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    DIODE IT 9722 Search Results

    DIODE IT 9722 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CUZ24V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 24 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ13V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 13.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ36V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 36.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CUZ12V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 12 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ5V6 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 5.6 V, USM Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    DIODE IT 9722 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ESAC83M -006 2 oai '> 3 -yh+— -f=t—K SCHOTTKY BARRIER DIODE : Features • 3i Ufa it s e it^ t i t t y v -f Insulated package by fully m o ld in g . • 1&Vh Low V k • Connection Diagram i= * i' Super high speed sw itching. • ~ f l '—t *B1£

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    500ns ESAC83M ESAC83M-006 PDF


    Abstract: 2FI50F
    Text: 2 R 5 F 2 x 5 0 A Ê • W F ± / n9 - ^ il - ; u I Outline Drawings FAST RECOVERY DIODE MODULE ■ * t t S : Features • Short Reverse Recovery Time • it&l&iWl&tfM.'M • Variety of Connection Menu Insulated Type ■ f f l i i i A pplications • Arc-Welders

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    2R50F 2x50A) 2FI50F 11s19^ 95t/R89 Shl50 MARK 7 DIODE 2FI50F PDF


    Abstract: YG802C09
    Text: YG802C N 09( ioa) SCHOTTKY B A RRIER DIODE : Features Insulated package by fully m o ld in g . • te V F Low V F • Connection Diagram T . A 'V + V 'f Super high speed sw itchin g. • fa it YG 802C 09 High reliability by planer d e s ig n .’ {¿)Q PI

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    YG802C SC-67 YG802C09 YG802N09 500ns, YG802N09 YG802C09 PDF


    Abstract: PM 4A
    Text: YG802C06HOA SCHOTTKY BARRIER DIODE : Features Insulated p ac ka g e b y fully m o ld in g . • te V F m m & m L ow V k Connection Diagram S u p e r h ig h speed s w it c h in g . • •fi'-i—mmz'thMiztote H ig h reliability by planer d es ig n. : Applications

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    YG802C06HOA) YG802C06 A445 PM 4A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ERB06HA : Outline Drawings FAST RECOVERY DIODE M ft-Bk • Features • t ) ? — TV £* |fg?jv : Marking M ost suitable fo r c o lo r T .V . dam per • w r tm z V M E .ir 'fa ' * 7 - 3 - K: f t High voltage by mesa design. C o lo r code : B lu e • B it

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    ERB060A) ERB06 PDF

    fuji 2DI 50Z-120

    Abstract: cf rh transistor fuji 2di Collmer Semiconductor 2DI Vceo-1200V
    Text: 20/ 50Z-120 FU JI ET030E 2-Pack BJT 1200 V 50 A ✓ < 7 — POW ER TR A N S ISTO R M O D ULE ' Features • iS it/± • 7 U— High Voltage lJ — Krt/R Including Free Wheeling Diode • ASO i ? & \ s Excellent Safe Operating Area • t&W iM Insulated Type

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    50Z-120 E82988 fuji 2DI 50Z-120 cf rh transistor fuji 2di Collmer Semiconductor 2DI Vceo-1200V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ESAE83-006 6 oa Y 7 ¥ < it - Y SCHOTTKY BARRIER DIODE : Features • ffivr Low Vp Super high speed switching. C o n n e c tio n D ia g ra m High reliability by planer design. A p p lic a tio n s High speed pow er switching. M a x im u m R atings and C ha ra cte ristics

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    ESAE83-006 500ns PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ESAD83-006I30A SCHOTTKY BARRIER DIODE • 4$ f t : Features • te V F Low V F • S uper high speed sw itchin g. « it ■ z i'— f — C onnection D iagram High reliability by planer design. ■ f f l i i : A p p lica tio n s • a » H igh speed pow er sw itchin g.

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    ESAD83-006I30A) 500ns PDF


    Abstract: G802C
    Text: YG802C0400A *± /J '> 3 SCHOTTKY BARRIER DIODE : Features • s ty # Insulate d package by fu lly m o ld in g . • te V F Low V f Connection Diagram S u per h ig h speed s w itc h in g . • 7V — f f it t H ig h re lia b ility by p la n e r d e s ig n .

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    YG802C0400A) 500ns Vh-40 G802C04 G802C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E R A 8 2 - 0 4 o 6 a i * ± /J • fl- ï fé '+ îi : Outline Drawings SCHOTTKY BARRIER DIODE -N«¡25 1 I 2 5 min' 00.56 25 m,n I 3.0 : Features • 1ftVF Low vF : Marking *17- 3 —H : Ö Super high speed sw itchin g. C o lo r c o d e : W h it e • -f\s—r - ttiist ¿asftiatt

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: mi F U JI [IT L M g ü M lE 1-iooovJ T 200 a 2 0 U0 7^ - 1I 0U 0 U • L r» ^ U l £ /< 7 — POWER TRANSISTOR MODULE f 13 ■ 21 Outline Drawings 29 : F e a tu re s • ¡SIiJ± High Voltage V • 7 'J — 4 • ASO M S i ' KF*9j& Including Free W heeling Diode

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    200Z-100 20pA/jws 200Z-100 PDF


    Abstract: 13001 YF 09 TRANSISTOR HP 5082 7000 5082-0825 33150A 2N6838 Hxtr 3101 Hxtr 3101 transistor 5082-2815 hsch-1001
    Text: For Complete . Application &Sales . '. Information ' ,.' • Call ' Joseph Masarich Sales Representative HEWLETT PACKARD . NEELY "Sales Region 3003 scon BLVD. SANTA CLARA, CA 95050 408 988-7234 Microwave Semiconductor Diode and Transistor Designers Catalog


    dc dc sepic 24V converter

    Abstract: LT3758 sepic converter 550khz marking G5 MOSFET 3758f 1N4148 LT3758EMSE 6 pin current control forward dc to dc converter 1n4* rectifier Power Mosfet 75V 120A
    Text: LT3758 High Input Voltage, Boost, Flyback, SEPIC and Inverting Controller DESCRIPTION FEATURES n n n n n n n n n n n Wide Input Voltage Range: 5.5V to 100V Positive or Negative Output Voltage Programming with a Single Feedback Pin Current Mode Control Provides Excellent Transient

    LT3758 100kHz 10-Lead caLTC3805-5 LT3845 LTC3872 TSOT-23 3758f dc dc sepic 24V converter LT3758 sepic converter 550khz marking G5 MOSFET 3758f 1N4148 LT3758EMSE 6 pin current control forward dc to dc converter 1n4* rectifier Power Mosfet 75V 120A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: This m a te ria l and the In lo rm a llo it herein 1» llio p ro p erly ol Fuji Electric C o .,U d . They halt be neither re p r o d u c e d , c o p ie d , len t, or d lac lo te d In any way w h a lio e v e r lor the use of any third party nor uaed for Ihe m an u factu rin g p u rp o se* w ith o u t

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    ESJA82-1OA H04-004-07 ESJA82-ODA ESJA8z PDF


    Abstract: ESJA58-06A DIODE 6kv
    Text: DATE NAME CHECKED _ —" t DWG.NO. m a la ria l and Hie Inform ation herein Is Ihe prop erty ol TuJI Electric Co.,Lid. They shall be neither re p ro d u c e d , co p ie d , lent, or d isclo se d In any way w h a ts o e v e r lor the mo ot a n y third party nor used for the m u n tiln ch irin g p u rp o se s w ith o u t

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    ESJA58-06A H04-004-07 ESJA58-06A ESJA58-CDA HIGH VOLTAGE DIODE 6kv DIODE 6kv PDF

    Fuji Electric SM

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SPECIFICATION Device Name_ : High Voltage Si I icon Diode T y p e Name_ E S J A 8 3 " * 1 6 A _ Spec. : No._ :_ Fuji Electric Co.Ltd. Matsumoto Factory DATE NAME APPROVED Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd.

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    H04-004-07 ESJA83-16A H04-004-03 ESJA83-16A Fuji Electric SM PDF

    Fuji Electric SM

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: This mut er I nt und the Information herein I» 111» pr up er t y ol Fuji Electric Co.,Lid. They shall be neither reproduced, copied, lent, or disclosed In any way w hntioever lor Ihe use of any third party nor uied lor Ihe mnnufeclurlnd purposes w ithout

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    ESJA52-14A ESJA52Ö Fuji Electric SM PDF


    Abstract: H04-004 ESJA53-ODA
    Text: Spec. DATE DRAWN CHECKED NAME - - - — - DWG.N0. Thl» material und Ih» Information herein la tie pruder ly ol Fuji Electric Co.,Lid. They ihall be neither raproducad. copied, lent, or dlaclotad In any way whatioever lor thn use of any third party nor uied lor the manufacturing purposes without

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    H04-004â ESJA53-16A ESJA53-ODA H04-004 ESJA53-ODA PDF


    Abstract: 18kv diode
    Text: Device Name Tvoe Name DATE CHECKED N AM E ì : DWG.NO. Thli material and the Information twain la the properly of Fuji Electric Co.Ltd. They thall be neither reproduced, copied, lent, or dlecloied In nny way w helnosver for the <no of nny Ihlrd party nor used tor lite rnumilnctiirlng purposes w llliool

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    H04-004-07 ESJA53-18A H04-004-03 ESJA53-TT1A FUJI ELECTRIC DIODE 18kv diode PDF

    diode 060

    Abstract: power transistor bjt 1000 a 1150Z-100 M210 power BJT 150A bs245
    Text: 2 -Pack BJT 1000 V 150 a 2DI150Z-100 Ä I-/I • V JK J * ! Outline Drawings / < 7 - h :7 > i > X 9 * ' ? n . - U POWER TRANSISTOR MODULE Features • S H E : High Voltage t7 U — ¥<4 # ASO If f eX' • KrtMc including Free Wheeling Diode Excellent Safe Operating Area

    OCR Scan
    1150Z-100 150At 50A///S diode 060 power transistor bjt 1000 a 1150Z-100 M210 power BJT 150A bs245 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Thli m a te ria l and Mia Inform ation Jim ein li ihn iiro p o rly o Fuji Electric C o.,L td. They shall be neither r e p ro d u c e d , c o p ie d , le n i, or d lsc lo ssd In any way w h a ts o tv e r for the une of any third parly nor used lor the m an u factu rin g pur p o te i w ith o u t

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    ESJA88-08A ESJA88-08A PDF

    KRT 30

    Abstract: M107
    Text: 1-Pack BJT FUJI 1 D I 400A-120 M U M Ë ïïr a iÊ y< 7 - 1200 V 400 A -;u : Outline Drawings POWER TRANSISTOR MODULE 22 50 22 ! Features • ¡SIÎEE High Voltage # 7 tj — ij Including Free Wheeling Diode Excellent Safe Operating Area Insulated Type

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    00A///s KRT 30 M107 PDF

    ph-200 diode

    Abstract: ESJA89-14A
    Text: m a t e r i a ! and lha h e re in Is the p ro p e rly ol third party nor used or the m a n u f a c tu r in g p u r p o s e s Ute express written c o n te n t of Fiji Electric C o.,L td. w ith o u t sh all be n e ith e r r e p r o d u c e d , c o p i e d ,

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    H04-004-07 ESJA89-14A ESJA89-CDA ph-200 diode PDF


    Abstract: Semicon volume 1 HPMA-2085 HP 33002A AVANTEK ATF26884 SJ 2036 HPMA-0470TXV HPMA-0485 HPMA-0370 DIODE GOC 61
    Text: Whal HEWLETT \HrJk PACKARD Communications Components Designer’s Catalog, GaAs and Silicon Products A Brief Sketch Hewlett-Packard is one of the world’s leading designers and manufacturers of RF and microwave semiconductors, optoelectronic, and fiber optic

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    E-28230 S-164 CH-8902 HRMA-0470B Semicon volume 1 HPMA-2085 HP 33002A AVANTEK ATF26884 SJ 2036 HPMA-0470TXV HPMA-0485 HPMA-0370 DIODE GOC 61 PDF