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    DSP48A1 UG389 Search Results

    DSP48A1 UG389 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: DSP48A1 UG389 UG389 XC6SL DSP48A1 post adder XC6SLX150T verilog code for barrel shifter 8 bit carry select adder verilog code verilog code for 16 bit carry select adder systolic multiplier and adder vhdl code
    Text: Spartan-6 FPGA DSP48A1 Slice User Guide [optional] UG389 v1.1 August 13, 2009 [optional] Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the "Documentation") to you solely for use in the development of designs to operate with Xilinx hardware devices. You may not reproduce, distribute, republish, download, display, post, or transmit the

    DSP48A1 UG389 DSP48A1 UG389 UG389 XC6SL DSP48A1 post adder XC6SLX150T verilog code for barrel shifter 8 bit carry select adder verilog code verilog code for 16 bit carry select adder systolic multiplier and adder vhdl code PDF


    Abstract: Spartan-6 PCB design guide Digital filter design for SPARTAN 6 FPGA digital FIR Filter VHDL code DSP48A1 electrocardiogram vhdl code for 4 bit barrel shifter SPARTAN 6 Configuration ug389 verilog code for barrel shifter
    Text: Spartan-6 FPGA DSP48A1 Slice User Guide [optional] UG389 v1.0 June 24, 2009 [optional] Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the "Documentation") to you solely for use in the development of designs to operate with Xilinx hardware devices. You may not reproduce, distribute, republish, download, display, post, or transmit the

    DSP48A1 UG389 SPARTAN-6 GTP Spartan-6 PCB design guide Digital filter design for SPARTAN 6 FPGA digital FIR Filter VHDL code electrocardiogram vhdl code for 4 bit barrel shifter SPARTAN 6 Configuration ug389 verilog code for barrel shifter PDF

    SPARTAN 6 UG385

    Abstract: XA6SLX16 XA6SLX100 iodelay FTG256 Spartan-6 PCB design guide XA6SLX4 XA6sLx25
    Text: 10 XA Spartan-6 Automotive FPGA Family Overview DS170 v1.2 December 13, 2011 Product Specification General Description The Xilinx Automotive (XA) Spartan -6 family of FPGAs provides leading system integration capabilities with the lowest total cost for highvolume automotive applications. The ten-member family delivers expanded densities ranging from 3,840 to 101,261 logic cells and faster,

    DS170 UG388) UG393) UG394) SPARTAN 6 UG385 XA6SLX16 XA6SLX100 iodelay FTG256 Spartan-6 PCB design guide XA6SLX4 XA6sLx25 PDF


    Abstract: Spartan-6 PCB design guide XC6SLX45T XC6SLX150 XC6SLX25 lx25t XC6SLX100 XC6SLX45 spartan6 block ram iodelay
    Text: 11 Spartan-6 Family Overview DS160 v1.7 March 21, 2011 Preliminary Product Specification General Description The Spartan -6 family provides leading system integration capabilities with the lowest total cost for high-volume applications. The thirteen-member family delivers expanded densities ranging from 3,840 to 147,443 logic cells, with half the power consumption of previous

    DS160 UG383) UG384) UG386) DSP48A1 UG389) UG380 Spartan-6 PCB design guide XC6SLX45T XC6SLX150 XC6SLX25 lx25t XC6SLX100 XC6SLX45 spartan6 block ram iodelay PDF

    SPARTAN 6 xc6slx45 pin configuration

    Abstract: XC6SLX45 spartan 6 partial configuration XC6SLX16 Spartan-6 FPGA XC6SLX9 iodelay DSP48A1 XC6SLX100 XC6SLX25
    Text: 10 Spartan-6 Family Overview DS160 v1.3 November 5, 2009 Advance Product Specification General Description The Spartan -6 family provides leading system integration capabilities with the lowest total cost for high-volume applications. The thirteen-member family delivers expanded densities ranging from 3,840 to 147,443 logic cells, with half the power consumption of previous

    DS160 UG382) UG393) UG386) SPARTAN 6 xc6slx45 pin configuration XC6SLX45 spartan 6 partial configuration XC6SLX16 Spartan-6 FPGA XC6SLX9 iodelay DSP48A1 XC6SLX100 XC6SLX25 PDF

    xc6slx45 pinout

    Abstract: DS160 xc6slx75t XC6SLX4 2 CSG225 I XC6SLX45 XC6SLX75 XC6SLX9 2 CSG225 I XC6SLX16 ISERDES spartan 6 SPARTAN 6 DS162
    Text: 10 Spartan-6 Family Overview DS160 v1.4 March 3, 2010 Advance Product Specification General Description The Spartan -6 family provides leading system integration capabilities with the lowest total cost for high-volume applications. The thirteen-member family delivers expanded densities ranging from 3,840 to 147,443 logic cells, with half the power consumption of previous

    DS160 UG382) UG393) UG386) xc6slx45 pinout DS160 xc6slx75t XC6SLX4 2 CSG225 I XC6SLX45 XC6SLX75 XC6SLX9 2 CSG225 I XC6SLX16 ISERDES spartan 6 SPARTAN 6 DS162 PDF


    Abstract: SPARTAN 6 Spartan-6 FPGA spi flash spartan 6 XC6SLX45T XC6SLX45 xc6slx75 XC6SLX75T XC6SLX16 iodelay
    Text: 10 Spartan-6 Family Overview DS160 v1.2 June 24, 2009 Advance Product Specification General Description The Spartan -6 family provides leading system integration capabilities with the lowest total cost for high-volume applications. The thirteen-member family delivers expanded densities ranging from 3,400 to 148,000 logic cells, with half the power consumption of previous

    DS160 UG382) UG393) UG386) DS160 SPARTAN 6 Spartan-6 FPGA spi flash spartan 6 XC6SLX45T XC6SLX45 xc6slx75 XC6SLX75T XC6SLX16 iodelay PDF


    Abstract: SPARTAN-6 spartan6 ug384 XA6SLX75
    Text: 10 XA Spartan-6 Automotive FPGA Family Overview DS170 v1.3 December 13, 2012 Product Specification General Description The Xilinx Automotive (XA) Spartan -6 family of FPGAs provides leading system integration capabilities with the lowest total cost for highvolume automotive applications. The ten-member family delivers expanded densities ranging from 3,840 to 101,261 logic cells and faster,

    DS170 UG382) UG393) UG394) LPDDR KINTEX 7 SPARTAN-6 spartan6 ug384 XA6SLX75 PDF

    Spartan-6 Family Overview

    Abstract: Spartan-6 DS160 XC6SLX SPARTAN 6 UG385 CSG324 XC6SL XC6SLX150 spartan6 XC6slx45
    Text: 11 Spartan-6 Family Overview DS160 v2.0 October 25, 2011 Product Specification General Description The Spartan -6 family provides leading system integration capabilities with the lowest total cost for high-volume applications. The thirteen-member family delivers expanded densities ranging from 3,840 to 147,443 logic cells, with half the power consumption of previous

    DS160 DS172) UG388) UG393) Spartan-6 Family Overview Spartan-6 DS160 XC6SLX SPARTAN 6 UG385 CSG324 XC6SL XC6SLX150 spartan6 XC6slx45 PDF


    Abstract: SPARTAN-6 GTP DSP48A1 SPARTAN 6 peripherals datasheet XC6SLX75 DS160 spi flash spartan 6 SPARTAN 6 XC6SLX25 Spartan-6 PCB design guide
    Text: 10 Spartan-6 Family Overview DS160 v1.6 November 5, 2010 Advance Product Specification General Description The Spartan -6 family provides leading system integration capabilities with the lowest total cost for high-volume applications. The thirteen-member family delivers expanded densities ranging from 3,840 to 147,443 logic cells, with half the power consumption of previous

    DS160 UG394) UG383) DS170) iodelay SPARTAN-6 GTP DSP48A1 SPARTAN 6 peripherals datasheet XC6SLX75 DS160 spi flash spartan 6 SPARTAN 6 XC6SLX25 Spartan-6 PCB design guide PDF


    Abstract: Spartan-6 FPGA iodelay XA6SLX75 XA6SLX16 UG381 SPARTAN 6 UG385 Spartan-6 PCB design guide Xa6SLX9 2FGG484
    Text: 9 XA Spartan-6 Automotive FPGA Family Overview DS170 v1.0 March 2, 2010 Advance Product Specification General Description The Xilinx Automotive (XA) Spartan -6 family of FPGAs provides leading system integration capabilities with the lowest total cost for highvolume automotive applications. The nine-member family delivers expanded densities ranging from 3,840 to 74,637 logic cells, with lower

    DS170 UG382) UG393) UG386) XA6SLX45 Spartan-6 FPGA iodelay XA6SLX75 XA6SLX16 UG381 SPARTAN 6 UG385 Spartan-6 PCB design guide Xa6SLX9 2FGG484 PDF


    Abstract: XQ6SLX150 XQ6SLX75 spartan 6 LX150 XQ6SLX150T SPARTAN 6 UG385 SPARTAN-6 GTP LX150T spartan 6 LX150t DSP48A1
    Text: 9 Defense-Grade Spartan-6Q Family Overview DS172 v1.0 July 14, 2011 Preliminary Product Specification General Description The Defense-Grade Spartan -6Q family provides a secure foundation for information assurance and anti-tamper designs that require low

    DS172 UG383) UG384) UG386) DSP48A1 UG389) XQ6SLX75T XQ6SLX150 XQ6SLX75 spartan 6 LX150 XQ6SLX150T SPARTAN 6 UG385 SPARTAN-6 GTP LX150T spartan 6 LX150t PDF