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    CTS 0111 Search Results

    CTS 0111 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    PL140-111LD Coilcraft Inc SMPS Transformer, 140W, ROHS COMPLIANT Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    SER2011-152MLD Coilcraft Inc Power inductor, high current, 10% tol, SMT, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    PL140-111LB Coilcraft Inc SMPS Transformer, 140W, ROHS COMPLIANT Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    SER2011-152MLB Coilcraft Inc Power inductor, high current, 10% tol, SMT, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    SER2011-152 Coilcraft Inc Power inductor, high current, 10% tol, SMT, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc

    CTS 0111 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 018T A423 Mosfet FTR 03-E Arcotronics 1.27.6 nsl 7053 mkp DX 3500 manual Honeywell DBM 01A Polyester capacitors 823k 250V SPRAGUE powerlytic 36Dx sprague 68D
    Text: PASSIVE COMPONENTS Resistors Networks and Arrays Bourns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590, 591, 592 Caddock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593 CTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594



    Abstract: t60404 E4622-X503 T60404-E4622 SFR05 VF82423 SFR0518 t6040 STPM01FTR pst 39 transformer
    Text: STPM01 USER MANUAL Single Phase with two CTs Release 1.0 This is advance information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change without notice. “Partnership with ISKRAEMECO” ISKRAEMECO d.d. R&D-Microelectronics

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A N A L O G PRO D U CTS D I VI S I O N FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION ADC and DAC: • 100 dB dynamic range  –90 dB THD  8 kHz to 200 kHz sampling frequency  I2S, left justified and right justified audio data format, 1624 bits  128, 192, 256, 384, 512, 768 and 1024 MCLK to LRCK

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    Abstract: Si474x SI4742 si4745 Si4735 Si4785 si4708 SI4734 SI4711 Si4704/05-B20
    Text: AN332 S I 4 7 XX P R O G R A M M I N G G U I D E 1. Introduction 1.1. Scope This document provides an overview of the programming requirements for the Si4704/05/06/07/1x/2x/3x/4x/84/85 FM transmitter/AM/FM/SW/LW/WB receiver. The hardware control interface and software commands are detailed

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    Abstract: DSP56000 MC68681 MC68HC11 MPC860 DEBB20E3
    Text: Communication Processor Module UART ERROR-HANDLING PROCEDURE. The UART controller reports character reception and transmission error conditions via the channel BDs, the error counters, and the UART event register. The modem interface lines can be monitored by the

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 82C52 Data Sheet January 26, 2006 CMOS Serial Controller Interface Features The Intersil 82C52 is a high performance programmable Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter UART and Baud Rate Generator (BRG) on a single chip. Utilizing the Intersil advanced Scaled SAJI IV CMOS process, the 82C52

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    Abstract: sync rs-485 SDLC CRC16 D555 MPC860 161472 CODER MANCHESTER DIFFERENTIAL manchester differential x22 um 3A mpc860 users manual
    Text: Communication Processor Module For synchronous communication, the internal clock is identical to the baud rate output. To get the preferred rate, the user can select the appropriate system clock according to the following equation: sync baud rate = BRGCLK or CLK2 or CLK6 ÷ (clock divider + 1) ÷

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    Abstract: CRC16 D555 MPC821 manchester differential
    Text: Communication Processor Module 16.14 SERIAL COMMUNICATION CONTROLLERS The following is a list of the SCCs’ important features: • Implements HDLC/SDLC, HDLC bus, asynchronous HDLC, BISYNC, synchronous start/stop, asynchronous start/stop UART , AppleTalk/LocalTalk, and totally

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    Abstract: MC68681 MC68HC11 MPC821 cd 1691 cp
    Text: Communication Processor Module UART ERROR-HANDLING PROCEDURE. The UART controller reports character reception and transmission error conditions via the channel BDs, the error counters, and the UART event register. The modem interface lines can be monitored by the

    MPC821 DSP56000 MC68681 MC68HC11 cd 1691 cp PDF


    Abstract: 82C52 80C86 CP82C52 CS82C52 IP82C52 IS82C52
    Text: 82C52 CMOS Serial Controller Interface March 1997 Features Description • Single Chip UART/BRG The Intersil 82C52 is a high performance programmable Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter UART and Baud Rate Generator (BRG) on a single chip. Utilizing the

    82C52 82C52 16MHz 16MHz 80C86 M82C52 CP82C52 CS82C52 IP82C52 IS82C52 PDF


    Abstract: M82C52 80C86 82C52 CS82C52 IP82C52 IS82C52 A0-A112 CD82C52 MD82C52
    Text: 82C52 S E M I C O N D U C T O R CMOS Serial Controller Interface March 1997 Features Description • Single Chip UART/BRG The Harris 82C52 is a high performance programmable Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter UART and Baud Rate Generator (BRG) on a single chip. Utilizing the

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    Abstract: 82C52 CP82C52 CP82C52Z IP82C52 M82C52
    Text: 82C52 Data Sheet April 26, 2006 CMOS Serial Controller Interface Features The Intersil 82C52 is a high performance programmable Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter UART and Baud Rate Generator (BRG) on a single chip. Utilizing the Intersil advanced Scaled SAJI IV CMOS process, the 82C52

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    MCR 100-6

    Abstract: IP82C52 MCR 100-6 P M82C52 80C86 82C52 CP82C52 CS82C52 IS82C52
    Text: 82C52 TM CMOS Serial Controller Interface March 1997 Features Description • • • • The Intersil 82C52 is a high performance programmable Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter UART and Baud Rate Generator (BRG) on a single chip. Utilizing the Intersil advanced Scaled SAJI IV CMOS process, the 82C52 will

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SC16C550 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter UART with 16-byte FIFO and infrared (IrDA) encoder/decoder Rev. 04 — 13 March 2003 Product data 1. General description The SC16C550 is a Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter (UART) used for serial data communications. Its principal function is to convert parallel data into

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    Abstract: SC16C550 16C450 DIP40 LQFP48 PC16C550 PLCC44 ST16C550 TL16C550 UNIVERSAL ir remote decoder
    Text: SC16C550 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter UART with 16-byte FIFO and infrared (IrDA) encoder/decoder Rev. 02 — 30 October 2002 Product data 1. General description The SC16C550 is a Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter (UART) used

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    Abstract: DSP56000 MC68681 MC68HC11 MPC823
    Text: Communication Processor Module For 16x oversampling, the FSB field is decoded as follows: SCC2 1111 = 1110 = 1101 = 1100 = 1011 = 1010 = 1001 = 1000 = 0xxx = Last transmitted stop bit 16/16. Default value after reset. Last transmitted stop bit 15/16. Last transmitted stop bit 14/16.

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: noH m Page Type P ro d u cts BU2462 Silicon Monolithic IC 1/19 Base Chip Specifications 4 -b it 1-chip microcomputer Product BU2462 Type Dimensions Figure-1 Block diagram Figure-2 Plastic mold Features •Program memory (On-chip ROM): 1024 bytes •Data memory (On-chip RAM)

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    Abstract: Qualcomm an2334 Qualcomm DDS Q2520
    Text: 02230 DIRECT M Gim i SYNTHESIZER • ■ Q ■ u ■ a ■ l q ■ c v ■ w ■ m I ^ » ^ ^ V T S J Products ■ O TH ER Q U ALC O M M VLSI PR O DU CTS • Dual Direct Digital Synthesizer CONTENTS PQFP PACKAGING

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: KM4132G112Q-6
    Text: KM4132G112 CMOS SGRAM 32M bit SGRAM 512 K X 32bit X 2 Banks Synchronous Graphic RAM LVTTL Revision 1.2 March 1999 S am sung E lectronics rese rves the right to cha ng e pro du cts or spe cifica tion w ith o u t notice. l - This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer

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    Abstract: STP1020 mbus sparc IEEE754 STP1021A instruction set Sun SPARC T4 instruction set Sun SPARC T6
    Text: ST P 1021A S un M icro electro nics J u ly 1997 SuperSPARC -ll DATA SHEET SPARC v8 32-Bit Superscalar Microprocessor D e s c r ip t io n T h e ST P 1021A is a n e w m em b er o f the SuperSP A R C -II fam ily o f m icro p ro cesso r prod u cts. L ik e its p red eces­

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    JUMP MDA-1

    Abstract: xc68hc711 ic stk 432 050 C45A M68HC11EVM MC68HC11 MC68HC711D3 XC68HC711D3 S002B
    Text: MC68HC711D3/D Rev. 1 MC68HC711D3 TECHNICAL DATA M MOTOROLA MC68HC711D3 HCMOS MICROCONTROLLER UNIT M o to ro la reserves the rig h t to m ake changes w ith o u t fu rth e r notice to any p ro d u cts herein to im p ro v e re lia b ility , fu n c tio n or design. M o to ro la does n o t assum e any lia b ility arising o u t

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    Abstract: FM RDS ENCODER 74LS XA51
    Text: f/\Î r c h T l5 /xA5156 A S c h lu m b e rg e r C o m p a n y O o d C A-Law Companding T elecom m unication P ro d u cts D escrip tio n The 5 1 5 6 is a m on o lith ic CM OS C om panding C odec w h ich c o n ta in s tw o se c tio n s: 1 an a n a lo g -to -d ig ita l

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    MA5156 13-bit 5156 FM RDS ENCODER 74LS XA51 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: f f ! H A R R 82C52 I S S E M I C O N D U C T O R CMOS Serial Controller Interface August 1996 Features Description • Single Chip UART/BRG The Harris 82C52 is a high performance programmable Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter UART and Baud Rate Generator (BRG) on a single chip. Utilizing the

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    82C52 82C52 16MHz 16MHz 80C86 100KHZ F11/2 PDF


    Abstract: 8501501XA MD82C52 82C52 CP82C52
    Text: 82C52 fü HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R CMOS Serial Controller Interface March 1997 Features Description • Single Chip UART/BRG The Harris 82C52 is a high performance programmable Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter UART and Baud Rate Generator (BRG) on a single chip. Utilizing the

    OCR Scan
    82C52 82C52 16MHz RS-232-C 8432MHz, 4576MHz, 072MHz MD82C52 M82C52 8501501XA CP82C52 PDF