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    CODEON MACH Search Results

    CODEON MACH Datasheets Context Search

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    codeon modulator

    Abstract: codeon mach Mach-10 codeon intensity modulator optical external modulator Codeon modulator mach zehnder panda GR-468 STM-64
    Text: Product Specification 10 Gb/s Intensity Modulator with Variable Optical Attenuator Flexibility for System Providers CODEON’s 10 Gb/s Intensity Modulator with Variable Optical Attenuator is part of the Mach-10TM product line, a family of high performance, Telcordia compliant

    Mach-10TM Mach-10 codeon modulator codeon mach Mach-10 codeon intensity modulator optical external modulator Codeon modulator mach zehnder panda GR-468 STM-64 PDF

    codeon modulator

    Abstract: Mach-10 codeon intensity modulator intensity modulator codeon mach Mach-Zehnder modulator Chirp Codeon Corporation Codeon modulator 15 GHz modulator MachZehnder
    Text: Product Specification 20 Gb/s Intensity Modulator Ultra-High Bandwidth Possibilities CODEON's 20 Gb/s Ultra-High Bandwidth UHB Intensity Modulator is part of the Mach-10 TM product line, a family of high performance, Telcordia compliant external optical modulators

    Mach-10 40Gb/s 20GHz. 20Gb/s codeon modulator Mach-10 codeon intensity modulator intensity modulator codeon mach Mach-Zehnder modulator Chirp Codeon Corporation Codeon modulator 15 GHz modulator MachZehnder PDF


    Abstract: codeon mach codeon modulator 8413 STM-64 Mach-10 codeon intensity modulator
    Text: Product Specification M12 - 12.5 Gb/s Integrated Modulation Solution High Level of Integration CODEON's M12 - 12.5 Gb/s Integrated Modulation Solution is the first in a series of modules to be added to the Mach-10 product line. The Mach-10™ M12 integrates CODEON's industry leading, Telcordia

    Mach-10TM Mach-10 Codeon codeon mach codeon modulator 8413 STM-64 Mach-10 codeon intensity modulator PDF

    codeon modulator

    Abstract: Codeon codeon mach Mach-10 codeon intensity modulator Integrated Modulator and Driver Module STM-64 Codeon Corporation
    Text: Product Specification M10 - 10.67 Gb/s Integrated Modulation Solution High Level of Integration CODEON's M10 - 10 Gb/s Integrated Modulation Solution is the first in a series of modules to be added to the Mach-10 product line. The Mach-10™ M10 integrates CODEON's industry leading, Telcordia

    Mach-10TM 67Gb/s Mach-10 codeon modulator Codeon codeon mach Mach-10 codeon intensity modulator Integrated Modulator and Driver Module STM-64 Codeon Corporation PDF

    codeon mach

    Abstract: codeon modulator intensity modulator modulator mach zehnder Mach-10 codeon intensity modulator GR-468 OC192 STM-64 modulator MachZehnder intensitymodulator
    Text: Product Specification 12.5 Gb/s Intensity Modulator with Variable Optical Attenuator Flexibility for System Providers CODEON's 12.5 Gb/s Intensity Modulator with Variable Optical Attenuator is part of the Mach-10TM product line, a family of high performance, Telcordia

    Mach-10TM Mach-10 codeon mach codeon modulator intensity modulator modulator mach zehnder Mach-10 codeon intensity modulator GR-468 OC192 STM-64 modulator MachZehnder intensitymodulator PDF

    codeon modulator

    Abstract: nrz optical modulator codeon mach optical external modulator Codeon Corporation AM MODULATOR codeon GR-468 STM-64 c band modulator
    Text: Product Specification 12.5 Gb/s RZ/NRZ Modulator Tomorrow's Solutions Today CODEON's 12.5 Gb/s RZ/NRZ Return-to-Zero/ Non-Return-to-Zero Modulator is a high quality External Optical Modulator designed as an all-optical solution for RZ/NRZ data formatting. The product

    27dBm Mach-10 codeon modulator nrz optical modulator codeon mach optical external modulator Codeon Corporation AM MODULATOR codeon GR-468 STM-64 c band modulator PDF


    Abstract: EC11B15244 esra ec11b152442d alps EC11 F258382 ec11b15 100MMT ALPS rotary switch
    Text: No. Customer: alge distributor ECR2005-6189 Date: Aug. 30, 2005 SPECIFICATIONS ALPS'; MODEL EC11B15244 Spec. N Sample No.: F258382 4M RECEIPT STATUS RECEIVED By Date Signature Name Title ALPS. AUK ELKTHiC CO., LTD. DSG'D APP'D ENG. DEPT. DIVISION Head Office

    ECR2005-6189 EC11B15244 F258382 B6523 Q10O3fO3A EC11B152442D F2583824M LA2M44-6S BTALB EC11B15244 esra alps EC11 ec11b15 100MMT ALPS rotary switch PDF

    alps rotary Encoder

    Abstract: EC11E15204A3 alps head rotary encoder specifications alps FEELING DATE code alps encoder alps rotary switch alps lna EC11E15 0/alps Encoder switch
    Text: No. Customer: alps europe distribution KK-2006-1722 Date: Aug. 04, 2006 Attention: Your ref. No.: Your Part No.: EC11EÎ5204A3 SPECIFICATIONS ALPS' ; MODEL: EC11E15204A3_ Spec. No.: Sample No.: F 3 3 0 1 563M RECEIPT STATUS RECEIVED By Date Signature_ _

    OCR Scan
    KK-2006-1722 EC11E 5204A3 EC11E15204A3_ B6523 Q1003 EC11E15204A3 F3301563M alps rotary Encoder alps head rotary encoder specifications alps FEELING DATE code alps encoder alps rotary switch alps lna EC11E15 0/alps Encoder switch PDF

    T4 3560 B

    Abstract: alps encoder alps rotary Encoder alps encoder 12 alps Encoder switch 0/alps Encoder switch alps encoder 26 rotary encoder specifications alps Alps encoder b
    Text: Customer: No. KK-2007-4798 alps europe distribution Date: Dec. 20,2007 Attention: Your ref. No.: Your Part No.: EC11J0924801 SPECIFICATIONS ALPS' ; MODEL: EC11J0924801_ Spec. No.: Sample No.: F 5 1 3 5 8 7 3 M RECEIPT STATUS RECEIVED By Date Signature

    OCR Scan
    KK-2007-4798 EC11J0924801 EC11J0924801_ B6523 Q1003803A KK-2007-4798 ECUJ0924801 5LA211-J31 5LA2114-J1 LA2114J04 T4 3560 B alps encoder alps rotary Encoder alps encoder 12 alps Encoder switch 0/alps Encoder switch alps encoder 26 rotary encoder specifications alps Alps encoder b PDF