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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE MAX21002 Ultra-Accurate, Low Power, Dual-Axis Digital Output Gyroscope General Description ● Unprecedented Accuracy • Embedded Digital-Output Temperature Sensor • Automatic Temperature Compensation • Ultra-Stable Over Temperature and Time

    MAX21002 MAX21002 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE MAX21003 Ultra-Accurate, Low Power, Dual-Axis Digital Output Gyroscope General Description ● Unprecedented Accuracy • Embedded Digital-Output Temperature Sensor • Automatic Temperature Compensation • Ultra-Stable Over Temperature and Time

    MAX21003 MAX21003 50tion, PDF

    4 GANG variable capacitor

    Abstract: AD5560 AD1404 RCR05 ate dps SW11 FV250A
    Text: 1.2 A Programmable Device Power Supply with Integrated 16-Bit Level Setting DACs AD5560 FEATURES Programmable device power supply DPS FV, MI, MV, FNMV functions 5 internal current ranges (on-chip RSENSE) ±5 A, ±25 μA, ±250 μA, ±2.5 mA, ±25 mA 2 external high current ranges (external RSENSE)

    16-Bit AD5560 MS-026-ACD-HU 11708-A 64-Lead SV-64-3) AD5560JSVUZ AD5560JSVUZ-REEL EVAL-AD5560EBUZ 4 GANG variable capacitor AD5560 AD1404 RCR05 ate dps SW11 FV250A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE MAX21100 Low-Power, Ultra-Accurate 6+3 DoF IMU General Description Features and Benefits The MAX21100 is the industry’s most accurate 6+3 DoF inertial measurement unit available in a 3mm x 3mm x 0.83mm package and capable of working with a supply

    MAX21100 MAX21100 PDF


    Abstract: 5ME3 d0777
    Text: Data Sheet 1.2 A Programmable Device Power Supply with Integrated 16-Bit Level Setting DACs AD5560 FEATURES Programmable device power supply DPS FV, MI, MV, FNMV functions 5 internal current ranges (on-chip RSENSE) ±5 µA, ±25 µA, ±250 µA, ±2.5 mA, ±25 mA

    16-Bit AD5560 64-lead 72-ball 64-Lead 72-Ball SV-64-3 BC722 5ME3 d0777 PDF

    MEMS gyro sensor

    Abstract: Delta DPS 300 RP -2 C REV delta dps 500 Gyroscope DPS 300 RP
    Text: EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE MAX21000 General Description The MAX21000 is a low power, low noise, 3-axis angular rate sensor that delivers unprecedented accuracy and sensitivity over temperature and time. It operates with a supply voltage as low as 1.71V for minimum power

    MAX21000 MAX21000 MEMS gyro sensor Delta DPS 300 RP -2 C REV delta dps 500 Gyroscope DPS 300 RP PDF

    mems "3 axis gyro"

    Abstract: Gyroscope Capacitor Voltage Converters for mems gyroscope three axis gyroscope
    Text: EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE MAX21000 General Description The MAX21000 is a low power, low noise, 3-axis angular rate sensor that delivers unprecedented accuracy and sensitivity over temperature and time. It operates with a supply voltage as low as 1.71V for minimum power

    MAX21000 MAX21000 mems "3 axis gyro" Gyroscope Capacitor Voltage Converters for mems gyroscope three axis gyroscope PDF


    Abstract: MAX2100 gyroscope mouse Gyroscope 2000DPS mems "3 axis gyro" gyroscope three axis application three axis gyroscope Capacitor Voltage Converters for mems gyroscope bias stability gyro mems
    Text: EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE MAX21000 General Description The MAX21000 is a low power, low noise, 3-axis angular rate sensor that delivers unprecedented accuracy and sensitivity over temperature and time. It operates with a supply voltage as low as 1.71V for minimum power

    MAX21000 MAX21000 MAX2100 gyroscope mouse Gyroscope 2000DPS mems "3 axis gyro" gyroscope three axis application three axis gyroscope Capacitor Voltage Converters for mems gyroscope bias stability gyro mems PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE MAX21001 General Description The MAX21001 is a low-power, low-noise, automotive 3-axis angular rate sensor that delivers unprecedented accuracy and sensitivity over temperature and time. It operates with a supply voltage as low as 1.71V for minimum

    MAX21001 MAX21001 PDF

    dps 298 cp

    Abstract: stp2001qfp STP2002QFP STP2024QFP STP2202ABGA STP2210QFP STP1030 STP2002 dps 298 cp 4
    Text: STP2202ABGA July 1997 DSC DATA SHEET Dual Processor System Controller DESCRIPTION The STP2202BGA is the Dual Processor System Controller, also referred to as DSC, used in a low-cost high-performing two-processor system. DSC’s primary functions are to provide data coherence control,

    STP2202ABGA STP2202BGA Can24Y BOZ24Y BOZ24L dps 298 cp stp2001qfp STP2002QFP STP2024QFP STP2202ABGA STP2210QFP STP1030 STP2002 dps 298 cp 4 PDF

    dps 298 cp

    Abstract: stk 2365 stk 8051 STK 4167 AC97 C165 C165H C166 PEF81912 SFR02
    Text: D at a S h e e t, D S 1 , A pr il 20 0 1 C165H E m b e d d e d C 1 6 6 w it h USART, IOM-2 and HDLC Support V e r s i on 1 . 3 Wi re d C om m un ic a t io ns N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2001-04-01 Published by Infineon Technologies AG, St.-Martin-Strasse 53,

    C165H D-81541 dps 298 cp stk 2365 stk 8051 STK 4167 AC97 C165 C165H C166 PEF81912 SFR02 PDF

    stk 2365

    Abstract: STK 416 130
    Text: D at a S h e e t, D S 1 , A pr il 20 0 1 C165H E m b e d d e d C 1 6 6 w it h USART, IOM-2 and HDLC Support V e r s i on 1 . 3 Wi re d C om m un ic a t io ns N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2001-04-01 Published by Infineon Technologies AG, St.-Martin-Strasse 53,

    C165H D-81541 C165H stk 2365 STK 416 130 PDF


    Abstract: STP2024QFP sun sparc pinout
    Text: STP2202ABGA June 1998 DSC DATA SHEET Dual Processor System Controller DESCRIPTION The STP2202BGA is the Dual Processor System Controller, also referred to as DSC, used in a low-cost high-performing two-processor system. DSC’s primary functions are to provide data coherence control,

    STP2202ABGA STP2202BGA cmd1011 STP2024QFP sun sparc pinout PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LSM330 iNEMO inertial module: 3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope Datasheet - production data Description The LSM330 is a system-in-package featuring a 3D digital accelerometer with two embedded state machines that can be programmed to implement autonomous applications and a 3D digital

    LSM330 LSM330 LGA-24L DocID023426 PDF

    DPS 300 RP

    Abstract: MSM77C20A OVA1
    Text: O K I semiconductor MSM77C20A DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM77C20A is an LSI designed fo r the purpose o f digita l signal processing in the field o f speech processing and telecommunications. Since this LSI is the one-chip m icrocom puter contained the ROM, RAM, ALU, and m u ltip lie r, it is

    OCR Scan
    MSM77C20A MSM77C20A 28-pin 28-pi IV-F-14 MSM77C20A4 IV-F-15 MSM77C20Â IV-F-16 DPS 300 RP OVA1 PDF

    PSB 7200

    Abstract: PSB 7200 Z v21 modem
    Text: SIEM ENS ICs for Communications Enhanced ISDN Data Access Controller ISAR 34 PSB 7115 Version 2.1 Firmware Version 1.01 Data Sheet 02.98 DS 2 PSB 7115 Revision History: Current Version: 02.98 Previous Version: 09.97 Page in previous Version Page (in current

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: WD2001 WD1935A WD2002 WD20C03A-05 WD20C03A-10 UC1671 BEL 100P WD20C03A-08
    Text: WD2001 /2002/20C03A Data Encryption Devices FEATURES • Certified by the National Bureau of Standards • Transfer rate WD2001/2002-20 161 Kbytes per second with 2MHz clock WD2001/2002-30 242 Kbytes per second with 3MHz clock WD20C03A-05 403 Kbytes per second with

    OCR Scan
    WD2001 /2002/20C03A WD2001/2002-20 WD20C03A-05 WD20C03A-08 WD20C03A-10 10MHz 64-bit 56-bit wd1935 WD1935A WD2002 UC1671 BEL 100P PDF

    schematic diagram apc UPS

    Abstract: ICS633 schematic diagram UPS APC IC-S573 AT12L UPA audio analyzer AT12N apc ups schematic STP2002
    Text: S un M icro electro nics July 1997 _DSC D A TA SH E E T D ual Processor System Controller D e s c r ip t io n The STP2202BGA is the Dual Processor System Controller, also referred to as DSC, used in a low-cost high-performing two-processor system. DSC's primary functions are to provide data coherence control,

    OCR Scan
    STP2202BGA PINA02Y PINA02Y schematic diagram apc UPS ICS633 schematic diagram UPS APC IC-S573 AT12L UPA audio analyzer AT12N apc ups schematic STP2002 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ì STP2202ABGA S un M ic r o e l e c t r o n ic s July 1997 DSC Dual Processor System Controller DATA SHEET D e s c r ip t io n The STP2202BGA is the Dual Processor System Controller, also referred to as DSC, used in a low-cost high-performing two-processor system. DSC’s prim ary functions are to provide data coherence control,

    OCR Scan

    24 v temic ecu

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Temic TS80C31X2 8-bit CMOS Microcontroller 0-60 MHz 1. Description TEMIC TS80C31X2 is high performance CMOS and ROMless versions of the 80C51 CMOS single chip 8bit microcontroller. The TS80C31X2 retains all features of the TEMIC TSC80C31 with 128 bytes of internal RAM, a 5-source,

    OCR Scan
    TS80C31X2 80C51 TSC80C31 TS80C31X2 24 v temic ecu PDF

    Nidec motor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: COPAL ELECTRONICS HALOGEN FREE LEAD FREE DP7115 32-Tap Digital Potentiometers DP FEATURES APPLICATIONS • 32-position, linear-taper potentiom eter Autom ated product calibration • Low power CMOS technology Rem ote control adjustm ents • Single supply operation: 2.5V-5.5V

    OCR Scan
    DP7115 32-Tap 32-position, 100kQ P7115 Nidec motor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Temic TS80C52X2 8-bit CMOS Microcontroller 0-60 MHz 1. Description TEMIC TS80C52X2 is high performance CMOS ROM, OTP, EPROM and ROMless versions of the 80C51 CMOS single chip 8-bit microcontroller. The TS80C52X2 retains all features of the TEMIC 80C51 with extended ROM/EPROM capacity 8

    OCR Scan
    TS80C52X2 80C51 TS80C52X2 80C32X2: 80C52X2: 87C52X2: S80C32X2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: STP2202ABGA j une 1998 m icrosystem s DSC DATA SH EET D ual Processor System Controller D escription The STP2202BGA is the Dual Processor System Controller, also referred to as DSC, used in a low-cost high-perform ing two-processor system. D SC 's prim ary functions are to provide data coherence control,

    OCR Scan
    STP2202ABGA STP2202BGA 100MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: „MIC TS80C54/58X2 8-bit CMOS Microcontroller 0-60 MHz 1. Description TEMIC TS80C54/58X2 is high performance CMOS ROM, OTP and EPROM versions of the 80C51 CMOS single chip 8-bit microcontroller. The TS80C54/58X2 retains all features of the TEMIC 80C51 with extended ROM/EPROM capacity 16/32

    OCR Scan
    TS80C54/58X2 TS80C54/58X2 80C51 PDF