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    DQ15I Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: nvSRAM ADVANCE INFORMATION AS6nvLC512K8 AS6nvLC256K16 AVAILABLE AS MILITARY SPECIFICATIONS 512K x 8 / 256K x 16 nvSRAM 3.3V High Speed SRAM with Non-Volatile Storage • Military Processing MIL-STD-883C para 1.2.2 • Temperature Range -55C to 125C FEATURES

    AS6nvLC512K8 AS6nvLC256K16 -55oC 125oC MIL-STD-883C AS6nvLC256K16 -40oC 125oC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IBM0325404 IBM0325804 IBM0325164 IBM03254B4 256Mb Synchronous DRAM - Die Revision A APPLICATION SPEC # 29L0000.E36980 Engineering Change Number 13 ROW /1 1 COL / 2 BS 16Mb x 4 I/O x 4 Bank 13 ROW /1 0 COL / 2 BS (8Mb x 8 I/O x 4 Bank) Date E36980 13 ROW / 9 COL / 2 BS (4Mb x 16 I/O x 4 Bank)

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    IBM0325404 IBM0325804 IBM0325164 IBM03254B4 256Mb 29L0000 E36980 IBM0325404CT3A-260 29L6113 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Paradigm PDM44538 32K x 18 Fast CMOS Synchronous Static RAM with Linear Burst Counter Features Description Interfaces directly with the Motorola 680x0 and PowerPC microprocessors 80,66, 60, 50 MHz The PDM44538 is a 589,824 bit synchronous random access memory organized as 32,768 x 18 bits. It has

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    PDM44538 680x0 PDM44538 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IB M 0 4 1 8 1 3 P Q K B P relim inary 64K X 18 B U R ST P IP ELIN E SR A M Features • 64K x 18 Organization • Registered Addresses, Data Ins, Control sig­ nals, and Outputs • 0.5n CMOS Technology • Asynchronous Output Enable • Synchronous Burst Mode of Operation Compati­

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    100MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M29W400T M29W400B 4 Mbit 512Kb x8 or 256Kb x16, Block Erase Low Voltage Single Supply Flash Memory • 2.7V to 3.6V SUPPLY VOLTAGE for PROGRAM, ERASE and READ OPERATIONS ■ FAST ACCESS TIME: 90ns ■ FAST PROGRAMMING TIME - 10jas by Byte / 1 6|us by Word typical

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    M29W400T M29W400B 512Kb 256Kb 10jas PDF


    Abstract: sun hold RAS 0610 cqq 765 RT IC HX 710B U256D
    Text: Selector Guide and Cross Reference CMOS Dynamic RAMs DRAM Modules Video RAMs Pseudo Static RAMs General MOS Static RAMs CMOS Fast Static RAMs CMOS Fast Static RAM Modules Application Specific MOS Static RAMs MOS EEPROM Military Products Reliability Information

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    A16685-7 EMTR1147 mcm2018a sun hold RAS 0610 cqq 765 RT IC HX 710B U256D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SHARP SPEC No. [_ ISSUE: May 15 1996 To ; S P E C I F I C A T I O N S Product Type 1 6M F l a s h File Memory LH2 8 F 0 1 6 S U R - 7 0 Model No._ L H F 1 6 S 1 0 _ j&This specifications contains 44 pages including the cover and appendix.

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    LHF16S10 protec00X1 jTSOP56-- P--1420 AA1I13 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IBM14N1372 IBM14N6472 H ig h -P erfo rm an ce S R A M M odules Features • 256K, 512K, and 1MB secondary cache module family using Synchronous and Asynchronous SRAMs. Fast access times: 9 and 11 ns using SSRAM; 12ns using ASRAM Byte Parity • Organized as a 32K, 64K, or 128K x 72 package

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    IBM14N1372 IBM14N6472 160-lead, i486/PentiumTM) 50MHz 66MHz 256KB, 512KB, PDF