Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: AMERICAN TECHNICAL CERAMICS INDUCTOR PRODUCTS Manufactured for ATC CORPORATE PROFILE Corporate Profile American Technical Ceramics Corp. ATC provides component and custom integrated packaging solutions for the RF, microwave and telecommunications industries. For over forty years we have been “The Engineer’s Choice”.
Abstract: 116RL101M100TT DK0084T TS0005T CAP 0805 ATC 600F DK0009T TS0004T 116RF100M100TT ts0003 DK0008T
Text: AMERICAN TECHNICAL CERAMICS DESIGN KITS C A PA C I T O R S • R E S I S T O R S • I N D U C T O R S W W W. AT C E R A M I C S . C O M A M E R I C A N T E C H N I C A L ATC North America 631-622-4700 • sales@atceramics.com w w C E R A M I C S ATC Europe
Abstract: MIL-STD-202 METHOD 213 CONDITION C ATC0603WL 2700nH ATC0805
Text: AMERICAN TECHNICAL CERAMICS INDUCTOR PRODUCTS Manufactured for ATC C O R P O R AT E P R O F I L E Corporate Profile American Technical Ceramics Corp. ATC provides component and custom integrated packaging solutions for the RF, microwave and telecommunications industries. For over forty years we have been “The Engineer’s Choice”.
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: AMERICAN TECHNICAL CERAMICS INDUCTOR PRODUCTS Manufactured for ATC C O R P O R AT E P R O F I L E Corporate Profile American Technical Ceramics Corp. ATC provides component and custom integrated packaging solutions for the RF, microwave and telecommunications industries. For over forty years we have been “The Engineer’s Choice”.
Abstract: atc 1008wl 0603WL 0805WL SMD INDUCTOR marking code 1206WL 1008 wl MARKING WL smd code marking NY atc1008wl
Text: AMERICAN TECHNICAL CERAMICS INDUCTOR PRODUCTS Manufactured for ATC C O R P O R AT E P R O F I L E Corporate Profile American Technical Ceramics Corp. ATC provides component and custom integrated packaging solutions for the RF, microwave and telecommunications industries. For over forty years we have been “The Engineer’s Choice”.
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: AMERICAN TECHNICAL CERAMICS INDUCTOR PRODUCTS Manufactured for ATC CORPORATE PROFILE Corporate Profile American Technical Ceramics Corp. ATC provides component and custom integrated packaging solutions for the RF, microwave and telecommunications industries. For over forty years we have been “The Engineer’s Choice”.
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: AMERICAN TECHNICAL CERAMICS INDUCTOR PRODUCTS Manufactured for ATC CORPORATE PROFILE Corporate Profile American Technical Ceramics Corp. ATC provides component and custom integrated packaging solutions for the RF, microwave and telecommunications industries. For over forty years we have been “The Engineer’s Choice”.