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    EECO BCD SWITCH Search Results

    EECO BCD SWITCH Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TCWA1225G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation High Power Switch / SPDT / WCSP14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TBAW56 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Switching Diode, 80 V, 0.215 A, SOT23 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    HN1D05FE Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Switching Diode, 400 V, 0.1 A, ES6 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC4511BP Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, BCD-to-7-Segment Decoder, DIP16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TDS4A212MX Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PCI Express switch, 2 Differential Channel, 2:1 multiplexer/1:2 demultiplexer, SPDT, XQFN16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    EECO BCD SWITCH Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 8 Position 16 Pin SPST dip switch 1A219001G 1A212001G 1A211001G EECO 2100 1A210001G EECO Switch EECO itt rotary switch 14 positions
    Text: CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE EECO SWITCH To ITT/ C & K PRODUCTS EECO Switch A Transico Company 800 854-3808 (714) 835-6000 FAX: (714) 482-9429 Web: E-Mail: Revised 02/22/2005 CROSS - REFERENCE GUIDE EECO SWITCH To ITT/ C &K


    DIODE C06

    Abstract: EECO THUMBWHEEL Switch Cinch Connectors E20SM diode marking 714 KELVIN-VARLEY DIVIDER 2214G 2299G 2229G 2216G
    Text: 2000 SERIES THUMBWHEEL SWITCHES EECO’s 2000 Series is ideal for demanding industrial control applications. The large size of the switch makes it easy to operate, even if the operator is wearing gloves. The 2000 Series is available with an optional internal


    2100 series

    Abstract: EECO 2100 EECO THUMBWHEEL Switch stripswitch marking b07 eeco stripswitch
    Text: 2100 SERIES STRIPSWITCH® PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD SWITCHES The 2100 Series STRIPSWITCH® is a PCB mounted thumbwheel switch, combining direct decimal to binary conversion in a compact, easy to use package. The 2100 Series may be configured in assemblies of one to four switches on a single terminal strip,

    21XX11G 21XX64G 2100 series EECO 2100 EECO THUMBWHEEL Switch stripswitch marking b07 eeco stripswitch PDF


    Abstract: EECO 2100 EECO THUMBWHEEL Switch MARKING 15 EECO 21XX01G 16d06 diode marking 714 EECO Switch marking C15
    Text: 2100 SERIES STRIPSWITCH® PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD SWITCHES The 2100 Series STRIPSWITCH® is a PCB mounted thumbwheel switch, combining direct decimal to binary conversion in a compact, easy to use package. The 2100 Series may be configured in assemblies of one to four switches on a single terminal strip,

    21XX57G 21XX11G 21XX64G EECO BCD SWITCH EECO 2100 EECO THUMBWHEEL Switch MARKING 15 EECO 21XX01G 16d06 diode marking 714 EECO Switch marking C15 PDF


    Abstract: stripswitch EECO 2100 EECO transico ZZ-R-765 ZZ-R-765-B ZZ-R-765B eeco 21
    Text: 2700 SERIES STRIPSWITCH® PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD SWITCHES The 2700 Series STRIPSWITCH® combines the many advanced features of the original 2100 Series into a compact, fully sealed switch design suitable for wave soldiering and automated cleaning processes.

    27XX56M 27XX57M 27XX58M 27XX11M 27XX64M EECO THUMBWHEEL Switch stripswitch EECO 2100 EECO transico ZZ-R-765 ZZ-R-765-B ZZ-R-765B eeco 21 PDF


    Abstract: 4800
    Text:  4800 SERIES MICRO-DIP SMT PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD SWITCHES The 4800 Series MICRO-DIP is a true SURFACE MOUNT version of our popular MICRO-DIP family. Like all EECO MICRO-DIPS, the 4800 Series permits direct setting of binary-coded values for PROMs and other user-addressable devices. All

    480002G 480102G 480012G 480112G 480035G 480135G 480041G 480141G 480002GR. 480041 4800 PDF

    1776 1976

    Abstract: 1776 diode diode 1776 B
    Text: 1776/1976 SERIES THUMBWHEEL SWITCHES EECO’s 1776 and 1976 Series thumbwheel switches are the standards of the industry. Both Series offer 8, 10, 12 or 16 position binary or decimal output codes for every possible application. The 1776 Series is a standard .500” wide, while the


    1100 series

    Abstract: EECO diode cb23 EECO THUMBWHEEL Switch BCD thumbwheel switch THUMBWHEEL thumbwheel
    Text:  1100 SERIES THUMBWHEEL SWITCHES EECO’s 1100 Series switches offer four different actuator styles in a compact, snap-in design. The 1100 Series snaps in from the front of the panel, making installation fast and easy. The 1100 Series is offered in four different acuator styles, allowing the

    E11SJ E21SJ S11SJ S21SJ 110102J 1100 series EECO diode cb23 EECO THUMBWHEEL Switch BCD thumbwheel switch THUMBWHEEL thumbwheel PDF


    Abstract: EECO DIP BCD EECO BCD SWITCH bcd switch EECO bcd dip switch EECO hexadecimal
    Text: Flat/Flush Shaft Type Rotary DIP Code Switches RDS10-112 RDS10-122 RDS10-132 RDS16-112 RDS16-122 RDS16-132 FEATURES Fully sealed construction Kinked tails hold switch to PC board during soldering Binary decimal 10 positions & hexadecimal (16 positions), real & complimentary codes

    RDS10-112 RDS10-122 RDS10-132 RDS16-112 RDS16-122 RDS16-132 RDS10-112 EECO DIP BCD EECO BCD SWITCH bcd switch EECO bcd dip switch EECO hexadecimal PDF

    2300 Series

    Abstract: EECO Switch EECO BCD SWITCH 231002G EECO bcd dip switch 230057gb eeco
    Text:  2300 SERIES MICRO-DIP PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD SWITCHES An EECO innovation, the 2300 Series MICRODIP family includes the industry’s only double pole rotary DIP switch. Ideal for CMOS applications, the 2300 Series double LEAD-FREE! pole switch offers a unique output arrangement in



    Abstract: RDS16-412 EECO knob rotary knob benzine RDS10-432 rotary switch knob code switch 422 EECO bcd dip switch
    Text: Knob Type Rotary DIP Code Switches RDS10-412 RDS10-422 RDS10-432 RDS16-412 RDS16-422 RDS16-432 FEATURES Fully sealed construction Kinked tails hold switch to PC board during soldering Binary decimal 10 positions & hexadecimal (16 positions), real & complimentary codes

    RDS10-412 RDS10-422 RDS10-432 RDS16-412 RDS16-422 RDS16-432 RDS10-412 RDS16-412 EECO knob rotary knob benzine RDS10-432 rotary switch knob code switch 422 EECO bcd dip switch PDF


    Abstract: RDS10-312 wheel EECO bcd dip switch 16 position dip rotary switches
    Text: Wheel/Indicator Type Rotary DIP Code Switches RDS10-312 RDS10-322 RDS10-332 RDS16-312 RDS16-322 RDS16-332 FEATURES Fully sealed construction Kinked tails hold switch to PC board during soldering Binary decimal 10 positions & hexadecimal (16 positions), real & complimentary codes

    RDS10-312 RDS10-322 RDS10-332 RDS16-312 RDS16-322 RDS16-332 RDS10-322 RDS10-312 wheel EECO bcd dip switch 16 position dip rotary switches PDF

    rotary coded switch 10 positions

    Abstract: 230057GB Logic cmos 4500 series BCD coded rotary switch 4500 series CMOS 1000C 230057GP 850C EECO BCD SWITCH rotary coded switch
    Text: The 4500 Series has a one-year warranty. Specifications and Information Download the 4500 Series Data Sheet PDF format Solder and Cleaning Specification (PDF Format) Truth Table (PDF Format) 3500 Series The 3500 series MICRO-DIP is a low profile, fully sealed rotary DIP

    231002G 230056GB 230056GP 230057GB 230057GP rotary coded switch 10 positions 230057GB Logic cmos 4500 series BCD coded rotary switch 4500 series CMOS 1000C 230057GP 850C EECO BCD SWITCH rotary coded switch PDF

    EECO switch

    Abstract: 350002gs 594-0020 350035GS 470041G 350135gs EECO micro dip EECO bcd dip switch
    Text: EECO/Trans ico Micro Dips, StripSwitch, Thumbwheels/Pushwheels and Hardware Kits Printed Circuit Board Switches 5 Micro Dips Stock No. Mfr.Õs Type 594-0005 594-0010 594-0015 594-0020 594-0025 594-0030 230056GB 230057GB 350008GS 351008GS 350108GS 350002GS

    230056GB 351002GS 351035GS 230057GB 350102GS 350135GS 350008GS 350012GS 350041GS 351008GS EECO switch 350002gs 594-0020 350035GS 470041G EECO micro dip EECO bcd dip switch PDF

    bcm 4330

    Abstract: telemecanique contactor catalogue A5 GNC mosfet philips ecg master replacement guide Elektronikon II keltron electrolytic capacitors PART NO SELEMA DRIVER MOTOR AC 12v dc EIM Basic MK3 lenze 8600 Atlas copco rc universal 60 min
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    Abstract: 231002G EECO bcd to gray code applications BCD coded rotary switch Rotary Switch bottom IC EECO Switch 230057GP J300 rotary BCD coded switch 16 positions
    Text: 2 3 0 0 SERIES 2300 SERIES C P - S ^ MICRO-DIP9 PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD SWITCHES An EECO innovation, the 2300 series MICRO-DIP fa m ily includes the indus­ t r y ’s o n ly d o u b le p o le r o ta r y DIP switch. Ideal for CMOS logic applications, the 2300

    OCR Scan

    EECO 2100

    Abstract: eeco 21 EECO THUMBWHEEL Switch eeco AF MARKING eeco stripswitch
    Text: 2100 SERIES 2100 SERIES STRIPSWITCH PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD SWITCHES The 2100 series STRIPSWITCH is a P.C. b o a r d m o u n te d th u m b w h e e l sw itc h , c o m b in in g d i r e c t d e c im a l to b in a r y c o n v e rsio n in a co m p a ct, e a sy to use

    OCR Scan

    EECO 2100

    Abstract: ZZ-R-765-B EECO THUMBWHEEL Switch EECO BCD SWITCH marking 16 marking code C15 marking code C06 c41 marking EECO Switch eeco 27
    Text: 2700 SERIES 2700 SERIES 00jS»^ STRIPSWITCH PRINTED C IRCU IT BOARD SW ITCHES V The 2700 series com bines the m an y f e a ­ tu res o f the o rig in a l 2100 series STRIPSWITCH in a fu lly s e a le d p a c k a g e su it­ a b le f o r w a ve so ld erin g a n d a u to m a tic

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Low voltage 8-bit microcontrollers TELX family CONTENTS 1 FEATURES 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 3 BLOCK DIAGRAM 4 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18

    OCR Scan

    thyristor TAG 8506

    Abstract: nais inverter vf 7f operation manual 922AA1Y-A4P optek A400 817 Sprague 513D sprague 926c Sprague 195P Rapa relay 12vdc triac tag 8948 Mascot 719
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    Abstract: tip 0ff 0401 ANALOG irf 5630 ko 224 4K tantalum capacitors jrm a45 irf 7408 bt 4840 pinout diagram A9F7 29 INCH crt tv FBT pinout chassis 3111 253 3266 2e jrm A45
    Text: PR E FA C E T he IBM P erson al C o m p u te r T ech n ical R eferen ce M anual is designed to pro v id e h ard w are design an d in terfa ce in fo rm atio n . T h is p u b licatio n also provides B asic In p u t O u tp u t S y stem B IO S in fo rm atio n as w ell as p ro g ram m ing su p p o rt m a tter.

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    64/256K RS232C-A jrm a55 tip 0ff 0401 ANALOG irf 5630 ko 224 4K tantalum capacitors jrm a45 irf 7408 bt 4840 pinout diagram A9F7 29 INCH crt tv FBT pinout chassis 3111 253 3266 2e jrm A45 PDF