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    CT740102 Search Results

    CT740102 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IStewart Connector Jlnsilco Technologies r /////////// REV. REVISION CHANGES • ■ V / / / / / / / / / / / 1111B Susquehanna Trail South Glen Rock, PA 173 27-9199 717 2 3 5 -7 5 1 2 Fax: (717) 2 3 5 -7 9 5 4 http: / / w w w .ste w a rtco n n e c to r.c o m

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    1111B CT740102 54B7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATE REV ECN APP'D. BY 2/3 /0 6 A2 7459 JM 2.584±.010 [65.6 4± 0.25] POS. LED 1 1.2 3 3 Ì.0 10 [31.3 2± 0 .25 ] PO S. LED 2 CS S o o _u “H rO B I I •425±.008 [10 .79 ± 0 .2 ] .640 [16 .26] íl B I.119±.008 [3 .0 2 ± 0 .2 ] PO S. LED 3 .640 X 3 = 1.920

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    CT740102 PDF