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    TC4511BP Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, BCD-to-7-Segment Decoder, DIP16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74LVCH16501APF8 Renesas Electronics Corporation LOGIC 40056 MOTHER CODE Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74LVCH16501APA Renesas Electronics Corporation LOGIC 40056 MOTHER CODE Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74LVCH16501APA8 Renesas Electronics Corporation LOGIC 40056 MOTHER CODE Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74LVCH16501APV Renesas Electronics Corporation LOGIC 40056 MOTHER CODE Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    DATE CODE MARKING STM8 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: st marking code STM8S207 STM8S207R8 STM8S207S8 stm8s208rb marking code stmicroelectronics STM8S208MB errata sheet Date Code Marking STMicroelectronics stm8s
    Text: STM8S208xx/STM8S207xx Errata sheet STM8S performance line revision X device limitations Silicon identification This errata sheet applies to the revision X of the STMicroelectronics STM8S performance line products. The full list of root part numbers is shown in Table 2.

    STM8S208xx/STM8S207xx STM8S207xxxx STM8S208xxxx stm8s208 st marking code STM8S207 STM8S207R8 STM8S207S8 stm8s208rb marking code stmicroelectronics STM8S208MB errata sheet Date Code Marking STMicroelectronics stm8s PDF


    Abstract: STMicroelectronics date code format
    Text: STM8-SK/RAIS STM8-D/RAIS ST7-SK/RAIS ST7-D/RAIS Raisonance’s complete, low-cost starter kits for STM8 and ST7 Data brief Features Embedded RLink • USB interface to host PC ■ In-circuit debugging and programming ■ Application board connection via ST SWIM,

    RS-232 stm8s207 STMicroelectronics date code format PDF

    errata stm8

    Abstract: RM0016 STM8S103XX i2c berr stm8 Date Code Marking STM8 i2c berr STM8S103 STM8 CPU programming manual STMicroelectronics marking code STM8 pm0044
    Text: STM8S103xx/STM8S903xx Errata sheet STM8S103/903xx revision Z device limitations Silicon identification This errata sheet applies to the revision Z of the STMicroelectronics STM8S103xx and STM8S903xx devices. The full list of root part numbers is given in Table 2.

    STM8S103xx/STM8S903xx STM8S103/903xx STM8S103xx STM8S903xx STM8S103xxxx STM8S903xxxx errata stm8 RM0016 i2c berr stm8 Date Code Marking STM8 i2c berr STM8S103 STM8 CPU programming manual STMicroelectronics marking code STM8 pm0044 PDF


    Abstract: pm0044 RM0016 STM8S103XX PM0044 Programming manual STM8 CPU programming manual Date Code Marking STM8 Date Code Marking STMicroelectronics STM8S103F3 stm8s family
    Text: STM8S103xx and STM8S903xx Errata sheet STM8S103xx and STM8S903xx device limitations Silicon identification This errata sheet applies to the STMicroelectronics STM8S103xx and STM8S903xx devices. The full list of root part numbers is given in Table 2. The products can be identified as shown in Table 1:

    STM8S103xx STM8S903xx STM8S903xx STM8S103xxxx STM8S903xxxx STM8S103 pm0044 RM0016 PM0044 Programming manual STM8 CPU programming manual Date Code Marking STM8 Date Code Marking STMicroelectronics STM8S103F3 stm8s family PDF

    STM8L151* reference timer

    Abstract: STM8L151G STM8L151 stm8l151k6 STM8L15xC6 STM8L152C6 stm8l151c6 STM8L151x4 STM8L151C4 STM8L151K4
    Text: STM8L152x4/6 and STM8L151x4/6 Errata sheet STM8L152x4/6 and STM8L151x4/6 device limitations Silicon identification This errata sheet applies to revisions B and Z of the STMicroelectronics STM8L152x4/6 and STM8L151x4/6 devices. The full list of part numbers is shown in Table 2. The products are identifiable as shown in

    STM8L152x4/6 STM8L151x4/6 STM8L151x4/6 STM8L152C6, STM8L152C4, STM8L152K6, STM8L152K4 STM8L151* reference timer STM8L151G STM8L151 stm8l151k6 STM8L15xC6 STM8L152C6 stm8l151c6 STM8L151x4 STM8L151C4 STM8L151K4 PDF


    Abstract: STM8S208RB LQFP32 footprint Date Code Marking STM8 marking code stmicroelectronics stm32 ST7FLITE49 LQFP64. footprint ST7FLITE49K2 ST7256X ST72361
    Text: STM8-SK/RAIS STM8-D/RAIS ST7-SK/RAIS ST7-D/RAIS Raisonance’s complete, low-cost starter kits for STM8 and ST7 Data Brief Features Embedded RLink • USB interface to host PC ■ In-circuit debugging and programming ■ Application board connection via ST SWIM,

    RS232 stm8s207 STM8S208RB LQFP32 footprint Date Code Marking STM8 marking code stmicroelectronics stm32 ST7FLITE49 LQFP64. footprint ST7FLITE49K2 ST7256X ST72361 PDF


    Abstract: stm8s207 stm8s105 STM8S103 stm8s105 datasheet LQFP32 footprint STM8S105C6 RLink LQFP64. footprint stm8 footprint
    Text: STM8-SK/RAIS STM8-D/RAIS ST7-SK/RAIS ST7-D/RAIS Raisonance’s complete, low-cost starter kits for STM8 and ST7 Data brief Features Embedded RLink • USB interface to host PC ■ In-circuit debugging and programming ■ Application board connection via ST SWIM,

    RS-232 STM8S903 stm8s207 stm8s105 STM8S103 stm8s105 datasheet LQFP32 footprint STM8S105C6 RLink LQFP64. footprint stm8 footprint PDF


    Abstract: STM8L101 stm8l101f3 LQFP32 RM0013 TTSOP20 UFQFPN32 STM8L101G3
    Text: STM8L101xx Errata sheet STM8L101xx limitations Silicon identification This errata sheet applies to revision “B”, “Z” or “Y” of the STMicroelectronics STM8L101xx devices. . Table 1. Device identification Part number Revision code marked on device

    STM8L101xx STM8L101xx STM8L101F3 STM8L101G3 STM8L101K3 STM8L101F2 STM8L101G2 STM8L101xxxx UFQFPN20 STM8L101 LQFP32 RM0013 TTSOP20 UFQFPN32 PDF


    Abstract: STM8S103 pm0044 PM0044 Programming manual RM0016 STM8S903 i2c berr stm8 STM8 CPU programming manual STM8S903x stm8s903f3
    Text: STM8S103xx and STM8S903xx Errata sheet STM8S103xx and STM8S903xx device limitations Silicon identification This errata sheet applies to the STMicroelectronics STM8S103xx and STM8S903xx devices. The full list of root part numbers is given in Table 2. The products can be identified as shown in Table 1:

    STM8S103xx STM8S903xx STM8S903xx STM8S103xxxx STM8S903xxxx STM8S STM8S103 pm0044 PM0044 Programming manual RM0016 STM8S903 i2c berr stm8 STM8 CPU programming manual STM8S903x stm8s903f3 PDF

    ufdfpn8 footprint

    Abstract: CHARGE-TRANSFER TOUCH SENSOR STM8T141 datasheet proximity switch schematic STM8T141 ufdfpn8 pcb footprint proximity sensor interfacing with microcontroller STM8T14x MB856 schematic capacitive proximity sensor
    Text: UM0742 User manual STM8T14X-EVAL evaluation kit Introduction The STM8T14X-EVAL is an evaluation kit which introduces developers to STMicroelectronics STM8T141 touch and proximity capacitive sensor. It contains an STM8T141 evaluation board, the MB858, plus a set of preconfigured plug-in

    UM0742 STM8T14X-EVAL STM8T141 MB858, ufdfpn8 footprint CHARGE-TRANSFER TOUCH SENSOR STM8T141 datasheet proximity switch schematic ufdfpn8 pcb footprint proximity sensor interfacing with microcontroller STM8T14x MB856 schematic capacitive proximity sensor PDF


    Abstract: STM8S105C6 RM0016 pm0044 STM8S stm8s105s4 STM8S105K4 STM8S105 STM8S105C4 STM8S105K
    Text: STM8S105xx Errata sheet STM8S105xx revisions Z and Y device limitations Silicon identification This errata sheet applies to the revisions Z and Y of the STMicroelectronics STM8S105xx products. A full list of root part numbers is shown in Table 1. The products can be identified see Table 2 by:

    STM8S105xx STM8S105xx STM8S105C4, STM8S105C6, STM8S105K4, STM8S105K6, STM8S105S4, STM8S105S6 STM8S105C6 RM0016 pm0044 STM8S stm8s105s4 STM8S105K4 STM8S105 STM8S105C4 STM8S105K PDF


    Abstract: STM8L152M8 stm8l152 STM8L15xC8 STM8L162x8 UFQFPN48 STM8L151M8 STM8L stm8l152r8 STM8L151R8
    Text: STM8L15xM8/R8/C8/R6 STM8L162x8 Errata sheet STM8L15xM8/R8/C8/R6 and STM8L162x 8 device limitations Silicon identification This errata sheet applies to the revision Z of the STMicroelectronics STM8L151M8/R8/C8/R6, STM8L152M8/R8/C8/R6 and STM8L162x8 devices.

    STM8L15xM8/R8/C8/R6 STM8L162x8 STM8L162x STM8L151M8/R8/C8/R6, STM8L152M8/R8/C8/R6 STM8L162x8 STM8L151M8, STM8L152M8, STM8L151R8, STM8L151 STM8L152M8 stm8l152 STM8L15xC8 UFQFPN48 STM8L151M8 STM8L stm8l152r8 STM8L151R8 PDF

    lin bus example C codes

    Abstract: errata stm8 STM8S20xxx pm0044 STM8S208MB errata sheet STM8S207C6 i2c berr stm8 STM8 CPU programming manual STM8S207R8 STM8S207S6
    Text: STM8S20xxx Errata sheet STM8S performance line device limitations Silicon identification This errata sheet applies to revisions X and Y/6 of the STMicroelectronics STM8S performance line products. A full list of part numbers is shown in Table 1. The products can be identified see Table 2 by:

    STM8S20xxx STM8S207xx STM8S207MB, STM8S207M8, STM8S207RB, STM8S207R8, STM8S207R6, STM8S207CB, STM8S207C8, STM8S207C6, lin bus example C codes errata stm8 STM8S20xxx pm0044 STM8S208MB errata sheet STM8S207C6 i2c berr stm8 STM8 CPU programming manual STM8S207R8 STM8S207S6 PDF

    STM8 CPU programming manual

    Abstract: STM8AF6266 pm0044 STM8AF6226 PM0044 Programming manual i2c berr stm8 STM8AF6248 STM8A STM8AF612x Date Code Marking STM8
    Text: STM8AF622x/4x/66/68 STM8AF612x/4x/66/68 errata sheet Device limitations for STM8AFxxxx automotive MCUs featuring up to 32 Kbytes of Flash program memory Silicon identification This errata sheet applies to the STMicroelectronics STM8AF622x/4x, STM8AF6266/68,

    STM8AF622x/4x/66/68 STM8AF612x/4x/66/68 STM8AF622x/4x, STM8AF6266/68, STM8AF612x/4x, STM8AF6166/68 STM8AF622x/4x STM8AF6266/68 STM8AF612x/4x STM8AF6166/68 STM8 CPU programming manual STM8AF6266 pm0044 STM8AF6226 PM0044 Programming manual i2c berr stm8 STM8AF6248 STM8A STM8AF612x Date Code Marking STM8 PDF


    Abstract: STM8AF5288 STM8AF6286 pm0044 STM8AF6269 STM8 CPU programming manual i2c berr stm8 STM8AF62 STM8AF5268 STM8AF51A8
    Text: STM8AF51/52xx STM8AF6169/7x/8x/9x/Ax STM8AF6269/8x/Ax errata sheet Device limitations for STM8AFxxxx automotive MCUs featuring up to 128 Kbytes of Flash program memory Silicon identification This errata sheet applies to the STMicroelectronics STM8AF51xx, STM8AF52xx,

    STM8AF51/52xx STM8AF6169/7x/8x/9x/Ax STM8AF6269/8x/Ax STM8AF51xx, STM8AF52xx, STM8AF6169/7x/8x/9x/Ax, STM8AF51xx STM8AF52xx STM8AF6169/7x/8x/9x/Axy RM00016 STM8AF5288 STM8AF6286 pm0044 STM8AF6269 STM8 CPU programming manual i2c berr stm8 STM8AF62 STM8AF5268 STM8AF51A8 PDF

    errata stm8

    Abstract: STM8 spi programming manual STM8S105C6 i2c berr stm8 pm0044 EV63 STM8 CPU programming manual LQFP32 stm8s105s4 STM8S105C4
    Text: STM8S105xx Errata sheet STM8S105xx device limitations Silicon identification This errata sheet applies to the revisions Z and Y/6 of the STMicroelectronics STM8S105xx products. A full list of root part numbers is shown in Table 1. The products can be identified see Table 2 by:

    STM8S105xx STM8S105xx STM8S105C4, STM8S105C6, STM8S105K4, STM8S105K6, STM8S105S4, STM8S105S6 errata stm8 STM8 spi programming manual STM8S105C6 i2c berr stm8 pm0044 EV63 STM8 CPU programming manual LQFP32 stm8s105s4 STM8S105C4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: STM8T143 Single-channel capacitive sensor for touch and proximity detection Datasheet - production data Applications • Ear-face proximity detection for smart phone devices SO8 narrow • Companion device for navigation joystick/optical track pad UFDFPN8

    STM8T143 DocID18315 91/157/AET PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: STM8T143 Single-channel capacitive sensor for touch and proximity detection Datasheet - production data • Ear-head detection for MP3/walkman ear buds and Bluetooth headsets • On/off touch sensing button such as GPS system home button • User hands detection for mouse/keyboards

    STM8T143 DocID18315 91/157/AET PDF

    ufdfpn8 footprint

    Abstract: ufdfpn8 pcb footprint ufdfpn8 thermal resistance marking XN 8pin STM8T143 dongle bluetooth STM8T143AM62T 91/157/AET
    Text: STM8T143 Single-channel capacitive sensor for touch and proximity detection Datasheet −production data Features • Touch and short range proximity detection ■ Internal sampling capacitor ■ On-chip integrated voltage regulator ■ Automatic electrode tuning AET

    STM8T143 STM8T143 ufdfpn8 footprint ufdfpn8 pcb footprint ufdfpn8 thermal resistance marking XN 8pin dongle bluetooth STM8T143AM62T 91/157/AET PDF


    Abstract: ufdfpn8 footprint
    Text: STM8T143 Single-channel capacitive sensor for touch and proximity detection Datasheet −production data Features • Touch and short range proximity detection ■ Internal sampling capacitor ■ On-chip integrated voltage regulator ■ Automatic electrode tuning AET

    STM8T143 91/157/AET ufdfpn8 footprint PDF


    Abstract: ufdfpn8 footprint ufdfpn8 pcb footprint STM8T142 MARKING 54 dongle bluetooth stm8t st an2869 91/157/AET
    Text: STM8T143 Single-channel capacitive sensor for touch and proximity detection Features • Touch and short range proximity detection ■ Internal sampling capacitor ■ On-chip integrated voltage regulator ■ Automatic electrode tuning AET ■ Electrode parasitic capacitance compensation

    STM8T143 STM8T143 ufdfpn8 footprint ufdfpn8 pcb footprint STM8T142 MARKING 54 dongle bluetooth stm8t st an2869 91/157/AET PDF


    Abstract: STM8S stm8s003 stm8s00 STM8S103F3 STM8S103F2
    Text: STM8S103K3 STM8S103F3 STM8S103F2 Access line, 16 MHz STM8S 8-bit MCU, up to 8 Kbytes Flash, data EEPROM,10-bit ADC, 3 timers, UART, SPI, I²C Interrupt management Nested interrupt controller with 32 interrupts • • Up to 27 external interrupts on 6 vectors

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: STM8S103K3 STM8S103F3 STM8S103F2 Access line, 16 MHz STM8S 8-bit MCU, up to 8 Kbytes Flash, data EEPROM,10-bit ADC, 3 timers, UART, SPI, I²C Interrupt management Nested interrupt controller with 32 interrupts LQFP32 7x7 UFQFPN32 5x5 • • Up to 27 external interrupts on 6 vectors

    STM8S103K3 STM8S103F3 STM8S103F2 10-bit LQFP32 UFQFPN32 SDIP32 16-bit, TSSOP20 SO20W PDF


    Abstract: stm8sp103 STM8S103K3 STM8S103F3 STM8S103Kx STM8S103 UFQFPN20-pin stm8s103xx STM8S103F2 adc example sTM8s
    Text: STM8S103K3 STM8S103F3 STM8S103F2 Access line, 16 MHz STM8S 8-bit MCU, up to 8 Kbytes Flash, data EEPROM,10-bit ADC, 3 timers, UART, SPI, I²C Interrupt management Nested interrupt controller with 32 interrupts LQFP32 7x7 UFQFPN32 5x5 • • Up to 27 external interrupts on 6 vectors

    STM8S103K3 STM8S103F3 STM8S103F2 10-bit LQFP32 UFQFPN32 SDIP32 16-bit, TSSOP20 SO20W STM8S103FX stm8sp103 STM8S103Kx STM8S103 UFQFPN20-pin stm8s103xx STM8S103F2 adc example sTM8s PDF