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    Abstract: RAM64X1D SRLC32E RAM128X1D RAM256X1S SRL32 RAM64M ROM64x1 XC6VLX75T ROM256x1
    Text: Virtex-6 FPGA Configurable Logic Block User Guide Virtex-6 FPGA CLB [optional] UG364 v1.1 September 16, 2009 [optional] Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the "Documentation") to you solely for use in the development

    UG364 RAM32M RAM64X1D SRLC32E RAM128X1D RAM256X1S SRL32 RAM64M ROM64x1 XC6VLX75T ROM256x1 PDF

    virtex 6 XC6VSX475T

    Abstract: XC6VLX75T shift register by using D flip-flop XC6VLX195T XC6VLX365T XC6VSX475T DSP48E DSP48E1 MC31 XC6VLX130T
    Text: Virtex-6 FPGA Configurable Logic Block User Guide Virtex-6 FPGA CLB [optional] UG364 v1.0 June 24, 2009 [optional] Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the "Documentation") to you solely for use in the development

    UG364 virtex 6 XC6VSX475T XC6VLX75T shift register by using D flip-flop XC6VLX195T XC6VLX365T XC6VSX475T DSP48E DSP48E1 MC31 XC6VLX130T PDF


    Abstract: D966 76c5
    Text: <CJ,-18 /JH77;H0 ?;@;3FGD7 :;9: BAI7D D7>3K 8QM\]ZQ[ Heha Pk4@7;66> m Nks daecdp@ 7;4= ii m 7<C osep_dejc _]l]^ehepu m ;MX `eaha_pne_ opnajcpd /^apsaaj _keh ]j` _kjp]_po0 m Enaal]ca `eop]j_a@ 76ii m XFG6:9;l6<97l6=66lEVK8;6 m Ua]ha` KR<= . bhqt lnkkb pulao ]r]eh]^ha

    /JH77 66lEVK8 ESE68667667? B647C D966 76c5 PDF


    Abstract: U09D
    Text: <CJ,-18 /JH77;H0 ?;@;3FGD7 :;9: BAI7D D7>3K 8QM\]ZQ[ j Nks daecdp@ 7;4= ii j 7<C osep_dejc _]l]^ehepu j ;MX `eaha_pne_ opnajcpd /^apsaaj _keh ]j` _kjp]_po0 j Enaal]ca `eop]j_a@ 76ii j XFG6:9;i6<97i6=66iEVK8;6 j Ua]ha` KR<= . bhqt lnkkb pulao ]r]eh]^ha j Gjrenkjiajp]h bneaj`hu lnk`q_p ]r]eh]^ha

    /JH77 66iEVK8 ESE68667667? .47j U09D PDF


    Abstract: JA76 D966
    Text: <CJ,-18 /JH77;H0 ?;@;3FGD7 :;9: BAI7D D7>3K 8QM\]ZQ[ Heha Pk4@7;66> m Nks daecdp@ 7;4= ii m 7<C osep_dejc _]l]^ehepu m ;MX `eaha_pne_ opnajcpd /^apsaaj _keh ]j` _kjp]_po0 m Enaal]ca `eop]j_a@ 76ii m XFG6:9;56<9756=662 EVK8;6 m Ua]ha` KR<= . bhqt lnkkb pulao ]r]eh]^ha

    /JH77 ESE68667667? b647c JA76 D966 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NCV4299A 150 mA Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator The NCV4299A is a family of precision micropower voltage regulators with an output current capability of 150 mA. It is available in 5.0 V or 3.3 V output voltage. The output voltage is accurate within "2% with a maximum

    NCV4299A NCV4299A NCV4299A/D PDF


    Abstract: 1N222 P948 KFA4 12123 FGEH
    Text: ! !"#$%&' *$$+,+-. ! /012 3+-4+.) ) • • • • • • • *!) #(5) 6!) 7"#$%) '()78-+(,)$+#.8-+$+(,)8%),') 1222*) !'$%#7,)"49:,;+49:,)5+.49() *8,'-#(94(9) /0<1)&)<*=<2*) /0<12)&)<2*=<22*) /01212)&)<22*=1222*) >?7+""+(,)#778-#7@) 64.%"#@&0'"5)A'-)7'(B+(4+(7+)4()8.+)

    75Ce7( PHCJ 1N222 P948 KFA4 12123 FGEH PDF

    ecu bosch 7.4.4

    Abstract: tle 4417 ecu bosch 7.4.5 smd transistor wk3 tle4417 sen 1327 gas sensor ecu bosch 7.4.6 bosch ecu schematic ecu bosch 7.4.3 bosch ecu pinout
    Text: D a t a B o o k, R e v . 1 . 0, J a n . 20 0 4 Supply & Communications V o l t a g e R eg u l a t o r , L E D - D r i v e r , DC/DC-Converter, Bus-Transceiver Automotive Power N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2004-01-01 Published by Infineon Technologies AG,

    non-100% ecu bosch 7.4.4 tle 4417 ecu bosch 7.4.5 smd transistor wk3 tle4417 sen 1327 gas sensor ecu bosch 7.4.6 bosch ecu schematic ecu bosch 7.4.3 bosch ecu pinout PDF

    gigabyte 945

    Abstract: MPC7450UM MPC603 MPC7410 MPC7450 MPC8240 MPC7450-Specific
    Text: MPC7450 RISC Microprocessor User’s Manual MPC7450UM/D Rev. 0, 03/2001 DigitalDNA and AltiVec are trademarks of Motorola, Inc. The PowerPC name, the PowerPC logotype, and PowerPC 603e are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation used by Motorola under license from International Business Machines Corporation.

    MPC7450 MPC7450UM/D 32-Bit MPCFPE32B/AD gigabyte 945 MPC7450UM MPC603 MPC7410 MPC8240 MPC7450-Specific PDF

    TAG 8446

    Abstract: tag 725 100x transistor w2a tag 725 transistor w2d w2a transistor A-31 MPC7400 MPC7410 MPC750
    Text: MPC7410 RISC Microprocessor User’s Manual MPC7410 UM/D Rev. 0, 10/2000 DigitalDNA and AltiVec are trademarks of Motorola, Inc. The PowerPC name, the PowerPC logotype, and PowerPC 603e are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation used by Motorola under license from International Business Machines Corporation.

    MPC7410 32-Bit 32-Bit MPCFPE32B/AD TAG 8446 tag 725 100x transistor w2a tag 725 transistor w2d w2a transistor A-31 MPC7400 MPC750 PDF

    PIR SENSOR stabilization

    Abstract: transistor w2a W1D TRANSISTOR circuit diagram of o ogeneral split ac tag 725 100x MPC7400 MPC750 1013 GE mpc7400specific 12D26
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC7400 RISC Microprocessor UserÕs Manual MPC7400UM/D Rev. 0, 3/2000 ª For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

    MPC7400 MPC7400UM/D 32-Bit MPCFPE32B/AD PIR SENSOR stabilization transistor w2a W1D TRANSISTOR circuit diagram of o ogeneral split ac tag 725 100x MPC750 1013 GE mpc7400specific 12D26 PDF

    ppc clkout 7410

    Abstract: MPC7441 MPC7445 MPC7450 MPC7451 MPC7455 b0135 ppc7451 a69 156 DSP 6713
    Text: MPC7450UM/D 12/2001 Rev. 2 MPC7450 RISC Microprocessor Family User’s Manual Devices Supported: MPC7455 MPC7451 MPC7450 MPC7445 MPC7441 HOW TO REACH US: USA/EUROPE/LOCATIONS NOT LISTED: Motorola Literature Distribution; P.O. Box 5405, Denver, Colorado 80217

    MPC7450UM/D MPC7450 MPC7455 MPC7451 MPC7450 MPC7445 MPC7441 ppc clkout 7410 MPC7441 MPC7445 MPC7451 MPC7455 b0135 ppc7451 a69 156 DSP 6713 PDF

    TAG 8446

    Abstract: vr28 MPC7400 MPC750
    Text: MPC7400 RISC Microprocessor UserÕs Manual MPC7400UM/D Rev. 0.1, 12/1999 ª PRELIMINARYÑSUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE DigitalDNA and Mfax are trademarks of Motorola, Inc. The PowerPC name, the PowerPC logotype, and PowerPC 603e are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation

    MPC7400 MPC7400UM/D 32-Bit MPCFPE32B/AD TAG 8446 vr28 MPC750 PDF

    all ic data

    Abstract: ON957 nana le r2 12D26 MPC7400 MPC750 circuit diagram of o ogeneral split ac TEA ic 0x00900 isl 6323
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. O IC EM ,I R TO C U D N . C N S MPC7400 RISC E Microprocessor L CA UserÕs Manual S E D VE I CH R A BY E FR MPC7400UM/D Rev. 0, 3/2000 ª For More Information On This Product, Go to:

    MPC7400 MPC7400UM/D 32-Bit MPCFPE32B/AD all ic data ON957 nana le r2 12D26 MPC750 circuit diagram of o ogeneral split ac TEA ic 0x00900 isl 6323 PDF

    nana electronics current sensors

    Abstract: MPC7400 tag 8534 transistor w1d 90 MPC7410 MPC750 b0407 tag 8542 GE 0386 nana electronics
    Text: MPC7410/MPC7400 RISC Microprocessor Reference Manual Supports MPC7410 MPC7400 MPC7410UM/D 10/2008 Rev. 2 How to Reach Us: Home Page: Web Support: USA/Europe or Locations Not Listed: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

    MPC7410/MPC7400 MPC7410 MPC7400 MPC7410UM/D EL516 provide-63 MPC7410/MPC7400 Index-14 nana electronics current sensors MPC7400 tag 8534 transistor w1d 90 MPC7410 MPC750 b0407 tag 8542 GE 0386 nana electronics PDF

    L2 cache L3 cache

    Abstract: Marking 67652 describe LM 3842 NANA ELECTRONICS gigabyte 945 gigabyte 945 circuit diagram instruction set architecture motorola processors MPC7450UM PowerPC Microprocessor Family Programming MPC7400
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC7450UM 2/2004 Rev. 3.1 MPC7450 RISC Microprocessor Family User’s Manual Devices Supported: MPC7447A MPC7457 MPC7455 MPC7451 MPC7450 MPC7447 MPC7445 MPC7441 For More Information On This Product,

    MPC7450UM MPC7450 MPC7447A MPC7457 MPC7455 MPC7451 MPC7450 MPC7447 MPC7445 MPC7441 L2 cache L3 cache Marking 67652 describe LM 3842 NANA ELECTRONICS gigabyte 945 gigabyte 945 circuit diagram instruction set architecture motorola processors MPC7450UM PowerPC Microprocessor Family Programming MPC7400 PDF


    Abstract: Motorola TE 2556 PIR SENSOR stabilization transistor w2a transistor w1d 90 transistor w2d w1a 71 w1A 74 MPC7400 MPC7410
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MPC7410UM/D 11/2002 Rev. 1 MPC7410/MPC7400 RISC Microprocessor User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. HOW TO REACH US: USA/EUROPE/LOCATIONS NOT LISTED:

    MPC7410UM/D MPC7410/MPC7400 PROCESSOR Motorola TE 2556 PIR SENSOR stabilization transistor w2a transistor w1d 90 transistor w2d w1a 71 w1A 74 MPC7400 MPC7410 PDF

    MPC7447 MPC7448

    Abstract: TAG 8446 MPC7450UM MPC7448 vr4 control tea 6721 gigabyte 945 MPC7445 MPC7447 MPC7450
    Text: MPC7450 RISC Microprocessor Family Reference Manual Supports MPC7448 MPC7447A MPC7457 MPC7447 MPC7455 MPC7445 MPC7451 MPC7441 MPC7450 MPC7450UM Rev. 5 1/2005 How to Reach Us: Home Page: email: USA/Europe or Locations Not Listed:

    MPC7450 MPC7448 MPC7447A MPC7457 MPC7447 MPC7455 MPC7445 MPC7451 MPC7441 MPC7450 MPC7447 MPC7448 TAG 8446 MPC7450UM MPC7448 vr4 control tea 6721 gigabyte 945 MPC7445 MPC7447 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Arria II GX Device Handbook Volume 1 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 AIIGX5V1-1.1 Copyright 2009 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device designations, and all other



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALO G D E V IC E S FEATURES 140 MSPS Guaranteed Conversion Rate 100 MSPS Low Cost Version Available 330 MHz Analog Bandwidth 1 V p-p Analog Input Range Internal +2.5 V Reference Differential or Single-Ended Clock Input 3.3 V /5 .0 V Three-S tate CMOS Outputs

    OCR Scan
    AD9483 D9483 AD9483KS AD9483 PDF

    BDP 284

    Abstract: BAV 217 Q62702-C2259 BAT 545 Q62702F1240 Q62702-A773 bdp 497 Q62702-C944 Q62702-D339 Q62702-C1529
    Text: SIEMENS List of Types in Alphanumerical Order Type Ordering Code Page BA 582 BA 585 BA 592 BA 595 BA 597 BA 885 BAL 74 BAL 99 BAR 14-01 BAR 15-01 BAR 16-01 BAR 17 BAR 60 BAR 61 BAR 63 BAR 63-03W BAR 63-04 BAR 63-05 BAR 63-06 BAR 64 BAR 64-03W BAR 64-04 BAR 64-05

    OCR Scan
    3-03W 4-03W 5-03W Q62702-A829 Q62702-A859 Q62702-A950 Q62702-A952 Q62702-A608 Q62702-A718 Q62702-A687 BDP 284 BAV 217 Q62702-C2259 BAT 545 Q62702F1240 Q62702-A773 bdp 497 Q62702-C944 Q62702-D339 Q62702-C1529 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA O rder this docum ent by M C145191/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 1.1 GHz PLL Frequency S ynthesizer Includes On-Board 64/65 Prescaler The MC145191 is a single-package synthesizer with serial interface capable of direct usage up to 1.1 GHz. A special architecture makes this PLL very easy

    OCR Scan
    C145191/D MC145191 MC145191/D 145191 PDF


    Abstract: BD944 B0943 BD943 b0944 b0946 BD946 BD948
    Text: dPO ^b BD944 BD946 BD948 A SILICON EPITAXIAL BASE POWER TRANSISTORS P-N-P silicon transistors in a plastic envelope intended fo r use in audio o u tp u t stages and general purpose amplifiers. N-P-N complements are BD943; 945 and 947. QUICK REFERENCE D A T A

    OCR Scan
    BD944 BD946 BD948 BD943; BD944 BD948. 7Z82139 b0948 B0943 BD943 b0944 b0946 BD946 BD948 PDF

    ic 1240 ringer

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T e m ic U3760MB-N S e m i c o n d u c t o r s Low-Voltage Standard Telephone Circuit Description TEMIC Semiconductors’ low-voltage telephone circuit, U3760MB-N, performs all the speech and line interface functions required in an electronic telephone set tone

    OCR Scan
    U3760MB-N U3760MB-N, D-74025 16-Apr-99 ic 1240 ringer PDF