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    CMOS 4583 Search Results

    CMOS 4583 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TC74HC14AF Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Inverter, SOP14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74VHCT541AFT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Octal Buffer, TSSOP20B Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC14D Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Inverter, SOIC14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74VHC541FT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Octal Buffer, TSSOP20B Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC04D Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Inverter, SOIC14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    CMOS 4583 Datasheets Context Search

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    simple remote control on/off switch

    Abstract: FR20 FR21 FR22 M34583EDFP M34583MD-XXXFP 4583
    Text: PRELIMINARY Notice: This is not a final specification. Some parametric limits are subject to change. 4583 Group REJ03B0009-0201Z Rev.2.01 2003.09.23 SINGLE-CHIP 4-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER DESCRIPTION ●Interrupt . 7 sources

    REJ03B0009-0201Z 10-bit simple remote control on/off switch FR20 FR21 FR22 M34583EDFP M34583MD-XXXFP 4583 PDF

    cmos sensor 32pin

    Abstract: FR20 FR21 M34583EDFP M34583MD-XXXFP
    Text: PRELIMINARY Notice: This is not a final specification. Some parametric limits are subject to change. 4583 Group REJ03B0009-0300Z Rev.3.00 2004.08.06 SINGLE-CHIP 4-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER DESCRIPTION ●Interrupt . 7 sources

    REJ03B0009-0300Z 10-bit cmos sensor 32pin FR20 FR21 M34583EDFP M34583MD-XXXFP PDF

    simple remote control on/off switch

    Abstract: FR20 FR21 M34583EDFP M34583MD-XXXFP
    Text: PRELIMINARY Notice: This is not a final specification. Some parametric limits are subject to change. 4583 Group REJ03B0009-0300Z Rev.3.00 2004.08.06 SINGLE-CHIP 4-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER DESCRIPTION ●Interrupt . 7 sources

    REJ03B0009-0300Z 10-bit simple remote control on/off switch FR20 FR21 M34583EDFP M34583MD-XXXFP PDF

    LOGIC 4583

    Abstract: FR20 FR21 FR22 M34583EDFP M34583MD-XXXFP
    Text: PRELIMINARY Notice: This is not a final specification. Some parametric limits are subject to change. 4583 Group REJ03B0009-0200Z Rev.2.00 2003.04.16 SINGLE-CHIP 4-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER DESCRIPTION ●Interrupt . 7 sources

    REJ03B0009-0200Z 10-bit LOGIC 4583 FR20 FR21 FR22 M34583EDFP M34583MD-XXXFP PDF


    Abstract: an1076
    Text: National Semiconductor Application Note 1076 Siegfried Rueth June 1997 INTRODUCTION The COP8ACC is a member of National’s COP888 feature family of 8-bit CMOS microcontrollers. This device is dedicated for all those applications requiring multi channel, higher resolution A/D conversion in small packages. In fact it

    COP888 20-pin 28-pin AN-1076 an1076 PDF


    Abstract: 74245 BIDIRECTIONAL BUFFER IC ic 4583 schmitt trigger core bit excess 3 adder using IC 7483 advantages for ic 7473 4 BIT COUNTER 74669 la 4508 ic schematic diagram XF107 74295 random number generator by using ic 4011 and 4017
    Text: General Features The SCxD4 series of high performance CMOS gate arrays offers the user the ability to realise customised VLSI inte­ grated circuits featuring the speed performance previously obtainable only with bipolar technologies whilst retaining all the advantages of CMOS technology; low power consum p­

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 4013BP 4069BP 4016BP 4066bp hef 4011bp IC NAND 4040BP 4000BP 40106BP 4030BP
    Text: Signetics Integrated Circuits - Loemos HEF 4000 Series LOCIMOS Locally Oxidised CMOS LOCM OS g e n e r a l d e s c r ip t io n LOCMOS is com ple tely pin, fu n c tio n and ty p e num ber com patible w ith th e 4 0 0 0 and 14000 fam ilies. Compared w ith o rd in a ry CMOS, LOCMOS c irc u it

    OCR Scan
    HEF4737B HEF4737V CI0000 C1000 C20000 HEF4S43S idi05 idi06 idi04 idi07 4017BP 4013BP 4069BP 4016BP 4066bp hef 4011bp IC NAND 4040BP 4000BP 40106BP 4030BP PDF

    cd 40938

    Abstract: 4082B 4069UB 14 pins 4583B 4072B 4073B 4075B 40014B 4521B 4007UB
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-CMOS C83 4583B C84 40014B Rextna R extpa 5 (s ) (7 ) R extca He x t n b Vdd = Pin 16 Vss —Pin 8 0 = Pin Numbers C86 4075B C8S 4072B VDO r - nc C87 4073B Vdd V dd i^innrnFirarTim I q a _ 0 1^1 LLlLillilLLlliJUJLJ

    OCR Scan
    4583B 40014B 4072B 4075B 4073B 4082B 4045B 4521B q021q22q23 4049B cd 40938 4082B 4069UB 14 pins 4583B 4072B 4073B 4075B 40014B 4521B 4007UB PDF


    Abstract: 4072B 4521B 4727B 4022B 4045B 4029B 40178 4018B BCD counter
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-CMOS C83 4583B C84 40014B Rextna R extpa 5 (s ) (7 ) R extca He x t n b Vdd = Pin 16 Vss — Pin 8 0 = Pin Numbers C86 4075B C8S 4072B VDO r - C87 4073B V dd nc V dd i^innrnFirarTim I q a _ 0 1^1 LLlLillilLLlliJUJLJ

    OCR Scan
    4583B 40014B 4072B 4075B 4073B 4082B 4045B 4521B Q021Q22Q23 4018B 40188 4072B 4521B 4727B 4022B 4045B 4029B 40178 BCD counter PDF

    7408 CMOS

    Abstract: TTL 7452 ttl 74183 LS 74141 7408, 7404, 7486, 7432 7404 7408 7432 TTL 74289 74106 CMOS 4017 series ttl 74395
    Text: KG10000 SERIES SEMI-CUSTOM CMOS GATE ARRAY CMOS SILOCON GATE ARRAY Th e KG10000 S e rie s is c o n sists o f s ilico n gate C M O S arrays w hose inte rco n n e ctio n are in itia lly u n s p e c ifie d , th e re fo re custom LSI is p ro ce sse d w ith o n ly one m ask ste p a cu sto m ize d m etal m ask a c c o rd ­

    OCR Scan
    KG10000 7408 CMOS TTL 7452 ttl 74183 LS 74141 7408, 7404, 7486, 7432 7404 7408 7432 TTL 74289 74106 CMOS 4017 series ttl 74395 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEM ENS Microcomputer Components 16-Bit CMOS Single-Chip Microcontroller • ■ ■ tfililM i Cl 61V / Cl 61K / Cl 610 Data Sheet 03.97 Preliminary C161V / C161K / C1610 Revision History: Version 03.97 Preliminary Previous Releases: Original Version 09.96 (Advance Information)

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit C161V C161K C1610 PDF

    4583 dual schmitt trigger

    Abstract: ic 7812 4510 bcd up down binary counter
    Text: TO SHIBA TMP87CM45 CMOS 8 -Bit Microcontroller TMP87CM45N The 87CM45 is the high-speed and high performance 8 -bit single chip microcomputer. This MCU contain CPU core, ROM, RAM, input / output ports, six multi-function timer / counters, serial bus interface, PWM outputs,

    OCR Scan
    TMP87CM45 TMP87CM45N 87CM45 TMP87CM45N P-SDIP64-600-1 TMP87PS39N TLCS-870 16-bits MX-38T 4583 dual schmitt trigger ic 7812 4510 bcd up down binary counter PDF


    Abstract: SC 16315 S ns 4248
    Text: KS0104 80CH SEGMENT DRIVER FOR DOT MATRIX LCD INTRODUCTION The KS0104 is a LCD driver LSI which is fabricated by low power CMOS high voltage process technology. This device consists of 80 bit bidirectional shift register, 80 bit data latch and 80 bit driver

    OCR Scan
    KS0104 KS0104 SC 16315 S ns 4248 PDF

    4069UB fairchild

    Abstract: 4093B 40098B 40097B 4041B 4069UB
    Text: FAIRCHILD DIGITAL CMOS SSI FUNCTIONS Cont’d Item A Function Logic/Connection Diagram DEVICE NO. NOR Gates Package(s) \ 3I.6A.9A 1 Quad 2-Input NOR 4001B C5 2 Triple 3-Input NOR 4025B C6 3I.6A.9A 4002B C7 " 3H6A.9A 4078B 08 3I.6A.9A ( C9 ) • 3I.6A.9A

    OCR Scan
    4001B 4025B 4002B 4078B 4081B 4073B 4082B 4071B 4072B 4075B 4069UB fairchild 4093B 40098B 40097B 4041B 4069UB PDF


    Abstract: 4070B 4069UB fairchild 4030B 4085B 40098B 4041B 4069UB
    Text: FAIRCHILD DIGITAL CMOS SSI FUNCTIONS Cont’d Item A Function Logic/Connection Diagram DEVICE NO. NOR Gates Package(s) \ 3I.6A.9A 1 Quad 2-Input NOR 4001B C5 2 Triple 3-Input NOR 4025B C6 3I.6A.9A 4002B C7 " 3H6A.9A 4078B 08 3I.6A.9A ( C9 ) • 3I.6A.9A

    OCR Scan
    4001B 4025B 4002B 4078B 4081B 4073B 4082B 4071B 4072B 4075B 40097B 4070B 4069UB fairchild 4030B 4085B 40098B 4041B 4069UB PDF

    SIEMENS 3 TB 40 12 - 0A

    Abstract: smd transistor 2T5 SIEMENS 3 TB 40 10 - 0A SIEMENS 3 TB 40 17 - 0A
    Text: SIEMENS ISDN Subscriber Access Controller for UpN-lnterface Terminals ISAC -P TE PSB 2196 Preliminary Data 1 • • • • • • • • • • CMOS IC Features Cost/performance-optimized UPN-interface transceiver, compatible to PEB 2096 OCTAT-P HDLC-controller with 2 x 32 byte FIFO per direction

    OCR Scan
    Q67100-H6392 P-LGC-44- 00bfl701 SIEMENS 3 TB 40 12 - 0A smd transistor 2T5 SIEMENS 3 TB 40 10 - 0A SIEMENS 3 TB 40 17 - 0A PDF


    Abstract: SAB-C1610L16M SAB-C1610 sab c1610 l16m Siemens C16x Family Instruction Set Manual T30U siemens cpu 416 siemens cpu 216 MQFP 80 PACKAGE
    Text: SIEMENS C166-Family of High-Performance CMOS 16-Bit Microcontrollers Preliminary C161V, C161K, C1610 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • C161 16-Bit Microcontrollers High Performance 16-bit CPU with 4-Stage Pipeline

    OCR Scan
    C166-Family 16-Bit C161V, C161K, C1610 16-MHz C161V SAB-C1610-L16M SAB-C1610L16M SAB-C1610 sab c1610 l16m Siemens C16x Family Instruction Set Manual T30U siemens cpu 416 siemens cpu 216 MQFP 80 PACKAGE PDF


    Abstract: 4049B TTL LOGIC 4071B 4078B 4072B 4093B Level Translators 4069UB nor schmitt mos
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-CMOS C8 4078B C7 4002B V DD s — 11 2 3 4 NC Vo C10 4071B C9 4081B Vdo VDD L-a^ r^ -¿J UaL vss C12 4049B C11 4069B, 40014B rf>°~ NOTE: The Flatpak versions have the same pinouts Connection D iagram as the Dual In-Line Packages.

    OCR Scan
    4002B 4081B 4069B, 40014B 4078B 4071B 4049B 4049B 4050B 40098B 4069B TTL LOGIC 4071B 4078B 4072B 4093B Level Translators 4069UB nor schmitt mos PDF


    Abstract: 4002B 40097B 4081B 4049B 4007UB 4069UB fairchild 40014B 40098b 4071B
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-CMOS C8 4078B C7 4002B V DD s— 11 2 3 4 NC C10 4071B C9 4081B L-a^ Vdo Vo VDD -¿J UaL r^ v ss C11 C12 4049B 4069B, 40014B rf>°~ NOTE: The Flatpak versions have the same pinouts Connection D iagram as the Dual In-Line Packages.

    OCR Scan
    4002B 4081B 4069B, 40014B 4078B 4071B 4049B 4001B 4025B 4002B 4069B 40097B 4081B 4049B 4007UB 4069UB fairchild 40014B 40098b 4071B PDF


    Abstract: 40097 40098B 40508 4041B 4583B 40097B 4086B 4007UB 40728
    Text: FAIRCHILD DIGITAL CMOS SSI FUNCTIONS Cont’d DEVICE NO. Function Item Logic/Connection Diagram Package(s) NOR Gates 1 Quad 2-Input NOR 4001B C5 3I.6A.9A 3I.6A.9A 2 Triple 3-Input NOR 4025B C6 3 Dual 4-Input NOR 4002B C7 3I.6A.9A 4 8-Input NOR 4078B 08 3I.6A.9A

    OCR Scan
    4001B 4025B 4002B 4078B 4081B 4073B 4082B 4071B 4072B 4075B 4069UB 40097 40098B 40508 4041B 4583B 40097B 4086B 4007UB 40728 PDF


    Abstract: 4071B 40014B 4069UB 14 pins 4049B 4073B 4078B 4082B 4072B cd 40938
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-CMOS C8 4078B C7 4002B V DD s — 11 2 3 4 NC Vo C10 4071B C9 4081B Vdo V DD L-a^ r^ -¿J UaL vss C12 4049B C11 4069B, 40014B rf> ° ~ NOTE: The Flatpak versions have the same pinouts Connection Diagram as the Dual In-Line Packages.

    OCR Scan
    4002B 4081B 4069B, 40014B 4078B 4071B 4049B 4583B 4049B 4069B 4071B 40014B 4069UB 14 pins 4073B 4078B 4082B 4072B cd 40938 PDF


    Abstract: 4069UB 4AC17 4070B 40098B 4085B 4069UB fairchild 4030B 4041B 4001B
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-CMOS C15 40097B C13 4050B 16 15 NC 13 14 12 10 11 - 9 . 2A -<1- r<h 1 ? <h 4 3 - R \ 3A ) -© •t >. 4A -< h 5 N V SS = pin 8 -© R ®- 8 6 V DD = P in 1 6 © t C14 40098B - t ^ - 0 ® - c i6 4030B, 4070B

    OCR Scan
    4050B 40098B 4077B 40097B Pin16 4030B, 4070B 4085B 4049B 4050B 40097B 4069UB 4AC17 4070B 40098B 4085B 4069UB fairchild 4030B 4041B 4001B PDF

    c17 dual mos

    Abstract: 40097B 40098B 75326 4085B 4069UB inline CCD 24 pin Dual In-Line 4072B 4077B 4030B
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-CMOS C15 40097B C13 4050B NC 16 15 12 13 14 10 11 - 9 -<1- r<h <h -< h N . 2A \ ) 3A >. 4A R •t R - -© V DD = P in 1 6 V SS = pin 8 -© ® ? 1 4 3 5 8 6 © - t C14 40098B - t ^ ® - - 0 c i6 4030B, 4070B

    OCR Scan
    4050B 40098B 4077B 40097B Pin16 4030B, 4070B 4085B 4049B 4050B c17 dual mos 40097B 40098B 75326 4085B 4069UB inline CCD 24 pin Dual In-Line 4072B 4077B 4030B PDF

    lg philips crt monitor circuit diagram

    Abstract: OC23 87CM45 TLCS-870 TMP87CM45N TMP87PS39N HP-67 SDIP64-P-600
    Text: TOSHIBA UNDER DEVELOPMENT TMP87CM45 CMOS 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TMP87CM45N The 87CM45 is the high-speed and high performance 8-b it single chip m icrocom puter. This MCU contain CPU core, ROM, RAM, in p u t / o u tp u t ports, six m u lti-fu n ctio n tim e r / counters, serial bus interface, PWM outputs,

    OCR Scan
    TMP87CM45 TMP87CM45N 87CM45 TMP87CM45N SDIP64-P-600-1 TMP87PS39N TLCS-870 16-bits-r8-bits) MX-38T lg philips crt monitor circuit diagram OC23 TMP87PS39N HP-67 SDIP64-P-600 PDF