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    CK7079 Search Results

    CK7079 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    Raytheon Company

    Abstract: subminiature tubes Double Triode EPS17 ck707
    Text: TECHNICAL INFORMATION SUBMINIATURE DOUBLE TRIODE RAYTHEON TYPE jl jz . L L je - r u Ā£ jL jL . A ā€” C -n ā€” Jā€” G s i. CK7079 T h e C K 7 0 7 9 C K 6 3 2 is a h e a te r -c a th o d e ty p e m e d iu m *m u do uble trio d e c o n tro lle d for fa s t w a rm -u p

    OCR Scan
    CK7079 CK632) Raytheon Company subminiature tubes Double Triode EPS17 ck707 PDF