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    DRW06 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: IDT72V8985
    Text: 3.3 VOLT TIME SLOT INTERCHANGE DIGITAL SWITCH 256 x 256 FEATURES: • • • • • • • • • • IDT72V8985 channel variable or constant throughput delay modes and microprocessor read and write access to individual channels. As an important function of a digital

    IDT72V8985 IDT72V8985 inputs--32 outputs--32 drw15 com/docs/PSC4003 com/docs/PSC4029 com/docs/PSC4039 com/docs/PSC4082 72V8985 PDF


    Abstract: IDT7204 IDT7205 IDT7206 IDT7207 IDT7208 IDT720X 7208
    Text: IDT7203 IDT7204 IDT7205 IDT7206 IDT7207 IDT7208 CMOS ASYNCHRONOUS FIFO 2,048 x 9, 4,096 x 9 8,192 x 9, 16,384 x 9 32,768 x 9, 65,536 x 9 FEATURES: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • First-In/First-Out Dual-Port memory 2,048 x 9 organization IDT7203

    IDT7203 IDT7204 IDT7205 IDT7206 IDT7207 IDT7208 IDT7203) IDT7204) IDT7205) IDT7206) IDT7203 IDT7204 IDT7205 IDT7206 IDT7207 IDT7208 IDT720X 7208 PDF


    Abstract: RX15
    Text: PRELIMINARY IDT72V70210 3.3 Volt Time Slot Interchange Digital Switch 1,024 x 1,024 FEATURES: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 32 serial input and output streams 1,024 x 1,024 channel non-blocking switching at 2.048 Mb/s Per-channel Variable Delay Mode for low-latency applications

    IDT72V70210 IEEE-1149 DA144-1) 72V70210 drw12 com/docs/PSC4085 com/docs/PSC4062 IDT72V70210 RX15 PDF


    Abstract: RX628
    Text: PRELIMINARY IDT72V70190 3.3 VOLT Time Slot Interchange Digital Switch 256 x 256 FEATURES: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 256 x 256 channel non-blocking switching at 2.048 Mb/s Per-channel variable or constant throughput delay Automatic identification of ST-BUS /GCI interfaces

    IDT72V70190 64-pin PN64-1) PP64-1) 72V70190 drw14 com/docs/PSC4036 com/docs/PSC4046 IDT72V70190 RX628 PDF


    Abstract: CH64 PP64-1
    Text: PRELIMINARY IDT72V70810 3.3 VOLT Time Slot Interchange Digital Switch 1,024 x 1,024 FEATURES: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1,024 x 1,024 channel non-blocking switching at 8.192 Mb/s Per-channel variable or constant throughput delay Automatic identification of ST-BUS /GCI interfaces

    IDT72V70810 64-pin PN64-1) PP64-1) 72V70810 drw15 com/docs/PSC4036 com/docs/PSC4046 IDT72V70810 CH64 PP64-1 PDF


    Abstract: cs5708 TX6 RX6
    Text: PRELIMINARY IDT728985 Time Slot Interchange Digital Switch 256 x 256 FEATURES: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ outputs, each of which consists of 32 channels. The IDT728985 provides perchannel variable or constant throughput delay modes and microprocessor

    IDT728985 IDT728985 DB44-1) drw15 com/docs/PSC4003 com/docs/PSC4008 com/docs/PSC4082 cs5708 TX6 RX6 PDF


    Abstract: RX15
    Text: PRELIMINARY IDT72V90823 3.3 VOLT Time Slot Interchange Digital Switch 2,048 x 2,048 FEATURES: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2,048 x 2,048 channel non-blocking switching at 8.192 Mb/s Per-channel variable or constant throughput delay

    IDT72V90823 IEEE-1149 84-pin 100-pin drw18 com/docs/PSC4008 com/docs/PSC4028 com/docs/PSC4036 com/docs/PSC4084 IDT72V90823 RX15 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IDT72V201 IDT72V211 IDT72V221 IDT72V231 IDT72V241 IDT72V251 3.3 VOLT CMOS SyncFIFO 256 x 9, 512 x 9, 1,024 X 9, 2,048 X 9, 4,096 x 9 and 8,192 x 9 FEATURES: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ clocked read and write controls. The architecture, functional operation and pin

    IDT72V201 IDT72V211 IDT72V221 IDT72V231 IDT72V241 IDT72V251 IDT72201/72211/72221/72231/ com/docs/PSC4052 com/docs/PSC4013 72V251 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2.5V QUADMUX DDR FLOW-CONTROL DEVICE WITH MUX/DEMUX/BROADCAST FUNCTIONS 8,192 x 40 x 4 16,384 x 40 x 4 32,768 x 40 x 4 • FEATURES • • • Choose from among the following memory organizations: IDT72T55248 - 8,192 words, 40-bits/word maximum, 4 Sequential

    IDT72T55248 40-bits/word IDT72T55258 IDT72T55268 BB324-1) 72T55248 72T55258 72T55268 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION 2.5V MULTI-QUEUE FLOW-CONTROL DEVICES 16 QUEUES 18 BIT WIDE CONFIGURATION 589,824 bits, 1,179,648 bits and 2,359,296 bits • • • FEATURES: • • • • • • • • • • • • Choose from among the following memory density options:

    IDT72T51433 IDT72T51443 IDT72T51453 72T51433 72T51443 72T51453 drw39 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION IDT72T51333 IDT72T51343 IDT72T51353 2.5V MULTI-QUEUE FLOW-CONTROL DEVICES 8 QUEUES 18 BIT WIDE CONFIGURATION 589,824 bits, 1,179,648 bits and 2,359,296 bits • • • • FEATURES: • • • • • • • • • • • Choose from among the following memory density options:

    IDT72T51333 IDT72T51343 IDT72T51353 72T51333 72T51343 72T51353 drw36 PDF

    transistor AeF 11

    Abstract: idt72132
    Text: IDT72131 IDT72141 CMOS PARALLEL-TO-SERIAL FIFO 2,048 x 9 and 4,096 x 9 FEATURES: • • • • • • • • • • • DESCRIPTION: 35ns parallel port access time, 45ns cycle time 50MHz serial port shift rate Expandable in depth and width with no external components

    IDT72131 IDT72141 50MHz 28-pin P28-1) 40MHz drw18 transistor AeF 11 idt72132 PDF

    diode OF162

    Abstract: OF162 IDT72V71643 RX15
    Text: 3.3 VOLT TIME SLOT INTERCHANGE DIGITAL SWITCH WITH RATE MATCHING 4,096 x 4,096 • • FEATURES: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Up to 32 serial input and output streams Maximum 4,096 x 4,096 channel non-blocking switching Accepts data streams at 2.048 Mb/s, 4.096 Mb/s, 8.192 Mb/s or

    BC144-1) DA144-1) 72V71643 drw21 diode OF162 OF162 IDT72V71643 RX15 PDF


    Abstract: IDT72V233 IDT72V243 IDT72V253 IDT72V263 IDT72V273 IDT72V283 IDT72V293 72V273
    Text: PRELIMINARY 3.3 VOLT HIGH-DENSITY SUPERSYNC II NARROW BUS FIFO IDT72V223, IDT72V233 IDT72V243, IDT72V253 IDT72V263, IDT72V273 IDT72V283, IDT72V293 512 x 18/1,024 x 9, 1,024 x 18/2,048 x 9 2,048 x 18/4,096 x 9, 4,096 x 18/8,192 x 9 8,192 x 18/16,384 x 9, 16,384 x 18/32,768 x 9

    IDT72V223, IDT72V233 IDT72V243, IDT72V253 IDT72V263, IDT72V273 IDT72V283, IDT72V293 IDT72V223 IDT72V223 IDT72V233 IDT72V243 IDT72V253 IDT72V263 IDT72V273 IDT72V283 IDT72V293 72V273 PDF


    Abstract: TX15
    Text: PRELIMINARY IDT72V71650 3.3 VOLT TIME SLOT INTERCHANGE DIGITAL SWITCH 8,192 x 8,192 FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • • The IDT72V71650 has a non-blocking switch capacity of 1,024 x 1,024 channels at 2.048Mb/s, 2,048 x 2,048 channels at 4.096Mb/s, and 4,096 x 4,096 channels at 8.192Mb/s and 8,192 x 8,192 channels at 16.384Mb/s. With

    IDT72V71650 IDT72V71650 048Mb/s, 096Mb/s, 192Mb/s 384Mb/s. DA144-1) BB144-1) TX15 PDF


    Abstract: IDT72T36105 IDT72T36115 IDT72T36125 IDT72T3645 IDT72T3655 IDT72T3665 IDT72T3675 IDT72T3685 IDT72T3695
    Text: PRELIMINARY 2.5 VOLT HIGH-SPEED TeraSyncTM FIFO 36-BIT CONFIGURATIONS IDT72T3645, IDT72T3655, IDT72T3665, IDT72T3675, IDT72T3685, IDT72T3695, IDT72T36105, IDT72T36115, IDT72T36125 1,024 x 36, 2,048 x 36, 4,096 x 36, 8,192 x 36, 16,384 x 36, 32,768 x 36, 65,536 x 36, 131,072 x 36 and 262,144 x 36

    36-BIT IDT72T3645, IDT72T3655, IDT72T3665, IDT72T3675, IDT72T3685, IDT72T3695, IDT72T36105, IDT72T36115, IDT72T36125 72T36125 IDT72T36105 IDT72T36115 IDT72T36125 IDT72T3645 IDT72T3655 IDT72T3665 IDT72T3675 IDT72T3685 IDT72T3695 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2.5 VOLT HIGH-SPEED TeraSync FIFO IDT72T1845, IDT72T1855 18-BIT/9-BIT CONFIGURATIONS IDT72T1865, IDT72T1875 2,048 x 18/4,096 x 9, 4,096 x 18/8,192 x 9, 8,192 x 18/16,384 x 9, IDT72T1885, IDT72T1895 16,384 x 18/32,768 x 9, 32,768 x 18/65,536 x 9, 65,536 x 18/131,072 x 9,

    IDT72T1845, IDT72T1855 18-BIT/9-BIT IDT72T1865, IDT72T1875 IDT72T1885, IDT72T1895 IDT72T18105, IDT72T18115 IDT72T18125 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CMOS BUS-MATCHING SyncFIFOTM 256 x 36, 512 x 36, 1,024 x 36 FEATURES: • • • • • • • • • Memory storage capacity: IDT723623 – 256 x 36 IDT723633 – 512 x 36 IDT723643 – 1,024 x 36 Clocked FIFO buffering data from Port A to Port B Clock frequencies up to 83 MHz 8 ns access time

    IDT723623 IDT723633 IDT723643 PK128-1) drw22 PDF


    Abstract: 72T36125
    Text: 2.5 VOLT HIGH-SPEED TeraSyncTM FIFO 36-BIT CONFIGURATIONS 1,024 x 36, 2,048 x 36, 4,096 x 36, 8,192 x 36, 16,384 x 36, 32,768 x 36, 65,536 x 36, 131,072 x 36 and 262,144 x 36 FEATURES: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Choose among the following memory organizations:

    36-BIT IDT72T3645 IDT72T3655 IDT72T3665 IDT72T3675 IDT72T3685 IDT72T3695 IDT72T36105 IDT72T36115 IDT72T36125 IDT72T3645 72T36125 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IDT72V15160 IDT72V16160 IDT72V17160 IDT72V18160 IDT72V19160 3.3V MULTIMEDIA FIFO 16 BIT V-III, 32 BIT Vx-III FAMILY UP TO 1 Mb DENSITY • • • FEATURES: • • • • Choose among the following memory organizations: Commercial • V-III Vx-III IDT72V15160 - 4,096 x 16

    IDT72V15160 IDT72V16160 IDT72V17160 IDT72V18160 IDT72V19160 IDT72V15160 IDT72V16160 IDT72V17160 IDT72V18160 IDT72V19160 18320 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CMOS SuperSync FIFO 32,768 x 18 65,536 x 18 • FEATURES: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Choose among the following memory organizations: IDT72275 — 32,768 x 18 IDT72285 — 65,536 x 18 Pin-compatible with the IDT72255LA/72265LA SuperSync FIFOs

    IDT72275 IDT72285 IDT72255LA/72265LA PN64-1) PP64-1) RESET1-70 PDF

    CSR 8510

    Abstract: CSR 8510 a10 CSR 8510 v4 80KSBR200 v8 doorbell wireless doorbell 813 doorbell circuit working ADS1118 2322 156 philips doorbell
    Text: Advanced Datasheet 80KSBR200 sRIO SERIAL BUFFER FLOW-CONTROL DEVICE Device Overview ◆ The IDT80KSBR200 is a high speed Serial Buffer SerB that can connect to any Serial RapidIO compliant interface. This device is built to work with any sRIO device and especially with the IDT Pre-Processing

    80KSBR200 IDT80KSBR200 IDT70K200. 72Mbit CSR 8510 CSR 8510 a10 CSR 8510 v4 80KSBR200 v8 doorbell wireless doorbell 813 doorbell circuit working ADS1118 2322 156 philips doorbell PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3.3 VOLT HIG H-DENSITY SUPERSYNC II 36-B IT FIFO 4,096 x 36 8,192 x 36 1 6 ,3 8 4 x 3 6 32,768 x 36 65,536 x 36 131,072 x 36 P R E L IM IN A R Y ID T 72V 3660 ID T 72V 3670 ID T 72V 3680 ID T 72V 3690 ID T 72V 36100 ID T 72V 36110 FEATURES: Auto power down minimizes standby power consumption

    OCR Scan
    IDT72V3660 096x36 IDT72V3670 192x36 IDT72V3680 384x36 IDT72V3690 768x36 IDT72V36100 536x36 72V3680 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CMOS SUPERSYNC FIFO 16,384x9 32,768 x 9 \dt PRELIMINARY IDT72261LA IDT72271LA Integrated Device Technology, Inc. HFEATURES: • Choose among the following memory organizations: IDT72261LA 16,384 x9 IDT72271LA 32,768 x 9 • P in -co m p a tib le w ith the ID T 72V 281/72V 291 and

    OCR Scan
    384x9 IDT72261LA IDT72271LA IDT72271LA 281/72V IDT72V2101/72V2111 PN64-1) PP64-1) PDF