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    CTZ200J Search Results

    CTZ200J Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: n330 CRC820J CTZ12
    Text: Types CE, CM, CP, CR, CT Disc Ceramic Capacitors EIA Class 1 Temperature Compensating Capacitors EIA Class 1 temperature compensating capacitors are ideal for timing and oscillating circuits. They are conformally coated with one inch minimum radial leads.

    CEC010C CEC020C CES020C CEC030C CES030C CEC040C CES040C CEC050C CES050C CEC060D CTZ51 n330 CRC820J CTZ12 PDF


    Abstract: cec510j COMPENSATING CAPACITORS N750 cmc330j CTZ51 CEC010C CEC020C CEC030C CEC040C CES020C
    Text: EIA Class 1 Temperature Compensating Disc Ceramic Capacitors Capacity pF Tol Temp Coef D Size Inches T S { Temperature Compensating { Ideal For Use in Timing and Oscillating Circuits { Conformally Coated { Radial Leads d Size (Millimeters) D T S d Catalog

    -55gC 125gC CDE/6325 46278/Phone: 275-2285/Fax: 275-2293/www CTZ010C CTZ020C CTZ030C CTZ040C n330 cec510j COMPENSATING CAPACITORS N750 cmc330j CTZ51 CEC010C CEC020C CEC030C CEC040C CES020C PDF


    Abstract: CRC16-0 CMC151 CRC030C CEC20 cmc03 CTZ51
    Text: EIA Class 1 Temperature Compensating Disc Ceramic Capacitors Capacity pF Tol Temp Coef D Size Inches T S { Temperature Compensating { Ideal For Use in Timing and Oscillating Circuits { Conformally Coated { Radial Leads d Size (Millimeters) D T S d Catalog

    125gC CTZ010C CTZ020C CTZ030C CTZ040C CTZ050C CTZ060D CTZ070D CTZ090D CTZ100D CMC221 CRC16-0 CMC151 CRC030C CEC20 cmc03 CTZ51 PDF

    n330 capacitor ceramic

    Abstract: CTZ51
    Text: EIA Class 1 Temperature Compensating Disc Ceramic Capacitors I TemperatureCompensating Ideal For Use in Timing and Oscillating Circuits Conformally Coated MallorY GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Temperature Range: -55°C to+125°C Voltage Range: 50, 500, 1,000, 2,000, 3,000 WVDC

    OCR Scan
    39TZ090D CTZ100D CTZ110J CTZ120J CTZ130J CTZ150J CTZ160J CTZ180J CTZ200J CTZ220J n330 capacitor ceramic CTZ51 PDF


    Abstract: CRC820J n330 capacitor ceramic CEC010C CEC020C CEC510J CES020C N330 MALLORY CAPACITORS N750 47 n750 capacitor
    Text: I EIA Class 1 Temperature Compensating M allorY Disc Ceramic Capacitors • T em p eratu reC o m p ensatin g ■ Ideal For U se in Tim ing and Oscillating Circuits ■ Conform ally C oated ■ R adial Leads GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS T em p eratu re Range: -5 5°C to + 1 2 5 °C

    OCR Scan
    CTZ430J. CTZ470J CTZ510J CTZ560J CTZ620J CTZ680J CTZ750J CTZ820J CTZ910J CTZ101K cec181j CRC820J n330 capacitor ceramic CEC010C CEC020C CEC510J CES020C N330 MALLORY CAPACITORS N750 47 n750 capacitor PDF