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    DV4 SENSOR Search Results

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    MRMS591P Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Magnetic Sensor Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MRMS581P Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Magnetic Sensor Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MRUS74SD-001 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Magnetic Sensor Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MRMS791B Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Magnetic Sensor Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MRUS74SK-001 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Magnetic Sensor Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    DV4 SENSOR Datasheets Context Search

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    dv 6m

    Abstract: transistor dv4 vacuum tube 41 TRANSISTOR KF Varian Varian ConFlat DV-6 ConFlat DV-4D-KF-16 DV-6M-KF-16
    Text: HASTINGS ELECTRONIC MODULES FOR THERMOCOUPLE VACUUM SENSORS INSTRUMENTS Model AVC Controller MOD 4/6 Power Supply DESIGN FEATURES The Model AVC Active Vacuum Control is a compact, modular, detachable electronics package designed to provide a continous analogue output signal (0-1 VDC) from



    Abstract: vdR24 transistor maw
    Text: LZ2424J LZ2424J 1/4 type B/W CCD Area Sensor for CCIR PIN CONNECTIONS DESCRIPTION U2424J is a 1/4-type 4.5 mm solid-state image sensor that consists of PN phote-diodes and CCDS (charge-coupled devices). Having approximately 320000 pixels (horizontal 542 X vertical

    LZ2424J U2424J 16-PtN 16-pin I-Z2424J LZ2424J vdR24 transistor maw PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LZ2313H5 LZ2313H5 I/3 DESCRIPTION LZ2313H5 is a 1/3-type 6.0 mm solid-state im age sensor that consists of PN phote-diodes and CCDS (charge-coupled devices). Having approximately 270000 pixels (horizontal 542 X vertical 42), the sensor provides a high resolution stable

    LZ2313H5 LZ2313H5 16-PIN 4e44e6 PDF


    Abstract: H213 B 61 C7 electronic sensor twz c7 EDH1
    Text: LZ23132 LZ23132 1/3 type Color CCD Area Sensor for NTSC DESCRIPTION FEATURES ● Number of pixels : 512 H x 492 (V) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ✌✍ ✎ E ✎✎ ❑ PIN CONNECTIONS LZ23132 is a 1/3-type (6.0 mm) solid-state image sensor that consists of PN phote-diodes and

    LZ23132 16-PIN LZ23132 H213 B 61 C7 electronic sensor twz c7 EDH1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LZ2324J LZ2324J 1/3 type B/W CCD Area Sensor for CCIR PIN CONNECTIONS DESCRIPTION LZ2324J is a 1/3-type 6.0 mm solid-state image sensor that consists of PN phote-diodes and CCDS (charge-coupled devices). Having approximately 320000 pixels (horizontal 542 x vertical

    LZ2324J LZ2324J 16-PIN U2324J PDF


    Abstract: lz2414
    Text: U2414J LZ2414J 1/4 type B/W CCD Area Sensor for EIA PIN CONNECTIONS DESCRIPTION ~414J is a 1/4-type 4.5 mm solid-state image sensor that consists of PN phote-diodes and CCDS (charge-coupled devices). Having approximately 270000 pixels (horizontal 542 X vertical

    U2414J LZ2414J 16-PIN 466466W492 LZ2414J lz2414 PDF

    TRANSISTOR BFW 11 pin diagram

    Abstract: pin diagram of TRANSISTOR BFW 11 BFW 43 transistor LZ23242J CM500
    Text: U23242J LZ23242J 1/3 type B/W CCD Area Sensor for CCIR U23242J is a 1/3-type 6.0 mm solid state image sensor that consists of PN phote-diodes and CCDS (charge-coupled devices). Having approximately 320000 pixels (horizontal 542 X vertical 562), the sensor provides a high resolution stable

    U23242J LZ23242J U23242J 16-PIN TRANSISTOR BFW 11 pin diagram pin diagram of TRANSISTOR BFW 11 BFW 43 transistor LZ23242J CM500 PDF


    Abstract: LZ2353A N5251 MG 811
    Text: LZ2353A LZ2353A 1/3 type Color CCD Area Sensor for NTSC PIN CONNECTIONS DESCRIPTION U2353A is a 1/3-type 6.0 mm solid-state image sensor that consists of PN phot~iodes and CCDS (charge-coupled devices). Having approximately 410000 pixels (horizontal 811 X vertical 507), the

    LZ2353A U2353A 16-PIN 4930B 0B30B5 Ce80BI LZ2353A N5251 MG 811 PDF

    Linear Image sensor IC for CIS

    Abstract: Contact image sensor S-8632AWI Linear Sensor rgb SILICON IMAGE APPLICATION NOTES AD843 CMOS AREA IMAGE SENSOR
    Text: Rev.2.0_10 LINEAR IMAGE SENSOR IC FOR CIS S-8632AWI The S-8632AWI is a suitable linear image sensor IC for a multichiptype contact image sensor with a resolution of 300 dots per inch. This IC integrates a 96dots photo-diode array and a CMOS scanning circuit. Picture signals are output one after another in

    S-8632AWI S-8632AWI 96dots Linear Image sensor IC for CIS Contact image sensor Linear Sensor rgb SILICON IMAGE APPLICATION NOTES AD843 CMOS AREA IMAGE SENSOR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LZ23142J LZ23142J 1/3 type B/W CCD Area Sensor for EIA U23142J is a l/3-type 6.0 mm solid-state image sensor that consists of PN phote-diodes and CCDS (charge-coupled devices). Having approximately 270000 pixels (horizontal 542 X vertical 492), the sensor provides a high resolution stable

    LZ23142J U23142J 16-PIN w4e54e74e9491 IZ23142J LZ23142J PDF

    8 pin IC 1038

    Abstract: s 8603 contact image sensor cmos SENSOR 15um ic 7940 Datasheet line Sencer IC Sencer IC 74HC4066 AD843 S-8603AWI
    Text: Rev.1.0_20 S-8603 AWI LINEAR IMAGE SENCER IC FOR CONTACT IMAGE SENSOR The S-8603AWI is a suitable linear image sensor for a multichip-type contact image sensor with a resolution of 8 dots per mm. This IC integrates a 64 dots photo-transistor array and a CMOS scanning circuit. Picture signals are

    S-8603 S-8603AWI 8 pin IC 1038 s 8603 contact image sensor cmos SENSOR 15um ic 7940 Datasheet line Sencer IC Sencer IC 74HC4066 AD843 PDF

    linear cmos IMAGE SENSOR

    Abstract: seiko 64 s chip CL - 1812 phototransistor IC 7940 17-23 0923 DG 723 ic internal diagram AD843 S-8604BWI 1411 6 pin ic Contact image sensor
    Text: Rev.1.1_10 LINEAR IMAGE SENSOR IC FOR CONTACT IMAGE SENSOR S-8604BWI The S-8604BWI is a linear image sensor suitable for a multichip contact image sensor with resolution of 8 dots per mm. The obtained image signals by light sensitive elements composed of 64 dots are provided sequentially as analog signals synchronous

    S-8604BWI S-8604BWI linear cmos IMAGE SENSOR seiko 64 s chip CL - 1812 phototransistor IC 7940 17-23 0923 DG 723 ic internal diagram AD843 1411 6 pin ic Contact image sensor PDF

    Contact Image Sensor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Rev.1.03 COLOR LINEAR IMAGE SENSOR IC FOR CONTACT IMAGE SENSOR S-8642AWI The S-8642AWI is a color linear image sensor IC for a multichip-type contact color image sensor with resolution of 400 dots per inch. Scanning width per chip is 12.2 mm. The obtained image signals by light receiving

    S-8642AWI S-8642AWI 400dpi Contact Image Sensor PDF


    Abstract: S-8642AWI tw2200 Contact Image Sensor
    Text: Rev.1.0_30 COLOR LINEAR IMAGE SENSOR IC FOR CONTACT IMAGE SENSOR S-8642AWI The S-8642AWI is a color linear image sensor IC for a multichiptype contact color image sensor with resolution of 400 dots per inch. Scanning width per chip is 12.2 mm. The obtained image

    S-8642AWI S-8642AWI AD843 tw2200 Contact Image Sensor PDF

    contact image sensor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Rev.1.1_20 LINEAR IMAGE SENSOR IC FOR CONTACT IMAGE SENSOR S-8660A The S-8660A is a linear image sensor IC suitable for multichip-type contact color image sensors that use an RGB LED light source and have a scanning density of 600 dpi. The scanning length of this IC is 12.2 mm. The S-8660A outputs image

    S-8660A S-8660A 288-dot contact image sensor PDF


    Abstract: seiko 64 s chip linear cmos IMAGE SENSOR AD843 photoreceptor silicon PIN photodiode PD2 S-8660AWI 600dpi PD287
    Text: Rev.1.2_00 LINEAR IMAGE SENSOR IC FOR CONTACT IMAGE SENSOR S-8660AWI The S-8660AWI is a linear image sensor IC suitable for multichip-type contact color image sensors that use an RGB LED light source and have a scanning density of 600 dpi. The scanning length of this IC is 12.2 mm. The S-8660AWI outputs image

    S-8660AWI S-8660AWI 288-dot 63RD seiko 64 s chip linear cmos IMAGE SENSOR AD843 photoreceptor silicon PIN photodiode PD2 600dpi PD287 PDF

    Linear Image sensor IC for CIS

    Abstract: cis Linear Image Sensor Linear Image sensor IC AD843 817 y "Image Sensor" S-8632AWI Color CIS line sensor
    Text: S-8632AWI rev.2.00 LINEAR IMAGE SENSOR IC FOR CIS S-8632AWI The S-8632AWI is a suitable linear image sensor IC for a multichip-type contact image sensor with a resolution of 300 dots per inch. This IC integrates a 96dots photo-diode array and a CMOS scanning circuit. Picture signals are

    S-8632AWI S-8632AWI 96dots 128mm Linear Image sensor IC for CIS cis Linear Image Sensor Linear Image sensor IC AD843 817 y "Image Sensor" Color CIS line sensor PDF


    Abstract: cmos SENSOR 15um 8 pin IC 1038 ic 0808 pin diagram PHOTO SCS seiko 64 s chip
    Text: S-8603AWI rev.1.01 LINEAR IMAGE SENSOR IC FOR CONTACT IMAGE SENSOR   The S-8603AWI is a suitable linear image sensor for a multichip-type contact image sensor with a resolution of 8 dots per mm. This IC integrates a 64dots photo-transistor array and a CMOS scanning circuit.

    S-8603AWI S-8603AWI 64dots Figure-10 SEIKO cmos SENSOR 15um 8 pin IC 1038 ic 0808 pin diagram PHOTO SCS seiko 64 s chip PDF


    Abstract: 4h16 LZ2346
    Text: LZ2346 Twopower supply +5 V and +12 V operation CCIR 1/3 type B/W CCD Area Sensor for CCIR LZ2346 PIN CONNECTIONS DESCRIPTION LZ2346 is 1 /3-type (6.0 mm) solid-state image sensor that consists of PN phote-diodes and CCDS (charge-coupled devices) driven by only

    LZ2346 LZ2346 16-PIN 6h16 4h16 PDF

    "CCDs,Charge Coupled Devices"

    Abstract: LZ2336 4h16 Smr 220
    Text: LZ2336 Two-power supply +5 V and +12 V operation 1 / 3 type B/W CCD Area Sensor for EIA LZ2336 PIN CONNECTIONS DESCRIPTION U2336 is a 1 /3-type (6.0 mm) solid-state image sensor that consists of PN phote-diodes and CCDS (charge-coupled devices) driven by only

    LZ2336 U2336 16-PIN U2336 "CCDs,Charge Coupled Devices" LZ2336 4h16 Smr 220 PDF


    Abstract: U2354A 7 segment c dlh1 46E transistor 4P4 amplifier
    Text: LZ2354AJ 1/3 type B/W CCD Area Sensor for EIA LZ2354AJ PIN CONNECTIONS DESCRIPTION U2354J is a 1/3-type 6.0 mm solid-state image sensor that consists of PN phote-diodes and CCDS (charge-coupled devices). Having approximately 410000 pixels (horizontal 811 X vertical

    LZ2354AJ U2354J 16-PfN oB7088 4930B1 2354AJ LZ2354AJ U2354A 7 segment c dlh1 46E transistor 4P4 amplifier PDF


    Abstract: LZ2124J 124J 20-PIN LR36683N
    Text: LZ2124J LZ2124J 1/2 type B/W CCD Area Sensor for CCIR PIN CONNECTIONS DESCRIPTION LZ2124J is 1/2-type 8.0 mm solid-state image sensor that consists of PN phote-diodes and CCDS (charge-coupled devices). Having approximately 320000 pixels (horizontal 542 x vertical

    LZ2124J LZ2124J 20-PIN U2124J LR36683N LZ2124 124J LR36683N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KS7221D VERTICAL DRIVER FOR CCD GENERAL DESCRIPTION The KS7221D is a Vertical CCD Driver LSI which is fabricated by CMOS process for high voltage FEATURES ORDERING INFORMATION • Include voltage source circuit for CCD image sensor. • Input voltage : 5V / 3.3V

    OCR Scan
    KS7221D KS7221D 20-SSQP-225 20-SSOP-225 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KS7221D VERTICAL DRIVER FOR CCD GENERAL DESCRIPTION 20-SSOP-225 The KS7221D is a Vertical CCD Driver LSI which is fabricated by CMOS process for high voltage FEATURES ORDERING INFORMATION • Include voltage source circuit or CCD image sensor. • input voltage : 5V 1 3.3V

    OCR Scan
    KS7221D KS7221D 20-SSOP-225 3145V PDF