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    SSM10N961L Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation N-ch MOSFET x 2, Common drain, VSSS=30 V, 0.0128 Ω@10V, TCSPAG-341501 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    F5806-B Coilcraft Inc Common mode choke, not RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc
    F5806- Coilcraft Inc Common mode choke, not RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc
    BU9HS-153R Coilcraft Inc Common mode choke, signal line, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc
    BU9HS-153R15 Coilcraft Inc Common mode choke, signal line, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc
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    Renesas Electronics Corporation QB-COMMON-PW-TW

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    Renesas Electronics Corporation QB-COMMON-PW-EA

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    Renesas Electronics Corporation QB-COMMON-PW-HK

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    Renesas Electronics Corporation QB-COMMON-PW-KR

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    Renesas Electronics Corporation QB-COMMON-PW-SG

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    COMMON Datasheets (13)

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    FP-108-1 Commonwealth Accessories 119x119x38mm Scan PDF
    FP-108A Commonwealth Accessories 80x80x38mm Scan PDF
    FP-108AX Commonwealth Accessories 80x80x25.4mm Scan PDF
    FP-108B Commonwealth Accessories 92x92x25.4mm Scan PDF
    FP-108B/DC Commonwealth Accessories 92x92x25.4mm Scan PDF
    FP-108/DC Commonwealth Accessories Commonwealth DC Brushless Fan 120x120x38mm Scan PDF
    FP-108D/DC Commonwealth Accessories Commonwealth DC Brushless Fan 80x80x25.4mm Scan PDF
    FP-108F/DC Commonwealth Accessories Commonwealth DC Brushless Fan 60x60x25.4mm Scan PDF
    FP-108G/DC Commonwealth Accessories Commonwealth DC Brushless Fan 40x40x20mm Scan PDF
    FP-108H/DC Commonwealth Accessories Commonwealth DC Brushless Fan 52x52x12mm Scan PDF
    FP-108HX/DC Commonwealth Accessories Commonwealth DC Brushless Fan 40x40x10mm Scan PDF
    FP108M/DC Commonwealth Accessories 120x120x25.4mm Scan PDF
    FP-108X Commonwealth Accessories 119x119x25.4mm Scan PDF

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SN74F378 HEX D-TYPE FLIP-FLOP WITH CLOCK ENABLE S D FS 030B - D2932, M ARCH 1987 - REVISED O CTO B ER 1993 Contains Six D-Type Flip-Flops With Single-Rail Outputs Applications Include: Buffer/Storage Registers Shift Registers Pattern Generators Buffered Common Enable Input

    OCR Scan
    SN74F378 D2932, 300-mil SN74F174 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TT ï>Ëf| TOT755O 0D17554 S 990 17224 9097250 TOSHIBA <DISCRETE/OPTO D"T-m-33 TLR358, TLR359, TLR328, TLR329 • RED Color, 13.5ao o.;53")Charactec Height Numerical Display. • Pin Connections for Static Drive • Available Both Polarity of Connections, Common Cathode or Coanon Anode.

    OCR Scan
    OT755O 0D17554 T-m-33 TLR358, TLR359, TLR328, TLR329 TLR358 TLR359 TLR328 PDF


    Abstract: C3450
    Text: MC3450, MC3452 QUADRUPLE DIFFERENTIAL LINE RECEIVERS D 300 6, FEB R U A R Y 1986 • • Four Independent R eceivers with Common Enable Input TO P V IEW ! High Input Sensitivity . . . 2 5 mV Max i b 1A • High Input Impedance • M C 3 4 5 0 has Three-State Outputs

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    MC3450, MC3452 C3452 C3450 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOS HIB A -CDISCRETE/OPTOi DE | T G ci7aS0 OODflOME ñ Sh ’ :t\ , 90972SO TOSHIBA {DISCRETE/OPTO 2N5039 56C 080^2 _ _ Io “ IC ~ V CE h a VBE COMMON EMITTER T c= 2 5’C 3 - 2 *> .#«• -n * * i —. 4 .« ,• 05 as 'j ai ao5

    OCR Scan
    90972SO 2N5039 PDF


    Abstract: 26C32I
    Text: AM26C32C, AM26C32I QUADRUPLE DIFFERENTIAL LINE RECEIVERS SLLS104B- D3634, DECEMBER 1990-R EV ISE D DECEMBER 1992 Meets EIA Standards RS-422-A, RS-423-A, and CCITT Recommendation V.11 □, N, OR N S t PACKAGE TOP VIEW Low Power, Ice = 9 rnA Typ 1B[ ±7-V Common-Mode Range With ±200-mV

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    AM26C32C, AM26C32I SLLS104B- D3634, 1990-R RS-422-A, RS-423-A, 200-mV AM26LS32 AM26C32CNSLE) 26c32c 26C32I PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TC4042BP/BF/BFN C2MOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TC4042B QUAD CLOCKED "D " LATCH_ TC4042B contains fo u r circuits o f "D " type latches having common CLOCK input and POLARITY input. W hen POLARITY input is placed at "H " level, D input appears

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TYPE TIS129 N-P-N SILICON TRANSISTOR B U L L E T IN N O . D L -S 7 3 1 2 0 0 7 , J U N E 1 9 7 3 S IL E C T t V HF/U H F TRANSISTOR* DESIGNED FOR COMMON-BASE OSCILLATOR AND AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS • Low Cce . . . 0.3 pF Max • Specified Ratio if • High fx . . . 800 MHz Min

    OCR Scan
    TIS129 PDF


    Abstract: TLR370 TLR-370 TLR371 TLG371 TLG3 TLR-371
    Text: TO SH IBA TLG370,TLG371,TLR370,TLR371 T O S H IB A LED D ISPLAY TLG370, TLG371, TLR370, TLR371 1 D IG IT A L P H A N U M E R IC LED D ISPLAY • 12.7mm Character Height. • Available Both Polarity of Connections, Common Cathode or Common Anode. • Application

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    TLG370 TLG371 TLR370 TLR371 TLG370, TLG371, TLR370, TLR-370 TLR371 TLG3 TLR-371 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SC3547A silicqn npn epitaxial planar type transistor TV TUNER, UHF OSCILLATOR APPLICATIONS. COMMON COLLECTOR • Transition Frequency is High and Dependent on C urrent Excellently. MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta = 25°C) CHARACTERISTIC Collector-Base Voltage Collector-Emitter Voltage

    OCR Scan
    2SC3547A PDF


    Abstract: SN55326 sn55325 55326
    Text: TEXAS INSTR -CLÏN/INTFC} TI 8961724 TEXAS INSTR DE | flTblT'SM' 0D7bDSa 7 CLIN /IN TFC 9 1 D 7 6 02 2 D SN55326, SN55327 MEMORY CORE DRIVERS D 1 4 9 6 , SEPTEM BER 1 9 7 3 -R E V IS E D SEPTEM BER 1986 SN 55326 . . . J PACKAGE TOP VIEW) Common Features .

    OCR Scan
    SN55326, SN55327 600-mA SN55326 sn55325 55326 PDF

    signetics NE5532

    Abstract: NE5532 NE5532 signetics NE5532 inverting amplifier D2563 ic ne5532 NE5532A1
    Text: NE5532, NE5532A, NE5532I, NE5532AI DUAL LOW-NOISE OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS _ D2563, NOVEMBER 1979-REVISED SEPTEMBER 1990 • Equivalent Input Noise Voltage. . . 5 nv/\/Hi Typ at 1 kHz * Unity-Gain Bandwidth . . . 10 MHz "typ * Common-Mode Rejection R atio. . . 100 dB

    OCR Scan
    NE5532, NE5532A, NE5532I, NE5532AI D2563, 1979-REVISED NE5532 NE5532A NE5532A signetics NE5532 NE5532 signetics NE5532 inverting amplifier D2563 ic ne5532 NE5532A1 PDF

    flyback uc3843 application

    Abstract: uc3843 inverter circuit IC uc3843 uc3843 discontinuous Unitrode DN flyback uc3843 UC3843 flyback application note unitrode uc3843 unitrode Applications Note uc3843 uc3843 12v to 5v
    Text: DN-43 UNITRODE Design Note Simple Techniques to Generate a Negative Voltage Bias Supply from a Positive input Voltage by Bill Andreycak Developing a low power negative supply voltage from a positive input supply can be accomplished using som e very common PW M control ICs. Typical

    OCR Scan
    DN-43 RS-232 flyback uc3843 application uc3843 inverter circuit IC uc3843 uc3843 discontinuous Unitrode DN flyback uc3843 UC3843 flyback application note unitrode uc3843 unitrode Applications Note uc3843 uc3843 12v to 5v PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TLV1VJ1 T IV 1V J1Y SINGLE DIFFERENTIAL COMPARATORS ^ _ SLCS128A - APRIL 1996 - REVISED APRIL 1996 • Low-Voltage and Singie-Supply Operation Vcc = 2 V to 7 V DBV PACKAGE TOP VIEW • Common-Mode Voltage Range Includes Ground

    OCR Scan
    SLCS128A OT-23 TLV1391 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SILICON MONOLITHIC BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TD62380P 8CH LOW SATURATION DARLINGTON SINK DRIVER The TD62380P is comprised of eight NPN low saturation drivers. This device is specifically designed for multiplexed digit driving of eight digit common-cathode LED and also can

    OCR Scan
    TD62380P TD62380P TD62785P, TD62785F DIPI8-P-300D 120mA /120m DIP-18 PDF


    Abstract: IC uA741 UA7411 OF IC UA741 fairchild A741 UA741MFK uA741MU ua741c texas
    Text: UA741C, UA741I, UA741M GENERAL-PURPOSE OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS _ D920, NOVEMBER 1970 — REVISED JANUARY 1992 Short-Circuit Protection U A 741M . . . J PACKAGE TOP VIEW Offset-Voitage Null Capability NC[ 1 NC[ 2 Large Common-Mode and Differential

    OCR Scan
    UA741C, UA741I, UA741M UA741I uA741 ua741c IC uA741 UA7411 OF IC UA741 fairchild A741 UA741MFK uA741MU ua741c texas PDF


    Abstract: 1SS239 1S1585 equivalent 1SV147 1ss193 equivalent 1SS SOT mark 1SS337 J9 1SV99 1SV103 1SS241
    Text: Super-Mini Diodes SOT-23MOD, SOT-143MOD. F6 Mark Equivalent other package Type No. A3 1S1585 Anode common Cathode comon Electrical Characteristics (Ta=25°C) Type No. Application V r(V) IO(mA) trr (ns) Connection JX. Remarks 1SS181 High-speed switching 80

    OCR Scan
    OT-23MOD, OT-143MOD. 1S1585 107YP 1SS239 1S1585 equivalent 1SV147 1ss193 equivalent 1SS SOT mark 1SS337 J9 1SV99 1SV103 1SS241 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MC3453, MC3553 QUAD LINE DRIVERS WITH COMMON ENABLE SLLS119 A -D 3 00 0, FE B R U A R Y 1986 - REVISED F E B R U A R Y 1993 Similar to a Dual Version of SN55/75110A Line Driver D, J, OR N . . . PACKAGE TOP VIEW Improved Stability Over Supply Voltage and

    OCR Scan
    MC3453, MC3553 SLLS119 SN55/75110A MC3453 I0322 D3000. PDF


    Abstract: 4136D
    Text: RC4136, RM4136, RV4136 QUAD GENERAL-PURPOSE OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS SLOSQ72 - MARCH 1978 - REVISED SEPTEMBER 1990 • • • • • • • Continuous-Short-Circuit Protection Wide Common-Mode and Differential Voltage Ranges No Frequency Compensation Required

    OCR Scan
    RC4136, RM4136, RV4136 SLOSQ72 RM4136 11N--[ 4136N 4136D PDF


    Abstract: IS902
    Text: TC4042BP/BF C2MOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TC4042BP/TC4042BF QUAD CLOCKED "D" LATCH TC4042BP/BF contains four circuits of MD" type latches having common CLOCK input and POLARITY input. When POLARITY input is placed at "H" level, D input

    OCR Scan
    TC4042BP/BF TC4042BP/TC4042BF TC4042BP/BF TC4042BP IS902 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TL026C DIFFERENTIAL VIDEO AMPLIFIER WITH AGC D 2 7 9 0 , JUNE 1 9 8 5 -R E V IS E D OCTOBER 1 9 8 8 Low Output Common-Mode Sensitivity to AGC Voltages D OR P PACKAGE TO P V IE W Input and Output Impedances Independent of AGC Voltage Peak Gain . . . 38 dB Typ

    OCR Scan
    TL026C NE592 uA733 L026C L026 PDF


    Abstract: nc 1458 MCI 1458 C1458 MC1558/MCI
    Text: MC1558, MC1458 DUAL GENERAL-PURPOSE OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS D 9 7 2 , FEBRUARY 1971 -R E V IS E D M A Y 1 9 8 8 Short-Circuit Protection M C1558 . . . JG PACKAGE MC 1458 . . . D, JG . OR P PACKAGE Wide Common-Mode and Differential Voltage Ranges TOP VIEW

    OCR Scan
    MC1558, MC1458 MC1558/M C1458 S5558/N5558 C1558 uA741 C1558 nc 1458 MCI 1458 MC1558/MCI PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION SN 54F114, SN 74F114 DUAL J-K NEGATIVE-EDGE-TRIGGERED FLIP-FLOPS WITH PRESET. COM MON CLEAR, AND COMMON CLOCK D2932, MARCH 1987 Package Options Include Plastic "Small Outline" Packages, Ceramic Chip Carriers, and Standard Plastic and Ceramic 300-mil

    OCR Scan
    54F114, 74F114 D2932, 74F114 300-mil PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TL026C DIFFERENTIAL HIGH-FREQUENCY AMPLIFIER WITH AGC SLFS0Q7A - JUNE 1985 - REVISED JULY 1990 • Low Output Common-Mode Sensitivity to AGC Voltages D Oft P PACKAGE TOP VIEW • Input and Output Impedances Independent of AGC Voltage IN+ [ 1 U AGC [ 2 • Peak Gain . . . 38 dB Typ

    OCR Scan
    TL026C NE592 UA733 L026C SLFS007A 1N914 D1VQ PDF


    Abstract: TL087C
    Text: TL087, TL088, TL287, TL288 JFET-INPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS D 2 4 8 4 , M ARCH 1 9 7 9 -R E V IS E D M ARCH 1 9 8 9 Low Input Offset Voltage . . . 0 .5 mV Max Internal Frequency Compensation Low Power Consumption Latch-Up-Free Operation Wide Common-Mode and Differential

    OCR Scan
    TL087, TL088, TL287, TL288 TL287 TL087C PDF