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    DIAC TRIAC Search Results

    DIAC TRIAC Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    BCR3KM-12RB#B01 Renesas Electronics Corporation Triacs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    BCR5KM-12LA#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Triacs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    BCR20LM-16LBJB#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Triacs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    BCR8LM-14LB-AR#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Triacs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    BCR8LM-12LB1AR#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Triacs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    DIAC TRIAC Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    diac db3 specifications

    Abstract: diac db3 DIAC 220v DIAC application db3 diac diac db3 applications DB3-22 db3 22 DIAC DATASHEET 220v break glass unit
    Text: Continental Device India Limited An ISO/TS16949 and ISO 9001 Certified Company SILICON DIAC BIDIRECTIONAL TRIGGER DIODE GLASS PASSIVATED PNPN DEVICE DIAC DB3-22 DO-35 Glass Axial Package Marking C DB3 -22 APPLICATIONS For Triggering TRIACs, SCRs, Industrial and Commercial Equipments, Lamp Dimmer Circuits, Universal Motor

    ISO/TS16949 DB3-22 DO-35 120Hz C-120 DB3-22Rev050803D diac db3 specifications diac db3 DIAC 220v DIAC application db3 diac diac db3 applications DB3-22 db3 22 DIAC DATASHEET 220v break glass unit PDF

    diac catalog

    Abstract: ht 30 diac Q2015L5 Thyristor Product Catalog HT-32 Diac diac vbo 10V DIAC-Triac applications
    Text: E8 DO-35 DO-214AA Diac HT and ST Series E8 General Description Teccor’s "HT" and "ST" Series of bilateral trigger diacs are available with switching voltages from 27V to 70V. A diac is a full-wave or bidirectional thyristor. Whenever the amplitude of applied voltage exceeds the breakover voltage rating of the diac, it switches from blocking- to conducting-state.

    DO-35 DO-214AA diac catalog ht 30 diac Q2015L5 Thyristor Product Catalog HT-32 Diac diac vbo 10V DIAC-Triac applications PDF


    Abstract: triacs BT139-800 equivalent bt139 Triacs equivalent BT134-500E bt138 BT136 equivalent BT134 BT136-500E
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Thyristors and Triacs Index TYPE NUMBER TECHNOLOGY ENVELOPE BR100/03 DIAC SOD27 BR100/LLD DIAC SOD80 BT134-500 BT134-600 BT134-800 BT134-500F BT134-600F BT134-800F BT134-500G BT134-600G BT134-800G TRIACS SOT82 BT134-500D BT134-600D LOGIC LEVEL TRIACS

    BR100/03 BR100/LLD BT134-500 BT134-600 BT134-800 BT134-500F BT134-600F BT134-800F BT134-500G BT134-600G BT136 triacs BT139-800 equivalent bt139 Triacs equivalent BT134-500E bt138 BT136 equivalent BT134 BT136-500E PDF


    Abstract: triac and diac TO-220L quadracs diac 400V 10A alternistor "application note" 400v 15A triac teccor triac application notes JESD22-A101 JESD22-A102
    Text: Teccor brand Thyristors 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 15 Amp Quadracs QxxxxLTx Series The Quadrac is an internally triggered Triac designed for AC switching and phase control applications. It is a Triac and DIAC in a single package, which saves user expense by eliminating the need for separate Triac and DIAC

    E71639 Qxx15LTH Qxx15LTHTP O-220AB Q6010LTH O-220 quadrac triac and diac TO-220L quadracs diac 400V 10A alternistor "application note" 400v 15A triac teccor triac application notes JESD22-A101 JESD22-A102 PDF

    diac db3 specifications

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Continental Device India Limited An ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified Company SILICON DIAC BIDIRECTIONAL TRIGGER DIODE GLASS PASSIVATED PNPN DEVICE DIAC DB3-22 DO-35 Glass Axial Package Marking C DB3 -22 APPLICATIONS For Triggering TRIACs, SCRs, Industrial and Commercial Equipments, Lamp Dimmer Circuits, Universal Motor

    DB3-22 DO-35 120Hz C-120 DB3-22Rev050803D diac db3 specifications PDF


    Abstract: traic DIAC 6 amp SCR
    Text: TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Index by Amp Rating – TRAIC, SCR 4-5 II. Part number by index 6 III. TRIAC 7 IV. SCR 29 V. DIAC 48 VI. SIDAC 49 VII. CHIPS 51 A. TRIAC 51 B. SCR 52 C. DIAC 52 D. SIDAC 54 SOLID STATE CONTROL DEVICES 3



    Abstract: DIAC DB3 specifications diac db3 DIAC 220v 220v dimmer diac
    Text: Continental Device India Limited An ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified Company SILICON DIAC BIDIRECTIONAL TRIGGER DIODE GLASS PASSIVATED PNPN DEVICE DIAC DB3-22 DO-35 Glass Axial Package Marking C DB3 -22 APPLICATIONS For Triggering TRIACs, SCRs, Industrial and Commercial Equipments, Lamp Dimmer Circuits, Universal Motor

    DB3-22 DO-35 120Hz C-120 DB3-22Rev050803D DB3-22 DIAC DB3 specifications diac db3 DIAC 220v 220v dimmer diac PDF

    diac 10A

    Abstract: diac with triac triac 100a NTE5646 triac 600V 100A reverse breakback voltage 600v diac triac 600V 10A 100A TRIAC breakback
    Text: NTE5646 TRIAC – Internally Triggered Description: The NTE5646 is a TRIAC that includes a diac trigger mounted inside the same package. This device saves the user the added expense of buying a discrete diac and the assembling associated with a gated triac. This device includes a dial trigger mounted inside the same isolated TO220 type package.

    NTE5646 NTE5646 diac 10A diac with triac triac 100a triac 600V 100A reverse breakback voltage 600v diac triac 600V 10A 100A TRIAC breakback PDF

    diac 083

    Abstract: diac 30v diac marking Diac st 083 diac 35v diac 40V ht 30 diac diac with triac ac speed control 40v diac ST35 MOTOR
    Text: Teccor brand Thyristors Standard Bidirectional DIAC Trigger HTxxx & HTMxxx & STxxx Series Description The HTM, HT, and ST series of bilateral trigger DIACs offer a range of voltage characteristics from 27V to 70V. A DIAC semiconductor is a full-wave or bidirectional Thyristor. It is

    DO-214) DO-35 DO-214 DO-214: 2A/5761= 32B/5761A= 6A/5762= diac 083 diac 30v diac marking Diac st 083 diac 35v diac 40V ht 30 diac diac with triac ac speed control 40v diac ST35 MOTOR PDF

    diac 30v

    Abstract: st m1031 diac 40V ST36A
    Text: Teccor brand Thyristors Standard Bidirectional DIAC Trigger HTxxx & HTMxxx & STxxx Series Description The HTM, HT, and ST series of bilateral trigger DIACs offer a range of voltage characteristics from 27V to 70V. A DIAC semiconductor is a full-wave or bidirectional Thyristor. It is

    DO-214) DO-35 DO-214 DO-214: 2A/5761= 32B/5761A= 6A/5762= diac 30v st m1031 diac 40V ST36A PDF

    ht 30 diac

    Abstract: diac Diac HT-32 diac catalog datasheet DIAC DIAC EQUIVALENT circuit Thyristor catalog Q2015L5 diac triac thyristor st
    Text: E8 DO-35 DO-214 Diac HT and ST Series E8 General Description Teccor’s HT and ST Series of bilateral trigger diacs offer a range of voltage characteristics from 27 V to 70 V. A diac semiconductor is a full-wave or bidirectional thyristor. It is triggered from a blocking state to a conduction state for either

    DO-35 DO-214 ht 30 diac diac Diac HT-32 diac catalog datasheet DIAC DIAC EQUIVALENT circuit Thyristor catalog Q2015L5 diac triac thyristor st PDF

    diac 5v

    Abstract: ht 30 diac diac catalog Diac HT-32 diac triac thyristor st 3 DIAC SPECIFICATIONs DIAC
    Text: E8 DO-35 DO-214 Diac HT and ST Series E8 General Description Teccor’s HT and ST Series of bilateral trigger diacs offer a range of voltage characteristics from 27 V to 70 V. A diac semiconductor is a full-wave or bidirectional thyristor. It is triggered from a blocking state to a conduction state for either

    DO-35 DO-214 diac 5v ht 30 diac diac catalog Diac HT-32 diac triac thyristor st 3 DIAC SPECIFICATIONs DIAC PDF

    Diac HT-32

    Abstract: ht 30 diac DIAC Q2015L5 HT-32 Diac datasheet DIAC Thyristor catalog do-214 diac ht32 HT-40 DIAC
    Text: E8 DO-35 DO-214 Diac HT and ST Series RoHS E8 General Description Teccor’s HT and ST Series of bilateral trigger diacs offer a range of voltage characteristics from 27 V to 70 V. A diac semiconductor is a full-wave or bidirectional thyristor. It is triggered from a blocking state to a conduction state for either

    DO-35 DO-214 Diac HT-32 ht 30 diac DIAC Q2015L5 HT-32 Diac datasheet DIAC Thyristor catalog do-214 diac ht32 HT-40 DIAC PDF


    Abstract: Diac HT-32 ht 30 diac diac with triac Thyristor catalog DIACS datasheet DIAC DIAC EQUIVALENT circuit features of Diac thyristor firing circuit
    Text: E8 DO-35 DO-214 Diac HT and ST Series E8 General Description Teccor’s HT and ST Series of bilateral trigger diacs offer a range of voltage characteristics from 27 V to 70 V. A diac semiconductor is a full-wave or bidirectional thyristor. It is triggered from a blocking state to a conduction state for either

    DO-35 DO-214 DIAC Diac HT-32 ht 30 diac diac with triac Thyristor catalog DIACS datasheet DIAC DIAC EQUIVALENT circuit features of Diac thyristor firing circuit PDF

    e84 e85

    Abstract: measure thyristor ht 30 diac diac 8 v
    Text: E8 DO-35 DO-214 Diac HT and ST Series E8 General Description Teccor’s HT and ST Series of bilateral trigger diacs offer a range of voltage characteristics from 27 V to 70 V. A diac semiconductor is a full-wave or bidirectional thyristor. It is triggered from a blocking state to a conduction state for either

    DO-35 DO-214 e84 e85 measure thyristor ht 30 diac diac 8 v PDF

    diac 5v

    Abstract: triac Q2015L5 ht 30 diac
    Text: E8 DO-35 DO-214 Diac HT and ST Series E8 General Description Teccor’s HT and ST Series of bilateral trigger diacs offer a range of voltage characteristics from 27 V to 45 V. A diac semiconductor is a full-wave or bidirectional thyristor. It is triggered from a blocking- to conduction-state for either polarity

    DO-35 DO-214 diac 5v triac Q2015L5 ht 30 diac PDF

    ht 30 diac

    Abstract: ht 35 diac diac diac catalog HT-40 DIAC Diac HT-32 Q2015L5 diac with triac DIAC SMT diac ht32
    Text: E8 DO-35 DO-214 Diac HT and ST Series E8 General Description Teccor’s HT and ST Series of bilateral trigger diacs offer a range of voltage characteristics from 27 V to 70 V. A diac semiconductor is a full-wave or bidirectional thyristor. It is triggered from a blocking state to a conduction state for either

    DO-35 DO-214 ht 30 diac ht 35 diac diac diac catalog HT-40 DIAC Diac HT-32 Q2015L5 diac with triac DIAC SMT diac ht32 PDF

    ht 30 diac

    Abstract: diac 5v DIAC SPECIFICATIONs diac temperature control circuit diac catalog TRIAC ht Q2015L5
    Text: l Se ec ag * es ED Z NI E8 G 39 CO 716 E R #E te L. U. k ac d P le Fi DO-35 DO-214 Diac HT and ST Series E8 General Description Teccor’s "HT" and "ST" Series of bilateral trigger diacs offer a range of voltage characteristics from 27 V to 45 V. A diac semiconductor is a full-wave or bidirectional thyristor. It is

    DO-35 DO-214 ht 30 diac diac 5v DIAC SPECIFICATIONs diac temperature control circuit diac catalog TRIAC ht Q2015L5 PDF

    diac marking

    Abstract: diac 544 DIAC EQUIVALENT circuit Thyristor mw 134 DIAC diac triac ac dimmer application diac triac control circuit motor 220 V FD0230YR
    Text: FD0230YR DIAC Dimensions in mm. DO-35 Glass Axial Package • Silicon bi-directional trigger device intended for use in thyristor SCR and TRIAC trigger circuits, industrial & commercial equipment, lamp dimmer circuits, universal motor speed controls, heat controls.

    FD0230YR DO-35 diac marking diac 544 DIAC EQUIVALENT circuit Thyristor mw 134 DIAC diac triac ac dimmer application diac triac control circuit motor 220 V FD0230YR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FD0230YR DIAC Dimensions in mm. DO-35 Glass Axial Package • Silicon bi-directional trigger device intended for use in thyristor SCR and TRIAC trigger circuits, industrial & commercial equipment, lamp dimmer circuits, universal motor speed controls, heat controls.

    FD0230YR DO-35 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FD0200YR DIAC Dimensions in mm. DO-35 Glass Axial Package • Silicon bi-directional trigger device intended for use in thyristor SCR and TRIAC trigger circuits, energy saving lighting circuits and other switching functions. 3.60 ± 0.55 BREAKOVER VOLTAGE

    FD0200YR DO-35 PDF

    diac marking

    Abstract: 10KW FD0200YM diac with triac
    Text: FD0200YM DIAC SOD80C MINIMELF • Silicon bi-directional trigger device intended for use in thyristor SCR and TRIAC trigger circuits, energy saving lighting circuits and other switching functions. ON-STATE CURRENT 2.0 Amps BREAKOVER VOLTAGE 32 V SPECIAL FEATURES:

    FD0200YM OD80C 500KW OD80C diac marking 10KW FD0200YM diac with triac PDF

    DIAC st2

    Abstract: DIAC GE ST2 st2 diac diac Ge st2 DIAC DIAC BR 100 GE ST2 bidirectional trigger diac diac bidirectional diode st2 ge triac
    Text: Diac • , ST2 • Trigger 18267269 The DIAC is a diffused silicon bi-directional trigger diode which may be used to trigger the G-E TRIAC or Silicon Controlled Rectifiers. This device has a three-layer structure having negative resistance switching characteristics for b o th directions o f applied voltage.

    OCR Scan
    -40oC 150oC DIAC st2 DIAC GE ST2 st2 diac diac Ge st2 DIAC DIAC BR 100 GE ST2 bidirectional trigger diac diac bidirectional diode st2 ge triac PDF

    BT 140-600

    Abstract: BT138F-600E 138F-600 139X-800G triac+mw+151+500r
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Index Thyristors and Triacs |TYPE NUMBER Ht e c h n o l o g y He n v e l o p e |PAGE B R 100/03 DIAC SO D27 32 BR100/LLD DIAC SO D80 34 B T 134-500 B T 134-600 B T 134-800 BT134-500F BT134-600F B T 134-800F BT134-500G BT134-600G BT 134-800G

    OCR Scan
    BR100/LLD BT134-500F BT134-600F 134-800F BT134-500G BT134-600G 134-800G 134-500D 134-600D BT134-500E BT 140-600 BT138F-600E 138F-600 139X-800G triac+mw+151+500r PDF