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    E 13009 Z Search Results

    E 13009 Z Datasheets Context Search

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    footprint 8M1-A

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Zero Insertion Force PGA Test and Burn-in Sockets cont. Grid Size No. of Pins Dim. “C” 12 x 12* 144 1.100 [27.94] 13 x 13 169 1.200 [30.48] 14 x 14* 196 1.300 [33.02] 15 x 15 225 1.400 [35.56] 16 x 16* 256 1.500 [38.10] 17 x 17 289 1.600 [40.64] 18 x 18*


    transistor MJ 13009

    Abstract: E13009 j 13009 to247 e 13009 d E 13009 D 13009 K mj 13009 13009 to-3p transistor E 13009 j 13009
    Text: HI-SINCERITY Spec. No. : HR200202 Issued Date : 2005.10.01 Revised Date : 2005.10.19 Page No. : 1/6 MICROELECTRONICS CORP. HMJE13009R 12 Ampere NPN Silicon Power Transistor Description The HMJE13009R is designed for high-voltage, high-speed power switching

    HR200202 HMJE13009R HMJE13009R O-247 120ns Collector-Emitt120 183oC 217oC 260oC transistor MJ 13009 E13009 j 13009 to247 e 13009 d E 13009 D 13009 K mj 13009 13009 to-3p transistor E 13009 j 13009 PDF

    E 13009

    Abstract: transistor MJ 13009 e13009 transistor E 13009 mj 13009 transistor d 13009 D 13009 K J 13009 - 2 tr 13009 j 13009
    Text: HI-SINCERITY Spec. No. : HE200206 Issued Date : 2002.02.01 Revised Date : 2005.08.16 Page No. : 1/6 MICROELECTRONICS CORP. HMJE13009 12 AMPERE NPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTOR Description The HMJE13009 is designed for high-voltage, high-speed power switching inductive circuits where fall time is critical. They are particularly suited for 115 and

    HE200206 HMJE13009 HMJE13009 O-220AB 120ns 183oC 217oC 260oC E 13009 transistor MJ 13009 e13009 transistor E 13009 mj 13009 transistor d 13009 D 13009 K J 13009 - 2 tr 13009 j 13009 PDF


    Abstract: 007W2 003W3SXX99A10 3007W2SAM99A10X 13W6 017W2SAM99A10 007W2SAM99A10 21WA4PAR99C20X 17W5 21W1
    Text: Com b i n at i o n D - S U B Connectors Section 6 Combination D-SUB Connectors Combination D-SUB Connectors provide the ideal solution for applications to require power, signal and coaxial connections within one connector. This series of connectors achieves space saving on PCB‘s and


    DK 13001

    Abstract: catalog 1308940 raychem catalog termination kit MIL-STD-1553B connector DK-621 Catalog 1308940 revised 5-03 Raychem cable 10612 raychem high voltage termination kit MIL-STD1553B MIL-STD 1553B cable connector
    Text: Data Bus MIL-STD-1553B Components Table of Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13002 Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13003, 13004

    MIL-STD-1553B) DK-3716-E 02-TS 02-TP 01-TS 01-TP DK 13001 catalog 1308940 raychem catalog termination kit MIL-STD-1553B connector DK-621 Catalog 1308940 revised 5-03 Raychem cable 10612 raychem high voltage termination kit MIL-STD1553B MIL-STD 1553B cable connector PDF

    Est 13003

    Abstract: Aries Electronics transistor E 13009 cup 10019 tsop 48 PIN SOCKET pin identification plcc thru hole socket 20 32 pin zif connector aries all transistor 13009 torlon transistor 13009
    Text: 8 E DI N TH O EI G H T I INTERCONNECTION & PACKAGING SOLUTIONS SHORTFORM CATALOG For more than a quarter century, Aries has helped solve interconnection and packaging problems with an unusual range of standard, programmed, and custom products. Welcome to Aries!

    sf1004-2 Est 13003 Aries Electronics transistor E 13009 cup 10019 tsop 48 PIN SOCKET pin identification plcc thru hole socket 20 32 pin zif connector aries all transistor 13009 torlon transistor 13009 PDF

    transistor E 13009

    Abstract: E 13009 L e 13009 f antilarsen dynamic 13009 TRANSISTOR equivalent ceramic resonator 455 khz transistor d 13009 log tx6 E 13009 AR 9335
    Text: U3810BM Multi-Standard Feature Phone IC Description The U3810BM multi-standard feature phone circuit is designed to be used with a microcontroller using a 2-wire serial bus. It performs all speech and line interface functions required in an electronic telephone set: the

    U3810BM U3810BM D-74025 09-Apr-98 transistor E 13009 E 13009 L e 13009 f antilarsen dynamic 13009 TRANSISTOR equivalent ceramic resonator 455 khz transistor d 13009 log tx6 E 13009 AR 9335 PDF

    transistor E 13009

    Abstract: 13009 TRANSISTOR equivalent transistor switch 13009 transistor d 13009 transistor 13009 80C51 LQFP100 PH2369 SAA5360 SAA5360HL
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET SAA5360; SAA5361 Multi page intelligent teletext decoder Product specification Supersedes data of 2003 Aug 01 2004 Apr 13 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Multi page intelligent teletext decoder CONTENTS 1 FEATURES

    SAA5360; SAA5361 SAA5360 SCA76 R24/03/pp29 transistor E 13009 13009 TRANSISTOR equivalent transistor switch 13009 transistor d 13009 transistor 13009 80C51 LQFP100 PH2369 SAA5360 SAA5360HL PDF

    D 13009 K

    Abstract: e 13009 f E 13009 2 J 13009 - 2 13009 D 13009 j 13009 13009 H npn 13009 13009 applications
    Text: TELEFUNKEN ELECTRONIC 1 ?E ]> • a^SOCHb OOO'ifc.M1} 0 TE 13008- TE 13009 T m iilF ty ilfiK lK l e le c tro n ic C rut*« Technotogw* r - 35-13 Silicon NPN Power Transistors Applications: Switching mode power supply, motor control and electronic ballast Features:

    OCR Scan
    500mA VCB-10V D 13009 K e 13009 f E 13009 2 J 13009 - 2 13009 D 13009 j 13009 13009 H npn 13009 13009 applications PDF

    SR 13009

    Abstract: E 13009 e13009 transistor sr 13009 transistor E 13009 D 13009 K 13008 TRANSISTOR E 13009 L e 13009 f J 13009 - 2
    Text: Tem ic TE13008 TE13009 TELEFUNKEN Semiconductors Silicon NPN High Voltage Switching Transistor Features • HIGH SPEED technology • High reverse voltage • Power dissipation Pu,| = 100 W • Glass passivation • Short switching times Applications Electronic lamp ballast circuits

    OCR Scan
    TE13008 TE13009 SR 13009 E 13009 e13009 transistor sr 13009 transistor E 13009 D 13009 K 13008 TRANSISTOR E 13009 L e 13009 f J 13009 - 2 PDF

    transistor E 13009

    Abstract: transistor d 13009 E 13009 13007 m 13007 2 transistor 13009 PNP Transistor jE 13007 transistor E 13007 p 13009 transistor j 13009
    Text: TOSHIBA {D IS CR ETE/O P TO } ' ÌO d | ^ 7550 0 0 1 b 4 ì3 T~ * 1 - Z 3 £ | «Transistors Small Signal Transistor T ype No. V e» SOT-23MOD V le (mA) hn V ce (V) Ic(mÀ) 2N3903 YTS3903 40 200 5 0 -1 5 0 1.0 10 2N3904 YTS3904 40 200 1 0 0 -3 0 0 1.0 10

    OCR Scan
    2N3903 2N3904 2N3905 2N3906 2N4123 2N4124 2N4125 2N4I26 2N4400 2N4401 transistor E 13009 transistor d 13009 E 13009 13007 m 13007 2 transistor 13009 PNP Transistor jE 13007 transistor E 13007 p 13009 transistor j 13009 PDF

    j 13009

    Abstract: J 13009 - 2 e 13009 f mj 13009 E 13009 L p 13009 D 13009 K 13009R
    Text: ± 0 N m ü re ID Is- ; / l \ t * *4 CUL a. O * id OQ z -D z ^ Í7-* ; : * ' ^ <? 94V -0) ^ & 7 b * 'J ^ V ' S> 3 C IR C U IT *7 6 6 -^- - f a -fe . J» . : . ^ ^ IT : » H l . N O .1) A * * ^ ^7 ^ ^ e in . 3 /aml¿X _L<iO — 'V =*c t ^ » Ä i S I 5 0 . 3 pm ü i,_ b < ^ .^ r> ^ =V , 8*P*|$1 p.miiX J^ co * ¥ - æ ^

    OCR Scan
    J-12583 30-JAN j 13009 J 13009 - 2 e 13009 f mj 13009 E 13009 L p 13009 D 13009 K 13009R PDF


    Abstract: TA 8270 H D 13009 K j 13009 Siemens+MTT+95+A+12+N

    OCR Scan
    DO-213AA DO-35 TA 8270 H D 13009 K j 13009 Siemens+MTT+95+A+12+N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4 I •h I *£#£ : o / t\ * : OD n U N ft I ^ i* >■:T ; 7 y ? X A 0 66-^- -f o ^ CUL 9 4 V - 0 J 7. 15 ft, A*. «3 ^ ^ ^ A *an-i±_ti-r : ? v ; A W t . 3>*mJiA_h.0D — v >r 'U -!'' * > v * » C » * * « 0. 3pm3C.ii , 0. 76jjmUjt_h.<75 f t > y , W « 1fJMJ, _fc<r>^ 9 > v *

    OCR Scan
    76jjm 76pro' 29/HAY/ 176380-3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D-Subminiature connectors •370 inch Solder pin angled with threaded insert, mounting bracket and grounding clip Socket connector Plug connector A 6 > 1!-O H D m s p m \£ - o w j w 0 6 c 7 <•*0 3 clip for PCB 0 3.1 ‘ 0; mm, t = 1.6 mm clip for PCB 0 3.1 - 01 mm, t = 1.6 mm

    OCR Scan
    15-polig/way 25-polig/way 37-polig/way 50-polig/way 26-polig/way 44-polig/way 62-polig/way 78-poliq/way PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ASSMANN Electronic C o m p o n e n ts Vertrieb Deutschland Vertretergebiete 1,2 und 7 Verkauf: Anke Wolter Tel. 02351/554-114 Kundendienst: Erika Kelleher Tel. 0 2351/5 54-110 Vertretergebiete 3, 4, 5 und 6 Verkauf: Ute Vasbender Tel. 02351/554-112 Kundendienst:

    OCR Scan
    Handler-8010 CH-6318 TR-06410 PDF

    transistor E 13009

    Abstract: transistor d 13009 n752 E13009 E 13009 J 13009 - 2 E 13009 TRANSISTOR motorola e 13009 p D 13009 K e 13009 l
    Text: MOTOROLA SC XSTRS/R 1 S E 0 I ti3ti725M 0 G Ö 5 4 0 3 F r - MOTOROLA TECHNICAL DATA e s i g n e r s 3 * - / 3 MJE13008 MJE13009 SEMICONDUCTOR D 3 | D a t a . S h e e t 12 A M P E R E NPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTORS 3 0 0 and 4 0 0 V O L T S 100 W A T T S SWITCHMODE SE R IE S

    OCR Scan
    ti3ti725M MJE13008 MJE13009 transistor E 13009 transistor d 13009 n752 E13009 E 13009 J 13009 - 2 E 13009 TRANSISTOR motorola e 13009 p D 13009 K e 13009 l PDF

    diode D45C

    Abstract: JE 800 transistor L146 IC BD800
    Text: STYLE 1: PIN 1. BASE 2. COLLECTOR CASE 340B-03 R e s is tiv e S w itc h in g Ic C o n t Am ps V C E O s u s V o lts M ax M in 8 500 700 f*FE M in /M a x @ lc |XS tf ps Amp M ax M ax M JF16006A 5 min 8 2.5 0.25 5 B U 1008A F 3 min 3 min 4.5 4.5 8* 8* 0.5*

    OCR Scan
    340B-03 JF16006A JF10012# 100/12k JF16212* JF16018* JF16206 D44VH10 D45VH diode D45C JE 800 transistor L146 IC BD800 PDF

    ksd 250v 10a

    Abstract: B0X34C ksd 202 ksa 3.3 KSC1330 IR 733 sa992 uhf fm 1845 IF 508AF KSA733
    Text: FUNCTION GUIDE TRANSISTORS 3. QUICK REFERENCE TABLE APPLICATION 3.1 Audio Equipment Package Application SOT-23 TO-92 FM RM AMP M ix Conv Local O se IF KSC 2223 KSC 2223 KSC 2223 KSC 2715 KSC 1674 KSC 1674 KSC1674/KSC1675 KSC838/KSC1676 AM RF Conv O se KSC1623

    OCR Scan
    OT-23 KSC1623 812/KSC SA812/KSC KSA812/KSC1623 KSC1674/KSC1675 KSC838/KSC1676 KSC945/KSC815 ksd 250v 10a B0X34C ksd 202 ksa 3.3 KSC1330 IR 733 sa992 uhf fm 1845 IF 508AF KSA733 PDF


    Abstract: E13009 TRANSISTOR equivalent 4000w audio amplifier JE-I3009 4000w inverter circuit 4000w power amplifier equivalent of transistor mje13007 mje13009 equivalent 125VDC to 24 VDC regulator circuit Motorola Bipolar Power Transistor Data
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M JE 13005* Designer’s Data Sheet "Motorola Preferred Device SWITCHMODE Series NPN Silicon Power Transistors These devices are designed for high-voltage, high-speed power switching inductive circuits where fall time is critical. They are particularly suited for 115 and

    OCR Scan
    MJE13005* e13009 E13009 TRANSISTOR equivalent 4000w audio amplifier JE-I3009 4000w inverter circuit 4000w power amplifier equivalent of transistor mje13007 mje13009 equivalent 125VDC to 24 VDC regulator circuit Motorola Bipolar Power Transistor Data PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M IC R O N Mi MT4C16270 256Kx 16 DRAM TtoiMxasr. MC. DRAM 256K x 16 DRAM EDO PAGE MODE FEATURES • Industry-standard x l6 pinouts, timing, functions and packages • High-performance CMOS silicon-gate process • Single +5V ±10% power supply* • Low power, 3m W standby; 375m W active, typical

    OCR Scan
    MT4C16270 256Kx 512-cycle 40-Pin MT4C1027Q MT4C16270DJ-7 PDF

    D880 voltage regulator

    Abstract: B0244C TIP28C transistor d880 VOLTAGE REGULATOR D880 D880 TRANSISTOR TIP28 A992 transistor E13009 ksd-180
    Text: TRANSISTORS FUNCTION GUIDE 1. SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS 1.1 General Purpose Transistors 1.1.1 SOT-23 Type Transistors Device and Polarity Marking Condition Vet: (V) Ic (A) hpe Condition Vce(sat), VeE(sat)(v) Condition (V) (mA) MAX KST56(2G) KST55(2H) 80 0.5

    OCR Scan
    OT-23 KST06 KST05 BCW71 BCX70G BCX70H BCX70J BCX70K BCX71 BCX71H D880 voltage regulator B0244C TIP28C transistor d880 VOLTAGE REGULATOR D880 D880 TRANSISTOR TIP28 A992 transistor E13009 ksd-180 PDF

    TFK diodes BYW 76

    Abstract: 13009 Jt 43 byw 56 equivalent TFK diodes 148 tfk U 264 tfk 804 TFK 421 diode BYW 60 diode byt 45 J BYT 45 J
    Text: .4 . 'W iriy IFWCCIRQ electronic Creative Technologies Selection guide transistors and diodes Contents, alpha-numeric Type Page BA 204 BA 243 BA 244 BA 282 BA 283 BA 4 79 G BA 4 7 9 S BA 679 BA 682 BA 683 BA 779 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 6 6 7 B A Q 33 BAQ 34 BAQ 35

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: ANI 1015 1N3064 1N916 binary multiplier
    Text: f MI L - M- 3 8 5 1 0 / 3 1 8 A 9 August 1983 SUPERSEDI NG MI L - M- 3 8 5 1 0 / 3 1 8 USAF 20 A p r i l 1979 MI L I T ARY S P E C I F I C A T I O N MI C R OC I R C U I T S , D I G I T A L , LOW POWER SCHOTTKY T T L , BI NARY MU L T I P L I E R , MONOLI THI C S I L I C ON

    OCR Scan
    MIL-M-38510/318A MIL-M-38510/318 MIL-M-38510, bta1b ANI 1015 1N3064 1N916 binary multiplier PDF