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    DECT BASE STATION 2.4 GHZ Search Results

    DECT BASE STATION 2.4 GHZ Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TMPM3HMFYAFG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Arm Cortex-M3 Core Based Microcontroller/32bit/P-LQFP80-1212-0.50-003 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMPM3HPFYADFG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Arm Cortex-M3 Core Based Microcontroller/32bit/P-LQFP128-1420-0.50-001 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMPM3HLFYAUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Arm Cortex-M3 Core Based Microcontroller/32bit/P-LQFP64-1010-0.50-003 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMPM3HNFZAFG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Arm Cortex-M3 Core Based Microcontroller/32bit/P-LQFP100-1414-0.50-002 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMPM3HLFZAUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Arm Cortex-M3 Core Based Microcontroller/32bit/P-LQFP64-1010-0.50-003 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    DECT BASE STATION 2.4 GHZ Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: DECT LMX3161 SC14428 SC14425 LMX3163 LMX4168 LMX3162 SC14404 SC14408
    Text: National’s Focus On DECT January 2001 CMOS with embedded Flash 0.35µ 0.25µ 0.18µ BiCMOS 0.5µ One baseband platform Home RF SWAP 2.0 LMX3163 SC14404 SC14408 SC14425 HandSet 2.4 GHz DCT and Home RF I-node SC14428 LMX3162 Base Station LMX4268 Bluetooth

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    wireless mobile charging through microwaves

    Abstract: fm transmitter 300m range GSM frequency reuse telephone wires datasheet 12 km fm transmitter DECT base station 2.4 GHz fm based short range wireless communication GSM sectoring antenna mobile battery charging automatic off pstn subscriber interface
    Text: corDECT Training Manual Rev. No. 0.01 a corDECT Table of Contents 1. Introduction. 4 1.1 Important Attributes of a WLL system . 4



    Abstract: SC14CVM1.9FL walkie-talkie walkie-talkie circuit walkie talkie SC14CVM2.4FL walkie talkie circuit LMX4168 SC14428 digital walkie talkie circuit
    Text: VK .9DE 1 M V T 80.– 7 2  C SC14 r ic e up p F L 1 1.9 CV M SC14 .75  26 SC14CVM Cordless Voice Module from National Semiconductor Based on National Semiconductor’s SC14428 baseband IC and LMX4168 or LMX4268, the Cordless Voice Module CVM is a combined

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    Abstract: SC14428 LMX4168 LMX4268 LMX3162 sc14425 system-on-a-chip
    Text: National’s Focus On DECT January 2001 CMOS with embedded Flash BiCMOS 0.25µ 0.5µ 0.35µ 0.18µ One baseband platform Home RF SWAP 2.0 SC14404 SC14408 HandSet SC14428 SC14425 Base Station Worldwide Support LMX3162 Europe Tel. English: Bluetooth DCT LMX3161

    SC14404 SC14408 SC14428 LMX3163 LMX3162 LMX4268 SC14425 LMX3161 LMX4168 LMX3163 SC14428 LMX4168 LMX4268 LMX3162 sc14425 system-on-a-chip PDF

    DECT RF Transceiver 1.9 ghz

    Abstract: Nokia 1600 mobile phone NOKIA VCO Motorola cell phone transceiver chip 100 MHz to 4 baby monitor 900mhz DECT 900MHz transceiver GFSK philips baby monitor Mobile Camera Module NOKIA philips dect
    Text: Wireless Communications THE 1998 INTERNATIONAL DECT CONGRESS Examining The Latest Technological Advances in The DECT Standard Comparing The Current Status of The Different Cordless Standards Benny Madsen, National Semiconductor Corp. N THE 1998 INTERNATIONAL DECT CONGRESS

    900MHz, DECT RF Transceiver 1.9 ghz Nokia 1600 mobile phone NOKIA VCO Motorola cell phone transceiver chip 100 MHz to 4 baby monitor 900mhz DECT 900MHz transceiver GFSK philips baby monitor Mobile Camera Module NOKIA philips dect PDF

    GSM based home appliance control circuit diagram

    Abstract: algorithm behind 5 pen pc technology bluetooth advantages and disadvantages 2.4GHz Cordless Phone circuit diagram RF MODULE CIRCUIT DIAGRAM dect nokia cellphone camera module general advantages and disadvantages of bluetooth home security system block diagram car speed control using bluetooth advantages and 5 Pen Pc Technology - PPT
    Text: White Paper: Spartan-II R WP135 v1.0 March 21, 2001 Wireless Home Networks — DECT, Bluetooth, HomeRF, and Wireless LANs Author: Amit Dhir Summary A wireless home network is an intriguing alternative to phoneline and powerline wiring systems. Wireless home networks provide all the functionality of wireline networks without the physical

    WP135 GSM based home appliance control circuit diagram algorithm behind 5 pen pc technology bluetooth advantages and disadvantages 2.4GHz Cordless Phone circuit diagram RF MODULE CIRCUIT DIAGRAM dect nokia cellphone camera module general advantages and disadvantages of bluetooth home security system block diagram car speed control using bluetooth advantages and 5 Pen Pc Technology - PPT PDF


    Abstract: MHW707-1 MRF947T1 equivalent mhw704 CR2428 MHW591 MHW592 MHW593 MHW707 MRF861
    Text: RF Products In Brief . . . While Motorola is considered to be the supermarket for semiconductor products, there is not a category in which the selection is more diverse, or more complete, than in products designed for RF system applications. From MOS, bipolar

    714U/1 MHLW8000 MHW707-2 MHW707-1 MRF947T1 equivalent mhw704 CR2428 MHW591 MHW592 MHW593 MHW707 MRF861 PDF

    DECT telephone schematic

    Abstract: Germanium Power Diodes MAAPSS0066 MAAPSS0071 MAAPSS0075 MAAPSS0076 Germanium power
    Text: RF TO LIGHT FEBRUARY 2004 by TestMart NAVICPmart “K” Package VCO Module for Consumer Applications by Sirenza Microdevices High Performance SiGe Amplifiers for Cordless and Wireless Applications by M/A-COM Millimeter Wave Attenuation Measurements with an FFT Analyzer

    MAMUSS0009 DECT telephone schematic Germanium Power Diodes MAAPSS0066 MAAPSS0071 MAAPSS0075 MAAPSS0076 Germanium power PDF


    Abstract: MOTOROLA MASTER SELECTION GUIDE RF MHW591 MHW704 mhw593 MHW707-2 MHW592 MRF947T1 equivalent MHW707-1 MRF9282T1
    Text: RF Products In Brief . . . While Motorola is considered to be the supermarket for semiconductor products, there is not a category in which the selection is more diverse, or more complete, than in products designed for RF system applications. From MOS, bipolar

    MHW1184L MHW1224L MHW1254L MHW1304L MRF9742 MOTOROLA MASTER SELECTION GUIDE RF MHW591 MHW704 mhw593 MHW707-2 MHW592 MRF947T1 equivalent MHW707-1 MRF9282T1 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC5508 NE3512S02 digital tv tuner hjfet NESG240033 SW SPDT NE5510279A antenna for microwave CATV materials ANTENNA parabolic
    Text: RF AND MICROWAVE DEVICES SELECTION GUIDE − APPLICATION SYSTEM − April 2009 This document covers “Silicon Microwave Transistors”, “Silicon Microwave Monolithic ICs” and “Microwave GaAs Devices”. Caution GaAs Products This product uses gallium arsenide GaAs .

    G0706 PX10020EJ39V0PF UPC8236 2SC5508 NE3512S02 digital tv tuner hjfet NESG240033 SW SPDT NE5510279A antenna for microwave CATV materials ANTENNA parabolic PDF

    mobile phone basic block diagram

    Abstract: PG2158T5K 2SC3357/NE85634 microwave Duplexer NE5510279A UPC8236 NE3517S03 UPG2156 NE662M04 SW SPDT
    Text: RF AND MICROWAVE DEVICES SELECTION GUIDE − APPLICATION SYSTEM − October 2009 This document covers “Silicon Microwave Transistors”, “Silicon Microwave Monolithic ICs” and “Microwave GaAs Devices”. Caution GaAs Products This product uses gallium arsenide GaAs .

    G0706 PX10020EJ41V0PF mobile phone basic block diagram PG2158T5K 2SC3357/NE85634 microwave Duplexer NE5510279A UPC8236 NE3517S03 UPG2156 NE662M04 SW SPDT PDF

    Philips HD 4686

    Abstract: philips gmsk MGC866
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET UAA2067G Image reject 1800 MHz transceiver for DECT applications Product specification Supersedes data of 1995 Sep 18 File under Integrated Circuits, IC17 1996 Oct 22 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Image reject 1800 MHz transceiver

    UAA2067G UAA2067GBE OT401 Philips HD 4686 philips gmsk MGC866 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC5508 2SC3357/NE85634 CATV MODULATOR NE5510279A upg2406t6r Microwave GaAs FET catalogue NE3515S02 NE662M04 NE3514S02

    R09CA0001EJ0100 PX10020EJ42V0PF UPC8236 2SC5508 2SC3357/NE85634 CATV MODULATOR NE5510279A upg2406t6r Microwave GaAs FET catalogue NE3515S02 NE662M04 NE3514S02 PDF


    Abstract: UPC3243 UPC8236 NE3509 NE3517S03 transistor 20107 800 Mhz Cordless Phone circuit diagram NESG270034 2SC4226 APPLICATION NOTES NE5510279A

    R09CA0001EJ0300 2SC5508 UPC3243 UPC8236 NE3509 NE3517S03 transistor 20107 800 Mhz Cordless Phone circuit diagram NESG270034 2SC4226 APPLICATION NOTES NE5510279A PDF


    Abstract: DFC2R MuRata Gigafil CE053R836DCB DFC31R DFY2R dfc3r881 CFUXC450 DFC21R89 LMC36
    Text: This is the PDF file of catalog No.K09E-5. No.K09E5.pdf 00.1.31 Murata Products for Mobile Communications GSM DCS1800 E-TACS DECT CT-2 W-CDMA ISM2400 PCS IS136 AMPS/ADC PCS (GSM) CDMA800 PCS (CDMA) ISM900 ISM2400 PDC800 J-CDMA ISM2400 GSM CDMA PHS E-TACS AMPS DECT

    K09E-5. K09E5 DCS1800 ISM2400 IS136) CDMA800 ISM900 PDC800 SWITCHPLEXER DFC2R MuRata Gigafil CE053R836DCB DFC31R DFY2R dfc3r881 CFUXC450 DFC21R89 LMC36 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Agilent 85720C Portable PDC Transmitter Tester Product Overview Agilent 85720C PDC Measurements Personality and Options 151 and 160 for the Agilent 8590 E-Series Spectrum Analyzers Modulation accuracy measurements at a surprisingly affordable price now meet RCR STD-27C

    85720C 85720C STD-27C 5963-9971E 8591E 5902A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Image reject 1800 MHz transceiver for DECT applications UAA2067G consists of a low-noise amplifier that drives a quadrature mixer pair. Image rejection is achieved by this RF mixer pair and the two phase shifters in the I and Q channels that

    UAA2067G PDF

    very simple walkie talkie circuit diagram

    Abstract: blf278 models walkie talkie circuit diagram simple walkie talkie circuit diagram SiGe HBT GAIN BLOCK MMIC AMPLIFIER N6 BF245c spice model smd TRANSISTOR code marking 8K MOBILE jammer GSM 1800 MHZ BSS83 spice model smd TRANSISTOR code marking 7k sot23
    Text: Experience high-performance analog NXP’s RF Manual makes design work much easier NXP’s RF Manual – one of the most important reference tools on the market for today’s RF designers – features our complete range of RF products, from low to high power.

    TFF1007HN TFF11070HN TFF11073HN TFF11077HN TFF11080HN TFF11084HN TFF11088HN TFF11092HN TFF11096HN TFF11101HN very simple walkie talkie circuit diagram blf278 models walkie talkie circuit diagram simple walkie talkie circuit diagram SiGe HBT GAIN BLOCK MMIC AMPLIFIER N6 BF245c spice model smd TRANSISTOR code marking 8K MOBILE jammer GSM 1800 MHZ BSS83 spice model smd TRANSISTOR code marking 7k sot23 PDF


    Abstract: walkie talkie circuit diagram very simple walkie talkie circuit diagram smd TRANSISTOR code marking 8K smd m5 transistor 6-pin walkie talkie Transceiver IC mesfet lnb toshiba smd marking code transistor blf574 BLF578
    Text: Experience high-performance analog NXP’s RF Manual makes design work much easier NXP’s RF Manual – one of the most important reference tools on the market for today’s RF designers – features our complete range of RF products, from low to high power.

    TFF1007HN TFF11070HN TFF11073HN TFF11077HN TFF11080HN TFF11084HN TFF11088HN TFF11092HN TFF11096HN TFF11101HN double TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE mc walkie talkie circuit diagram very simple walkie talkie circuit diagram smd TRANSISTOR code marking 8K smd m5 transistor 6-pin walkie talkie Transceiver IC mesfet lnb toshiba smd marking code transistor blf574 BLF578 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Agilent ESG-A and ESG-D RF Signal Generators Data Sheet Discontinuance Notice On 1 March 2007, the ESG-A/D Series will be discontinued. Agilent willcontinue to support these products until 1 March 2012. The recommended replacement is the Agilent MXG signal generator.

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    Abstract: PSB 50712 E ADM8668 PEB 83000 ADM6996I Atheros Infineon ADM6996M adm6999 ADM8515 atheros wireless 2.4
    Text: Product Selection Guide May 2006 Customer Premises Equipment CPE IC portfolio w w w. i n f i n e o n . c o m / c p e T H E C U S TO M E R P R E M I S E S E Q U I P M E N T ( C P E ) market is evolving rapidly. Within only a few years we’ve witnessed an evolution from pure

    B115-H8510-G3-X-7600 psb 50702 PSB 50712 E ADM8668 PEB 83000 ADM6996I Atheros Infineon ADM6996M adm6999 ADM8515 atheros wireless 2.4 PDF


    Abstract: UN00404
    Text: GaAs PA Module for Mobile Telephone • GaAs PA Module for Mobile Telephone # Lineup per Destination and Specification Division Capacity System PA Module Power MMIC JAPAN U.S.A. U.K. NTT/IDO AMPS E-TACS JDC1 JDC2 824 - 8 4 9 872 - 9 0 5 940 - 9 5 6 1429 -1 4 4 1

    OCR Scan
    SD-10A UN063 UN00403 UN00303 UN064 UN00404 UN00304 UN0045F GN05002 GNOS008N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Semiconductor PRELIMINARY LMX2411 Baseband Processor for Radio Communications General Description Features The LMX2411 is a monolithic, integrated baseband proces­ sor suitable for use in Digital European Cordless Telecom­ munications DECT systems as well as other mobile teleph­

    OCR Scan
    LMX2411 LMX2411 SC14400) LMX2240 PDF


    Abstract: pmb4420 PMB 4420 Siemens pmb 4420 transistor smd marking gk 5-PIN MARKING PAX PMB4819 smd diode marking KC L50Q 4819
    Text: tM I fl s ?l s s if 3 No. SI IC PMB4819 CODE NO. ^ 7| fl- S s| g Siemens LTD. Seoul 726,Yeoksam-dong,Kangnam-gu Seoul.C.P.O Box 3001,Korea Tel: 5277-700 Fax: 5277-779 SIEMENS ICs for Communications Power Amplifier for DECT Application PMB 4819 Version 1.0

    OCR Scan
    PMB4819 100nF 100nF PMB4819 PMB4220 pmb4420 PMB 4420 Siemens pmb 4420 transistor smd marking gk 5-PIN MARKING PAX smd diode marking KC L50Q 4819 PDF