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    431202036640 choke

    Abstract: 43120203664 431202036640 BLW83 BY206 philips carbon film resistor
    Text: fe,RE » N AMER P H I L I P S / DI SC R ET E • bt.S3c131 □ □ S c1435 270 BLW83 I H.F./V.H.F. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor fo r use in transm itting am plifiers operating in the h .f. and v.h.f. bands, w ith a nominal supply voltage o f 28 V. The transistor is specified fo r s.s.b. applications as linear

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    Sc1435 BLW83 7z77767 BLW83 431202036640 choke 43120203664 431202036640 BY206 philips carbon film resistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HN62444 Series 4M 256K X 16-bit and (512K x 8-bit) Mask ROM • DESCRIPTION The Hitachi HN62444 is a 4-Megabit CMOS Mask Programmable Read Only Memory organized as 262,144x 16-bit and 524,288 x 8bit. The low power consumption of this device makes it ideal for

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    HN62444 16-bit) 16-bit 40-pin 48-lead HN62444 44-lead PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H I T A C H I / LOGIC/ARRAYS/nEM HN624316N Series- - Preliminary SI E D • 4 4 clb5D3 00 177 75 0T2 ■ H I T 2 16M 1M x 16-bit and (2M x 8-blt) Mask ROM ■ T -46-13-15 DESCRIPTION The Hitachi HN624316N is a 16-M egabit CMOS Mask

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    HN624316N 16-bit) 16-bit 16-bit 32-bit 42-pin 44-lenabled, PDF

    4312 020 36640

    Abstract: transistor R1Z BLW97 lt5331 ferroxcube wideband hf choke
    Text: N AMER PH I L I P S / D I S C R E T E b^E T> • bbSS^! 0aE^S27 ÔTM * A P X BLW97 JL H.F. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor designed fo r use in class-A, AB and B operated high-power industrial and m ilita ry transm itting equipment in the h.f. band.

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    BLW97 OT-121 4312 020 36640 transistor R1Z BLW97 lt5331 ferroxcube wideband hf choke PDF

    carbon resistors

    Abstract: BLX13 BLX13C philips carbon film resistor carbon resistor RF amplifiers in the HF and VHF A1E transistor Philips Carbon Resistor
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b^E ]> bb53*i31 □ DS*ìSS2 T4T A E3LX13U H.F./V.H.F. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor fo r use in transm itting am plifiers operating in the h.f. and v.h.f. bands, w ith a nominal supply voltage o f 28 V. The transistor is specified fo r s.s.b. applications as linear

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    e3lx13u 7Z77838 BLX13U BLX13C carbon resistors BLX13 philips carbon film resistor carbon resistor RF amplifiers in the HF and VHF A1E transistor Philips Carbon Resistor PDF


    Abstract: BLW83 PHILIPS 4312 amplifier 431202036640 choke BY206 philips carbon film resistor
    Text: bSE V m 7110&Eb □□b332*ì 75^ BiPHIN BLW83 _PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL_ ^ H.F./V.H.F. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor fo r use in transm itting am plifiers operating in the h.f. and v.h.f. bands, w ith a nominal supply voltage o f 28 V. The transistor is specified fo r s.s.b. applications as linear

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    BLW83 711002b 00b3337 BLW83 43120203664 PHILIPS 4312 amplifier 431202036640 choke BY206 philips carbon film resistor PDF

    "carbon resistor"

    Abstract: Type NS ceramic cap 015 capacitor philips BLW 82 BLW78 BLW78J
    Text: N AMER P H I L I P S / D I S C R E T E t.'ìE D • bbSBTBl 0 0 B C13,Ì4 b37 B A P X BLW78 H.F./V.H.F. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor intended fo r use in class-A, AB o r B operated mobile, industrial and m ilita ry transm itters in the h.f. and v.h.f. bands. I t is resistance stabilized and is guaranteed to

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    D02W4 BLW78 BLW78 7Z88303 7Z88304 "carbon resistor" Type NS ceramic cap 015 capacitor philips BLW 82 BLW78J PDF


    Abstract: transistor kt 908 PR37 RESISTOR RESISTOR pr37 PR37 ssb transistors amplifier blw96 300PL transistor kt 909
    Text: N AMER P H IL IP S /D IS C R E T E b^E T> b b s a 'm A □ □2^515 0 7 B BLW 96 IAPX H.F./V.H.F. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor intended fo r use in class-A, AB and B operated high power industrial and m ilita ry transm itting equipment in the h.f. and v.h.f. band. The transistor presents

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    BLW96 bbS3131 7Z84923 BLW96 transistor kt 908 PR37 RESISTOR RESISTOR pr37 PR37 ssb transistors amplifier blw96 300PL transistor kt 909 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Video ICs Audio / video switch for CANAL - Plus decoder BH7634AS The BH7634AS is one-chip 1C that contains audio and video switches that support 21 -pin SECAM and PAL connec­ tors. The l2C BUS for switch control simplifies applications, while the two expansion ports allow up to two external inputs.

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    BH7634AS BH7634AS PDF


    Abstract: ferroxcube wideband hf choke BY206
    Text: m b5E » 711002b 0Db33Sû SST « P H I N BLW86 _PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL_ j H.F./V.H.F. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor intended fo r use in class-A, AB and B operated h.f. and v.h.f. transmitters w ith a nominal supply voltage o f 28 V. The transistor is resistance stabilized and is

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    711002b. 0Db33SÃ BLW86 blw86 ferroxcube wideband hf choke BY206 PDF


    Abstract: 7110KN AD711Q pin configuration of ic tl071 7110 TL071 op-amp
    Text: AN ALO G D E V IC E S CMOS LOGOAC Digitally Controlled Audio Attenuator FEATURES Attenuation Range: 0 to 88.5dB Plus Full Muting Resolution: 1.5dB Low Distortion: T H D Better Than -98dB IM D Better Than -92dB Includes Switches for Loudness Compensation Low Power Consumption

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    -98dB -92dB 100dB 20kHz) AD711Q ad7110kn 7110KN pin configuration of ic tl071 7110 TL071 op-amp PDF


    Abstract: 43120203664 BY206 431202036640 choke IEC134 pdst47q sot-123-2 ferroxcube wideband hf choke
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE bbSB'îai DDSTHbl 071 • APX BLW86 b'ïE D A H.F./V.H.F. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor intended fo r use in class-A, AB and B operated h.f. and v.h.f. transm itters w ith a nominal supply voltage o f 28 V. The transistor is resistance stabilized and is

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    BLW86 7Z77783 blw86 43120203664 BY206 431202036640 choke IEC134 pdst47q sot-123-2 ferroxcube wideband hf choke PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HI5804 HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R 12-Bit, 5 MSPS A/D Converter M ay 1997 Description Features S am p lin g R a t e .5 M S P S In te rn al S a m p le and Hold T he H I5804 is a m onolithic, 12-bit, A na lo g-to-D igita l

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    HI5804 12-Bit, I5804 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 12-Bit 800kHz Sampling CMOS ANALOG-to-DIGITAL CONVERTER FEATURES DESCRIPTION • 1.25 13 THROUGHPUT TIME • STANDARD 12.5V INPUT RANGE The ADS7819 is a complete 12-bit sampling A/D using state-of-the-ait CMOS structures. It contains a complete 12-bit capacitor-based SAR A/D with inher­

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    12-Bit 800kHz ADS7819 250kHz 250mW 28-PIN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H15721 HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R 10-Bit, 125 MSPS High Speed D/A Converter J a n u a ry 1997 Features T he HI5721 is a 10-bit 125 M S P S high spe ed D/A converter. T he co n ve rte r in corpo rates a 10-bit input da ta reg ister w ith q u ad rature d a ta logic capability, and cu rre n t outputs. The

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    H15721 10-Bit, HI5721 10-bit 20log PDF


    Abstract: C114U HVR17 KR106 HVR hitachi ha1215 DYNAS
    Text: ADE-207-060 HA12159 FM IF System for Use with the Dynas System Preliminary Rev. 0 Mar. 1992 HITACHI The HA12159 is an FM IF IC that incorporates a n ew te c h n iq u e th a t r a d ic a lly im p ro v e s th e sensitivity and selectivity o f FM receivers. With

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    ADE-207-060 HA12159 HA12159, HA12159. C114U HVR17 KR106 HVR hitachi ha1215 DYNAS PDF


    Abstract: ADC1173CIJM ADC1173CIJMX ADC1173CIMTC ADC1173CIMTCX AN450
    Text: & Semiconductor ADC1173 8-Bit, 3-Volt, 15MSPS, 33mW A/D Converter General Description Key Specifications The ADC1173 is a low power, 15 M SPS analog-to-digital converter that digitizes signals to 8 bits w hile consum ing just 33 mW of pow er typ . The ADC1173 uses a unique architec­

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT STEREO SOUND CODEC The ¿¡PD63310 is an LSI that features two channels each of on-chip 16-bit ADC and DAC circuits for mutual conversion between digital signals and audio signals having a maximum signal bandwidth of 24 kHz .

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    PD63310 16-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HI5630 Semiconductor March 1999 Data Sheet Triple 8-Bit, 80MSPS A/D Converter with Internal Voltage Reference T he H I5630 is a m onolithic, triple 8-B it, 8 0 M S P S File Number 4645 Features • Triple 8-B it A /D C o nve rte r on a M o n o lith ic Chip

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    HI5630 80MSPS I5630 5M-1982. BD561 PDF

    philips Trimmer 60 pf

    Abstract: capacitor polyester philips mica trimmer capacitor capacitor polyester philips 20 mm mica trimmers capacitors PHILIPS 4312 amplifier 431202036640 choke BLW78 philips carbon film resistor polyester capacitor
    Text: PHILIPS INTERN A T I O N A L bSE D B 7110ÔSb 00b3STl L TTD BLW 78 IPHIN H .F./V.H .F. POW ER TR A N SISTO R N -P-N silicon planar ep ita x ia l transistor in ten ded fo r use in class-A, A B o r B operated m o b ile , industrial and m ilita ry tran sm itters in th e h .f. and v .h .f. bands. It is resistance stabilized and is guaranteed to

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    711002b 00b3STl BLW78 BLW78 711DflSb D0b33DM 7Z88304 philips Trimmer 60 pf capacitor polyester philips mica trimmer capacitor capacitor polyester philips 20 mm mica trimmers capacitors PHILIPS 4312 amplifier 431202036640 choke philips carbon film resistor polyester capacitor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S P SPT787 0 T 10-BIT, 100 MSPS ECL A/D CONVERTER SIGNAL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES FEATURES APPLICATIONS 10-Bit, 100 MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter Monolithic Bipolar Single-Ended Bipolar Analog Input -1.0 V to +1.0 V Analog Input Range Internal Sample-and-Hold

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    SPT787 10-BIT, SPT7871 SPT7870 SPT7870 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BU R R -B R O W N OPA353 OPA2353 OPA4353 High-Speed, Single-Supply, Rail-to-Rail OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS MicroAmplifier Series FEATURES APPLICATIONS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • RAIL-TO-RAIL INPUT RAIL-TO-RAIL OUTPUT within 10mV

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    OPA353 OPA2353 OPA4353 44MHz 100kHz) OPA350 OPA4353 OPA353, 10kHz 353n PDF

    5.1 channel surround sound IC

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5 7 . SGS-THOMSON ilLHOTOTDgi T D A 7464 DIGITALLY CONTROLLED AUDIO PROCESSOR WITH SRS SURROUND SOUND AND VOICE CANCELLER SRS c m everything else is only stereo“ The Device incorporates the SRS Sound Retrieval System) under licence fromSRS Labs, Inc.

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    DISTO D5

    Abstract: IC 7464 circuit 5.1 channel surround sound IC LM 1875 AUDIO IC
    Text: 5 7 . SGS-THOMSON ilLHOTOTDgi T D A 7464 DIGITALLY CONTROLLED AUDIO PROCESSOR WITH SRS SURROUND SOUND AND VOICE CANCELLER SRS c m everything else is only stereo“ The Device incorporates the SRS Sound Retrieval System) under licence from SRS Labs, Inc.

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