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    DLP31SN221SL2 Search Results

    DLP31SN221SL2 Datasheets (2)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    DLP31SN221SL2B muRata Chip Common Mode Choke Coil Film Type Original PDF
    DLP31SN221SL2L muRata Chip Common Mode Choke Coil Film Type Original PDF

    DLP31SN221SL2 Datasheets Context Search

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    reliability BLM21pg331sn1

    Abstract: IC-7404 IC 7404 271 Ceramic Disc Capacitors 74ALS00 BLM41AF800SN1 BLM31AJ601SN cha 0438 VFS9VD31B223 BLM21BB331SN1
    Text: !Note Please read rating and !CAUTION for storage, operating, rating, soldering, mounting and handling in this PDF catalog to prevent smoking and/or burning, etc. This catalog has only typical specifications. Therefore, you are requested to approve our product specifications or to transact the approval sheet for product specifications before ordering.

    C31E11 C31E-11 reliability BLM21pg331sn1 IC-7404 IC 7404 271 Ceramic Disc Capacitors 74ALS00 BLM41AF800SN1 BLM31AJ601SN cha 0438 VFS9VD31B223 BLM21BB331SN1 PDF

    271 Ceramic Disc Capacitors

    Abstract: VFS9VD31B223 DLM11 microwave product 74ALS00 Wireless Speakers/Headphones Murata varistor DSS6NF31C223 EN55015 EN55015 driver
    Text: !Note Please read rating and !CAUTION for storage, operating, rating, soldering, mounting and handling in this PDF catalog to prevent smoking and/or burning, etc. This catalog has only typical specifications. Therefore, you are requested to approve our product specifications or to transact the approval sheet for product specificaions before ordering.

    C31E10 C31E-10 271 Ceramic Disc Capacitors VFS9VD31B223 DLM11 microwave product 74ALS00 Wireless Speakers/Headphones Murata varistor DSS6NF31C223 EN55015 EN55015 driver PDF

    murata BLM15 date code

    Abstract: VFS9VD31B223 74ALS00 BL03RN2R1P1A BLM21BB331SN1 C31E9 ultrasonic generator 40khz DLP31SN121SL2 EN55015 EN55015 driver
    Text: !Note Please read rating and !CAUTION for storage, operating, rating, soldering, mounting and handling in this PDF catalog to prevent smoking and/or burning, etc. This catalog has only typical specifications. Therefore, you are requested to approve our product specifications or to transact the approval sheet for product specificaions before ordering.

    C31E9 C31E-9 murata BLM15 date code VFS9VD31B223 74ALS00 BL03RN2R1P1A BLM21BB331SN1 ultrasonic generator 40khz DLP31SN121SL2 EN55015 EN55015 driver PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C31E13.pdf 05.3.14 catalog to prevent smoking and/or burning, Pleaseread readrating ratingand and!CAUTION !CAUTION for (forstorage, storage,operating, operating,rating, rating,soldering, soldering,mounting mountingand andhandling handling)ininthis thisPDF

    C31E13 DLP31SN121SL2 DLP31SN221SL2 DLP31SN551SL2 PDF

    blm murata p series

    Abstract: DSS9ND31H223 p58 smd 74hc00 on C31E NFM41CC470
    Text: !Note • This PDF catalog is downloaded from the website of Murata Manufacturing co., ltd. Therefore, it’s specifications are subject to change or our products in it may be discontinued without advance notice. Please check with our sales representatives or product engineers before ordering.

    C31E-14 blm murata p series DSS9ND31H223 p58 smd 74hc00 on C31E NFM41CC470 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Noise Suppression Products/EMI Suppression Filters > Chip Common Mode Choke Coils > Film Type Data Sheet 1 Chip Common Mode Choke Coils DLP31S Series 1206 Size • Dimension ■ Insertion Loss Characteristics (Typical) 0.7±0.2 1.15±0.15 10000 1000 Impedance (Ω)

    DLP31S DLP31SN551SL2 DLP31SN221SL2 DLP31SN121SL2 180mm DLP31SN121SL2p DLP31SN221SL2p PDF


    Abstract: BLM21PG221SN1B NFL18ST107X1C3D IC 7404 varistor 10K 680 VFS9VD31B223 74ALS00 EN55015 EN55015 driver NFL21SP506X1C3D
    Text: !Note Please read rating and !CAUTION for storage and operating, rating, soldering and mounting, handling in this PDF catalog to prevent smoking and/or burning, etc. This catalog has only typical specifications. Therefore, you are requested to approve our product specification or to transact the approval sheet for product specificaion before ordering.

    C31E8 C31E-8 NFA31 BLM21PG221SN1B NFL18ST107X1C3D IC 7404 varistor 10K 680 VFS9VD31B223 74ALS00 EN55015 EN55015 driver NFL21SP506X1C3D PDF


    Abstract: p8185 DST9ND31H223 DSN6NB31H DSS6NB32A471 sn102 lcd 12505m BEAD BL02RN2R1P1A 6A blm18sg121 DSS9ND31H223
    Text: !お願い ・当PDFカタログは株式会社村田製作所のウェブサイトからダウンロードされたものです。記載内容について、改良のため予告なく変更することや供給を停止することがございますので、ご注文に際してはご確認ください。 C31J.pdf

    C31-16 BLM03A/15A/18A/21A BLM18T BLM03B/15B/18B/21B BLM18R/21R BLM15P/18P/21P/31P/41P BLM18S GHzBLM15H/15E/18H/18E/18G BLA2AA/2AB/31A/31B NFM18C/21C/3DC/41C DSS6NB p8185 DST9ND31H223 DSN6NB31H DSS6NB32A471 sn102 lcd 12505m BEAD BL02RN2R1P1A 6A blm18sg121 DSS9ND31H223 PDF

    U92 QUANTA

    Abstract: South Bridge ALI M1535 varta D45 R1019 FM ic B201212K800 DL521 quanta quanta computer quanta u92 U92 QUANTA REV:D
    Text: 5 4 3 2 1 Model MODEL REV PM1 M/B BOARD 1A 2A D 3A CHANGE LIST Page First Release reference ECN E200210-0300 reference ECN E200211-0666 reference ECN E200211-1777 3B 3C reference ECN E200212-1903 reference ECN E200301-0426 C B PM1 M/B BOARD FM 1 1A 2 1A 3

    E200210-0300 E200211-0666 E200211-1777 E200212-1903 E200301-0426 31PM1MB0007 HOLE-C217D142P2 HOLE11 HOLE12 U92 QUANTA South Bridge ALI M1535 varta D45 R1019 FM ic B201212K800 DL521 quanta quanta computer quanta u92 U92 QUANTA REV:D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Noise Suppression Suppression Products/ EMIFILr Noise Products/(EMIFIL ) Chip EMIFILr RC Combined Type Chip EMIFILr o NFR21G Series IL of Main Items (Surface) 0.5±0.2 1.0 max. 1.0±0.35 0.95±0.35 2.0±0.2 1.25±0.2 Insertion Loss (dB) 10 (2) (Mount-face)

    NFR21G NFR21GD4704702 NFR21GD4706802 NFR21GD1012202 NFR21GD1014702 NFR21GD1016802 DLP31SN551 DLP31SN221 DLP31SN121 DLP31SN551SL2 PDF


    Abstract: BLM31AJ601 BLM41AF800SN1 BLM31AJ601SN NFW31SP506X1E BLM31AJ260SN1 NFM18CC NFE61HT332Z2A9 p758 VFS9VD31B223
    Text: C31E9.pdf 03.3.12 catalog to prevent smoking and/or burning, Pleaseread readrating ratingand and!CAUTION !CAUTION for (forstorage, storage,operating, operating,rating, rating,soldering, soldering,mounting mountingand andhandling handling)ininthis thisPDF

    C31E9 BLM31BE BLM31AJ601 BLM41AF800SN1 BLM31AJ601SN NFW31SP506X1E BLM31AJ260SN1 NFM18CC NFE61HT332Z2A9 p758 VFS9VD31B223 PDF


    Abstract: ultrasonic generator 40khz ultrasonic generator 40khz for cleaning 12kv HIGH VOLTAGE DIODE for microwave ovens 40KHZ ULTRASONIC CLEANER driver CIRCUIT NFAC1CC102R1H8 VCM18RN180DS1 40KHZ ULTRASONIC CLEANER CIRCUIT NFM55PC155F1H4 DLM31K
    Text: C31E6.pdf 01.5.29 This is the PDF file of catalog No.C31E-6 On-Board Type DC EMI Suppression Filters (EMIFILr) Murata EMC Solutions : EMI SUPPRESSION FILTERS Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Cat.No.C31E-6 C31E6.pdf 01.5.29 This is the PDF file of catalog No.C31E-6

    C31E6 C31E-6 BLM15/BLM18/BLM21/BLM31/BLM41 NFA6CCC223R1H6 ultrasonic generator 40khz ultrasonic generator 40khz for cleaning 12kv HIGH VOLTAGE DIODE for microwave ovens 40KHZ ULTRASONIC CLEANER driver CIRCUIT NFAC1CC102R1H8 VCM18RN180DS1 40KHZ ULTRASONIC CLEANER CIRCUIT NFM55PC155F1H4 DLM31K PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C31E10.pdf 03.9.1 catalog to prevent smoking and/or burning, Pleaseread readrating ratingand and!CAUTION !CAUTION for (forstorage, storage,operating, operating,rating, rating,soldering, soldering,mounting mountingand andhandling handling)ininthis thisPDF

    C31E10 100MHz, DLP31SN121SL2 DLP31SN221SL2 DLP31SN551SL2 DLP31SN551SL2 DLP11SN900SL2 PDF


    Abstract: DLP11SN900SL2 DLP31SN221SL dlp31sn121sl2 DLP11SN900 DLP31SN221
    Text: C31E11.pdf 04.3.8 catalog to prevent smoking and/or burning, Pleaseread readrating ratingand and!CAUTION !CAUTION for (forstorage, storage,operating, operating,rating, rating,soldering, soldering,mounting mountingand andhandling handling)ininthis thisPDF

    C31E11 100MHz, DLP31SN121SL2 DLP31SN221SL2 DLP31SN551SL2 DLP31SN551SL2 DLP31SN221S DLP11SN900SL2 DLP31SN221SL DLP11SN900 DLP31SN221 PDF

    MFW 17 SOT23

    Abstract: MFW SOT23 RS-231C UBA-4R-D14T-1 P05 SOT89 UBB-4R-D14T-1 CSTCR6M00G15 sot23 mfw DLP31SN221SL2L XC5F-6432-2
    Text: Changes for the Better MSD−8K00SG01A−U ë 安全設計に関するお願い & 弊社は品質信頼性の向上に努めておりますが、半導体製品は故障が発生したり、誤動作する場合がありま す。弊社の半導体製品の故障又は誤動作によって結果として、人身事故火災事故、社会的損害などを生じさ

    38K0/38K2 M3A-8K00SG01A M3A-8K00S M38C29T-64FPD M38C29T-64FPD 64P6Q-A 100P6S M38C29T-64LCA MFW 17 SOT23 MFW SOT23 RS-231C UBA-4R-D14T-1 P05 SOT89 UBB-4R-D14T-1 CSTCR6M00G15 sot23 mfw DLP31SN221SL2L XC5F-6432-2 PDF


    Abstract: dlp31sn121sl2
    Text: Noise Suppression Products/EMI Suppression Filters > Chip Common Mode Choke Coils > Film Type Data Sheet 1 Chip Common Mode Choke Coils Film Type DLP31S Series 1206 Size o For your new designs, alternative parts should be used. These parts should be used only for existing design. Please consult with us for details.

    DLP31S DLP31SN551SL2 DLP31SN221SL2 DLP31SN121SL2 180mm PDF


    Abstract: DLP31SN551 DLP31SN121
    Text: C31E6.pdf 01.5.29 This is the PDF file of catalog No.C31E-6 On-Board Type DC EMI Suppression Filters(EMIFILr) Chip Common Mode Choke Coils Film Type DLP31S Series (2) (2.1) (1) (4) 3.2±0.15 0.7±0.2 1.15±0.15 The DLP31S series is chip common mode choke coil that is



    Abstract: IEC-61000-4-7 NFA21SL307 DSS6NF31C223 D223S nfm55p DSS9ND31H223 BLM18HG102SN1B
    Text: !注 请阅读本产品目录中的产品规格,以及有关保管使用环境、规格上的注意事项、装配时的注意事项、使用时的注意事项的!注意事项,以免发生冒烟和(或)燃烧等。 本目录因没有足够的空间说明详细规格,仅载明标准特性。因此,在订购产品之前,谨请核准其规格或者办理产品规格表。

    BLM03A/15A/18A/21A BLM15B/18B/21B BLM18T BLM18R/21R BLM15P/18P/21P/31P/41P BLM15H/15E/18H/18E/18G BLA2AA/2AB/31A/31B NFM18C/21C/3DC/41C NFA31C NFR21G BLM18TG IEC-61000-4-7 NFA21SL307 DSS6NF31C223 D223S nfm55p DSS9ND31H223 BLM18HG102SN1B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C31E12.pdf 04.8.30 catalog to prevent smoking and/or burning, Pleaseread readrating ratingand and!CAUTION !CAUTION for (forstorage, storage,operating, operating,rating, rating,soldering, soldering,mounting mountingand andhandling handling)ininthis thisPDF

    C31E12 DLP31S DLP31SN551SL2 DLP31SN221SL2 DLP31SN121SL2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Noise Suppression Products/ EMIFIL Chip EMIFIL® LC Combined Type Winding Type 1for Signal Line NFW 31S Series (1206) I IL of Main Items 32*0.3_ I (1) (2) <3; (1 j : Input ele ctrod e 12) : G round electrode 13) : O u tpu t ele ctrod e 0 .7 r0 .3 I— »I

    OCR Scan
    10MHz 20MHz 50MHz DLP31S DLP31SN551SL2 DLP31SN221SL2 DLP31SN121SL2 100MHz 100MHz PDF