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    D/CRCW-IF E3 Search Results

    D/CRCW-IF E3 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    LBAA0QB1SJ-295 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd SX1262 MODULE WITH OPEN MCU Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GRM-KIT-OVER100-DE-D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 0805-1210 over100uF Cap Kit Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LBUA5QJ2AB-828 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd QORVO UWB MODULE Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LXMSJZNCMH-225 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ultra small RAIN RFID chip tag Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LXMS21NCMH-230 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ultra small RAIN RFID chip tag Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    D/CRCW-IF E3 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V I S H AY I N T E R T E C H N O L O G Y, I N C . THICK FILM CHIP RESISTORS Resistive Products An Overview of Vishay Thick Film Chip Resistors CRHV D/CRCW-IF e3 D/CRCW-P e3 RCG e3 CRCW-HP e3 D A P, C R C W - A P D/CRCW-P RCHR CRMV D/CRCW-TR e3 RC RCWE D/CRCW e3

    CRCW0201 CRCW01005 p3-4-9337-2726 VMN-SG2020-1502 PDF

    0805 0603 0402

    Abstract: CRCW0603 lead Pb free
    Text: D/CRCW-IF e3 Vishay Pulse Proof Thick Film Chip Resistors FEATURES • High pulse performance • Stability R/R  1 % for 1000 h at 70 °C • Pure tin solder contacts on Ni barrier layer provides compatibility with lead Pb -free and lead containing soldering processes

    2002/95/EC AEC-Q200 1005M 1608M 2012M 3216M 3225M 2011/65/EU 2002/95/EC. 2002/95/EC 0805 0603 0402 CRCW0603 lead Pb free PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D/CRCW-IF e3 Vishay Pulse Proof Thick Film Chip Resistors FEATURES • High pulse performance • Stability R/R  1 % for 1000 h at 70 °C • Pure tin solder contacts on Ni barrier layer provides compatibility with lead Pb -free and lead containing soldering processes

    2002/95/EC AEC-Q200 1005M 1608M 2012M 3216M 3225M 11-Mar-11 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D/CRCW-IF e3 Vishay Pulse Proof Thick Film Chip Resistors FEATURES • High pulse performance • Stability R/R  1 % for 1000 h at 70 °C • Pure tin solder contacts on Ni barrier layer provides compatibility with lead Pb -free and lead containing soldering processes

    2002/95/EC AEC-Q200 D10/CRCW0402-IF 1005M 2002/95/EC. 2002/95/EC 2011/65/EU. JS709A 02-Oct-12 PDF

    D12 vishay

    Abstract: D25 VISHAY D/CRCW-IF e3
    Text: D./CRCW.-IF e3 Vishay Lead Pb -free Thick Film, Rectangular, Pulse Proof FEATURES • • • • Metal glaze on high quality ceramic Protective overglaze Lead (Pb)-free solder contacts on Ni barrier layer Excellent stability (|ΔR/R|) ≤ ± 0.5 % for 1000 h at 70 °C) in

    2002/95/EC D12/CRCW0805-IF D25/CRCW1206-IF 40401-802/EIA-575 08-Apr-05 D12 vishay D25 VISHAY D/CRCW-IF e3 PDF

    smd transistor marking code EY

    Abstract: CRCW0805 CRCW1206 vishay 0805 SMD resistors D12 vishay D/CRCW-IF e3
    Text: D./CRCW.-IF e3 Vishay Lead Pb -free Thick Film, Rectangular, Pulse Proof Chip Resistors FEATURES • • • • • High pulse performance (during 10 µs up to 700 W) Metal glaze on high quality ceramic Protective overglaze Lead (Pb)-free solder contacts on Ni barrier layer

    2002/95/EC 08-Apr-05 smd transistor marking code EY CRCW0805 CRCW1206 vishay 0805 SMD resistors D12 vishay D/CRCW-IF e3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D/CRCW-IF e3 Vishay Pulse Proof Thick Film Chip Resistors FEATURES • High pulse performance, up to 10 kW • Stability R/R  1 % for 1000 h at 70 °C • AEC-Q200 qualified • Material categorization: for definitions of compliance please see

    AEC-Q200 D10/CRCW0402-IF RR1005M D11/CRCW0603-IF RR1608M D12/CRCW0805-IF RR2012M D25/CRCW1206-IF RR3216M 2002/95/EC. PDF

    D/CRCW-IF e3

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D./CRCW.-IF e3 Vishay Lead Pb -free Thick Film, Rectangular, Pulse Proof Chip Resistors FEATURES • • • • • High pulse performance (during 10 µs up to 700 W) Metal glaze on high quality ceramic Protective overglaze Lead (Pb)-free solder contacts on Ni barrier layer

    2002/95/EC D12/CRCW0805-IF D25/CRCW1206-IF 08-Apr-05 D/CRCW-IF e3 PDF

    D12 vishay

    Abstract: D/CRCW-IF e3
    Text: D./CRCW.-IF e3 Vishay Lead Pb -free Thick Film, Rectangular, Pulse Proof Chip Resistors FEATURES • • • • • High pulse performance (during 10 µs up to 700 W) Metal glaze on high quality ceramic Protective overglaze Lead (Pb)-free solder contacts on Ni barrier layer

    2002/95/EC 18-Jul-08 D12 vishay D/CRCW-IF e3 PDF


    Abstract: D12-CRCW0805 marking code EA SMD Transistor CRCW0603-IF SMD resistors 2012 CRCW0603 CRCW0805 CRCW1206 CRCW08051R00J D/CRCW-IF e3
    Text: D./CRCW.-IF e3 Vishay Lead Pb -free Thick Film, Rectangular, Pulse Proof Chip Resistors FEATURES • • • • • High pulse performance Metal glaze on high quality ceramic Protective overglaze Lead (Pb)-free solder contacts on Ni barrier layer Pure tin plating provides compatibility with lead (Pb)-free

    2002/95/EC 18-Jul-08 D10 SMD CODE MARKING D12-CRCW0805 marking code EA SMD Transistor CRCW0603-IF SMD resistors 2012 CRCW0603 CRCW0805 CRCW1206 CRCW08051R00J D/CRCW-IF e3 PDF

    D12 vishay

    Abstract: D/CRCW-IF e3
    Text: D./CRCW.-IF e3 Vishay Lead Pb -free Thick Film, Rectangular, Pulse Proof Chip Resistors FEATURES • • • • • High pulse performance Metal glaze on high quality ceramic Protective overglaze Lead (Pb)-free solder contacts on Ni barrier layer Pure tin plating provides compatibility with lead (Pb)-free

    2002/95/EC 11-Mar-11 D12 vishay D/CRCW-IF e3 PDF


    Abstract: vishay 1206 SMD resistors vishay 1210 SMD resistors marking code EY SMD smd marking ET6
    Text: D./CRCW.-LR e3 is End of Life July 2009 and replaced by RCWL D./CRCW.-LR e3 Vishay Lead Pb -free Thick Film, Rectangular, Low Value Chip Resistors FEATURES • • • • • • Low resistance values (down to 0.1 Ω) Suitable for current sensors and shunts

    2002/95/Etrademarks 2011/65/EU 2002/95/EC. 2002/95/EC 2011/65/EU. 12-Mar-12 E3-D10 vishay 1206 SMD resistors vishay 1210 SMD resistors marking code EY SMD smd marking ET6 PDF


    Abstract: RR3216 crcw0603 100 10k RR1005 CRCW1206-HP CRCW0805-HP CRCW0402-HP RR2012 VISHAY MARKING EA CRCW-HP e3
    Text: V ishay I n tertech n o l o g y, I n c . CRCW- HP e 3 Se r ie s Key Benefits • Combines high power ratings with small case sizes: CRCW0603-HP is rated for 0.25 W, the same power rating as the standard 1206 • Superior anti-surge and pulse characteristics compared to D/CRCW e3 series

    CRCW0603-HP AEC-Q200 CRCW0402-HP 2002/95/EC 26-Mar-10 rr1608 RR3216 crcw0603 100 10k RR1005 CRCW1206-HP CRCW0805-HP RR2012 VISHAY MARKING EA CRCW-HP e3 PDF

    D12 vishay

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D./CRCW.-LR e3 is End of Life July 2009 and replaced by RCWL D./CRCW.-LR e3 Vishay Lead Pb -free Thick Film, Rectangular, Low Value Chip Resistors FEATURES • • • • • • Low resistance values (down to 0.1 Ω) Suitable for current sensors and shunts

    2002/95/Ehay 11-Mar-11 D12 vishay PDF


    Abstract: CRCW0603 CRCW0805 0R0 CRCW2512 D/CRCW e3
    Text: D/CRCW e3 Vishay Lead Pb -Free Thick Film, Rectangular Chip Resistors FEATURES • Stability ΔR/R = 1 % for 1000 h at 70 ° C • Pure tin solder contacts on Ni barrier layer provides compatibility with lead (Pb)-free and lead containing soldering processes

    2002/95/EC AEC-Q200 CRCW0201 0603M 18-Jul-08 613-4 CRCW0603 CRCW0805 0R0 CRCW2512 D/CRCW e3 PDF

    CRCW e3

    Abstract: Sn60Pb40 D/CRCW D/CRCW e3
    Text: D/CRCW e3 Vishay Standard Thick Film Chip Resistors FEATURES • Stability R/R = 1 % for 1000 h at 70 ° C  Pure tin solder contacts on Ni barrier layer provides compatibility with lead Pb -free and lead containing soldering processes  Metal glaze on high quality ceramic

    2002/95/EC AEC-Q200 D10/CRCW0402 1005M 11-Mar-11 CRCW e3 Sn60Pb40 D/CRCW D/CRCW e3 PDF

    IEC-60286-3 Vishay

    Abstract: CRCW e3 D/CRCW e3
    Text: D/CRCW e3 Vishay Standard Thick Film Chip Resistors FEATURES • Stability R/R = 1 % for 1000 h at 70 ° C  Pure tin solder contacts on Ni barrier layer provides compatibility with lead Pb -free and lead containing soldering processes  Metal glaze on high quality ceramic

    2002/95/EC AEC-Q200 D10/CRCW0402 1005M D11/CRCW0603 16trademarks 2011/65/EU 2002/95/EC. 2002/95/EC 2011/65/EU. IEC-60286-3 Vishay CRCW e3 D/CRCW e3 PDF

    CRCW e3

    Abstract: D/CRCW e3
    Text: D/CRCW e3 Vishay Lead Pb -free Thick Film, Rectangular Chip Resistors FEATURES • Stability ΔR/R = 1 % for 1000 h at 70 ° C • Pure tin solder contacts on Ni barrier layer provides compatibility with lead (Pb)-free and lead containing soldering processes

    2002/95/EC AEC-Q200 CRCW0201 RR0603 18-Jul-08 CRCW e3 D/CRCW e3 PDF


    Abstract: RR1005 CRCW e3 D/CRCW e3
    Text: D/CRCW e3 Vishay Lead Pb -Free Thick Film, Rectangular Chip Resistors FEATURES • Stability ΔR/R = 1 % for 1000 h at 70 ° C • Pure tin solder contacts on Ni barrier layer provides compatibility with lead (Pb)-free and lead containing soldering processes

    2002/95/EC AEC-Q200 CRCW0201 RR0603 18-Jul-08 RR1005 CRCW e3 D/CRCW e3 PDF

    vishay crcw0805

    Abstract: D/CRCW e3
    Text: D./CRCW. e3 Vishay Lead Pb -free Thick Film, Rectangular Chip Resistors FEATURES • High volume product suitable for commercial and special applications • Excellent stability (ΔR/R ≤ 1 % for 1000 h at 70 °C) • Compliant with “Restriction of the use of Hazardous

    2002/95/EC 60068-2-X 04-Jul-07 vishay crcw0805 D/CRCW e3 PDF

    crcw0603 100 10k

    Abstract: smd transistor marking EY VISHAY MARKING ED vishay 1206 SMD resistors SMD resistors 2012 smd transistor EK smd transistor marking code EY CRCW0201 CRCW e3 SMD resistors 1218
    Text: D./CRCW. e3 Vishay Lead Pb -free Thick Film, Rectangular Chip Resistors FEATURES • High volume product suitable for commercial and special applications • Excellent stability (ΔR/R ≤ 1 % for 1000 h at 70 °C) • Compliant with “Restriction of the use of Hazardous

    2002/95/EC 18-Jul-08 crcw0603 100 10k smd transistor marking EY VISHAY MARKING ED vishay 1206 SMD resistors SMD resistors 2012 smd transistor EK smd transistor marking code EY CRCW0201 CRCW e3 SMD resistors 1218 PDF

    vishay CRCW0603

    Abstract: 0805 0603 0402 CRCW e3 RR2012 D/CRCW e3
    Text: D/CRCW e3 Vishay Standard Thick Film Chip Resistors FEATURES • Stability R/R = 1 % for 1000 h at 70 ° C  2 mm pitch packaging option for 0603 size  Pure tin solder contacts on Ni barrier layer provides compatibility with lead Pb -free and lead

    AEC-Q200 D10/CRCW0402 1005M 2011/65/EU 2002/95/EC. 2002/95/EC 2011/65/EU. 12-Mar-12 vishay CRCW0603 0805 0603 0402 CRCW e3 RR2012 D/CRCW e3 PDF

    smd transistor marking ey

    Abstract: marking code EY SMD VISHAY MARKING ED marking code EY 001 SMD CRCW1206-LR marking code EA SMD Transistor smd code marking e3 SMD MARKING ey SMD resistors 2012 smd transistor EK
    Text: D./CRCW.-LR e3 is End of Life July 2009 and replaced by RCWL D./CRCW.-LR e3 Vishay Lead Pb -free Thick Film, Rectangular, Low Value Chip Resistors FEATURES • • • • • • Low resistance values (down to 0.1 Ω) Suitable for current sensors and shunts

    2002/95/EC 18-Jul-08 smd transistor marking ey marking code EY SMD VISHAY MARKING ED marking code EY 001 SMD CRCW1206-LR marking code EA SMD Transistor smd code marking e3 SMD MARKING ey SMD resistors 2012 smd transistor EK PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D./CRCW. e3 Vishay Lead Pb -free Thick Film, Rectangular Chip Resistors FEATURES • High volume product suitable for commercial and special applications • Excellent stability (ΔR/R ≤ 1 % for 1000 h at 70 °C) • Compliant with “Restriction of the use of Hazardous

    2002/95/EC CRCW0201 05any 18-Jul-08 PDF