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    CTW032 Search Results

    CTW032 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AirBorn ROW PC Card to Chassis . 100" WTB - W TKA 10 thru 70 Contacts RECEPTACLE PLUG D IM E N S IO N S ’W” Series Connectors W—31 S IZ E A B C D E S IZ E A B C D E 10 14 20 24 26 30 36 40 .850 1.050 1.350 1.550 1.650 1.850 2.150 2.350 .650 .850 1.150

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    CTW032 PDF

    airborn connector Wtb

    Abstract: SA crimp
    Text: AirBorn THE CONNECTOR COMPANY £ • ROW PC Card to Chassis . 100 " WTB - WTKA 10 thru 70 Contacts — .250 — -.120 DIA THRU <190 HEX x .109 DEEP 2 PLCS .130 TYP— I 100 — I .172 -.2 5 0 — 120 DIA THRU(2 PLCS) —j.125 — .100 POSITION #1- r .0 2 5 ± .0 0 h

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    CTW032 airborn connector Wtb SA crimp PDF