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    CHN 550

    Abstract: CHN 545 chn 710 CHN 712 chn 538 CHN 431 CHN 709 CHN 741 chn 738 chn 648 equivalent
    Text: R&S ZNC/ZND Vector Network Analyzers User Manual ;xíÇ2 User Manual Test & Measurement 1173.9557.02 ─ 26 This manual describes the following vector network analyzer types: ● R&S®ZNC3 (2 ports, 9 kHz to 3 GHz, N connectors), order no. 1311.6004K12

    6004K12 ZNC-B10 ZN-B14 ZNC-B19 ZNC3-B22 ZNC-K19 VXI-11 CHN 550 CHN 545 chn 710 CHN 712 chn 538 CHN 431 CHN 709 CHN 741 chn 738 chn 648 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: This document was generated on 11/04/2009 PLEASE CHECK WWW.MOLEX.COM FOR LATEST PART INFORMATION Part Number: Status: Description: 0082266816 Active 1.27mm .050" Pitch Round Conductor Flat Cable - 26 AWG (7 x 34) Stranded Tinned, 16 Circuits, Reel 30.48m (100.0' ) Length

    C10-13, MX-50â PF-50 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: This document was generated on 08/14/2012 PLEASE CHECK WWW.MOLEX.COM FOR LATEST PART INFORMATION Part Number: Status: Description: 82-26-6812 Active 1.27mm Pitch Round Conductor Flat Cable - 26 AWG 7 x 34 Stranded Tinned, 12 Circuits, Reel 30.48m Length

    C10-13, 033/kg 8863-12-100B SD-8863-001 8863Series MX-50TM PF-50 PDF

    CHN 648

    Abstract: chn 542 CHN 612 diode CHN 552 CHN 628 CHN 522 CHN 632 chn 637 chn 621 CHN 631
    Text: XRT86L38 PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY OCTAL T1/E1/J1 FRAMER/LIU COMBO JUNE 2004 REV. P1.1.5 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XRT86L38 is an eight-channel 1.544 Mbit/s or 2.048 Mbit/s DS1/E1/J1 framer and LIU integrated solution featuring R3 technology Relayless, Reconfigurable, Redundancy . The physical interface is optimized with internal impedance, and with the patented pad structure, the XRT86L38 provides protection

    XRT86L38 XRT86L38 CHN 648 chn 542 CHN 612 diode CHN 552 CHN 628 CHN 522 CHN 632 chn 637 chn 621 CHN 631 PDF

    CHN 612 diode

    Abstract: CHN 545 CHN 648 chn 542 CHN 519 ST chn 624 CHN 507 SCR PIN CONFIGURATION CHN 035 CHN 522 CHN 535
    Text: áç XRT86L38 PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY OCTAL T1/E1/J1 FRAMER/LIU COMBO AUGUST 2004 REV. P1.1.6 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XRT86L38 is an eight-channel 1.544 Mbit/s or 2.048 Mbit/s DS1/E1/J1 framer and LIU integrated solution featuring R3 technology Relayless, Reconfigurable, Redundancy . The physical interface is optimized with internal impedance, and with the patented pad structure, the XRT86L38 provides protection

    XRT86L38 XRT86L38 CHN 612 diode CHN 545 CHN 648 chn 542 CHN 519 ST chn 624 CHN 507 SCR PIN CONFIGURATION CHN 035 CHN 522 CHN 535 PDF

    HMI Software SIMATIC ProTool

    Abstract: TD200 display manual book PLC siemens S7-200 TP177B Wiring Diagram s7-200 siemens siemens simatic op17 siemens simatic op7 manual manual repair offline ups 600 va siemens simatic op7 Wiring Diagram s7-300 analog module
    Text: Automation and Drives Human Machine Interface Postfach 4848 90327 NÜRNBERG Germany w w w. s i e m e n s .c o m/ a uto ma t i o n The information provided in this catalog contains descriptions or characteristics of performance which in case of actual use do not always apply as described

    E86060-K4680-A101-B4-7600 HMI Software SIMATIC ProTool TD200 display manual book PLC siemens S7-200 TP177B Wiring Diagram s7-200 siemens siemens simatic op17 siemens simatic op7 manual manual repair offline ups 600 va siemens simatic op7 Wiring Diagram s7-300 analog module PDF

    chn 924

    Abstract: chn 648 equivalent
    Text: XRT86L38 PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY OCTAL T1/E1/J1 FRAMER/LIU COMBO JUNE 2004 REV. P1.1.3 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XRT86L38 is an eight-channel 1.544 Mbit/s or 2.048 Mbit/s DS1/E1/J1 framer and LIU integrated solution featuring R3 technology Relayless, Reconfigurable, Redundancy . The physical interface is optimized with internal impedance, and with the patented pad structure, the XRT86L38 provides protection

    XRT86L38 XRT86L38 TR54016, G-703, chn 924 chn 648 equivalent PDF

    chn 924

    Abstract: CHN 643 144T1 CHN G4 120 chn 648 equivalent 1/CHN 545
    Text: XRT86L38 PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY OCTAL T1/E1/J1 FRAMER/LIU COMBO MAY 2004 REV. P1.1.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XRT86L38 is an eight-channel 1.544 Mbit/s or 2.048 Mbit/s DS1/E1/J1 framer and LIU integrated solution featuring R3 technology Relayless, Reconfigurable, Redundancy . The physical interface is optimized with internal impedance, and with the patented pad structure, the XRT86L38 provides protection

    XRT86L38 XRT86L38 TR54016, G-703, chn 924 CHN 643 144T1 CHN G4 120 chn 648 equivalent 1/CHN 545 PDF

    CHN G4 141

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: XRT86L38 PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY OCTAL T1/E1/J1 FRAMER/LIU COMBO APRIL 2004 REV. P1.1.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XRT86L38 is an eight-channel 1.544 Mbit/s or 2.048 Mbit/s DS1/E1/J1 framer and LIU integrated solution featuring R3 technology Relayless, Reconfigurable, Redundancy . The physical interface is optimized with internal impedance, and with the patented pad structure, the XRT86L38 provides protection

    XRT86L38 XRT86L38 CHN G4 141 PDF

    CHN G4 309

    Abstract: 40 serice free DMO 565 R CHN 932
    Text: xr XRT86L38 PRELIMINARY OCTAL T1/E1/J1 FRAMER/LIU COMBO JANUARY 2005 REV. P1.1.7 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XRT86L38 is an eight-channel 1.544 Mbit/s or 2.048 Mbit/s DS1/E1/J1 framer and LIU integrated solution featuring R3 technology Relayless, Reconfigurable, Redundancy .

    XRT86L38 XRT86L38 CHN G4 309 40 serice free DMO 565 R CHN 932 PDF

    DMO 565 R

    Abstract: chn 648 equivalent CHN 507 CHN 618 CHN 552 TS13 SCR PIN CONFIGURATION CHN 035 dmo 265 chn 605 nB00
    Text: XRT86VL32 PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY DUAL T1/E1/J1 FRAMER/LIU COMBO APRIL 2004 REV. P1.0.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XRT86VL32 is a two-channel 1.544 Mbit/s or 2.048 Mbit/s DS1/E1/J1 framer and LIU integrated solution featuring R3 technology Relayless, Reconfigurable, Redundancy . The physical interface is optimized with internal impedance, and with the patented pad structure, the XRT86VL32 provides protection

    XRT86VL32 XRT86VL32 DMO 565 R chn 648 equivalent CHN 507 CHN 618 CHN 552 TS13 SCR PIN CONFIGURATION CHN 035 dmo 265 chn 605 nB00 PDF

    CHN 932

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: XRT86L34 PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY QUAD T1/E1/J1 FRAMER/LIU COMBO APRIL 2004 REV. P1.1.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XRT86L34 is a four-channel 1.544 Mbit/s or 2.048 Mbit/s DS1/E1/J1 framer and LIU integrated solution featuring R3 technology Relayless, Reconfigurable, Redundancy . The physical interface is optimized with internal impedance, and with the patented pad structure, the XRT86L34 provides protection

    XRT86L34 XRT86L34 CHN 932 PDF

    DMO 565 R

    Abstract: CHN 652 CHN 933 chn 539 W0104 CHN 628 CHN 523 chn 648 equivalent 3667 ict XRT86L34IB
    Text: XRT86L34 PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY QUAD T1/E1/J1 FRAMER/LIU COMBO MAY 2004 REV. P1.1.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XRT86L34 is a four-channel 1.544 Mbit/s or 2.048 Mbit/s DS1/E1/J1 framer and LIU integrated solution featuring R3 technology Relayless, Reconfigurable, Redundancy . The physical interface is optimized with internal impedance, and with the patented pad structure, the XRT86L34 provides protection

    XRT86L34 XRT86L34 DMO 565 R CHN 652 CHN 933 chn 539 W0104 CHN 628 CHN 523 chn 648 equivalent 3667 ict XRT86L34IB PDF

    DMO 565 R

    Abstract: chn 656 chn 637 chn 547 CHN 549 dmo 265 CHN 922 equivalent CHN 632 CHN 645 chn 648 equivalent
    Text: XRT86L34 PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY QUAD T1/E1/J1 FRAMER/LIU COMBO JUNE 2004 REV. P1.1.3 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XRT86L34 is a four-channel 1.544 Mbit/s or 2.048 Mbit/s DS1/E1/J1 framer and LIU integrated solution featuring R3 technology Relayless, Reconfigurable, Redundancy . The physical interface is optimized with internal impedance, and with the patented pad structure, the XRT86L34 provides protection

    XRT86L34 XRT86L34 DMO 565 R chn 656 chn 637 chn 547 CHN 549 dmo 265 CHN 922 equivalent CHN 632 CHN 645 chn 648 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P R O D U C T BR IE F 1.0 1.0/1.25 GBPS VCSEL DRIVER FEATURES • 1.0/1.25 G bps d a ta rate • O ptical tail com pensation • V C S E LT rac drive te chn olo gy • O u tp ut cu rren t eye safety m onitor • P E C L/LV D S co m p atib le input • O pen loop/C losed loop operation

    OCR Scan
    S7011 PDF

    amcc s7011

    Abstract: laser fibre optic semiconductor S7011 Applied Micro Circuits s7011 amcc vcsel
    Text: P R O D U C T BR IE F 1.0 1.0/1.25 GBPS VCSEL DRIVER FEATURES • 1.0/1.25 G bps d a ta rate • O ptical tail com pensation • V C S E LT rac drive te chn olo gy • O u tp ut cu rren t eye safety m onitor • P E C L/LV D S co m p atib le input • O pen loop/C losed loop operation

    OCR Scan
    S7011 S701before amcc s7011 laser fibre optic semiconductor Applied Micro Circuits s7011 amcc vcsel PDF

    CHN 602

    Abstract: CHN 847
    Text: 2 Megabit 256K x 8 Page Mode EEPROM SST29EE020 / SST29LE020 / SST29VE020 Data Sheet FEATURES: • Single Voltage Read and Write Operations - • • Fast Read Access Time: 120 and 150 ns - 5.0V-only for the SST29EE020 3.0-3.6V for the SST29LE020 2.7-3.6V for the SST29VE020

    OCR Scan
    SST29EE020 SST29LE020 SST29VE020 CHN 602 CHN 847 PDF

    CHN 847

    Abstract: chn 734
    Text: 1 Megabit 128K x 8 Page Mode EEPROM SST29EE010 / SST29LE010 / SST29VE010 Data Sheet FEATURES: • Single Voltage Read and Write Operations - • • • - • Endurance: 100,000 Cycles (typical) Greater than 100 years Data Retention Low Power Consumption

    OCR Scan
    SST29EE010 SST29LE010 SST29VE010 and-1102 CHN 847 chn 734 PDF

    CHN 847

    Abstract: 29EE512
    Text: 512 Kilobit 64K x 8 Page Mode EEPROM SST29EE512 / SST29LE512 / SST29VE512 Data Sheet FEATURES: • Single Voltage Read and Write Operations - • • 5.0V-only for SST29EE512 3.0-3.6V for SST29LE512 2.7-3.6V for SST29VE512 Fast Read Access Time - 5.0V-only operation: 70 and 90 ns

    OCR Scan
    SST29EE512 SST29LE512 SST29VE512 CHN 847 29EE512 PDF

    TEKELEC te 306

    Abstract: 30601
    Text: 2 Megabit 256K x 8 Page Mode EEPROM SST29EE020A / SST29LE020A / SST29VE020A Data Sheet FEATURES: • Single Voltage Read and Write Operations - • • Fast Read Access Time: 120 and 150 ns - 5.0V-only for the SST29EE020A 3.0-3.6V for the SST29LE020A 2.7-3.6V for the SST29VE020A

    OCR Scan
    SST29EE020A SST29LE020A SST29VE020A Reliability526-1102 TEKELEC te 306 30601 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 512 Kilobit 64K x 8 Page Mode EEPROM SST29EE512A / SST29LE512A / SST29VE512A Data Sheet FEATURES: • Single Voltage Read and Write Operations - 5.0V-only for SST29EE512A - 3.0-3.6V for SST29LE512A - 2.7-3.6V for SST29VE512A • Superior Reliability - Endurance: 100,000 Cycles (typical)

    OCR Scan
    SST29EE512A SST29LE512A SST29VE512A SST29EE512A SST29LE512A SST29EE512A/29LE512A/29VE512A PDF


    Abstract: Ff352 HE 301 chn 511 CHN 549 chn 440
    Text: 16 Megabit 1M x 16-Bit High Speed Multi-Purpose Flash SST39LH160Q / SST39LH160 Advance Information FEATURES: • Organized as 1 M X 16 • Latched Address and Data • Single 3.0-3.6V Read and Write Operations • Fast Sector Erase and Word Program: •

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit) SST39LH160Q SST39LH160 SST39LH160Q Ff-352 Ff352 HE 301 chn 511 CHN 549 chn 440 PDF

    CHN 949

    Abstract: tr/pcb-2-1/TRANSISTOR chn 602
    Text: 21Ü 4 Megabit Flash + 1 Megabit SRAM ComboMemory _ SST31LH041_ Advance Information FEATURES: • Organized as 512K x 8 Flash + 128K x 8 SRAM • Single 3.0-3.6V Read and Write Operations Flash Fast Sector Erase and Byte Program:

    OCR Scan
    SST31LH041_ CHN 949 tr/pcb-2-1/TRANSISTOR chn 602 PDF


    Abstract: ACT8847 ti 8847
    Text: SN74ACT8847 64-Bit Floating Point Unit • Meets IEEE Standard for Single- and DoublePrecision Formats • Performs Floating Point and Integer Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Square Root, and Compare • 64-Bit IEEE Divide in 11 Cycles, 64-Bit Square Root in 14 Cycles

    OCR Scan
    SN74ACT8847 64-Bit 30-ns, 40-ns 50-ns ACT88X7 SN74ACT8847 ACT8847 ti 8847 PDF