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    CN1 30PIN Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: User’s Manual ユーザーズ・マニュアル R20UT0829XJ0101 Rev 1.01 2013.5.17 78K0S/KB1+ターゲット・ボード QB-78K0SKB1-TB ユーザーズ・マニュアル R20UT0829XJ0101 Rev 1.01 2013.5.17 78K0S/KB1+ Target board QB-78K0SKB1-TB User’s Manual

    R20UT0829XJ0101 78K0S/KB1+ QB-78K0SKB1-TB QB-78K0SKB1-TB FFC-40BMEP SML-311YT PDF

    12v relay 6 pin

    Abstract: Matsua M1T RT1-OD16-24V-S 12v relay interface with fan 6 pin 12v dc relay RT1S-OD16-24V-S Relay 2 RT matsushita Relay Matsushita RT1-ID08-24V-S Matsushita relay
    Text: RT-1 INTERFACE RELAY TERMINAL THAT REDUCES WIRING AND SAVES SPACE PC RELAY TERMINAL/ PC TERMINAL FEATURES PC Relay Terminal PQ relays mounted Input 16 points Output 16 points Input 8 points Output 8 points PC Terminal Input 16 points Output 16 points Input 8 points

    16-point 12v relay 6 pin Matsua M1T RT1-OD16-24V-S 12v relay interface with fan 6 pin 12v dc relay RT1S-OD16-24V-S Relay 2 RT matsushita Relay Matsushita RT1-ID08-24V-S Matsushita relay PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: User’s Manual ユーザーズ・マニュアル R01UH0089XJ0100 Rev 1.00 2010.9.1 78K0/KC2-L ターゲット・ボード QB-78K0KC2L-TB ユーザーズ・マニュアル 本製品はルネサス エレクトロニクス製のプログラミング機能付きオンチップ・デバッグ・エミュレータ QB-MINI2 以下 MINICUBE2 を使用

    R01UH0089XJ0100 78K0/KC2-L QB-78K0KC2L-TB 78K0/KC2-L QB-78K0KC2L-TB TSM-108-01-L-DH 1060x LC-22-G-RED PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: User’s Manual ユーザーズ・マニュアル R20UT2271XJ0200 Rev2.00 2013.06.24 RL78/G1C ターゲット・ボード QB-R5F10JGC-TB ユーザーズ・マニュアル 本製品はルネサス エレクトロニクス製のプログラミング機能付きオンチップ・デバッグ・エミュレータ E1 を使用して、マイコンの動作を試

    R20UT2271XJ0200 RL78/G1C QB-R5F10JGC-TB RL78/G1C QB-R5F10JGC-TB tarRXD/SDA00 P122/X2/EXCLK S1155B33-U5T1G PDF

    NEC 780113

    Abstract: U1660 780102 2sc2720 78F0103 78f0134 78F0124 HC02 Humidity 78F0114 780113
    Text: User's Manual Preliminary IE-78K0K1-ET In-Circuit Emulator Target Devices PD780103 Subseries (78K0/KB1) μPD780114 Subseries (78K0/KC1) μPD780124 Subseries (78K0/KD1) μPD780138 Subseries (78K0/KE1) μPD780148 Subseries (78K0/KF1) Document No. U16604EJ1V0UM00

    IE-78K0K1-ET PD780103 78K0/KB1) PD780114 78K0/KC1) PD780124 78K0/KD1) PD780138 78K0/KE1) PD780148 NEC 780113 U1660 780102 2sc2720 78F0103 78f0134 78F0124 HC02 Humidity 78F0114 780113 PDF

    p120 photocoupler

    Abstract: NEC 780113 780102 78F0102H IE-780148-NS-EM1 IE-78K0-NS IE-78K0-NS-A PD780103 uPD780114 uPD780124
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid

    U16963EJ1V0UM IE-78K0-NS IE-78K0-NS-A NP-30MC NP-30MC YSPACK30BK, NSPACK20BK 78010X NP-30MC) p120 photocoupler NEC 780113 780102 78F0102H IE-780148-NS-EM1 IE-78K0-NS-A PD780103 uPD780114 uPD780124 PDF

    p120 photocoupler

    Abstract: 78F0102H 78F0113H 78f0114h 78f0102 780102 780124 IE-780148-NS-EM1 IE-78K0-NS PD780103
    Text: User’s Manual IE-780148-NS-EM1 Emulation Board Target Devices µPD780103 Subseries µPD780114 Subseries µPD780124 Subseries Document No. U16963EJ1V0UM00 1st edition Date Published January 2004 N CP(K) Printed in Japan 2004 µPD780138 Subseries µPD780148 Subseries

    IE-780148-NS-EM1 PD780103 PD780114 PD780124 U16963EJ1V0UM00 PD780138 PD780148 U16963EJ1V0UM IE-78K0-NS p120 photocoupler 78F0102H 78F0113H 78f0114h 78f0102 780102 780124 IE-780148-NS-EM1 PDF


    Abstract: U1660 2sc2720 78F0134 hc04 NEC 780113 780123 IE-78K0K1-ET PD780103 uPD780114
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid

    d2-66 780102 U1660 2sc2720 78F0134 hc04 NEC 780113 780123 IE-78K0K1-ET PD780103 uPD780114 PDF

    NEC 780113

    Abstract: main board Circuit diagram 780102 nec hc32 78F0148 HC157 IE-780148-NS-EM1 PD780134 uPD780143 780123
    Text: SUD-DT-03-0131-1-E 1/57 CUSTOMER NOTIFICATION March 20, 2003 Koji Nishibayashi, Senior System Integrator Microcomputer Group 2nd Solutions Division Solutions Operations Unit NEC Electronics Corporation CP (K), O IE-780148-NS-EM1 Preliminary User's Manual

    SUD-DT-03-0131-1-E IE-780148-NS-EM1 SUD-DT-03-0131-1E 78014X IE-780148 IE-780148-NS-EM1 NEC 780113 main board Circuit diagram 780102 nec hc32 78F0148 HC157 PD780134 uPD780143 780123 PDF


    Abstract: nec 78f9046 k907 IE-789046-NS-EM1
    Text: 8VHU V 0DQXDO , 16(0 (PXODWLRQ %RDUG 7DUJHW 'HYLFHV µ3' 6XEVHULHV µ3' 6XEVHULHV 'RFXPHQW 1R 8(-980 QG HGLWLRQ 'DWH 3XEOLVKHG 0D\  1 &3 . © 3ULQWHG LQ -DSDQ 1999, 2002 >0(02@  8VHU©V 0DQXDO 8(-980 Windows is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or


    nec 78f9046

    Abstract: k907 78f9046
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid


    alpha date code System

    Abstract: SEL1210
    Text: ASAHI KASEI [AK4254] AK4254 Capacitor-less Video Amp with 7:2 Video Switch GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AK4254 is 2ch Video AMP with 7:2 video switch, input clamp circuit, LPF and charge pump circuit. The integrated charge pump circuit can generate the negative power supply and remove the output

    AK4254] AK4254 AK4254 30pin MS0586-E-00 alpha date code System SEL1210 PDF


    Abstract: AK4254 AKD4254
    Text: [AK4254] AK4254 Capacitor-less Video Amp with 7:2 Video Switch GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AK4254 is a 2ch Video AMP with 7:2 video switch, input clamp circuit, LPF and charge pump circuit. The integrated charge pump circuit can generate the negative power supply and remove the output

    AK4254] AK4254 AK4254 30pin MS0586-E-01 AK4254VF AKD4254 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [AK4254] AK4254 Capacitor-less Video Amp with 7:2 Video Switch GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AK4254 is a 2ch Video AMP with 7:2 video switch, input clamp circuit, LPF and charge pump circuit. The integrated charge pump circuit can generate the negative power supply and remove the output

    AK4254] AK4254 AK4254 30pin MS0586-E-01 PDF


    Abstract: STM32F103ZET6 AM240320LDTNQW M29W128GH70 JFVNY m29W128GL70 MC306-G-06Q-32 AM-240320 HXM122032-GB1 S29GL128P90FFIR2
    Text: UM0488 User manual STM3210E-EVAL evaluation board Introduction The STM3210E-EVAL evaluation board is designed as a complete development platform for STMicroelectronic's ARM Cortex-M3 core-based STM32F103ZGT6 microcontroller with full speed USB2.0, CAN2.0A/B compliant interface, two I2S channels, two I2C channels, five

    UM0488 STM3210E-EVAL STM3210E-EVAL STM32F103ZGT6 MB672 STM32F103ZET6 MC306-g-06q AM240320LDTNQW M29W128GH70 JFVNY m29W128GL70 MC306-G-06Q-32 AM-240320 HXM122032-GB1 S29GL128P90FFIR2 PDF


    Abstract: STM3210E USART STM32F103Z STM32F103ZET6 S29GL128P90 HXM122032-GB1 STM32F103 with sd card MC306-G-06Q-32.768 schematic diagram motor control ARM7 16bit DATASHEET
    Text: UM0488 User manual STM3210E-EVAL evaluation board Introduction The STM3210E-EVAL evaluation board is designed as a complete development platform for STMicroelectronic's ARM Cortex-M3 core-based STM32F103Z microcontroller with full speed USB2.0, CAN2.0A/B compliant interface, two I2S channels, two I2C channels, five

    UM0488 STM3210E-EVAL STM3210E-EVAL STM32F103Z STM3210E USART STM32F103ZET6 S29GL128P90 HXM122032-GB1 STM32F103 with sd card MC306-G-06Q-32.768 schematic diagram motor control ARM7 16bit DATASHEET PDF


    Abstract: m29W128GL70 M29W128GH70 S29GL128P90 ST-225-02 STM32F103ZET6 HXM122032 AM240320L8TNQW01H 122x32 STM32F103
    Text: UM0488 User manual STM3210E-EVAL evaluation board Introduction Figure 1. STM3210E-EVAL evaluation board The STM32F103Z evaluation board STM3210EEVAL is designed as a complete development platform for STMicroelectronic's ARM Cortex-M3 core-based STM32F103Z microcontroller with full

    UM0488 STM3210E-EVAL STM3210E-EVAL STM32F103Z STM3210EEVAL 512KB m29W128GL70 M29W128GH70 S29GL128P90 ST-225-02 STM32F103ZET6 HXM122032 AM240320L8TNQW01H 122x32 STM32F103 PDF


    Abstract: AK4254 AKD4254
    Text: [AK4254] AK4254 キャップレス 7入力2出力 ビデオスイッチ 概 要 AK4254は7入力2出力対応のビデオスイッチです。CMOSプロセスを採用しており消費電力を抑えつつ 高特性を実現します。また入力クランプ回路6dBアンプ、ビデオドライバを内蔵しており、外付け回

    AK4254] AK4254 AK425472CMOS DCAK4254 30pin I2C/SEL22 CDTI/SDA/SEL21 CCLK/SCL/SEL20 CSN/SEL12 CAD1/SEL11 AK4254VF AK4254 AKD4254 PDF


    Abstract: uPD72255 STV-C-96-M-abc 821MD Ravin-E 32 pins connector B42 diode smd 23mD6 DIN41612 C64 MD-5 5VDC
    Text: User’s Manual startWARE-GHS-Ravin-E Ravin-E Add-on Board for startWARE-GHS-VR4131 and startWARE-GHS-VR4133 Document No. U17316EE1V0UM00 Date Published September 2004  NEC Corporation 2004 Printed in Germany NOTES FOR CMOS DEVICES 1 PRECAUTION AGAINST ESD FOR SEMICONDUCTORS

    startWARE-GHS-VR4131 startWARE-GHS-VR4133 U17316EE1V0UM00 FABC96R uPD72255 STV-C-96-M-abc 821MD Ravin-E 32 pins connector B42 diode smd 23mD6 DIN41612 C64 MD-5 5VDC PDF


    Abstract: NL2432HC22-41K NL2432HC22 uPD70F35 nl2432hc uPD703538 NEC NL2432hc22 41k uPD70F353 QVGA GRAPHICS LCD DISPLAY PL111
    Text: EB-EXT-QVGA-PT Quick Start-up Guide V1.0 EASE-UM-0070-1.0 NEC QVGA portrait TFT Display Board 18bit color, 8.9cm 3.5” with touch screen “Add-On QVGA Board“ (EB-EXT-QVGA-PT) Quick Start-up Guide NEC Electronics (Europe) Automotive Business Unit – Driver Information Systems

    EASE-UM-0070-1 18bit NL2432HC22-41K eePL111 RGB565, 240x320" 0xf7800000 UPD70F3532 NL2432HC22-41K NL2432HC22 uPD70F35 nl2432hc uPD703538 NEC NL2432hc22 41k uPD70F353 QVGA GRAPHICS LCD DISPLAY PL111 PDF

    Connector 30pin lcd jae

    Abstract: CXA-L0612-vm tdk lcd inverter IL-402-30S-S1L-SA Connector 30pin lcd LCM FLM CXA-L0612-VMR LCM 553 AGM6448V CD 76 13 CP
    Text: AZ DISPLAYS, INC. Complete LCD Solutions AGM6448V Series LCD Module 1. MECHANICAL DATA 1 Product No. AGM6448V (2) Module Size 264.0 (W)mm x 183.0 (H)mm x (3) Dot Size 0.09 (W)mm x 0.31 (H)mm (4) Dot Pitch 0.11 (W)mm x 0.33 (H)mm (5) Number of Dots 640 (W)xRGB x 480 (H)DOTS

    AGM6448V AGM6448V CXA-L0612-VMR Connector 30pin lcd jae CXA-L0612-vm tdk lcd inverter IL-402-30S-S1L-SA Connector 30pin lcd LCM FLM CXA-L0612-VMR LCM 553 CD 76 13 CP PDF


    Abstract: mark Gb5 201PW021 circuit diagram flourescent tube thc63lvdf83a ATI 216 lvds connector 14 pin 1.0mm 1280Y TC4-19 trf 640 a
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET TFT COLOR LCD MODULE NL128102AC31-02 51 cm 20.1 inches , 1280 ´ 1024 pixels, 8bit/color, Incorporated backlight and Inverter Ultra wide viewing angle DESCRIPTION NL128102AC31-02 is a TFT (Thin Film Transistor) active matrix color liquid crystal display (LCD) comprising amorphous

    NL128102AC31-02 NL128102AC31-02 THC63LVDF84A 201BLM02 mark Gb5 201PW021 circuit diagram flourescent tube thc63lvdf83a ATI 216 lvds connector 14 pin 1.0mm 1280Y TC4-19 trf 640 a PDF


    Abstract: 8822e-080 S1C8F360 ZA jst CONNECTOR PRC88816 S1C88348 DE 113 LCD cn1 30pin VC12B 49/vco K07
    Text: MF1466-01 CMOS 8-BIT SINGLE CHIP MICROCOMPUTER S5U1C8F360Z1 Manual Adapter Board for S1C8F360/8F361 NOTICE No part of this material may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means without the written permission of Seiko Epson. Seiko Epson reserves the right to make changes to this material without notice. Seiko Epson does not assume any

    MF1466-01 S5U1C8F360Z1 S1C8F360/8F361) F-91976 E-08190 7940-6500SC 8822e-080 S1C8F360 ZA jst CONNECTOR PRC88816 S1C88348 DE 113 LCD cn1 30pin VC12B 49/vco K07 PDF


    Abstract: 3432-6002LCSC
    Text: MF1466-01 CMOS 8-BIT SINGLE CHIP MICROCOMPUTER S5U1C8F360Z1 Manual Adapter Board for S1C8F360/8F361 NOTICE No part of this material may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means without the written permission of Seiko Epson. Seiko Epson reserves the right to make changes to this material without notice. Seiko Epson does not assume any

    MF1466-01 S5U1C8F360Z1 S1C8F360/8F361) E-08190 S1C8F361 3432-6002LCSC PDF