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    KOA Speer Electronics Inc RN732BTTD1011A10

    RES 1.01K OHM 0.05% 1/8W 1206
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey RN732BTTD1011A10 Reel
    • 1 -
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    • 100 -
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    KOA Speer Electronics Inc RN732ATTD1011A05

    RES 1.01K OHM 0.05% 1/10W 0805
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey RN732ATTD1011A05 Reel
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
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    KOA Speer Electronics Inc RN73H1JTTD1011A25

    RES 1.01K OHM 0.05% 1/10W 0603
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey RN73H1JTTD1011A25 Cut Tape 1
    • 1 $0.84
    • 10 $0.84
    • 100 $0.84
    • 1000 $0.84
    • 10000 $0.84
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    RN73H1JTTD1011A25 Digi-Reel 1
    • 1 $0.84
    • 10 $0.84
    • 100 $0.84
    • 1000 $0.84
    • 10000 $0.84
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    RN73H1JTTD1011A25 Reel 5,000
    • 1 -
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    • 100 -
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    • 10000 $0.28125
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    KOA Speer Electronics Inc RN73R2ETTD1011A25

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey RN73R2ETTD1011A25 Reel 5,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.33125
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    KOA Speer Electronics Inc RN73H2ATTD1011A10

    RES 1.01K OHM 0.05% 1/8W 0805
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey RN73H2ATTD1011A10 Digi-Reel 1
    • 1 $1.05
    • 10 $1.05
    • 100 $1.05
    • 1000 $1.05
    • 10000 $1.05
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    RN73H2ATTD1011A10 Cut Tape 1
    • 1 $1.05
    • 10 $1.05
    • 100 $1.05
    • 1000 $1.05
    • 10000 $1.05
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    RN73H2ATTD1011A10 Reel 5,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.36875
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    Mouser Electronics RN73H2ATTD1011A10
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.368
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    D 1011A Datasheets Context Search

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    SMD fuse P110

    Abstract: 74c914 transistor b733 transistor SMD p113 EPSON C691 MAIN npn transistor smd w19 smd diode c539 transistor b771 transistor c1015 transistor c1008 011
    Text: 4 3 Figure 1: 2 1 ML300 CPU Table 1: ML300 CPU Virtex-II Pro Based Virtex-II Pro Based Block Diagram Table of Contents D D Infiniband HSSCD2 Dual Gig-E Fiber (Quad) Serial ATA (Dual) Sheet 1: Sheet 2: Sheet 3: Sheet 4: Sheet 5: Sheet 6: Sheet 7: Sheet 8:

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    Abstract: rubidium lpro CFPR-01 CFPR-02
    Text: CFPR-01, -02: Rubidium Oscillator Outline in mm inches - (scale 1:3) - CFPR-01(FRS) ISSUE 1: 1 OCTOBER 1999 Delivery Options n Please contact our sales office for current leadtimes F r e q u e n c y a d ju s t a c c e s s h o le 5 0 .8 (2 .0 ) 1 0 1 .6 (4 .0 )

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DEMO MANUAL DC1011A LTC2498, LTC2496, LTC2494 24-bit/16-bit, 8-/16-Channel, Easy Drive ΔS ADC with SPI Interface Description Demonstration Circuit 1011A-A features the LTC 2498 8-/16-channel, 24-bit Delta Sigma ADC with Easy Drive inputs. Key DC specifications include 2ppm INL, 1ppm

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    Abstract: 2SA1189 2SA1190 2SA1191 DSA003636 Hitachi 2SA
    Text: 2SA1188 Silicon PNP Epitaxial ADE-208-1011A Z 2nd. Edition Mar. 2001 Application • Low frequency amplifier Outline TO-92 (1) 1. Emitter 2. Collector 3. Base 3 2 1 2SA1188 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C) Item Symbol Rating Unit Collector to base voltage

    2SA1188 ADE-208-1011A 2SA1189 2SA1188 2SA1189 2SA1190 2SA1191 DSA003636 Hitachi 2SA PDF


    Abstract: 2SA1188DTZ-E 2SA1188ETZ-E PRSS0003DA-A SC-43A
    Text: 2SA1188 Silicon PNP Epitaxial REJ03G0639-0300 Previous ADE-208-1011A Rev.3.00 Aug.10.2005 Application Low frequency amplifier Outline RENESAS Package code: PRSS0003DA-A (Package name: TO-92 (1) 1. Emitter 2. Collector 3. Base 3 2 1 Absolute Maximum Ratings

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SN54ALS1011 A, SN74ALS1011A TRIPLE 3-INPUT POSITIVE-AND BUFFERS D 2 6 6 1 , APRIL 1 9 8 2 -R E V iS E D M A Y 1 9 8 6 S N 54A LS 1011A . . . J PACKAGE S N 74A LS 1011A . . . D OR N PACKAGE • Buffer Version of 'ALS11 • Package Options Include Plastic "Sm all

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    SN54ALS1011 SN74ALS1011A ALS11 300-m 74ALS1011 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SN54ALS1011A, SN74ALS1011A TRIPLE 3 INPUT POSITIVE AND BUFFERS D 2 6 6 1 , APRIL 1 9 8 2 -R EVISED M A Y 1 9 8 6 S N 54A LS 1011A . . . J PACKAGE SN 74A LS1011A . . . D OR N PACKAGE B u ffe r V ersion o f 'A L S 1 1 Package O ption s Include P lastic "S m a ll

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    SN54ALS1011A, SN74ALS1011A LS1011A PDF


    Abstract: N1033A n1033 transistor lrw N1013A N1027A N1004A N1011A
    Text: 1 SIG N ETIC S D IG IT A L 1.000/10,000 S E R IE S ECL FU N C TIO N 2 O R Outputs w/Pulldowns _ _ _ . . 2 NOR Outputs w/Pulldowns P A R T NO. io to + ? r o P R O P A G A T IO N T O T A L POWER LO A D IN G D ELA Y D ISSIPA TIO N FAC TO R ruec typ. mW typ.

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    N1013A N1027A N1033A 1039B TRANSISTOR 1015A n1033 transistor lrw N1004A N1011A PDF


    Abstract: SN74ALS1011A SN54ALS1011A
    Text: SIM54ALS1011 A, SN74ALS1011A TRIPLE 3 INPUT POSITIVE-AND BUFFERS D 2 6 6 1 , A P R IL 1 9 8 2 - R E V IS E D M A Y 1 9 8 6 S N 5 4 A L S 1 0 1 1 A . . . J P AC KA G E S N 7 4 A L S 1 0 1 1 A . . . D OR N PAC KA G E B u ffe r V ersion o f 'A L S 1 1 TOP V IE W !

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    SN54ALS1011 SN74ALS1011A D2661, ALS11 300-mii SN54ALS101 SN54ALS30 SN54ALS1011A SN74ALS1011A 1R13B PDF


    Abstract: 617-12-Pin 8143b
    Text: S N 5 4 A LS 10 11A , S N 7 4 A L S 1 0 1 1A T R IP L E 3-INPUT P O S IT IV E A N D B U F F E R S D 2 6 6 1 , APRIL 1 9 8 2 -R E V IS E D M A Y 1 9 8 6 S N 5 4 A L S 1 0 1 1 A . . . J P AC KA G E • Buffer Version o f 'A L S 1 1 • Package Options Include Plastic "Sm all

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    SN54ALS1011 SN74ALS1011A D2661, ALS11 300-mil SN54ALS1011A SN74ALS1011A 617-12-Pin 8143b PDF

    polystyrene TRW capacitor

    Abstract: Theta-J solid state relay 100 LT111A
    Text: r r u TECHNOLOGY n m LT1011/LT1011A Voltage Comparator D 6 SCRIPTIOI1 FCOTURCS • Pin-Compatible with LM111 Series Devices ■ Guaranteed Max. 0.5mV Input Offset Voltage ■ Guaranteed Max. 25nA Input Bias Current ■ Guaranteed Max. 3nA Input Offset Current

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    LM111 250ns LT1011/LT1011A LT1011 LM111. polystyrene TRW capacitor Theta-J solid state relay 100 LT111A PDF


    Abstract: philips rf amplifier om preamplifier voltage 100 w amplifier diagram audio amplifier 100 w 150 audio amplifier circuit diagram
    Text: NAPC/PHILIPS SEMICOND k7E D • bfciS3c]24 GOflflblfci 217 W S I C B Philips Sem iconductors RF Com munications Products Preliminary specification 2 to 6W audio power amplifier with preamplifier TDA1011A TheTDA1011A is a monolithic integrated audio amplifier circuit in a 9-lead single in-line SIL plastic

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    fakS312H TDA1011A TDA1011A a066b23 philips rf amplifier om preamplifier voltage 100 w amplifier diagram audio amplifier 100 w 150 audio amplifier circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Q00 SERIES HR S ingle S ided Termm alion W ra p a rou n d Term ination HR0503 High Megohm Chip Resistors! HR0805. HR 1206 FEATURES • Resistance Range: 1 MS2 to 1 TQ 1012Q ■ Standard Tolerances: ±10% , ±20% , ±50% (±5% available below 500 M il) ■ Palladium Silver term inations (Gold available)

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    HR0503 HR0805. HR0805 1012Q) HR1206 V-15V 1200ppm/Â 600ppm/Â 200ppm/Â PDF

    power supply iso-400

    Abstract: opamp 356 LM0 series SCR 214
    Text: a t i o n a l LMC6084 N S e m i c o n d u c t o r LMC6084 Precision CMOS Quad Operational Amplifier General Description Features The LMC6084 is a precision quad low offset voltage opera­ tional amplifier, capable of single supply operation. Perform­ ance characteristics include ultra low input bias current, high

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    Abstract: sf 1020
    Text: S t H lh S n r i W ra p a ro u n d S in g le S<deO T e r m in a tio n High Megohm Chip Resistors! T e rm m a lio n HR0503 HR0805. HR1206 FEATURES Resistance Range: 1 MQ to 1 TQ 1012Q Standard Tolerances: ± 1 0 % , ± 2 0 % , ± 5 0 % (± 5 % available below 500 M il)

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    HR0805. HR1206 HB0503 HR0805 HR0503 1012Q) HR1206 108il, 109ii, 1011i cu k08 sf 1020 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: L i i i u \ k T E C H N O L O G Y _ L T 1 0 1 1 / L T 1 0 1 1A V o lt a g e C o m p a ra to r FCRTURCS D C S C R IP T IO n • Pin Compatible with LM111 Series Devices ■ Guaranteed Max 0.5mV Input Offset Voltage ■ Guaranteed Max 25nA Input Bias Current

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    LM111 250ns LM111. LM111, current10Hz LT1016 LT1116 LT1394 LT1671 PDF

    P 600 I 1903

    Abstract: No abstract text available

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    AR2699 AD-4171 AD-4707 amg33743 vO26d/dskO t4398/am d33743/e P 600 I 1903 PDF


    Abstract: DC24V Slide Switch DIP Piano Type Model 52J KSPA
    Text: DIP Switch • KSP TYPE r ► P i a n o D ìd P ia n o k e y ON ty p e & O F F ty p e . _ l_ U . U - U . J _ I U .U ^ ù ù ù ü l î ^ J lj So. K S P (P ia n o k e y O N ty p e ) ^ * A t th e po sitio n pressed down 8.8 R K S P A ( P i a n o k e y O F F t y p e ) * A t th e po sitio n

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    KSDD02 KSDD03 KSDD04 KSDD05 KSDD06 KSDD07 KSDD08 KSDD09 KSCE10 -30VC~ 94v-8 DC24V Slide Switch DIP Piano Type Model 52J KSPA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1011A AVG DDiT Semiconductors Technical Data DV74ALS1011A Triple 3-Input AND Buffers This device contains three independent buffers, each of which per­ forms the logic AND function. • AVG's ALS has guaranteed DC and AC specification over full temperature and Vcc range

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    DV74ALS1011A AVG-001 1-800-AVG-SEMI 00G027D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1011A AVG Semiconductors DDiT Technical Data DV74ALS1011A Triple 3-Input AND Buffers This device contains three independent buffers, each of which per­ forms the logic AND function. • AVG’s ALS has guaranteed DC and AC specification over full temperature and Vcc range

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    DV74ALS1011A AVG-001 AVG-002 ALS1011A ALS1011A DV74ALS1011A PDF


    Abstract: 54175 TFK 404 MM1402a equivalent SD300 N74141 SN7401 3 BB 4 SO 5 CON 6 RAY 7 CC 8 SI 9 RB 10 RG 11 VE
    Text: NUMERICAL INDEX FUNCTIONAL INDEX SALES OFFICES Copyright 1974 S IG N E T IC S C O R P O R A T IO N Signetics Corporation reserves the right to make changes in the products contained in this book in order to improve design or performance and to supply the best possible product.

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    74S114N N74S114B 74S15A 74S22N 74S20A 74S22A 74S40N 74S40A 74S64N 74S64A SN7441 54175 TFK 404 MM1402a equivalent SD300 N74141 SN7401 3 BB 4 SO 5 CON 6 RAY 7 CC 8 SI 9 RB 10 RG 11 VE PDF


    Abstract: FEY101B TCA290A Rifa pmr 2026 EF184 ORP52 Mullard Mullard quick reference guide GZF1200 ITT A2610 YD 6409
    Text: AN INTRODUCTION TO: Cartwright ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 517 LAWMOOR STREET DIXONS BLAZES INDUSTRIAL ESTATE GLASGOW G5 041-429 7771 Cartwright Electronic Components started trading in April, 1971 as the electronics division of John T. Cartwright & Sons ERD North Ltd . From very modest

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Chapter 1 Introduction In a very short period of tim e the PCI bus standard has moved beyond the PC to become the most w idely accepted high-perform ance bus standard for embedded applications. As a leader in providing chipset solutions for high-end embedded applications, V3 Sem iconductor

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    Am29Kâ 960/Am29K V350EPC pin91 V96SSC PDF