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    DIODE DF 85C Search Results

    DIODE DF 85C Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CUZ24V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 24 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ13V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 13.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ36V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 36.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CUZ12V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 12 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ5V6 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 5.6 V, USM Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    DIODE DF 85C Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: DF footprint A114 A115 C101 JESD22 L74VHC1G00DFT1
    Text: LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD. 2–Input NAND Gate L74VHC1G00 The L74VHC1G00 is an advanced high speed CMOS 2–input NAND gate fabricated with silicon gate CMOS technology. It achieves high speed operation similar to equivalent Bipolar Schottky TTL while maintaining CMOS low power dissipation. The internal circuit is

    L74VHC1G00 L74VHC1G00 DF footprint A114 A115 C101 JESD22 L74VHC1G00DFT1 PDF


    Abstract: MC74VHC1G00 A114 A115 C101 JESD22 VH02
    Text: LESHAN RADIO COMPANY, LTD. 2–Input NAND Gate MC74VHC1G00 The MC74VHC1G00 is an advanced high speed CMOS 2–input NAND gate fabricated with silicon gate CMOS technology. It achieves high speed operation similar to equivalent Bipolar Schottky TTL while maintaining CMOS low power dissipation. The internal circuit is

    MC74VHC1G00 MC74VHC1G00 MC74VHC1G00DFT MC74VHC1G00DFT2 MC74VHC1G00DTT1 70/SC 74VHC1G00 A114 A115 C101 JESD22 VH02 PDF


    Abstract: VHC1G00 74VHC1G00 SC-88A marking CC A114 A115 C101 JESD22 VH02
    Text: 2–Input NAND Gate MC74VHC1G00 The MC74VHC1G00 is an advanced high speed CMOS 2–input NAND gate fabricated with silicon gate CMOS technology. It achieves high speed operation similar to equivalent Bipolar Schottky TTL while maintaining CMOS low power dissipation. The internal circuit is

    MC74VHC1G00 MC74VHC1G00 MC74VHC1G00DFT MC74VHC1G00DFT2 MC74VHC1G00DTT1 70/SC VHC1G00 74VHC1G00 SC-88A marking CC A114 A115 C101 JESD22 VH02 PDF

    Nippon Chemi-Con sxf

    Abstract: cm 4700m Nippon Chemi-Con sxc LXF CHEMI-CON old MFZ Series TC04R Gw Series Capacitors lgsn NMHR Nippon Chemi-Con LXJ LXY35VB
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC NIPPON CHEMI-CON QS 9000/ISO 9001 REGISTERED CAT. No. 12 PX Surface Mount Rated Terminal voltage range type Vdc Capacitance range (mF) Functional-polymer, super low ESR 105C 2,000 hours SMD 4 to 25 6.8 to 680 Solid aluminum, high heat resistance

    9000/ISO 85/105C RWE550LGSN560M RWF450LGSN10000M RWL400LGSN3300M Nippon Chemi-Con sxf cm 4700m Nippon Chemi-Con sxc LXF CHEMI-CON old MFZ Series TC04R Gw Series Capacitors lgsn NMHR Nippon Chemi-Con LXJ LXY35VB PDF

    SCR gate drive circuit

    Abstract: an 80771 IN1190 IN1190A IN1190A diode 20509 Diode 31DQ HFA25TB60 SD400N IR 31DQ 03
    Text: Revised 8/27/98 Rectifiers / Thyristors Catalog of Availble Documents IR ProCenter Fax-On-Demand 310 252-7100 Standard Recovery Diodes Description Datasheets 1N1183 - IN1190 Series 1N1183A - IN1190A Series 1N1199A - 1N1206A Series 1N2054 thru 1N2068 Series

    1N1183 IN1190 1N1183A IN1190A 1N1199A 1N1206A 1N2054 1N2068 1N3085 -1N3092 SCR gate drive circuit an 80771 IN1190A diode 20509 Diode 31DQ HFA25TB60 SD400N IR 31DQ 03 PDF

    IN1190A diode

    Abstract: an 80771 hfa30pa60 SCR gate drive circuit A6F diode HFA120FA60 HF50A060 IN1190 DT93-1 HFA16PB120
    Text: Revised 5/11/99 Rectifiers / Thyristors Catalog of Available Documents IR ProCenter Fax-On-Demand 310 252-7100 Standard Recovery Diodes Description Datasheets 1N1183 - IN1190 Series 1N1183A - IN1190A Series 1N1199A - 1N1206A Series 1N2054 thru 1N2068 Series

    1N1183 IN1190 1N1183A IN1190A 1N1199A 1N1206A 1N2054 1N2068 1N3085 -1N3092 IN1190A diode an 80771 hfa30pa60 SCR gate drive circuit A6F diode HFA120FA60 HF50A060 DT93-1 HFA16PB120 PDF


    Abstract: POWER SUPPLY BOARD 94V0 120 POWER SUPPLY 94V-0 KA12D120030033U n4007 diode 94V-0 supply power 12v POWER SUPPLY BOARD 94V0 POWER SUPPLY BOARD 94V0 IN4004-IN40 IN4007
    Text: C U I IN C Part N o: DPD1 200 3 0-P I 3P-TK -Description: Power Supply Date: 8 /1 2 /0 4 Unit: mm page N q . -| of 6 TEST DATA fo rm a tion co nta ine d herein a p p lie s o n ly to the a b o ve listed p a rt number. O th e r versions o f this p a rt num ber w ith e lectrical o r m echanical va ria tion s are a v a ila b le . C o nta ct CUI Inc. fo r futher assistance.

    OCR Scan
    20030-P1 I20VAC C2X45 KA12D120030033U DPD120030-P13P-TK 300mA E216698 JN4004-IN4007 POWER SUPPLY BOARD 94V0 120 POWER SUPPLY 94V-0 n4007 diode 94V-0 supply power 12v POWER SUPPLY BOARD 94V0 POWER SUPPLY BOARD 94V0 IN4004-IN40 IN4007 PDF

    pin configuration logic symbol 74LS32

    Abstract: pin configuration of ic 74ls32 IC PIN CONFIGURATION OF 74LS32
    Text: MITSUBISHI HIGH S P E E D CMOS M 74H C 32P /FP /D P QUADRUPLE 2-INPUT P O S IT IV E OR GATE DESCRIPTION The M 74H C 32 is a sem iconductor integrated circuit con­ PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW sisting of four 2-input po sitive -lo g ic OR gates, usable as

    OCR Scan
    74LSTTL pin configuration logic symbol 74LS32 pin configuration of ic 74ls32 IC PIN CONFIGURATION OF 74LS32 PDF

    thermal fuse m30

    Abstract: IN4004 POWER SUPPLY BOARD 94V0 12v POWER SUPPLY BOARD 94V0 EI - 28 TRANSFORMER EI-28 EI-28 bobbin IN4004-1N4007 ei-28 transformer EI-28 type bobbin
    Text: CUI 1KI^ Part N o: DPD1 20020-P I P-TK INC Date: 8 / 1 2 / 0 4 Unit: mm Page N o: -| of 6 Description: Power Supply TEST DATA SA M PLE IT E M Primary Exciting Current Input 120 VAC "eo Hz Primary Load Current Input 120 VAC ,60 Hz Secondary No Load * DC Voltage

    OCR Scan
    20020-P1 SE-100 PX1700 C2X45 KA12D120020024U DPD120020-P1 200mA cwusE216698 thermal fuse m30 IN4004 POWER SUPPLY BOARD 94V0 12v POWER SUPPLY BOARD 94V0 EI - 28 TRANSFORMER EI-28 EI-28 bobbin IN4004-1N4007 ei-28 transformer EI-28 type bobbin PDF


    Abstract: 74HC266A 74LS266 pin configuration

    OCR Scan
    M74HC266AP/FP/DP 74HC266AP 74HC266A 74LS266 pin configuration PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M ITSU B ISH I HIGH SPEED CMOS M 74H C 132P /FP /D P QUADRUPLE 2 -IN P U T S C H M IT T -T R IG G E R P O S IT IV E NAND GATE DESCRIPTION T h e M 7 4 H C 1 3 2 is a sem iconductor in teg rated circuit con­ PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW sisting of four 2-inp ut S ch m itt-trig g er positive-logic N A N D

    OCR Scan
    14P2P 14-PIN 150mil 16P2P 16-PIN 50mil 20P2V 20-PIN 300mll VT10L PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification 3.3V Octal D-type transparent latch 3-State %rr- , 0 74LVT573 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Inputs and outputs on opposite side of package allow easy interface to microprocessors The LVT573 is a high-performance BiCMOS product designed for

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    74LVT573 500mA 74LVT 10MHz 500ns PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I HIGH SPEED CMOS M74HC133P/FP/DP 1 3-IN P U T P O S IT IV E NAND GATE DESCRIPTION T h e M 7 4 H C 1 3 3 is a sem iconductor in teg rated circuit con­ PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW sisting of a 13-in p u t po sitive-logic N A N D gates, usable as

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    M74HC133P/FP/DP 13-in G--06 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SbE T> m 7TETE37 00401b5 DT7 M S G TH / S T SGS-THOMSON ^DmtltLtlCTWOigi H C ~ C > T — \I M54/74HC373/573 M54/74HC533/563 OCTAL D-TYPE LATCH WITH 3-STATE OUTPUT HC373/573 NON INVERTING, HC533/563 INVERTING S G S-THOMSON • HIGH SPEED tpD = 15 ns TYP. at VCc = 5V

    OCR Scan
    7TETE37 00401b5 M54/74HC373/573 M54/74HC533/563 HC373/573 HC533/563 M54/74HC373/533/563/573 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I CDIGITAL ASSP> M74HC139-1P/FP DUAL l-O F -4 D E C O D E R /D E M U L T IP L E X E R DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW T h e M 7 4 H C 1 3 9 -1 is a sem ico nductor in teg ra te d circuit con­ sisting of a 2 -b it binary to d iv id e -b y -4 d e c o d e r/d e m u ltip le x ­

    OCR Scan
    M74HC139-1P/FP C0012353 14P2P 14-PIN 150mil 16P2P 16-PIN 50mil 20P2V 20-PIN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI HIGH SPEED CMOS M74HC365P/FP/DP HEX 3-STA TE NONINVERTING B U F F E R WITH COMMON E N A B LE S D E S C R IP T IO N T he M 7 4 H C 3 6 5 is a sem ico nd u cto r integrated circu it co n ­ PIN C O N F IG U R A T IO N TO P VIEW sistin g of six buffers with 3-state noninverted outputs and

    OCR Scan
    M74HC365P/FP/DP 14P2P G--06 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I HIGH SPEED CMOS M74HC75P/FP/DP DUAL 2 -B IT T R A N S P A R E N T LATCH DESCRIPTION PIN T h e M 7 4 H C 7 5 is a sem ico nductor in teg rated circuit con­ CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW sisting of four bistable latches with outputs Q and Q. FEATURES

    OCR Scan
    M74HC75P/FP/DP PDF


    Abstract: 74LS237 74HC237P
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I HIGH S P E E D C M O S M 74H C 237P /F P /D P l-O F -8 D E C O D E R / D E M U L T IP L E X E R W IT H A D D R E S S L A T C H DESCRIPTION The M 74H C 237 is a sem iconductor inte grated c ircu it con­ PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW sisting of a 3 -b it binary to 8-lin e d e c o d e r/d e m u ltip le x e r

    OCR Scan
    74LSTTL C237P 74LS237 74HC237P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I HIGH SPEED CMOS M74HC573P/FP/DWP o u » i . * ' ' .rn - ' s?e, <« c'l'8‘ O C T A L 3-S T A T E N O N IN VERTIN G D -T Y P E TR A N S P A R E N T LATC H DESCRIPTION The M 74H C 573 is a sem iconductor integrated c irc u it con­ PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW

    OCR Scan
    M74HC573P/FP/DWP M74HC573P PDF


    Abstract: 74H 14D
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I HIGH SPEED CMOS M 74H C 14P /FP /D P HEX S C H M IT T -T R IG G E R IN V E R TE R DESCRIPTION The M74HC14 is a semiconductor integrated circuit con­ sisting of six Schmitt-trigger inverters. PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW A1 — n ~ HI V cc

    OCR Scan
    M74HC14 74LSTTL 74HC14D 74H 14D PDF


    Abstract: 4002dp 4002D-P Power Supply
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I HIGH SPEED CMOS M74HC4002P/FP/DP DUAL 4 -IN P U T P O S IT IV E NOR GATE DESCRIPTION The M 74H C 4002 is a sem iconductor integrated circuit con­ PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW sisting of tw o 4 -in put po sitive -lo g ic NOR gates, usable as

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    M74HC4002P/FP/DP 74LSTTL digital12353 4002d 4002dp 4002D-P Power Supply PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: . ^ 2 » pfil M IT S U B IS H I HIGH SPEED CMOS ^ M74HC4515P/FP/DWP -c*\s'* * -at« * l-O F -1 6 D E C O D E R /D E M U L T IP L E X E R W IT H AD D R ESS LA T C H “ L ” L E V E L O U T P U T DESCRIPTION PIN The M74HC4515 is a semiconductor integrated circuit con­

    OCR Scan
    M74HC4515P/FP/DWP M74HC4515 16-line 74LSTTL 14P2P 14-PIN 16P2P 16-PIN 20P2V 20-PIN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MgLMicro Linear _ ' P F ¿ T U R IN G . _— December 1998 Temperature Range ML4863 High Efficiency Flyback Controller GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4863 is a flyback controller designed for use in multi-cell battery powered systems such as PDAs and

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    ML4863 ML4863 CA95131 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI HIGH S P E E D CMOS M 74H C 109P /FP /D P DUAL i-K F L I P - F L O P WITH S E T AND R E S E T DESCRIPTION T h e M 7 4 H C 1 0 9 is a s e m ic o n d u c to r in te g r a te d c irc u it c o n ­ PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW s is tin g of tw o p o s it iv e -e d g e t r ig g e r e d J - K flip flo p s w ith in ­

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