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    CRYSTAL 455 KHZ Search Results

    CRYSTAL 455 KHZ Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CLC2622 Renesas Electronics Corporation LCD Driver Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    TW8830-LA1-CR Renesas Electronics Corporation LCD Controller Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    TW8820-LA1-CR Renesas Electronics Corporation LCD Controller Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL45042IRZ-TK Renesas Electronics Corporation LCD Module Calibrator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    8N0Q001BH-2202CDI Renesas Electronics Corporation Quad-Frequency Programmable XO Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    CRYSTAL 455 KHZ Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SM Crystal Low Frequency GSX-455 & GSX-456 Specifications GSX-455: Electrical connection end to end GSX-456: Electrical connection across one end PHOTO NOT AVAILABLE Product Parameters 455 2.29 ࡯ 32.768kHz 24.0 ~ 350kHz 351 ~ 615kHz ࡯ ˿ ˿ ࡯ ˿ ˿ specify

    GSX-455 GSX-456 GSX-455: GSX-456: GSX-455 GSX-456 768kHz 350kHz 615kHz 20ppm PDF

    32.768khz 5ppm

    Abstract: GSX-455 GSX-456 MC-405 MC-406
    Text: SM Crystal Low Frequency GSX-455 & GSX-456 Specifications GSX-455: Electrical connection end to end GSX-456: Electrical connection across one end Product Parameters 455 Package: 2.29 4 3 1 2 ࡯ ˿ ˿ ࡯ ˿ ˿ specify specify ±20ppm ±50ppm ±100ppm

    GSX-455 GSX-456 GSX-455: GSX-456: 768kHz 350kHz 615kHz 20ppm 50ppm 100ppm 32.768khz 5ppm GSX-455 GSX-456 MC-405 MC-406 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 29 April 2003 Specification for monolithic crystal filter MQF 70. 455-0800/07V1 1. General 1.1. Case: 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. Type name: Number of poles: Operating temperature range: Operable temperature range: 2. Electric values 2.1. Nominal centre frequency fo:

    455-0800/07V1 455-0800/07V1 70.455 PDF

    crystal 11.5 Mhz

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Introduction to ACT Crystal Filters Typical terms & definitions 455 kHz ~ 150 MHz 0.25~2.4 kHz 0.1~50 kHz 2~8 pole -20 +70°C Stopband 2 Group delay distortion P2 Group delay curve Passband (Bandwidth) P1 Discrete & Monolithic Through Hole, Gull wing SMD & Ceramic Base SMD

    ISO9001 crystal 11.5 Mhz PDF


    Abstract: QFP5-80 S1C6200C
    Text: EPSON 4-bit MCU S1C6014 SPEC Core CPU S1C6200C COMS 4-bit core ROM size 4,096 words x 12 bits RAM size 208 words x 4 bits Clock 32.768 KHz crystal oscillator circuit 455 KHz ceramic or CR oscillation circuit Instruction execution time 32KHz operation:153, 214 or 366 usec

    S1C6014 S1C6200C 32KHz 455KHz 26usec 100uA QFP5-80 PDF


    Abstract: 70455
    Text: 29 April 2003 Specification for monolithic crystal filter MQF 70. 455-4000/07V1 1. General 1.1. Case: 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. Type name: Number of poles: Operating temperature range: MQF 70.455-4000/07V1 4, 3 rd overtone -40°C to +85°C 2. Electric values 2.1. Nominal centre frequency fo:

    455-4000/07V1 455-4000/07V1 CF001 70.455 70455 PDF

    Ceramic resonator

    Abstract: 455 khz resonator MC3371 455 kHz crystal 455 khz Crystal 455 Resonator TA8104 ceramic resonator 455 khz quartz 455 khz TA31143 RESONATOR 455
    Text: Oscilent Corporation | 664 Series Ceramic Resonator Page 1 of 2 Ceramic Resonator Series Number Package Description Last Modified 664 Ceramic 455 KHz Discriminator Jan. 01 2007 FEATURES - Communication use - RoHs Compliant OPERATING CONDITIONS / ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS / PART NUMBER GUIDE.

    MC3371 TA31136 TA31142 CXA1483M CXA1484 Ceramic resonator 455 khz resonator MC3371 455 kHz crystal 455 khz Crystal 455 Resonator TA8104 ceramic resonator 455 khz quartz 455 khz TA31143 RESONATOR 455 PDF

    Ceramic Resonator

    Abstract: Crystal 455 Resonator crystal 455 khz quartz 455 khz 455 ceramic filter 455 KHz 455 resonator 455KHZ TA31136 455 khz saw filter
    Text: Oscilent Corporation | 665 Series Ceramic Resonator Page 1 of 1 Ceramic Resonator Series Number Package Description Last Modified 665 Surface Mount Ceramic 455 KHz Discriminator Jan. 01 2007 FEATURES - Surface Mount Discriminator - Communication use - RoHs Compliant

    TA31136 TA31142 NE605 TA31143 MC3361 CXA3117N Ceramic Resonator Crystal 455 Resonator crystal 455 khz quartz 455 khz 455 ceramic filter 455 KHz 455 resonator 455KHZ TA31136 455 khz saw filter PDF

    100 khz crystal

    Abstract: FN-1775 FN-130 FN-2400 FN-1371 FN-845-3 "Crystal Filters" 455 KHZ FN-129 FN-2367 FN-620
    Text: Custom Crystal and LC Filters Filtronetics, Inc. manufactures low pass, high pass, band pass and band reject type filters, as well as phase match, linear phase and anti-alias type filters. Our frequency range in crystal filters is from 5 KHz to 500 MHz and with LC

    FN-201 FN-2304 FN-105 FN-845-2 FN-845-3 FN-1687 FN-1688 FN-1681 FN-1814 FN-2516 100 khz crystal FN-1775 FN-130 FN-2400 FN-1371 FN-845-3 "Crystal Filters" 455 KHZ FN-129 FN-2367 FN-620 PDF

    Ceramic Filter

    Abstract: 73-9450 crystal 455 khz filter 465 KHz ceramic filter 450 kHz 456 kHz filter 455 IFT ceramic filter 465 IFT 455 455 khz filter
    Text: Oscilent Corporation | 739 Series Ceramic Filter Page 1 of 2 Filters Series Number Package Description Last Modified 739 Ceramic Filter 450 ~ 470 KHz Jan. 01 2007 Filter FEATURES - Ceramic Filter for AM use - Excellent matching characteristics for IFT - RoHS Compliant

    39-455-A 739-455-B 739-450-BY 739-465-LTA Ceramic Filter 73-9450 crystal 455 khz filter 465 KHz ceramic filter 450 kHz 456 kHz filter 455 IFT ceramic filter 465 IFT 455 455 khz filter PDF


    Abstract: MC3359 MC3357 455 kHz K1268 MC3359 squelch mc3361bp MC3363 datasheet mc3357 MC3359P MC3359DW
    Text: Order this document by MC3359/D MC3359 Low Power Narrowband FM IF . . . includes oscillator, mixer, limiting amplifier, AFC, quadrature discriminator, op/amp, squelch, scan control, and mute switch. The MC3359 is designed to detect narrowband FM signals using a 455 kHz ceramic filter

    MC3359/D MC3359 MC3359 MC3357 MC3361BP MC3357. MC3359/D* KBF455P-20A MC3357 455 kHz K1268 MC3359 squelch MC3363 datasheet mc3357 MC3359P MC3359DW PDF

    murata filter cfu 455 H

    Abstract: MC3359 squelch MC3357 455 kHz muRata CFU455D MC3359 TOKO CERAMIC FILTER 455 CFU455d mc3359p CERAMIC FILTER 10,245 datasheet mc3357
    Text: Order this document by MC3359/D MC3359 Low Power Narrowband FM IF . . . includes oscillator, mixer, limiting amplifier, AFC, quadrature discriminator, op/amp, squelch, scan control, and mute switch. The MC3359 is designed to detect narrowband FM signals using a 455 kHz ceramic filter

    MC3359/D MC3359 MC3359 MC3357 MC3361BP MC3357. MC3359/D* murata filter cfu 455 H MC3359 squelch MC3357 455 kHz muRata CFU455D TOKO CERAMIC FILTER 455 CFU455d mc3359p CERAMIC FILTER 10,245 datasheet mc3357 PDF


    Abstract: YF455DQ YF455DHB YF455DP yf455 YF455G "Crystal Filters" 455 KHZ D101 crystal filters 10.7 ZF10
    Text: CONVENTIONAL CRYSTAL FILTERS • Features Available are various crystal filters in addition to SSB crystal filters. They have a wide range of applications covering carrier equipment and measuring instruments requiring high stability and high reliability. Design, parts selection and manufacturing have been

    YF3200G YF4715G YF6800G YF7500G 455kHz D-101 D-104 D-105 YF455DE YF455DQ YF455DHB YF455DP yf455 YF455G "Crystal Filters" 455 KHZ D101 crystal filters 10.7 ZF10 PDF

    MC3371 455 kHz

    Abstract: MC3363 MC3359 MC3359P MC3362 broadcast mixer MC3359DW MC3361BP MC3359 squelch murata ceramic filter 10.7
    Text: Order this document by MC3359/D Low Power Narrowband FM IF . . . includes oscillator, mixer, limiting amplifier, AFC, quadrature discriminator, op/amp, squelch, scan control, and mute switch. The MC3359 is designed to detect narrowband FM signals using a 455 kHz ceramic filter

    MC3359/D MC3359 MC3359 MC3357 MC3361BP MC3357. 20DEC01 MC3371 455 kHz MC3363 MC3359P MC3362 broadcast mixer MC3359DW MC3359 squelch murata ceramic filter 10.7 PDF

    455 khz filter

    Abstract: 10.7 mhz ceramic filter window discriminator AT86RF211 2196A-WIRE-12 crystal+455+khz
    Text: Understanding the Demodulation and Data Slicing Features Implementing the DC Demodulation Capability AT86RF211 FSK Transceiver for ISM Radio Applications Introduction This document gives an overview of the receiver chain of the AT86RF211 and its associated embedded features:

    AT86RF211 AT86RF211 455 khz filter 10.7 mhz ceramic filter window discriminator 2196A-WIRE-12 crystal+455+khz PDF

    Ceramic Filter

    Abstract: CERAMIC_FILTERS-746
    Text: Oscilent Corporation | 746 Series Ceramic Filter 1 of 2 Filters Series Number Package Description Last Modified 746 SMD Ceramic Filter 455 KHz Jan. 01 2011 Filter FEATURES - Surface Mount

    filters-746 100KHz 746-455-BU 746-455-CU 746-455-DU 746-455-FU 746-455-GU 746-455-HU 746-455-IU Ceramic Filter CERAMIC_FILTERS-746 PDF

    Ceramic Filter

    Abstract: ceramic filter 455 kHz filter 455 455 ceramic filter ceramic filter 455 "Ceramic Filter" Crystal 455 Resonator ceramic crystal filter 455 EW
    Text: Oscilent Corporation | 748 Series Ceramic Filter Page 1 of 2 Filters Series Number Package Description Last Modified 748 SMD Ceramic Filter 455 KHz Sept 21 2009 Filter FEATURES - Surface Mount Ceramic Filter - RoHS Compliant OPERATING CONDITIONS / ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS / PART NUMBER

    100KHz 748-455-BW 748-455-CW 748-455-DW 748-455-EW 748-455-FW 748-455-HW 748-455-IW Ceramic Filter ceramic filter 455 kHz filter 455 455 ceramic filter ceramic filter 455 "Ceramic Filter" Crystal 455 Resonator ceramic crystal filter 455 EW PDF


    Abstract: SD307-D d 1667 SD307-A SD307-B SD307-C SD307-E SD307-F SD7017-455 triac application note fan speed control
    Text: Super Device SD307 SD307 Fan Controller Features Key-in protection function. Power supply range : 4.0V ~5.5V. An independent lamp control. Low power consumption. Remote controllable with SD7017-455. . Use 455 KHz crystal time base. . Three wind modes : Constant wind, Rhythmical wind,

    OCR Scan
    SD307 SD307 SD7017-455. SD307-D d 1667 SD307-A SD307-B SD307-C SD307-E SD307-F SD7017-455 triac application note fan speed control PDF


    Abstract: Triac soft turn on SD306-D 455k d 1667 fan triac triac arc control SD306-A SD306-B SD306-C
    Text: Super Device SD306 SD306 Fan Controller F eatu res . Use 455 KHz crystal time base. . Three wind modes : Constant wind, Rhythmical wind, Sleep wind. . Three wind grades : Soft wind, Medium wind, Strong wind. Six types of timing function selection by bonding

    OCR Scan
    SD306 SD306 Triac soft turn on SD306-D 455k d 1667 fan triac triac arc control SD306-A SD306-B SD306-C PDF

    triac arc control

    Abstract: Triac soft turn on SD308-A Temperature Base Fan Speed controller 455k d 1667 SD308 SD308-B SD308-C SD308-D
    Text: Super Device SD308 SD308 Fan Controller Features . Use 455 KHz crystal tim e base. . Three wind modes : Constant wind, Rhythmical wind, Sleep wind. . Three wind grades : Soft wind, Medium wind, Strong wind. . Six types of tim ing function selection by bonding

    OCR Scan
    SD308 SD308 SD7IH7-45S B03LZJ triac arc control Triac soft turn on SD308-A Temperature Base Fan Speed controller 455k d 1667 SD308-B SD308-C SD308-D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C ry s ta l F ilters M o n o lith ic and D is c re te 1 KHz-100 MHz Crystal Filters OPT/UTC manufacturing capabilities for monolithic and discrete crystal filters cover the frequency range of 1 KHz to 100 MHz. Frequency ranges available: 1. Monolithic Type

    OCR Scan
    KHz-100 spac435 PDF


    Abstract: 2P111 460KHz 777T AC5945N P111 phase detector 10 khz TMS-1000

    OCR Scan
    AC5945N TMS1000 2P111 460KHz 777T AC5945N P111 phase detector 10 khz TMS-1000 PDF

    simple slope FM detector

    Abstract: MC3359 squelch MC3357 455 kHz MC3357
    Text: M MOTOROLA -Low Power Narrowband FM IF . . . in c lu d e s o s c illa to r, m ixer, lim itin g am p lifie r, A F C , q u a d ra tu re discriminator, op/amp, squelch, scan control, and mute switch. The MC3359 is designed to detect narrowband FM signals using a 455 kHz ceram ic filter

    OCR Scan
    MC3359 C3359 MC3357 MC3361BP MC3357. simple slope FM detector MC3359 squelch MC3357 455 kHz PDF

    MC3359 squelch

    Abstract: narrowband bandpass filter circuit diagram mc3359 MC3359P audio mixer circuit diagram active bandpass filter 300 khz rf op amp MC3357 455 kHz Active Double Balanced Mixer
    Text: M MOTOROLA — — — Low Power Narrowband FM IF . . . includes oscillator, mixer, lim iting amplifier, AFC, quadrature discriminator, op/amp, squelch, scan control, and mute switch. The MC3359 is designed to detect narrowband FM signals using a 455 kHz ceramic filter

    OCR Scan
    MC3359 MC3357 MC3361BP MC3357. MC3359 squelch narrowband bandpass filter circuit diagram MC3359P audio mixer circuit diagram active bandpass filter 300 khz rf op amp MC3357 455 kHz Active Double Balanced Mixer PDF