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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FS98O01-DS-10_EN Datasheet Dec 2008 F P r R ro SC p ef e ’ er rti en es ce O nl y REV. 1.0 FS98O01 Fo 8-bit MCU with 2k program EPROM, 128-byte RAM, 14-bit ADC, 8-bit GIO, 4 x 12 LCD driver FS98O01 F P r R ro SC p ef e ’ er rti en es ce O nl y Fortune Semiconductor Corporation

    FS98O01-DS-10 FS98O01 128-byte 14-bit PDF


    Abstract: Display Controller ST7036i UD 1208 KS0066U S72 MOS COM16 HD44780 ST7036-0A ST7066U
    Text: ST Sitronix ST7036 Dot Matrix LCD Controller/Driver Preliminary „ Features z z z z z z z z z 5 x 8 dot matrix possible Low power operation support: - 2.7 to 5.5V Range of LCD driver power - 2.7 to 7.0V 2 4-bit, 8-bit, serial or 400kbits/s fast I C-bus MPU interface enabled

    ST7036 400kbits/s 240-bit 16-com 100-seg 24-com 80-seg T7036 ST7036 Display Controller ST7036i UD 1208 KS0066U S72 MOS COM16 HD44780 ST7036-0A ST7066U PDF

    16 pin DOT MATRIX 2088

    Abstract: 2088 matrix HD44780 3v KS0066U HD44780 8051 reset circuit calculation DOT MATRIX 2088 lcd interface with 8051 st 393 ST7036i COM16
    Text: ST Sitronix ST7036 Dot Matrix LCD Controller/Driver Preliminary „ Features z z z z z z z z z 5 x 8 dot matrix possible Low power operation support: - 2.7 to 5.5V Range of LCD driver power - 2.7 to 7.0V 2 4-bit, 8-bit, serial or 400kbits/s fast I C-bus MPU interface enabled

    ST7036 400kbits/s 240-bit 16-com 100-seg 24-com 80-seg T7036 ST7036 16 pin DOT MATRIX 2088 2088 matrix HD44780 3v KS0066U HD44780 8051 reset circuit calculation DOT MATRIX 2088 lcd interface with 8051 st 393 ST7036i COM16 PDF


    Abstract: keeloq AN642 TB030 keeloq decode an659 TB021 AN645 DS91030 keeloq AN652 DS00652 TB003
    Text: AN742 Modular PICmicro Mid-Range MCU Code Hopping Decoder FIGURE 1: Author: Lucio Di Jasio Microchip Technology Inc. DECODER PINOUT LRNIN LRNOUT NU OVERVIEW 1 2 3 18 17 16 RFIN OSCOUT NU This application note describes a KEELOQ® code hopping GND decoder implemented on a Microchip Mid-Range

    AN742 PIC16CE624) DS00742B-page TB041 keeloq AN642 TB030 keeloq decode an659 TB021 AN645 DS91030 keeloq AN652 DS00652 TB003 PDF


    Abstract: cir 2272 2N3456 2n2219 85713 B Fluke 022d 294a 2N3456 transistor 85713 circuit con by 139F
    Text: M AN611 Resistance and Capacitance Meter Using a PIC16C622 Author: This family of devices also introduce on-chip brown-out reset circuitry and a filter on the reset input MCLR to the PIC16CXXX mid-range microcontrollers. Brown-out Reset holds the device in reset while VDD is below the

    AN611 PIC16C622 PIC16CXXX PIC16C62X D-81739 2N3456 cir 2272 2N3456 2n2219 85713 B Fluke 022d 294a 2N3456 transistor 85713 circuit con by 139F PDF

    datasheet keypad 4x4 c code for pic

    Abstract: PIC based fire alarm system RR3-433.92 MHZ datasheet keypad 4x4 assembly code LCD 2x16, 16 pin up, 16 pin down Module Date Code embedded control handbook microchip 4X4 HEX KEY PAD auto turn off battery charger using LM317 keypad 4x4 assembly code RF transmitter 433.92 RR3
    Text: Page 1 Thursday, October 7, 1999 9:23 AM AN714 Wireless Home Security Implementing KEELOQ and the PICmicro® Microcontroller Author: Richard L. Fischer Microchip Technology Inc. INTRODUCTION This application note describes a Microchip system

    00714a AN714 HCS200 PIC12C508A HCS515 PIC16C77 D-81739 datasheet keypad 4x4 c code for pic PIC based fire alarm system RR3-433.92 MHZ datasheet keypad 4x4 assembly code LCD 2x16, 16 pin up, 16 pin down Module Date Code embedded control handbook microchip 4X4 HEX KEY PAD auto turn off battery charger using LM317 keypad 4x4 assembly code RF transmitter 433.92 RR3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FS98O01-DS-11_EN JUL 2011 FO Fo P R r R ro TU ef pe NE er rti ' en es ce O nl y REV. 1.1 Datasheet FS98O01 8-bit MCU with 2k program EPROM, 128-byte RAM, 14-bit ADC, 8-bit GIO, 4 x 12 LCD driver FS98O01 FO Fo P R r R ro TU ef pe NE er rti ' en es ce O nl

    FS98O01-DS-11 FS98O01 128-byte 14-bit PDF

    conclusion touch switch

    Abstract: BS808B bs808b application
    Text: BS808B SCD Application Example using Assembly Language with the INTB Pin BS808B SCD Application Example using Assembly Language with the INTB Pin D/N:HA0189E Introduction The BS808B is an 8-key touch key device which can detect human contact using external

    BS808B D/NHA0189E HT48R0662 conclusion touch switch bs808b application PDF


    Abstract: COM16 SEG80 Sitronix LCD common driver 6800-4bit LCD display intel 8080
    Text: ST Sitronix ST7038 Dot Matrix LCD Controller/Driver FEATURES 5 x 8 dot matrix possible Support low voltage single power operation: 64 x 8-bit Character Generator RAM CGRAM 80 x 8-bit Display RAM (80 characters max.) 16 x 5 bit ICON RAM Variable instruction functions:

    ST7038 ST7038 COM16 SEG80 Sitronix LCD common driver 6800-4bit LCD display intel 8080 PDF


    Abstract: diode ct 2405 Opamp Voltage follower Opamp Voltage follower test 1745-825 W78E52-40 ST7065C W78E52 ST7522D 10101001B
    Text: ST Sitronix ST7522 17 x 96 Dot Matrix LCD Controller/Driver OVERVIEW FEATURES The ST7522 family of dot matrix LCD drivers are designed for the display of characters and graphics. The drivers generate LCD drive signals derived from bit mapped data stored in an internal RAM.

    ST7522 ST7522 SEG75 SEG76 SEG77 SEG78 SEG79 SEG80 diode ct 2405 Opamp Voltage follower Opamp Voltage follower test 1745-825 W78E52-40 ST7065C W78E52 ST7522D 10101001B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advance Information TM58RC10 User Manual Tenx reserves the right to change or discontinue this product without notice. tenx technology inc. tenx technology, inc. Preliminary Rev.1.0, 2007/07/06 Advance Information UM-TM58RC10_E 目 錄 1. Feature. 2

    TM58RC10 UM-TM58RC10 14Pin 18Pin 14Pin PDF


    Abstract: PIC16C54A an618 PIC16C58A 001B 001C 02FE
    Text: AN618 Modifying PIC16C54A Code for the PIC16C58A After a power-up reset, the PA1:PA0 bits are reset to ‘0’. So, if these two bits are not modified by the PIC16C54A program, the same program will correctly access the Page 0 program memory space on a PIC16C58A.

    AN618 PIC16C54A PIC16C58A PIC16C58A. PIC16C58A PIC16C54A. 16C58A an618 001B 001C 02FE PDF

    JB 1010

    Abstract: pin diagram of IC 74LS373 microprocessor 8051 flashing 74LS138 led matrix ispcode 20RA10 74LS 74LS138 74LS373 91001B
    Text: In-System Programming from an Embedded Processor changes. Or, since a JEDEC standard fuse map file takes an order of magnitude more memory space to store the fuse map information than an ispSTREAM, the ISP programming routines can be stored in an ispSTREAM.



    Abstract: single-key BS804B bs808 152uS
    Text: BS808B SCD 應用範例 組合語言版本 with INTB BS808B SCD 應用範例 (組合語言版本 with INTB) 文件編碼:HA0189T 簡介 BS808B 是可偵測 8 個觸摸按鍵的集成元件,它通過感應人體是否觸摸到 Touch Pad 來偵測 是否有按鍵。它高效的隱藏電路設計,使其在應用時,只需使用很少的元件即可完成觸摸

    BS808B HA0189T BS808B HT48R0662 16-pin single-key BS804B bs808 152uS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FS98O02-DS-12_EN Oct 2010 FO Fo P R r R ro TU p ef e NE er rti ' en es ce O nl y REV. 1.2 Datasheet FS98O02 8-bit MCU with 2k program EPROM, 128-byte RAM, 14-bit ADC, 12-bit GIO, 4 x 12 LCD driver FS98O02 FO Fo P R r R ro TU p ef e NE er rti ' en es ce O

    FS98O02-DS-12 FS98O02 128-byte 14-bit 12-bit 49-pin) 64-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FS98O01 Data Sheet 8-bit MCU with 2k program EPROM, 128-byte RAM, 14-bit ADC, 8-bit GIO, 4 x 12 LCD driver Rev. 0.2 Aug 2006 Fortune Semiconductor Corp. FS98O01-DS-02_EN CR-004 FS98O01 Taipei Office: 28F, No.27, Sec. 2, Zhongzheng E. Rd., Danshui Town, Taipei County 251, Taiwan

    FS98O01 128-byte 14-bit FS98O01-DS-02 CR-004 2710h LQFP64 PDF

    nf 922

    Abstract: 1E86 2N3456 equivalent 2N3456 transistor 2N3456 2N3456 2n2219 FLUKE 79 -3 -3001 royal ohm chip resistor 0603 LM134 334 cm 0565
    Text: AN611 Resistance and Capacitance Meter Using a PIC16C622 Author: This family of devices also introduce on-chip brown-out detect circuitry and a filter on the reset input MCLR to the PIC16CXX mid-range microcontrollers. Brown-out Detect holds the device in reset while VDD is below the

    AN611 PIC16C622 PIC16CXX PIC16C62X DS00611A-page nf 922 1E86 2N3456 equivalent 2N3456 transistor 2N3456 2N3456 2n2219 FLUKE 79 -3 -3001 royal ohm chip resistor 0603 LM134 334 cm 0565 PDF

    12v battery charger lm317 automatic

    Abstract: LCD 2x16, 16 pin up, 16 pin down Module Date Code 4X4 HEX KEY PAD datasheet keypad 4x4 c code for pic for 4x4 keypad RR3-433 RR3-433.92 MHZ RF transmitter 433.92 RR3 datasheet keypad 4x4 assembly code PIC based fire alarm system
    Text: Page 1 Thursday, October 7, 1999 9:23 AM AN714 Wireless Home Security Implementing KEELOQ and the PICmicro® Microcontroller Author: Richard L. Fischer Microchip Technology Inc. INTRODUCTION This application note describes a Microchip system

    00714a AN714 HCS200 PIC12C508A HCS515 PIC16C77 12v battery charger lm317 automatic LCD 2x16, 16 pin up, 16 pin down Module Date Code 4X4 HEX KEY PAD datasheet keypad 4x4 c code for pic for 4x4 keypad RR3-433 RR3-433.92 MHZ RF transmitter 433.92 RR3 datasheet keypad 4x4 assembly code PIC based fire alarm system PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ST Sitronix ST7036 Dot Matrix LCD Controller/Driver Preliminary „ Features z z z z z z z z z 5 x 8 dot matrix possible Low power operation support: - 2.7 to 5.5V Range of LCD driver power - 2.7 to 7.0V 4-bit, 8-bit or serial MPU interface enabled 80 x 8-bit display RAM 80 characters max.

    ST7036 240-bit 16-com 100-seg 24-com 80-seg T7036 ST7036 PDF


    Abstract: ST7036 8051 program code to HD44780 HD44780 3v lcd interface with 8051 st7066u COM16 HD44780 KS0066U ST7036-0A
    Text: ST Sitronix ST7036 Dot Matrix LCD Controller/Driver ! Features " " " " " " " " " 5 x 8 dot matrix possible Low power operation support: - 2.7 to 5.5V Range of LCD driver power - 2.7 to 7.0V 2 4-bit, 8-bit, serial or 400kbits/s fast I C-bus MPU interface enabled

    ST7036 400kbits/s 240-bit 16-com 100-seg 24-com 80-seg T7036 ST7036 ST7036i 8051 program code to HD44780 HD44780 3v lcd interface with 8051 st7066u COM16 HD44780 KS0066U ST7036-0A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advance Information TM58RC10 8-bit Microcontroller User Manual Tenx reserves the right to change or discontinue this product without notice. tenx technology inc. tenx technology, inc. Preliminary Rev.1.3, 2009/06/26 Advance Information UM-TM58RC10_E CONTENTS

    TM58RC10 UM-TM58RC10 14Pin 18Pin 14Pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TM58PC20 1.Feature ROM: 2K x 14 bits RAM: 72 x 8 bits STACK: 2 Levels Advance mode and General mode I/O ports: 20 I/O PAD Timer/counter: 8bits x1 TMR0 Prescaler: 8 Bits Watchdog Timer: On chip WDT based on internal RC oscillator. The shortest period is 20mS; user can extend the WDT overflow period to 2.56S by using

    TM58PC20 100pf 300pf PDF


    Abstract: keeloq AN642 16CE624 keeloq decode an659 DS91021 TB030 AN742 DS40149 AN652 an659
    Text: M AN742 Modular PICmicro Mid-Range MCU Code Hopping Decoder FIGURE 1: Author: Lucio Di Jasio Microchip Technology Inc. DECODER PIN OUT 1 2 3 18 17 16 RFIN S1 7 15 14 13 12 OSCOUT S0 4 5 6 S2 8 9 11 10 LRNIN LRNOUT NU OVERVIEW This application note describes a KEELOQ® code hopping decoder implemented on a Microchip Mid-Range

    AN742 PIC16CE624) DS00742A-page TB041 keeloq AN642 16CE624 keeloq decode an659 DS91021 TB030 AN742 DS40149 AN652 an659 PDF


    Abstract: MAXB02M MAX802L max690a
    Text: 19-4333; Rev 3; 12/93 V M > 1X IA I M icroprocessor Supervisory C ircuits G e n e ra l D e s c rip tio n These parts provide four functions: 1 A reset output during power-up, power-down, and brownout conditions. 2) Battery-backup switching for CMOS RAM, CMOS

    OCR Scan
    MAX690A/MAX802LVMAX805L MAX682A/MAX802M Delay-200ms MAX802UM) X690A X692A X802L/M X802M X805L MAX690A/MAX692A/tic MAX80SL MAXB02M MAX802L max690a PDF