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    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    74CBTLVR3384PG Renesas Electronics Corporation 20BIT BUS SWITCH 3.3V DD Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74FST32XL2384PV8 Renesas Electronics Corporation 20 BIT BUS SWITCH Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74FST32XL2384PF Renesas Electronics Corporation 20 BIT BUS SWITCH Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74FST32XL384PV Renesas Electronics Corporation 20-BIT BUS SWITCH Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74FST3384PG Renesas Electronics Corporation OCTAL2:1 MULTIPLEX BUS SW Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
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    CSB 384P Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM5218 AD PCM SPEECH ANALYSIS/SYNTHESIS IC GENERAL DESCRIPTION TheM SM 5218 is a com plete speech an alysis/ synthesis LSI featuring the A daptive Differ­ ential Pulse C ode M od u latio n ADPCM m ethod of data com pression. The MSM5218

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    MSM5218 10-bit 218Reset MSM5218 12-bit MSM5218RS PDF

    csb 384P

    Abstract: MSM5218RS msm5204 ADPCM method speech synthesis LSI sim 5218 MSM5205RS
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM5218 AD PCM S P E E C H A N A LY S IS /S Y N T H E S IS IC G E N E R A L D E SC R IP T IO N TheM SM 5218 is a com plete speech an aly sis/ synthesis LSI featuring the A daptive Differ­ ential P ulse C ode M o d u la tio n ADPCM m ethod of d ata com pression. The MSM5218

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    MSM5218 MSM5218 10-bit 5218Reset csb 384P MSM5218RS msm5204 ADPCM method speech synthesis LSI sim 5218 MSM5205RS PDF


    Abstract: MSM5218RS OKI 5205 MSM4015 msm5204 MSM5205 csb 384P csb 200 4bit straight adpcm method Analysis on the ADC
    Text: O K I Semiconductor 1SM5218 ADPCM SPEECH ANALYSIS/SYNTHESIS IC GENERAL DESCRIPTION T h e M S M 5218 is a com p lete speech a n a ly s is/ synth esis LSI featuring the A d ap tiv e D iffer­ e n tial P u lse C o d e M o d u la tio n A D P C M m eth od of data com pression. The M SM 5218

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    1SM5218_ MSM5218 10-bit 12-bit MSM4094 MSM4015 MSM5218 MSM5205RS MSM5218RS OKI 5205 MSM4015 msm5204 MSM5205 csb 384P csb 200 4bit straight adpcm method Analysis on the ADC PDF


    Abstract: 5218 a ic 5218 a sim 5218 LD 5218 5218P MSM5218 CSB384P 5205RS
    Text: O K I Semiconductor 1SM5218 ADPCM S P E E C H A N A LY S IS /S Y N T H E S IS 1C G E N E R A L D E SC R IP TIO N T he M SM 5218 is a c o m p lete sp eech a n a ly s is / sy n th esis LSI fea tu rin g th e A d a p tiv e D iffer­ e n tia l P u ls e C o d e M o d u la tio n A D P C M

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    1SM5218 10-bit b72424D 01bblS MSM5218 MSM5218 12-bit 5218a 5218 a ic 5218 a sim 5218 LD 5218 5218P CSB384P 5205RS PDF