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    CT 0.4-TP LEM Search Results

    CT 0.4-TP LEM Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 6404v V024
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6404A/6404VS High speed and High performance 4-Bit Microcontroller G EN ER A L DESCRIPTIO N T h e M S M 6 4 0 4A m icro co n tro ller is a low -p ow er d ev ice im p lem en ted in co m p lem ento ry m etal-oxid e sem icon d u ctor technology. T h e M SM 6404A is op tim ized for high -speed p rocessin g and com plicatedcontrol applications.

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    MSM6404A MSM6404VS M6404A 6404v V024 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM5052 Built-in Temperature Circuit and LCD Driver 4-Bit Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION T h e M SM 5052 is ¿1 low -p ow er m icroco n tro ller m anu factu red in co m p lem en tary m etal-oxid e sem ico n d u cto r technology- Integrated into a sin gle ch ip are R O M , R A M , crystal oscillator, voltage

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    MSM5052 40BT-5 10second PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Current Mode PWM Control Circuit with 50%Max Duty Cycle Features Description The CS-3844B p ro v id es all th e neces­ sary featu res to im p lem en t off-line fixed frequency c u rren t-m o d e control w ith a m in im u m n u m b e r of external com ponents

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    CS-3844B 600pA CS-3844BN8 CS-3844BD8 CS-3844BD14 14LSO B0b755b PDF


    Abstract: f 741hc
    Text: Technical Data CD54/74HC151 CD54/74HCT151 F ile N u m b e r 1645 High-Speed CMOS Logic 8-Input Multiplexer Type Features: • • 7 Ë- 1 C om p lem e ntary data ou tputs B uffe red inpu ts and ou tputs VCC = ’ 6 GND - 8 MCS-J84JI FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM

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    CD54/74HC151 CD54/74HCT151 MCS-J84JI CD54/74H CD54/74HCT 741HC f 741hc PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Current Mode PWM Control Circuit with 50% Max Duty Cycle Description The CS-3845B p ro v id es all th e n eces­ sary features to im p lem en t off-line fixed freq u en cy c u rren t-m o d e control w ith a m in im u m n u m b e r of external c om ponents

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    CS-3845B CS-3845B CS-3845BN8 CS-3845BD8 CS-3845BD14 14LSO PDF

    9l reset

    Abstract: 74LV175 74LV175PW MS-012AC SSOP16
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Quad D-type flip-flop with reset; positive-edge trigger 74LV175 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • O p tim iz e d fo r low v o lta g e a p p lic a tio n s : 1.0 to 3 .6 V T h e 74 L V 1 75 is a lo w -v o lta g e S i-g a te C M O S d e v ic e a n d is pin a n d

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    74LV175 OT403-1 MO-153 9l reset 74LV175 74LV175PW MS-012AC SSOP16 PDF


    Abstract: 20mA13 SG3842DM SG3842M
    Text: O IlN flN fZ Y M I C k O T H I P n f i n i t e E L E C T k O o w e r o f I C urrent N I C S n n o v a t i o n P M ode PWM D r o d u c t i o n D ESCRIPTIO N S at a KEY h e e t FEATURES OPTIM IZED FOR OFF-LINE CONTROL v o ltag e lo ck o u t, c u rre n t lim iting

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    90VAC: 130VAC: 90VAC 130VAC 40KHz SG1842 SG2842M 20mA13 SG3842DM SG3842M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: G E SOLID STATE 01 D E | 3fl7S0fll DGlEbl? 1 | i 17 _ Ö Technical Data CD54/74HC151, CD54/74HCT151 ~ T ~ C > 7 '3 l- £ / 8-lnput Multiplexer Type Features: • ■ C om p lem e ntary data ou tputs B u ffe re d Inputs and ou tp u ts

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    CD54/74HC151, CD54/74HCT151 54/74H 16-lead PDF

    9l reset

    Abstract: 74LV175 74LV175PW MS-012AC
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Quad D-type flip-flop with reset; positive-edge trigger 74LV175 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • W id e o p e ra tin g v o lta g e : 1.0 to 5.5 V T h e 74 L V 1 75 is a lo w -v o lta g e S i-g a te C M O S d e v ic e a n d is pin a n d

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    74LV175 OT403-1 MO-153 9l reset 74LV175 74LV175PW MS-012AC PDF


    Abstract: 3K45
    Text: CS-3845B Current Mode PWM Control Circuit with 50% Max Duty Cycle D escription Features The CS-3845B p ro vid es all the neces­ exceeds 51 '% . The u n d ervo ltag e lock­ sary features to im p lem ent off-line out feature ensures that V ^ p f. is stabi­

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    CS-3845B CS-3845B 500pA incl329 CS-3845HN8 3K45BD8 CS-3845HD14 3845b 3K45 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M C I45444 Advance Information Single Chip 300-Baud Modem M C 1454 4 4 is a silicon gate C M O S fre q u en cy sh ift keying FSK m odem intended fo r use w ith te lem e ter system s o r rem ote control system s over the

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    I45444 300-Baud MC145444 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M M O T O R O L M ilita ry 5 4L S 1 51 A 8-In p u t D ata S ele c to r/ M u ltip le x e r w ith Enable ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: MIL-M-38510/30901 M P O M IN I T h e 54LS151 is a hig h -sp ee d 8-inp u t D igital M ultiplexer. It provides, in one packa g e , the a bility to se le ct one b it o f d ata fro m up to e ig h t sources.

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    MIL-M-38510/30901 54LS151 LS151 PDF


    Abstract: CD54HCT112 CD74HC112 CD74HCT112 74hct112
    Text: Technical Data CD54/74HCT112 CD54/74HCT112 HARRIS S E M I C O N D File N um b er 27E T> SE CTO R High-Speed CMOS Logic 1843 Hi 4302271 0017551 h B H A S T - ^ - 1 - 1 Dual J-K Flip-Flop with Set and Reset N e g a t iv e - E d g e T r ig g e r T y p e Featu res:

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    CD54/74HCT112 CD54/74HCT112 92cs-40j4i RCA-CD54/74HC112 92CS-39232 92CS-39233RI 92CS-39234 54/74HCT CD54HC112 CD54HCT112 CD74HC112 CD74HCT112 74hct112 PDF


    Abstract: T54LS75D2
    Text: I PRELIMINARY DATA 4-BIT D LATCH DESCRIPTION The T54LS/T74LS75 is a 4-bit D latch; it is applied as temporary storage for binary information bet­ ween processing units and input/output or indica­ tor units. When the Enable is HIGH, the information present at a data D input shifts to the Q output,

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    T54LS/T74LS75 T54LS75 T74LS75 T74LS75B1 T54LS75D2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M AX 7000A Includes MAX 7000AE Programmable Logic Device Family June 1998. ver. 1.10 Data Sheet Features. F orm erly k n o w n as M ichelangelo devices H igh-perform ance CMOS EEPROM -based pro g ram m ab le logic devices PLDs b u ilt o n second-generation M ultiple A rray M atriX

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    7000AE EPM7128A EPM7256A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Automotive Current Mode PWM Control Circuit D escription T h e C S -2 8 4 1 B p ro v id es all th e n ec­ essa ry fe a tu res to im p lem en t o ff­ lin e fixed freq u en cy cu rren t-m o d e co n tro l w ith a m in im u m n u m b er of ex tern a l co m p o n en ts.

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    S-2841 10ki2) CS-2841BN8 CS-2841BD14 CS-2841BD14 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: □ □ □c ILC DATA DEVICE SDC-14570/75 SERIES CORPORATION _ 14- AND 16-BIT TRACKING S/D CONVERTERS FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Fixed 14- or 14/16-Bit Resolution T he S D C -1 45 70 /7 5 S eries are sm all low c ost s yn ch ro - o r reso lve r-to -d ig ital

    OCR Scan
    SDC-14570/75 16-BIT 14/16-Bit F-38534 IL-PRF-38534 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M AX 7000A Includes MAX 7000AE Programmable Logic Device Family July 1998. ver. 1.11 Data Sheet Features. F orm erly k n o w n as M ichelangelo devices H igh-perform ance CMOS EEPROM -based pro g ram m ab le logic devices PLDs b u ilt o n second-generation M ultiple A rray M atriX

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    7000AE EPM7128A EPM7256A pl000A 44-pin 144-pin PDF

    MSP 3416 G

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMC2210 TMC2210 CMOS Multiplier-Accumulator 1 6 x 1 6 B it, 6 5 , 8 0 , 9 5 n s Description Features The TMC2210 is a high-speed 16 x 16 bit digital multiplier-accumulator which is available in speed bins ♦ ♦ 6 5 ,8 0 or 95 ns multiply-accumulate time

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    TMC2210 TMC2210 32-bit 35-bit 35-bit 2210J0V80 TMC2210J0V95 MIL-STD-88X 64-pin MSP 3416 G PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KBD43W13 s m s c STANDARD MICROSYSTEMS CORPORATION Keyboard and PS/2 Mouse Controller FEATURES • • • • S up po rts IBM PC and C o m p a tib le S ystem D esigns Full H ardw ire Design B ased on A dva nce d V LS I C M O S T e ch n o lo g y S up po rts P S /2 M ouse

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    KBD43W13 PDF

    3525 PWM

    Abstract: 3525 dead time control ic 3525 pwm application dc to dc converter ic 3525 pwm application 3525 "application note" pwm 3525 N-0516 3525 ic data sheet AA31001 driver 3525
    Text: PHI 4.?. - f e " 3'" ~r - ' '' ' integrated circuits . W ., . „ „ . . ,., RL 3525 A „ Data Sheet Switched Mode Power Supply Control Circuit RL 35 25 A is a m on olithic bipolar Inte­ grated con tro l circu it intended for all types of sw itched m ode pow er sup­

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    D-8000 N-0516 AA31001 S-163 DIL-16 3525 PWM 3525 dead time control ic 3525 pwm application dc to dc converter ic 3525 pwm application 3525 "application note" pwm 3525 3525 ic data sheet AA31001 driver 3525 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY7C516 CY7C517 CYPRESS SEMICONDUCTOR • Features • Fast — 38-ns clock cycle commercial 16 x 16 Multipliers b e independently specified as e ith e r tw o’s com plem ent o r unsigned m agnitude num ­ bers. C ontrols a re provided fo r rounding a nd form at adjustm ent o f the full-precision 32-bit product.

    OCR Scan
    CY7C516 CY7C517 38-ns 32-bit 42-ns CY7C516 Am29516 MPY016K, MPY016H PDF


    Abstract: SC-1237
    Text: S GS-THOMSON :L iM !0 g S VN 410 SMART DIRECTION INDICATOR 2 CHANNEL DRIVERS TYPE V d SS(c I In ( * ) Ron VN 410 60V 4.8 A 0 .0 7 Q ln ( * ) : ISO definition nominal current for high side automotive switches. . . . . LOAD CURRENT UP TO 15A PER CHANNEL

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    VN410 MULTIWATT15 SC-1237 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 85mA Dual H-Bridge Odometer Driver with Divide by Select and UVLO Description T h e C S4161 is a S tep p er M otor D river th at im p lem en ts an H -B rid ge d esign in ord er to d rive tw o coils in an eight step seq u en ce per rev o lu ­ tion in the d ivid e b y 1 m ode; 16 step

    OCR Scan
    S4161 S4161X PDF