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    DIN 41870 Search Results

    DIN 41870 Result Highlights (1)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CS-DNPDM6MMX2-006 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-DNPDM6MMX2-006 Premium 6-pin Mini-DIN 6 (MD6) Cable - Mini-DIN 6 Male to Mini-DIN 6 Male 6ft Datasheet

    DIN 41870 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: smd 842 SMD Packages TQFP Package 44 lead 20B40 P-MQFP-44-2 P-MQFP-144-1 SMD Devices smd transistor marking 26 MARKING BOOK
    Text: Package Outlines Plastic Package, P-DIP-40 Plastic Dual In-Line Package 20B40 DIN 41870 T10 Plastic Package, P-LCC-28-1 (Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier) – SMD Plastic Package, P-LCC-44-1 (Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier) – SMD Plastic Package, P-LCC-68 (Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier) – SMD

    P-DIP-40 20B40 P-LCC-28-1 P-LCC-44-1 P-LCC-68 P-LCC-84-2 P-MQFP-44-2 P-MQFP-44-4 P-MQFP-80 P-MQFP-100-2 SMD BOOK smd 842 SMD Packages TQFP Package 44 lead P-MQFP-44-2 P-MQFP-144-1 SMD Devices smd transistor marking 26 MARKING BOOK PDF

    flux F-SW32

    Abstract: C42315-A1353-A3 PBTp-GF30 C42315-A60-A2 smd diode code Bek siemens spc2 C42315-A60-A3 SPC266 smd a68 F2955
    Text: Schalter und Tasten Switches and Pushbuttons Datenbuch Data Book Contents Typenübersicht Qualitätssicherungssystem Begriffsbestimmungen und Erläuterungen Verarbeitungshinweise Summary of available types Quality assurance System Definitions and remarks Notes on processing

    A1345 A1341, A3000 A1353 A1347 LBB126 STB11, STB21 SPC266, SPC758, flux F-SW32 C42315-A1353-A3 PBTp-GF30 C42315-A60-A2 smd diode code Bek siemens spc2 C42315-A60-A3 SPC266 smd a68 F2955 PDF


    Abstract: GET06625 Q62703-Q1090
    Text: 2.7 Chip position ø4.3 ø4.1 14.5 12.5 1 1.1 .9 2.54 mm spacing ø0.45 SFH 483 1 0.9 .1 GaAlAs-IR-Lumineszenzdiode GaAlAs Infrared Emitter ø5.5 ø5.2 3.6 3.0 GET06625 Anode LD 242, BPX 63, SFH 464 Cathode (SFH 483) fet06625 Approx. weight 0.5 g Maße in mm, wenn nicht anders angegeben/Dimensions in mm, unless otherwise specified.

    GET06625 fet06625 OHR00881 OHR00948 OHR01457 E7800 GET06625 Q62703-Q1090 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Infrarot-LED mit hoher Ausgangsleistung High Power Infrared LED Lead Pb Free Product - RoHS Compliant SFH 4850 E7800 preliminary data / vorläufige Daten Wesentliche Merkmale Features • Infrarot LED mit hoher Ausgangsleistung • Anode galvanisch mit dem Gehäuseboden

    E7800 850nm 850nm PDF

    BPX osram

    Abstract: E7800
    Text: GaAlAs-Lumineszenzdiode GaAlAs Infrared Emitter SFH 483 Wesentliche Merkmale Features • Hergestellt im Schmelzepitaxieverfahren • Anode galvanisch mit dem Gehäuseboden verbunden • Hohe Zuverlässigkeit • Gute spektrale Anpassung an Si-Fotoempfänger

    E7800 Q62703-Q4755 BPX osram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GaAlAs-Lumineszenzdiode GaAlAs Infrared Emitter SFH 483 L/M E7800 Wesentliche Merkmale Features • Hergestellt im Schmelzepitaxieverfahren • Anode galvanisch mit dem Gehäuseboden verbunden • Hohe Zuverlässigkeit • Gute spektrale Anpassung an Si-Fotoempfänger

    E7800 LME7800 PDF


    Abstract: GETY6625 OHLY0598 measurement of humidity in das
    Text: IR-Lumineszenzdiode 850 nm mit hoher Ausgangsleistung High Power Infrared Emitter (850 nm) Lead (Pb) Free Product - RoHS Compliant SFH 4850 E7800 Vorläufige Daten / Preliminary Data Wesentliche Merkmale Features • Infrarot LED mit hoher Ausgangsleistung

    E7800 E7800 GETY6625 OHLY0598 measurement of humidity in das PDF


    Abstract: SFH483-M sfh483m E7800 LME7800
    Text: GaAlAs-Lumineszenzdiode GaAlAs Infrared Emitter Lead Pb Free Product - RoHS Compliant SFH 483 L/M E7800 Wesentliche Merkmale Features • Hergestellt im Schmelzepitaxieverfahren • Anode galvanisch mit dem Gehäuseboden verbunden • Hohe Zuverlässigkeit

    E7800 E7800 Q62703Q4755 SFH483ME7800 SFH483-M sfh483m LME7800 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GaAlAs-Lumineszenzdiode GaAlAs Infrared Emitter Lead Pb Free Product - RoHS Compliant SFH 483 L/M E7800 Wesentliche Merkmale Features • Hergestellt im Schmelzepitaxieverfahren • Anode galvanisch mit dem Gehäuseboden verbunden • Hohe Zuverlässigkeit

    E7800 Anwendungen2006-12-07 E7800 Q62703Q4755 PDF


    Abstract: GETY6625 OHLY0598
    Text: IR-Lumineszenzdiode 850 nm mit hoher Ausgangsleistung High Power Infrared Emitter (850 nm) Lead (Pb) Free Product - RoHS Compliant SFH 4850 E7800 Vorläufige Daten / Preliminary Data Wesentliche Merkmale Features • Infrarot LED mit hoher Ausgangsleistung

    E7800 E7800 GETY6625 OHLY0598 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SFH483 SIEMENS FEATURES • Highly efficient GaAIAs LED • Anode electrically connected to case • High pulse power • High reliability • DIN humidity category per DIN 40040 GOG • Matches BPX63, BP103, LD242, SFH464, photodetectors • Package - TO -18,18 A3 DIN 41870

    OCR Scan
    SFH483 BPX63, BP103, LD242, SFH464, TcS25 E7800" /lE100mA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SFH 216 SIEMENS SILICON PIN PHOTODIODE FEATURES Maximum Ratings * Package: 18 A3 DIN 41870 T018 , Glass Lens, Hermetically Sealed, Solder Tabs, Lead Spacing 0.1 ' (2.54 mm) O perating and Storage Tem perature Range (T0P T stg ) . - 40" 10 +80"C

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS SFH 212 SILICON PHOTODIODE VERY LOW DARK CURRENT FEATURES Maximum Ratings * Package: 18 A3 DIN 41870 T 018 , Glass Lens, Hermetically Sealed, Solder Tabs, Lead Spacing 0.1 * (2.54 mm) Operating and Storage Temperature Range (T0P Ts tg ) -4 0 " to +80“C

    OCR Scan

    Siemens photodiode visible light

    Abstract: SFH 212 T018 T-2856
    Text: SIEMENS AKTIEN6ESELLSCHAF 47E D 0235b05 002?4b7 T • S I E G SIEMENS SFH 212 SILICON PHOTODIODE VERY LOW DARK CURRENT FEATURES Maximum Ratings * Package: 18 A3 DIN 41870 TO18 , G lass Lens, Hermetically Sealed Package, Solder Tabs, Lead Spacing 2.54 mm (1/«0

    OCR Scan
    23SbDS 00274b? JU830 Siemens photodiode visible light SFH 212 T018 T-2856 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PNP TRANSISTORS ITT SEP1IC0ND/ INTERMET ALL 3ME D MbfiSTll QQQ5MM5 L, ISI 7 - 3 l - o i PN P Silico n Transistors with plastic package 10D3 according to DIN 41870 =»TO-92 . On special request, these transistors w ill also be produced with TO-18 pin configura­

    OCR Scan
    BC250A BC250B BC250C BC327 BC327-16 BC327-25 BC327-40 BC328 BC328-16 BC328-25 BC250A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS SFH 212 SILICON PHOTODIODE VERY LOW DARK CURRENT FEATURES Maximum Ratings • Package: 18 A3 DIN 41870 T 018 , Glass Lens, Hermetically Sealed, Solder Tabs, Lead Spacing 0.1* (2.54 mm) O perating and Storage Tem perature R ange (T0 p, Ts tg ) - 4 0 " to +80°C

    OCR Scan

    BC856B TO-92

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I T T CORP/ I T T CHPNTS MIE II • Mt82bflM OQOiMOa 4 ■ IT O PNP TRAN SISTO RS PNP Silicon Transistors with plastic package 10D3 according to DIN 41870 -TO-92 . On special request, these transistors will also be produced with TO-18 pin configura­ tion.

    OCR Scan
    Mt82bflM -TO-92) O-236 BC856B TO-92 PDF

    BC337 noise

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I T T CO R P / I T T CMPNTS 41E D B 4bñ2bñ4 OGGlMOl 2 • ITO - - p - 3 \ - c t O " “ NPN TRANSISTORS NPN Silicon Transistors with plastic package 10D3 according to DIN 41870 =TO-92 . On special request, these transistors will also be produced with TO-18 pin configuration.

    OCR Scan
    O-236 BC337 noise PDF


    Abstract: BC170B "bc170c"
    Text: 4 68 4 9 5 5 I T T SEMICONDUCTORS_ NPN TRANSISTORS a? de| 87D 02320 ¿7 - D 2 ^/ □ □ □5 3 e d 3 f mlsmtss NPN Silicon Transistors with plastic package 10D3 according to DIN 41870 -TO-92 . On special request, these transistors will also be produced with TO-18 pin configura­

    OCR Scan
    -TO-92) BC170C BC170B "bc170c" PDF

    em 483

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS GaAIAs-IR-Lumineszenzdiode GaAIAs Infrared Emitter 00.45 SFH 483 Chip position I Anode LD 242, BPX63, SFH 464 Cathode (SFH 483) Approx. weight 0.5 g Maße in mm, wenn nicht anders angegeben/Dimensions in mm, unless otherwise specified. W esentliche Merkmale

    OCR Scan
    BPX63, IQ100 450k/W em 483 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS GaAIAs-IR-Lumineszenzdiode GaAIAs Infrared Emitter 2.7 00.45 SFH 483 Chip position A CO 1 -; o o 3.6 ‘i 1.0 Anode LD 242, BPX 63, SFH 464 Cathode (SFH 483) Approx. weight 0.5 g IO C\J CO CO o M aße in mm, wenn nicht anders angegeben/D im ensions in mm, unless otherwise specified.

    OCR Scan
    OHR01457 PDF

    em 483

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS SFH 483 GaAIAs-IR-Lumineszenzdiode GaAIAs Infrared Emitter 0 0 .4 5 2.7 r * - C h ip position 3.6 Anode LD 242, BPX 63, SFH 4 6 4 Cathode (SFH 4 8 3 ) A p p ro x. weight 0 .5 g Maße in mm, w enn nicht anders angegeben/D im ensions in mm, unless otherw ise specified.

    OCR Scan
    4004type OHSDI45? em 483 PDF

    SFH 462

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS GaAIAs-IR-Lumineszenzdiode GaAIAs Infrared Emitter SFH 483 M aße in mm, wenn nicht anders angegeben/Dimensions in mm, unless otherwise specified. Wesentliche Merkmale Features • GaAIAs-IR-Lumineszenzdiode mit hohem Wirkungsgrad • Die Anode ist galvanisch mit dem

    OCR Scan
    450kAW 160kAÂ 950nm1000 SFH 462 PDF


    Abstract: BS212 D 92 M - 03 DIODE D 92 M - 02 DIODE 10D3 2n3904, itt c 92 M - 02 DIODE bs189
    Text: I T T CORP/ I T T CMPNTS 31E D • 4böEböH ÜQQ1 3 Q 7 T ■ VMOS NPN AND PNP TRANSISTORS N-Channel VMOS Transistors Enhancement-Mode MOSFETsfeaturing high input impedance, high power gain, fast switching times, CMOS compatibility, no second breakdown, no thermal runaway.

    OCR Scan
    BS107 BS108 BS112 BS170 BS189 170rox. DO-41 DO-35 BS192 BS212 D 92 M - 03 DIODE D 92 M - 02 DIODE 10D3 2n3904, itt c 92 M - 02 DIODE PDF