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    c1569 transistor

    Abstract: MC1463R MC1463G transistor c1569 motorola mc 1563 MC1561 MC1563R RFT 2N3055 MC1563G MC1569R
    Text: MC1463 MCI563 lg MOTOROLA Specifications and A pplications Inform ation N E G A T IV E V O L T A G E R E G U L A T O R The M C 15 63 /M C 1 4 6 3 is a “ three te rm in a l'' negative re gulator designed to deliver co n ­ tin u o u s load cu rre n t up to 5 00 m A d c and p ro vid e a m a xim u m negative in p u t voltage of

    OCR Scan
    MC1563 MC1463 1563R 1463R c1569 transistor MC1463R MC1463G transistor c1569 motorola mc 1563 MC1561 MC1563R RFT 2N3055 MC1563G MC1569R PDF