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    DIODE D07 Search Results

    DIODE D07 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CUZ24V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 24 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ13V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 13.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ36V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 36.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CUZ12V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 12 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ5V6 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 5.6 V, USM Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    DIODE D07 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    "Varactor Diode"

    Abstract: MV1401 varactor diode datasheet varactor diode tuning varactor varactor APPLICATION
    Text: MV1401 SILICON HYPERABRUPT VARACTOR DIODE DESCRIPTION: The ASI MV1401 is a Silicon HyperAbrupt Tuning Varactor Diode. PACKAGE STYLE D0-7 FEATURES INCLUDE: • 14:1 Minimum Tuning Range • High Q - 400 Typical • Economical DO-7 Package MAXIMUM RATINGS IF

    MV1401 MV1401 CT1/CT10 "Varactor Diode" varactor diode datasheet varactor diode tuning varactor varactor APPLICATION PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DKV65232 SILICON VARACTOR DIODE 22 VOLTS DESCRIPTION: The DKV65232 is a Silicon Hyperabrupt Varactor Diode Designed for EHF Operation. FEATURES INCLUDE: PACKAGE STYLE D0-7 • High Tuning Ratio - 6.3 Typ. • Linear Tuning Characteristic • Hermetic DO-7 Package

    DKV65232 DKV65232 CT4/CT20 PDF


    Abstract: DIL16-package diode d07 49 schematic with a schottky diode SDA24 SDA24D16 SDA24N16 DSA003653
    Text: SCHOTTKY DIODE ARRAY SDA24 ISSUE 3 – JANUARY 1998 DEVICE DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SDA24 Schottky Barrier Diode Array is designed to reduce reflection noise on high speed parallel data lines. • • The device helps suppress transients caused by transmission line reflections, cross talk and

    SDA24 SDA24 200mA DIL16 DIL16 SDA24D16 DIL16-package diode d07 49 schematic with a schottky diode SDA24D16 SDA24N16 DSA003653 PDF


    Abstract: DIL-20 DIL20 SDA32 SDA32D20 SO20 DSA003654
    Text: SCHOTTKY DIODE ARRAY SDA32 ISSUE 2 – JANUARY 1998 DEVICE DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SDA32 Schottky Barrier Diode Array is designed to reduce reflection noise on high speed parallel data lines. • • The device helps suppress transients caused by transmission line reflections, cross talk and

    SDA32 SDA32 200mA DIL20 DIL20 SDA32N20 SDA32N20 DIL-20 SDA32D20 SO20 DSA003654 PDF

    diode D07-15

    Abstract: diode d07 SOT-251 d07 15 58 TSC5302D diode D07-15 30 D07 15 diode marking b2 NPN Silicon Power Transistor DPAK NPN Transistor 1A 400V
    Text: TSC5302D High Voltage NPN Transistor with Diode TO-251 IPAK TO-252 (DPAK) PRODUCT SUMMARY Pin Definition: 1. Base 2. Collector 3. Emitter BVCEO 400V BVCBO 700V IC VCE(SAT) Features ● 2A 1.1V @ IC / IB = 1A / 0.25A Block Diagram Build-in Free-wheeling Diode Makes Efficient Anti-saturation

    TSC5302D O-251 O-252 TSC5302DCP TSC5302DCH diode D07-15 diode d07 SOT-251 d07 15 58 TSC5302D diode D07-15 30 D07 15 diode marking b2 NPN Silicon Power Transistor DPAK NPN Transistor 1A 400V PDF

    diode 1N5819

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Axial Lead Schottky Diode Package 1N5819 Datasheet Features • Low forward voltage: 550 mV @ IF = 1 A • High reverse breakdown voltage:  30 V • RoHS Compliant • Hermetically Sealed Axial Lead Glass Package Description The Aeroflex/Metelics 1N5819 silicon Schottky diode offers a large reverse breakdown voltage with low

    1N5819 1N5819 diode 1N5819 PDF

    diode D07-15

    Abstract: D07 15 d07-15 diode d07-15 diode D07-15 04 d0715 diode D07-15 30 fast recovery diode 1500V diode erd07-15
    Text: ERD07 1.5A (1300V to 1500V / 1.5A ) Outline drawings, mm FAST RECOVERY DIODE ø 6.4 ø 1.2 7.5 30 MIN. 30 MIN. Features Most suitable for color T.V. damper Marking High voltage by mesa design High reliability Color code : White Applications D07- 15 51 Abridged type name

    ERD07 diode D07-15 D07 15 d07-15 diode d07-15 diode D07-15 04 d0715 diode D07-15 30 fast recovery diode 1500V diode erd07-15 PDF


    Abstract: capacitance diode cd-12 TO-92
    Text: b3E D • _ bbS3cì^^ D0725öb 306 B1SIC3 MARC/PHI!-!PS SEHICOND II BB130 _ { VARIABLE CAPACITANCE DIODE A single variable capacitance diode, in a plastic envelope. The diode is for tuning of long, medium and short wavebands. Also suitable for frequency synthesizer applications.

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    007E5Ã BB130 OD-69 BB130 capacitance diode cd-12 TO-92 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SCHOTTKY DIODE ARRAY ISSU E 1 - AUGUST 1996 DEVICE DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SDA32 Schottky Barrier Diode Array is designed to reduce reflection noise on high speed parallel data lines. • Reduced reflection noise The device helps suppress transients caused

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    SDA32 DIL20 200mA SDA32 DIL20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SCHOTTKY DIODE ARRAY ISSUE 2 - JANUARY 1998 DEVICE DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SDA32 Schottky Barrier Diode Array is designed to reduce reflection noise on high speed parailei data lines. • Reduced reflection noise • Repetitive peak forw ard current • 200mA

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    SDA32 200mA DIL20 SDA32 SDA32N20 SDA32D20 PDF


    Abstract: am variable capacitance diode 8b112 NA 440
    Text: b3E T> m - bbSB^iM D07SSÔM S3S « S I C 3 NAPC/PHILIPS SEMICOND BB112 - SILICON PLANAR VARIABLE CAPACITANCE DIODE T h e B B 1 12 is a single 9 V variable capacitance diode in a plastic encapsulation fo r applicatio n in tu n in g circuits in a.m . receivers. T h e diodes are supplied in m atched sets o f three items.

    OCR Scan
    D07SSÃ BB112 BB112 OD-69 am variable capacitance diode 8b112 NA 440 PDF


    Abstract: IN5234 IN5008 1N4202 zener diode 1N PH 48 diode 1n1418 1NS232 zener diode c51 ph 1n587 1N4465
    Text: ZENER DIODE/RECTIFIER CROSS REFERENCE CHART Containing all JE D E C registered Zener diodes. This popular reference chart contains highlight information on all JE D E C registered Zener diode and rectifier types as well as Microsemi types. The following Codes are used:

    OCR Scan
    1N225 1N2260) 1N227 1N228 1N229 1N230O) 1N231d) 1N232 BZX83 BZX97 1N1743 IN5234 IN5008 1N4202 zener diode 1N PH 48 diode 1n1418 1NS232 zener diode c51 ph 1n587 1N4465 PDF

    DIODE N20

    Abstract: SD Series
    Text: Section 9: Integrated Circuits S ch o ttky Diode A rra y Series SD A S e rie s The SDA Schottky Barrier Diode Array series is designed to reduce reflection noise on high speed parallel data lines. This helps suppress transients caused by transm ission line

    OCR Scan
    SDA12, SDA12 SDA24 SDA32 SDA16D24 S016/DIL16 N16/D16 S020/DIL20 N20/D20 SDA12 DIODE N20 SD Series PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: / = T SGS-THOMSON * 7#. TM BAT 49 M M IIU Ig » [l] g Ì SMALL SIGNAL SCHOTTKY DIODE DESCRIPTION General purpose metal to silicon diode featuring very low turn-on voltage and fast switching. This device has integrated protection against ex­ cessive voltage such as electrostatic discharges.

    OCR Scan
    0075c PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r Z Ä Z S G S -T H O M S O N T# T M M 5711 IL iO T O IÜ lIS i is SMALL SIGNAL SCHOTTKY DIODE DESCRIPTION Metal to silicon junction diode featuring high break­ down, low tum-on voltage and ultrafast switching. Primarly intended for high level UHF/VHFdetection

    OCR Scan
    D07ST73 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SCHOTTKY DIODE ARRAY SDA24 ISSUE 3 - JANUARY 1998 DEVICE DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SDA24 S chottky Barrier Diode A rra y is designed to reduce reflection noise on high speed parallel data lines. • Reduced re fle c tio n noise • R e p e titive peak fo rw a rd c u rre n t 2 00m A

    OCR Scan
    SDA24 SDA24 S016N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 43E T> SEMITRON INDUSTRIES LTD 013760*1 D000177 7 BISLCB IN4890-4895A series Temperature Compensated Diode 6V35 Volts Ultra Stable APPLICATIONS GLASS D07 • This series of Semitron 400 mW Ultra-Stable Reference Diodes offers a CERTIFIED REFERENCE VOLTAGE STABILITY as measured

    OCR Scan
    D000177 IN4890-4895A PPM/1000 DO-35 DO-41 DO-15 DO-201AD PDF


    Abstract: 1N3504 1N3503 Semitron Industries 6265
    Text: SEMITRON INDUSTRIES LTD 43E D • 013700*? 00GG175 3 BSLCB -t-u -07 IN3501-3504 SERI ES Temperature Compensated Diode 6V35 Ultra Stable APPLICATIONS GLASS D07 ■ This series of Semitron 250 mW Ultra-Stable Reference Diodes offers a CERTIFIED REFERENCE VOLTAGE STABILITY

    OCR Scan
    137flfl' 00QG175 IN3S01-3504 PPM/1000 1N3501 1N3504 1N3503 Semitron Industries 6265 PDF

    DIODE SW-05

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DIODES & RECTIFIERS GENERAL PURPOSE Material Description and Application Case Style Dlag. No. Maximum Peak Reverse Voltage Volts pRV If !f s m VF Irr 109 Ge Gen Purp, Fast Switch D07 91 100 0.2 0.5 1 - 110MP Ge Gen Purp, AFC, Matched Diode Pair D07 91 40

    OCR Scan
    110MP OT-23 200MHz T0220 b43125T 0P03SSÃ DIODE SW-05 PDF


    Abstract: 1N4890 1N4890A 1N4891A 1N4893 1N4895 zener diode A23
    Text: 43E T> SEMITRON INDUSTRIES LTD 013760*1 D000177 7 BISLCB IN4890-4895A s e r i e s Temperature Compensated Diode 6V35 Volts Ultra Stable GLASS D07 APPLICATIONS • This series of Semitron 400 mW Ultra-Stable Reference Diodes offers a CERTIFIED REFERENCE VOLTAGE STABILITY as measured

    OCR Scan
    fll37Ã D000177 PPM/1000 1N4895A 1N4890 1N4890A 1N4891A 1N4893 1N4895 zener diode A23 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEMITRON INDUSTRIES LTD M3E T> 013700^ G00G173 T Œ S L C B - n -i SERI ES Zener Reference Diode 11V7 Volts Temperature Compensated FEATURES GLASS D07 • Hermetically sealed ■ DC power dissipation 500mW at 25°C FIG. 1 MECHANICAL DATA ■ Case: Hermetically sealed glass case D07

    OCR Scan
    G00G173 500mW DO-35 DO-41 DO-15 DO-201AD PDF


    Abstract: 1N941 1N941A 1N941B 1N942 1N942A 1N942B 1N943 1N943A j5304
    Text: SEMITRON INDUSTRIES LTD M3E T> 013700^ G00G173 T Œ S L C B - n -i SERIES Zener Reference Diode 11V7 Volts Temperature Compensated FEATURES GLASS D07 • Hermetically sealed ■ DC power dissipation 500mW at 25°C FIG. 1 MECHANICAL DATA ■ Case: Hermetically sealed glass case D07

    OCR Scan
    G00G173 500mW 500mW 0009VC. 002VC 0029VC. 1n9418 1N941 1N941A 1N941B 1N942 1N942A 1N942B 1N943 1N943A j5304 PDF

    smd code p5

    Abstract: BB135 smd diode B3E smd diode marking B3E marking CODE R SMD DIODE
    Text: bbSa'ìEM D0742b3 =145 » S I C 3 Philips Semiconductors -reliminary specification UHF variable capacitance diode BB135 -IB1BB1Blll-liBIBIBI-l NAPC/PHILIPS SEHICONJ b3E D FOR D E T A IL E D IN F O R M A T IO N SEE THE LATEST ISSU t u i- tiA iiiu c u u r o w i

    OCR Scan
    D0742b3 BB135 BB135 OD323. MSB045 OD323) smd code p5 smd diode B3E smd diode marking B3E marking CODE R SMD DIODE PDF


    Abstract: TSE 151 NE527D
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Linear Products Product specification Voltage comparator NE527 DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATIONS_ The NE527 is a high-speed analog voltage comparator which, for the first time, mates state-of-the-art Schottky diode technology with

    OCR Scan
    NE527 NE527 NE529 TSE 151 NE527D PDF