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    E 355 D Price and Stock

    Vishay Intertechnologies SI3552DV-T1-E3

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics SI3552DV-T1-E3 177,164
    • 1 $0.93
    • 10 $0.693
    • 100 $0.473
    • 1000 $0.336
    • 10000 $0.27
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    Vishay Intertechnologies SI3552DV-T1-GE3

    MOSFETs -30V Vds 20V Vgs TSOP-6 N&P PAIR
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics SI3552DV-T1-GE3 16,525
    • 1 $0.94
    • 10 $0.636
    • 100 $0.445
    • 1000 $0.323
    • 10000 $0.275
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    ams OSRAM Group KW DELPS2.RA-QISI-FK2NM2-U515

    White LEDs KW DELPS2.RA
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics KW DELPS2.RA-QISI-FK2NM2-U515 14,874
    • 1 $0.32
    • 10 $0.183
    • 100 $0.085
    • 1000 $0.07
    • 10000 $0.051
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    TDK Corporation DEA203550BT-2224A4-H

    Signal Conditioning High-Pass-Filter 0805 3300-3400MHz
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics DEA203550BT-2224A4-H 5,900
    • 1 $0.32
    • 10 $0.229
    • 100 $0.199
    • 1000 $0.176
    • 10000 $0.134
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    Texas Instruments REF35500QDBVRQ1

    Voltage References Automotive 650-nA q uiescent current 15
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics REF35500QDBVRQ1 2,943
    • 1 $3.36
    • 10 $2.21
    • 100 $1.78
    • 1000 $1.28
    • 10000 $1.08
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    E 355 D Datasheets (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    E355D Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    E355D RFT IC Scan PDF
    E355D RFT Decoder/Timer IC Scan PDF

    E 355 D Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: AEV01CC48 AEV02B24 AEV02C24 AEV04A24 AEV04A48 AEV05F24 AEV05F48 AEV01BB24 aev01
    Text: AEV 24V&48V Input Series Te c h n i c a l R e f e r e n c e N o t e s Single And Dual Output Series 25 Watt DC-DC Converter TEL: FAX: USA 1-760-930-4600 1-760-930-0698 Europe 44- 0 1384-842-211 44-(0)1384-843-355 Asia 852-2437-9662 852-2402-4426

    AEV02AA24 AEV02AA48 AEV01BB24 AEV01BB48 AEV01CC24 AEV01CC48 AEV02B24 AEV02C24 AEV04A24 AEV04A48 AEV05F24 AEV05F48 AEV01BB24 aev01 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HEAVY DUTY SHEAR BEAM LOAD CELLS LCJA SERIES 0-500 LB TO 0-20,000 LB RANGES LCJA From $ 355 J Partial Threads Color Red Black Green Black F H G E .30 C 20 Ft. 6 Meters 4 Conductor Shielded Cable Standard Dimensions in Inches 0.25 Direction For (+) Polarity

    5K-10K 15K-20K USAP25-S LBJ-012 REC-012M DP41-S, DP25-S LBJ-034 REC-034M LCJA-10K PDF


    Abstract: HA200-SB 500-SBD 25-NP 400-SID 200-SU PRIM configuration hall current transducer 10A hall current transducer LA 100P construction hall effect transducers
    Text: Issued March 1995 019-307 Data Pack E Data Sheet Hall effect transducers, current and voltage This data sheet covers the following products: RS stock no. 286-311 286-327 286-333 286-349 286-355 286-377 286-383 286-399 286-406 286-412 286-428 286-434 286-440

    50/100A 28644 HA200-SB 500-SBD 25-NP 400-SID 200-SU PRIM configuration hall current transducer 10A hall current transducer LA 100P construction hall effect transducers PDF

    ericsson BMR 610

    Abstract: BMR 610 BMR ericsson MP 1301 ericsson power supply 48v ericsson BMR 9752 611MS gkl 57 PPM1
    Text: E Ericsson Internal Confidential PRODUCT TABLE OF CONTENTS SPEC. Prepared also subject responsible if other EAB/FC/P Jakub Brindell Approved BMR 911 Jakub 483 Brindell EAB/FC/P 2 1 (2) (4) No. Checked EJAKBRI Power Module, Input 48 V, Output 355 W 0/1301-BMR

    0/1301-BMR 911Technical 1/1301-BMR debug14 ericsson BMR 610 BMR 610 BMR ericsson MP 1301 ericsson power supply 48v ericsson BMR 9752 611MS gkl 57 PPM1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TE X AS I NS TRUM E NTS - P RO DUCTION D ATA Tiva TM4C1236H6PM Microcontroller identical to LM4F131H5QR D ATA SHE E T D S -T M 4C 1236 H6 P M - 1 4 6 0 2 . 2 6 4 8 S P M S 355 C o p yri g h t 2 0 07-2013 Te xa s In stru me n ts In co rporated Copyright

    TM4C1236H6PM LM4F131H5QR) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Alio Rechle vorbehallen/ 411 rights reserred 5 3 k 2 1 P r i n t e d board layout component si de Connector retention and insertion forces on the PCB = 2 5 / 8 0 newtons 09 66 09 66 09 66 09 66 09 66 09 66 Port 355 3533 355 6533 355 7533 355 3513 355 6513

    OCR Scan
    F-95972 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AN355 AN 355 4*& , TV Sound IF Amplifier, Detector, AF Output Circuit H 1R S / D e s c r ip t io n 6.5max. AN 355 I t , r ^ Unit ! mm 5.08max. 0.81min. 2.8min: B 4$ i f t/ F e a t u r e s • AN 355 • ^ l i & f i DC - £ ti 'J » , m j i W l ± r * m M ' e $

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    AN355 08max. 81min. 400Hz 25kHz, 400Hz, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Alio Rechle vorbehallen/ 411 rights reserred u 3 1 2 Mating face according to : MIL-C24308 / DIN 41652 / CECC 75301-802 P r i n t e d board layout component side Connector retention and insertion forces on the PCB = 2 5 / 8 0 newtons 09 66 355 3511 09 66 355 6511

    OCR Scan
    MIL-C24308 PDF


    Abstract: AD7510DI AD7590DI AN-355 AN355
    Text: ANALOG AN-355 ► d e v ic e s application note ONE TECHNOLOGY WAY • P.O. BOX 9106 • NORWOOD, MASSACHUSETTS 02062-9106 • 617/329-4700 Behind the Switch Symbol Use CMOS Analog Switches Mora Effectively When You Consider Them as Circuits by Jerry Whitmore

    OCR Scan
    AN-355 invertar AD7510DI AD7590DI AN355 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Radial Leads/Packaging /àVAX O The Insertables Tape and Reel STAN D A RD 1 G E N E R A L IN FORM ATION 1. Standard reel diameter is 355 millimeters 14 inches maximum. 2. Reeling standard (#1 or #2) should be specified when ordering. STAN D A RD 2 HOW TO ORDER

    OCR Scan

    Fagor FBI 5

    Abstract: fagor fbi 5 l Fagor vn 300
    Text: 57E T> 345^355 DG0DÛ33 TDS • FGRS FAGOk FBI 500. FB1510 FB1500L. FB1510L FA60R ELECTRONICS Dimensions in mm. Voltage 50 to 1.000 V. Current 15.0 A. • UL recognized under component index file num ber E 130180 • Terminals: FASTON • Terminals: WIRE LEADS @

    OCR Scan
    FB1510 FB1500L. FB1510L FA60R FB1S02 FB1S04 FB1S06 DO-201AD DO-27A DO-201AE Fagor FBI 5 fagor fbi 5 l Fagor vn 300 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: bOE D • SIEMENS fl235bDS 0GSD727 S73 « S I E G SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF T ' é S - O á TCA 305 TCA 355 Proximity Switch Bipolar 1C Features • Lower open-loop current consumption; Is < 1 mA • Lower output saturation voltage • The temperature dependence of the switching

    OCR Scan
    fl235bDS 0GSD727 PDF

    HAX 500-S

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER I O R i n t e r n a t i o n a l r e c t i f ie r 73 !>E l 4ñSS4Sa OOOt.'ìbS 5 | T ' 2 W ^ Data Sheet No. PD-3.146 S30DF & S30DFH SERIES 400-200 VOLTS RANGE STANDARD TURN-OFF TIME 8 fjs 355 AMP RMS, RING AMPLIFYING GATE INVERTER TYPE STUD MOUNTED SCRs

    OCR Scan
    S30DF S30DFH T0-209AE O--118] 1-12UNF-2A O-209AD S30OGF4A0. 4fl554SE D00bT70 HAX 500-S PDF


    Abstract: plc transceiver b6222 EC-QD3Q-QQ68-98
    Text: I _ _ 3 lE C O PTRIQ KT 19 B Y AMP A L L R IG H T S R E S E R V E D . INCORPO RATED . DR 00 6ATÉ BEStRIPTlOH LTft * PINOUT VIEW FROM TOP 8X Í 2.54 I0Ö i A 20.32 1=1 “7 8 W 9X .254+.051 [.0I0+.002 X 0 0 .355 0 0 . 152

    OCR Scan
    EC-QD3Q-QQ68-98 IJAN98 09MAY94 269088-1 plc transceiver b6222 EC-QD3Q-QQ68-98 PDF


    Text: SHE D SHINDENGEN ELECTRIC MFG • SEITBÖ? D000SDT 355 « S H E J ■ O U T L IN E D IM E N S IO N S S20WBD 800V 20A ■ RATINGS $ Ê Î Î J i:£ 5 Ë !fê * A b s o l u t e M a x im u m R a t i n g s Item S to ra g e Tem perature Operating Junction Temperature

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BMA to SMA/APC 7 BMA PLUG to SMA JACK Bulkhead feedthrough M a x . panel th ic k n e s s H e x . 4 3 3 11 f lats . 1 2 6 ( 3 . 2 ) _ PART NUM BER R 191 355 001 VSWR 0 - 18 GHz 1.05 + 0.005 F (GHz) • •2 4 2 D m i n . (Ç)6.15) Panel p i e r c i n g

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 7 THIS DRAWING IS UNPUBLISHED. COPYRIGHT ~ By - 6 5 RELEASED FOR PUBLICATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. D C B A 3- D IM E N S IO N A L N TS MODEL 2 7.8 1 1 .095 1 6.26 .640 13.72 .540 9.02 .355 6.48 .255 6.30 .248 2.36 .093 0.25 .0 10 0. 13 .005 MM IN C O N V E R S IO N

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: JE 13003
    Text: b7 {DISCRETE/OPTO} 9 09 725 0 T OS HI BA D eT| TOTVHSG 000^355 5 | ~ D IS C R E T E / O P T O 6 7c 09355 ; D " Silicon EpitaxiaL P la n a r Ty pe 1SV100 Variable Capacitance Diode AM RADIO BAND TUNING APPLICATIONS. Unit in mm 4 .2 MAX. FEATURES: . High Capacitance Ratio : C]_v/c9V= 17(Min.)

    OCR Scan
    1SV100 a55MAX. 1300313 JE 13003 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5bE D • 7TETE37 GOHIS'IS 355 ■ S G T H 7 // 01 SCS-THOMSON EIOT ô*S E f t P LE 0.7 S 6 S-THOMSON REFERENCE DIODE D E S C R IP T IO N Very low voltage reference diodes in plastic pack­ age for specific applications where very tigh AVz is required. AVz lower than 100mV for a forward cur­

    OCR Scan
    7TETE37 100mV 7TST237 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RE VISIONS LTR E-C.N. DESCRIPTION A RELEASE TO DOCUMENT CONTROL a .345-,355 w [8.76-9.02] „ .942-.95B u [23.93-24.33] ' WINDOW OATE I 00156 BY/APP*D 09/24/9C t l x ir: .OSO ì [2.03 ] 1 .049 L 1.24 ] SEE DETAIL A ? .9B0-1.000 I 24.89-25.40] TYP Ü .900-.940

    OCR Scan
    p9/24/9c mkt-el68c PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RED INDICATES ORIGINAL TABLE 1 DASH NO DESCRIPTION DASH ND TAB L E 2 // £ / / "B" "A" DIA DIA DIM "0" DIM -1 TERM NO CHAIN -D2 ,630 ,750 1 ,066 ,450 -2 -3 TERM WITH 2,5 BRASS CHAIN -D3 -D4 -D5 ,505 ,439 ,625 ,562 ,941 ,878 ,388 ,355 -4 -5 TERM WITH 2,5 NYLDN CHAIN

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIP RESISTOR NETW ORKS mtiFfntn RSL H = .200 V e w RSC H = .256 'Aw RSH H = .355 ’Aw MARKING: Pin 1 Location Wo. of Pins Wo. of Resistors Circuit Type Res. Value Code Tolerance Data Code Yr, Wk X-C IR CU IT-PAR ALLEL Y-C IR C U IT-D IS C R E TE Z-C IR C U IT-D O U B LE TERMINATION

    OCR Scan

    cli305 optical switch

    Abstract: CU325
    Text: 40E D B 34T173fl 0001162 0 B S E N I CLI305, 325, 355, and 375 Slotted Optical Switches FASCO INDS/ SENISVS 0 255 6 481 0.245 (6 2 2] 0.505 02.833 0.495 02.573 0.505 0 2 833 0.495 0 2.5 7] 0 ,1 9 2 ( 4 .8 8 1 0 .1 8 2 ( 4 . 6 2 ] L t.317 (33.453 1.307 (33.203

    OCR Scan
    34T173fl CLI305, cli305 optical switch CU325 PDF


    Abstract: C354B C157C C154 C154A C158 C164 C358 C49A C164C
    Text: INVERTER SCR's 109 63 TO 270 A M P E R E S C 48/C148 GE TYPE ALL D IF F U S E D C O N S T R U C T IO N C 49/C149 C 15 4 , 156 C 155, 157 C 158, 159 ALL A M PLIFY IN G A M PLIFYIN G A M P L IF Y IN G D IF F U S E D GATE GATE GA TE C 16 4 , 165 C 354, 355 C358

    OCR Scan
    C48/C148 C49/C149 C354/C355 C354 C354B C157C C154 C154A C158 C164 C358 C49A C164C PDF