conditions. • Ultra Low Standby Power < 30mW The ACT334 ActivePSRTM is optimized for high performance, cost-sensitive applications, and utilizes Active-Semi’s proprietary primary-side

    ACT334 14-Nov-12 ACT334 REGULATOR sw 13003 13003 switch mode circuit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ACT410 Rev 3, 27-Feb-14 ActivePSRTM Quasi-Resonant PWM Controller and overload conditions, it would enter auto restart mode including cycle-by-cycle current limiting. FEATURES • Patented Primary Side Regulation ACT410 is to achieve no overshoot and very short

    ACT410 27-Feb-14 ACT410 120kHz PDF

    Designing Type II Compensation for Current Mode

    Abstract: 55030 design of 20 khz step up ferrite transformer AN724 mpp schematic self resonant driver Siliconix EFD15 Si9118 Si9119
    Text: AN724 Vishay Siliconix AN724 Designing A High-Frequency, Self-Resonant Reset Forward DC/DC For Telecom Using Si9118/9 PWM/PSM Controller by Thong Huynh FEATURES • • • • Fixed Telecom Input Voltage Range: 30 V to 80 V • Self-Resonant Reset 5-V Output Voltage, 5-A Max., Total 25-W Continuous Power • Current Mode Control with Slope Compensation

    AN724 Si9118/9 500-kHz 35-mV 11-Dec-98 Designing Type II Compensation for Current Mode 55030 design of 20 khz step up ferrite transformer AN724 mpp schematic self resonant driver Siliconix EFD15 Si9118 Si9119 PDF

    Delta EFD20

    Abstract: 48V to 12V buck transformer EFD20 7W
    Text: Application Notes Magnetics Recommended Solder Reflow Profiles Standard SnPb Solder 3°C/Second Max. Lead Pb Free Solder 3°C/Second Max. 100°C 150°C 60-120seconds 150°C 200°C 60-120seconds 3°C/Second Max. 183°C 60-150 Seconds 235°C +/-5°C 30 Seconds Max

    60-120seconds Delta EFD20 48V to 12V buck transformer EFD20 7W PDF

    230V ac to 5V dc usb charger circuit

    Abstract: D13005 TRANSISTOR SMD p1 DIODE SMD d8 EE20 core Flyback transformer
    Text: Innovative Green Power Solutions AC/DC Charger/Adapter Reference Designs ACT36X, ACT33X Rev 2.5 Oct 2012 ActivePSR TM High Efficiency AC/DC Primary Switching Solutions Application Change Note Revision History Page 12~13 2012-Oct– 19 Rev 2.5

    ACT36X, ACT33X 2012-Octâ ACT365-02 EPC17) 85-264Vac 2200mA 230V ac to 5V dc usb charger circuit D13005 TRANSISTOR SMD p1 DIODE SMD d8 EE20 core Flyback transformer PDF