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    DIGITAL TO SYNCHRO CONVERTER CSI Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 192A600 26v 400Hz 26v 400Hz synchro to digital converter TD100 TD-100 transformer 400Hz 115v synchro sensor generator 400hz 192A60X
    Text: digital to synchro converter 25 va_ 12 bit series 192A600 CSI G EN ERAL DATA APPLICATIO N S The 19 2 A 6 0 0 series is a high power, 25VA, low cost, 1 2 bit digital to synchro converter. It was designed specifically to drive multiple torque receivers in training simulators and re­

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    192A600 roto04 400Hz 192A60X tempsistor 26v 400Hz 26v 400Hz synchro to digital converter TD100 TD-100 transformer 400Hz 115v synchro sensor generator 400hz 192A60X PDF


    Abstract: block diagram 115v 400hz power digital to synchro converter 115v 400Hz 400HZ 25va transformer ct 26v 400Hz synchro to digital converter amplifier 115v 400Hz output SYNCHRO DRIVER
    Text: CSI digital to synchro converter 25VA 16 bit series 192A300 FEATURES • Fully protected output ■ Reference powered ■ No DC power required ■ Microprocessor compatible ■ Double buffered digital inputs ■ ±4 arc-minute accuracy ■ "locked rotor" protection

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    192A300 400Hz block diagram 115v 400hz power digital to synchro converter 115v 400Hz 25va transformer ct 26v 400Hz synchro to digital converter amplifier 115v 400Hz output SYNCHRO DRIVER PDF


    Abstract: 168H500 168M500 400KS
    Text: CSI synchro/resolver to digital converter high accuracy _ 16 bit series 168H300 FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ±1.3 arc minute accuracy Synthesized reference 47 to 5000Hz excitation Tracking to 5RPS 3-state BAM’s output Velocity output

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    168H300 168H300 168H500, 168M500 168T500, 168H500 400KS PDF

    resolver to digital converter

    Abstract: 468H100 Sciences 5-30V synchro resolver digital 50RPS Resolver control source code
    Text: CSI synchro/resolver to digital converter high accuracy_ 16 bit series 468H100 FEATURES • ±1.3 arc minute accuracy ■ 2.0" x 2.5" module outline ■ 47 to 3000Hz frequency range ■ Tracking to 5rps ■ Synthesized reference ■ 3-state BAM's output

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    468H100 3000Hz 468H100 30-RHSINÂ 47-3000HZ 0-130V 360-3000HZ resolver to digital converter Sciences 5-30V synchro resolver digital 50RPS Resolver control source code PDF


    Abstract: Resolver control source code resolver to digital converter
    Text: CSI synchro/resolver to digital converter high accuracy_ 14 bit series 468H200 FEATURES • ±2.6 arc minute accuracy ■ 2.0" x 2.5" module outline ■ 47 to 5000Hz frequency range ■ Tracking to 20rps ■ Synthesized reference ■ 3-state BAM's output

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    468H200 5000Hz 20rps 5000Hz. 47-5000HZ 0-130V 360-5000HZ Resolver control source code resolver to digital converter PDF


    Abstract: Resolver control source code
    Text: synchro/resolver to digital converter high accuracy_ 14bit series 468H200 FEATURES • ±2.6 arc minute accuracy ■ 2.0" x 2.5" module outline ■ 47 to 5000Hz frequency range ■ Tracking to 20rps ■ Synthesized reference ■ 3-state BAM's output

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    468H200 5000Hz 20rps 468H200 360-5000HZ 00C10fc Resolver control source code PDF

    "digital to synchro"

    Abstract: Sciences 192L710 192L713 192L810 192L813 26v 400Hz synchro to digital converter 4000Q
    Text: CSI digital to synchro/resolver converter low profile_ 12 or 14 bit series 192L710/810 FEATURES • 2.62" x 3.12" x 0.52" module ■ Industry standard pin-out ■ Only ±12V power required ■ To ±4 arc minute accuracy ■ Short circuit and overload protection

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    192L710/810 192L710 192L810 360-440HZ 57-63HZ "digital to synchro" Sciences 192L713 192L813 26v 400Hz synchro to digital converter 4000Q PDF


    Abstract: digital to synchro converter 192F500 digital to resolver converter 115v 400Hz resolver scott-t transformer 192F501 transformer 400Hz Sciences "digital to synchro"
    Text: CSI digital to synchro converter reference powered 14-bit series 192F500 FEATURES • 4.5VA output ■ Industry standard pin-out ■ Single +5V power supply ■ 4 arc minute accuracy ■ TTL/CMOS compatibility ■ Transformer isolated output ■ Short circuit protection

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    14-bit 192F500 192F500 192E600 360-440HZ 115Vrms digital to synchro converter digital to resolver converter 115v 400Hz resolver scott-t transformer 192F501 transformer 400Hz Sciences "digital to synchro" PDF


    Abstract: synchro to digital converter csi Synchro to digital convertor 168H300 resolver proportional control 168M50
    Text: ] synchro/resolver to digital converter accuracy_ 16 bit series 168H300 FEATURES • ±1.3 arc minute accuracy ■ Synthesized reference ■ 47 to 5000Hz excitation ■ Tracking to 5RPS ■ 3-state BAM’s output ■ Velocity output ■ Built-in-test output

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    168H300 5000Hz 168H300 01GG3 r09-551 168M500 synchro to digital converter csi Synchro to digital convertor resolver proportional control 168M50 PDF

    C 5763 transistor

    Abstract: thermal cutout GM21F-SC-NO CS2041 TD101 cs2043 CS205 Elco transformer 192A654 ss 9509
    Text: CSI digital to synchro converter high power 125 va 12 bit series 192A650 FEATURES • 125 VA power output ■ Automatic thermal shutdown and recovery ■ 12-bit resolution ■ Input data registers ■ Short-circuit and transient protected ■ Automatic overload shutdown and recovery

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    192A650 12-bit 192A650 C 5763 transistor thermal cutout GM21F-SC-NO CS2041 TD101 cs2043 CS205 Elco transformer 192A654 ss 9509 PDF


    Abstract: digital to resolver converter 468A300 Sciences
    Text: CSI synchro/resolver to digital converter 3-state tracking_ 12 or 14 bit series 468A300/100 APPLICATIONS • Precise angle measurement ■ Machine tool control ■ Robotic control ■ Antenna monitoring G EN E R A L DATA The series 468A300 and 468A100 are high perform­

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    468A300/100 5000Hz 468A300 468A100 5000Hz. and20-130 360-5KHZ digital to resolver converter Sciences PDF

    theory on frequency to voltage converter

    Abstract: 818 vco 168H500 ddc synchro to digital digital to synchro converter 90v rms resolver to digital converter RESOLVER 26V 400 HZ synchro to digital converter 11 bits Sciences
    Text: CSI synchro/resolver to digital converter singie module two speed 16 bit series 168H500 FEATURES • 1:36 speed ratio ■ 20-second accuracy ■ Optional binary speed ratios 1:16 or 1:32 ■ Single module ■ Over-voltage and transient protection ■ High input impedance

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    168H500 20-second theory on frequency to voltage converter 818 vco ddc synchro to digital digital to synchro converter 90v rms resolver to digital converter RESOLVER 26V 400 HZ synchro to digital converter 11 bits Sciences PDF


    Abstract: Resolvers and Synchros synchros 8 speed resolver csi 168K400
    Text: CSI synchro resolver-to-digital converter single module 2-speed_16-bit series 168K400 FEATURES • 1:16, 1:32 or 1:36 speed ratios ■ 20-second accuracy ■ 16-bit byte/parallel output with 3-state output latches ■ 2-speed inputs, multiple pole or geared types

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    16-bit 168K400 20-second Resolvers and Synchros synchros 8 speed resolver csi 168K400 PDF


    Abstract: "binary to bcd"
    Text: binary angle/bed converter 5 decade 15 bit CSI FEATURES • Very low power consumption ■ 15 bit binary angle input ■ 5 decade BCD angle output ■ Unipolar/bipolar output ■ 2" x 2" module outline GENERAL DATA SPECIFICATIONS The outputs of most synchro/resolver to digital converters

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    269A101 "binary to bcd" PDF

    digital to synchro converter

    Abstract: synchro to digital converter csi 115v 400Hz resolver digital to resolver converter 192E600 192F500 "digital to synchro" scott-t digital to synchro converter csi scott-t transformer
    Text: digital to synchro converter reference powered 14-bit series 192F500 FEATURES • 4.5VA output ■ Industry standard pin-out ■ Single +5V power supply ■ 4 arc minute accuracy ■ TTL/C M O S compatibility ■ Transformer isolated output ■ Short circuit protection

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    14-bit 192F500 192F500 192E600 000104b digital to synchro converter synchro to digital converter csi 115v 400Hz resolver digital to resolver converter "digital to synchro" scott-t digital to synchro converter csi scott-t transformer PDF

    digital to synchro converter

    Abstract: synchro to digital converter csi Resolver to digital convertor scott-t transformer 168T 168T600 8 speed resolver
    Text: synchro/resolver to digital converter low profile two speed 16 bit series 168T600 ] FEATURES • Latched 3-state outputs ■ 1:36 and binary speed ratios ■ Single low profile module ■ Over-voltage and transient protection ■ High input impedance ■ No external transformer modules required

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    168T600 conversi602 168T600-16. QG01Q07 digital to synchro converter synchro to digital converter csi Resolver to digital convertor scott-t transformer 168T 8 speed resolver PDF

    Control Sciences

    Abstract: 9509 binary bcd conversion 269A100 synchro to digital converter csi
    Text: binary angle/bed converter 4 decade 12 bit 269A100 FEATURES • Low power consum ption • 12 bit in/4 decade out • 2" X 2 ” m odule outline • 2.5 m illisec conversion • H CM O S logic G EN ER A L DATA The outputs of m ost synchro/resolver to digital converters

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    269A100 269A100 240bST7 000CH72 Control Sciences 9509 binary bcd conversion synchro to digital converter csi PDF

    synchro to digital converter csi

    Abstract: 26v 400Hz synchro to digital converter 115v 400Hz resolver 115v 400Hz 26v 400Hz TRANSFORMER SYNCHRO AMP 90v 400Hz resolver synchro to digital converter 11 bits "digital to synchro" 192B500
    Text: digital to synchro/resolver converter 1.5 va_ 14 b« series 192B500 CSI GENERAL DATA: The s e rie s 1 9 2 B 5 0 0 are a fam ily of m iniature D T L /T T L / C M O S co m pa tib le digital to syn ch ro or resolver co nve rters. Th e c o n v e rte r o c c u p ie s less than 7 cu b ic inches and is

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    192B500 192B500 synchro to digital converter csi 26v 400Hz synchro to digital converter 115v 400Hz resolver 115v 400Hz 26v 400Hz TRANSFORMER SYNCHRO AMP 90v 400Hz resolver synchro to digital converter 11 bits "digital to synchro" PDF


    Abstract: scott-t 168H100
    Text: synchro/resolver to digital converter high accuracy tracking_ 16 bit series 168H100 CSI GENERAL DATA: T h e s e r ie s 1 6 8 H 1 0 0 a re a fa m ily o f m in ia tu re h ig h p e r ­ fo rm a n c e s y n c h r o a n d re s o lv e r to d ig ita l c o n v e rte r s , w h ic h

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    168H100 168H100 L68H scott-t PDF

    digital to resolver converter 7 bit

    Abstract: digital to synchro converter 90v rms RESOLVER scott-t scott-t transformer input scott-t transformer resolver to digital converter 180A100 180A200 180A300
    Text: solid-state control transformer _ 10-12-14 bit series 180A200/300/100 CSI FEATURES • Synchro or resolver analog input ■ TTL/CMOS compatible digital input ■ 10-12-14 bit resolution ■ Single-ended ac output ■ Low 600 mW power consumption

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    180A200/300/100 14-bit 12-bit 10-bit digital to resolver converter 7 bit digital to synchro converter 90v rms RESOLVER scott-t scott-t transformer input scott-t transformer resolver to digital converter 180A100 180A200 180A300 PDF


    Abstract: synchro to digital converter csi 5-30V quadrant detector
    Text: FEATURES • ±1.3 arc minute accuracy ■ 2.0" x 2.5" module outline ■ 47 to 3000Hz frequency range ■ Tracking to 5rps ■ Synthesized reference ■ 3-state BAM's output ■ Velocity output ■ Built-in-test output ■ Loss of signal output ■ Loss of reference output

    OCR Scan
    3000Hz 468H100 3000Hz. 47-3000HZ 0-130V 360-3000Hz synchro to digital converter csi 5-30V quadrant detector PDF


    Abstract: scott-t transformer 2080, 2081 transformer "digital to synchro" 192L70 scott-t diagram for 4 bits binary multiplier circuit 800KQ 4000Q synchro to digital converter csi
    Text: FEATURES • 2.62" x 3.12" x 0.52" module ■ Industry standard pin-out ■ Only ±15V power required ■ To ±4 arc minute accuracy ■ Short circuit and overload protection ■ Thermal cutoff protection ■ Metal top plate heat sinking ■ TTL/CMOS compatibility

    OCR Scan
    192L700/800 192L700/800 192L700 192L80-440HZ 360-440Hz 57-63Hz 192L703/803 0001Q40 scott-t transformer 2080, 2081 transformer "digital to synchro" 192L70 scott-t diagram for 4 bits binary multiplier circuit 800KQ 4000Q synchro to digital converter csi PDF

    240 AC to 12V AC transformer circuit diagram

    Abstract: synchro to digital converter csi AC Transformer 12V 240 AC to 12V dc transformer scott-t transformer 192L710 192L810 block transformers 26v 400Hz synchro to digital converter "digital to synchro"
    Text: FEATURES • 2.62" x 3.12" x 0.52" module ■ Industry standard pin-out ■ Only ±12V power required ■ To ±4 arc minute accuracy ■ Short circuit and overload protection ■ Thermal cutoff protection ■ Metal top plate heat sinking ■ TTL/CMOS compatibility

    OCR Scan
    192L710/810 192L710 192L810 00D1DS0 240 AC to 12V AC transformer circuit diagram synchro to digital converter csi AC Transformer 12V 240 AC to 12V dc transformer scott-t transformer block transformers 26v 400Hz synchro to digital converter "digital to synchro" PDF


    Abstract: 468A300 digital to resolver converter
    Text: FEATURES • High-speed tracking ■ 2.0" x 2.5" module outline ■ 47 to 5000Hz excitation ■ 3-state BAM's output ■ Velocity output ■ Built-in-test output ■ Loss of signal output ■ Loss of reference output APPLICATIONS ■ Precise angle measurement

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    5000Hz 468A300 468A100 5000Hz. 360-5KHZ digital to resolver converter PDF