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    CHMC D Search Results

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    Abstract: Samwin* sw50n06 Samwin samwin sw50n06 CHMC sw50n chmc equivalent
    Text: SAMWIN SW50N06 General Description Features N-Channel MOSFET BVDSS Minimum RDS(ON) (Maximum) ID Qg (Typical) PD (@TC=25 ) This power MOSFET is produced in CHMC with advanced VDMOS process, planar stripe. This technology enable power MOSFET to have better

    SW50N06 023ohm SW50N06 Samwin* sw50n06 Samwin samwin sw50n06 CHMC sw50n chmc equivalent PDF


    Abstract: chmc SW634
    Text: SAMWIN SW634 General Description Features N-Channel MOSFET BVDSS Minimum RDS(ON) (Maximum) ID Qg (Typical) PD (@TC=25 ) This power MOSFET is produced in CHMC with advanced VDMOS technology of SAMWIN. This technology enable power MOSFET to have better characteristics, such as fast switching time, low on

    SW634 Samwin chmc SW634 PDF


    Abstract: Samwin
    Text: SAMWIN SW7N60 Features General Description N-Channel MOSFET BVDSS Minimum RDS(ON) (Maximum) ID Qg (Typical) PD (@TC=25 ℃) This power MOSFET is produced in CHMC with advanced VDMOS process, planar stripe. This technology enable power MOSFET to have better

    SW7N60 200nF 300nF SW7N60 Samwin PDF

    Samwin sw830

    Abstract: SW830 Samwin CHMC 37
    Text: SAMWIN SW830 General Description Features N-Channel MOSFET BVDSS Minimum RDS(ON) (Maximum) ID Qg (Typical) PD (@TC=25 ) This power MOSFET is produced in CHMC with advanced VDMOS technology of SAMWIN. This technology enable power MOSFET to have better characteristics, such as fast switching time,

    SW830 Samwin sw830 SW830 Samwin CHMC 37 PDF


    Abstract: SW730 73WD
    Text: SAMWIN SW730 General Description Features N-Channel MOSFET BVDSS Minimum RDS(ON) (Maximum) ID Qg (Typical) PD (@TC=25 ) This power MOSFET is produced in CHMC with advanced VDMOS technology of SAMWIN. This technology enable power MOSFET to have better characteristics, such as fast switching time,

    SW730 Samwin SW730 73WD PDF


    Abstract: Samwin SW2N
    Text: SAMWIN SW2N60 General Description Features zN-Channel MOSFET zBVDSS Minimum zRDS(ON) (Maximum) zID zQg (Typical) zPD (@TC=25 ℃) : 600 V : 5.0 ohm : 2.0 A : 16 nc : 50 W This power MOSFET is produced in CHMC with advanced VDMOS technology of SAMWIN. This

    SW2N60 O-252 O-220 O-251 SW2N60 Samwin SW2N PDF


    Abstract: SW4N60 CHMC
    Text: SAMWIN SW4N60 General Description Features N-Channel MOSFET BVDSS Minimum RDS(ON) (Maximum) ID Qg (Typical) PD (@TC=25 ) : 600 V : 2.2 ohm : 4.0 A : 20 nc : 73 W This power MOSFET is produced in CHMC with advanced VDMOS technology of SAMWIN. This technology enable power MOSFET to have better

    SW4N60 Samwin SW4N60 CHMC PDF


    Abstract: Samwin* sw630 Samwin emosfet 2250u chmc
    Text: SAMWIN SW630 General Description Features N-Channel MOSFET BVDSS Minimum RDS(ON) (Maximum) ID Qg (Typical) PD (@TC=25 ) : 200 V : 0.4 ohm : 9.0 A : 26 nc : 72 W This power MOSFET is produced in CHMC with advanced VDMOS technology of SAMWIN. This technology enable power MOSFET to have better

    SW630 SW630 Samwin* sw630 Samwin emosfet 2250u chmc PDF

    CHMC 37 audio amp

    Abstract: D7678 TRF6002 chmc 13 CHMC S5 chmc d7678 chmc TRF9224 2sc388a CHMC 37
    Text: Silicore VIDEO AND SOUND IF AMPLIFIER FOR COLOR AND MONOCHROME TV RECEIVERS CHMC D7678 FUNCTION P I F S TA G E z Three Controlled IF Amplifier stages z Vi d e o D e m o d u l a t o r C o n t r o l l e d b y P i c t u r e Carrier z Black Noise and White Noise Inverter

    D7678 1000pF TRF1029 Q33uH TRF9224 TRF9223 Q25uH 2SC388A CHMC 37 audio amp D7678 TRF6002 chmc 13 CHMC S5 chmc d7678 chmc TRF9224 2sc388a CHMC 37 PDF

    Chmc s

    Abstract: D6502 CHMC 47
    Text: Silicore Video Switch Matrix Circuit D6502 DESCRIPTION The D6502 provides eight inputs that can be routed to any of six outputs. Each input c a n b e r o u t e d t o o n e o r mo r e o u t p u t s , b u t o n l y o n e i n p u t ma y b e r o u t e d t o a n y o u t p u t .

    D6502 D6502 Chmc s CHMC 47 PDF


    Abstract: D3121F chmc 01 Chmc s D3121/D3121F/D3121N CHMC audio
    Text: Silicore Ground Isolation Amplifier D3121/D3121F/D3121N Outline Drawing: DESCRIPTIONS: The D3121,D3121F and D3121N are ground isolation amplifiers developed for use in car audio applications. These ICs efficiently eliminate problems caused by wiring resistance, and remove noise generated

    D3121/D3121F/D3121N D3121 D3121F D3121N 20log D3121 CHMC chmc 01 Chmc s D3121/D3121F/D3121N CHMC audio PDF


    Abstract: chmc d2025 d2025 Stereo Audio Amplifier d2025 datasheet STEREO AUDIO AMPLIFIER D2025 d2025 circuit Transistor D2025 chmc silicore d2025 chmc* 50
    Text: Silicore STEREO AUDIO AMPLIFIER D2025 DESCRIPTION The D2025 is a monolithic integrated audio amplifier in a 16-pin plastic dual in line package. It is designed for portable cassette players and radios. FEATURE z Working Voltage down to 3V z Few External components

    D2025 D2025 16-pin 100uF 470uF chmc d2025 d2025 Stereo Audio Amplifier d2025 datasheet STEREO AUDIO AMPLIFIER D2025 d2025 circuit Transistor D2025 chmc silicore d2025 chmc* 50 PDF

    CHMC D7388

    Abstract: d7388 CHMC audio amp chmc d CHMC audio
    Text: Silicore 4x41W Quad Bridge Car Radio Amplifier D7388 DESCRIPTIONS: The D7388 is a new technology class AB Audio Power Amp lifier in HZIP25L package designed for high end car radio applications. Thanks to the fully comp lementary PNP/NPN output configuration th e D7388 allows a rail to rail output

    D7388 D7388 HZIP25L HZIP25L CHMC D7388 CHMC audio amp chmc d CHMC audio PDF


    Abstract: CD7343CS 19KHz Shaoxing Silicore Technology cd7343 Silicore chmc 5 38khz capacitor 68nf chmc fm
    Text: Silicore FM STEREO MULTIPLEX DECODER z GENERAL DESCRIPTION CD7343CS Out line Drawing The CD7343CS is a monolithic integrated circuit consisting of a phase locked loop FM stereo de modulator. It is designed for car stereo, cassette recorder and other equipment.

    CD7343CS CD7343CS 200mV 76kHz 38kHz 400mH 1000pF chmc 19KHz Shaoxing Silicore Technology cd7343 Silicore chmc 5 38khz capacitor 68nf chmc fm PDF


    Abstract: CD1366 CHMC IC chmc COIL PIF Silicore LTAGE Shaoxing capacitor nf
    Text: Silicore VIDEO IF PROCESSOR FOR B/W TV CD1366CP GENERAL DESCRIPTION The CD1366CP is a silicon monolithic integrated circuit designed for VIF section in B/W television receivers. This IC has functions including video IF amplifier, video low-level detector, RF AGC, IF AGC and no ise ch ancellor.

    CD1366CP 38MHz CD1366CP CD1366 CHMC IC chmc COIL PIF Silicore LTAGE Shaoxing capacitor nf PDF


    Abstract: CHMC D8316 D8316 chmc LTAGE D831 chmc si1 chmc so2 si103
    Text: Silicore IGBT GATE DRIVER D8316 DESCRIPTION Outline Drawing D8316 is a dedicated IC integrating IGBT gate drive circuit on a sing le chip . A high cu rrent directly drives IGBT . FEATURE z Can directly control fro m a micro controller. z Can directly drive the IGBT gate using a high

    D8316 D8316 -200mA 5600pF V/50kHz CHMC IC CHMC D8316 chmc LTAGE D831 chmc si1 chmc so2 si103 PDF


    Abstract: isolation transformer 6V R2165 chmc sh UTC9106 Chmc s sc910 SC9106 chmc s2
    Text: Silicore TONE RINGER SC9106 GENERAL DESCRIP TION Outline Dra wing The SC9106 is a bipolar integrated circuit designed for teleph on e bell replace ment. FUNCTIONS z Two oscillators z Output amp lifier z Power supply control circuit FEATURES z Designed for telephone bell replacement.

    SC9106 SC9106 SC9106. chmc isolation transformer 6V R2165 chmc sh UTC9106 Chmc s sc910 chmc s2 PDF

    chmc d5954

    Abstract: D5954 CHMC IC chmc Silicore
    Text: Silicore 4 CHANNEL DRIVER MOTOR DRIVER D5954 Outline Drawing DESCRIPTION The D5954 is a 4 channel driver for optical disc mo tor driver. Dual channel current feedback type drivers are built in, in addition to dual channel motor drivers FEATURE Wide dynamic range. 4.0V (typ . at PreVcc=12V,PVcc=5V,RL=8Ω)

    D5954 D5954 18pin 21pin 22pin, 19pin chmc d5954 CHMC IC chmc Silicore PDF


    Abstract: CD7642 CD7642CP 3140pf CD7642CS Shaoxing Silicore Technology chmc equivalent chmc fm chmc* 50 Silicore
    Text: Silicore ONE CHIP AM RADIO CIRCUIT z CD7642CP DESCRIPTION Outline Drawing The CD7642 CS is suitable for low voltage po rtable Radio, cassette system and other wireless AM system. The package of CD7642CS is TO-92. FEATURE z Low operating voltage: z Low Quiescent Cu rrent: I C C O =0.2 mA

    CD7642CP CD7642 CD7642CS CD7642CS 140pF 600uH chmc CD7642CP 3140pf Shaoxing Silicore Technology chmc equivalent chmc fm chmc* 50 Silicore PDF


    Abstract: chmc Shaoxing Silicore Technology Silicore chmc equivalent d7231 LTAGE class ab power amplifier CHMC power CHMC 36
    Text: Silicore THE SMALL SCREEN VERTICAL DEFLECTION DRIVER D7231 DESCRIPTION Outline Drawing The D7231 is a monolithic integrated circuit in 4 + 4 lead minidip package. It is intended for use in black and white TV receivers and monitors and also use as class AB power amplifier with wide range of

    D7231 D7231 -100mA 22kHz 100Hz chmc Shaoxing Silicore Technology Silicore chmc equivalent d7231 LTAGE class ab power amplifier CHMC power CHMC 36 PDF


    Abstract: chmc chmc sh D6002 wwvb CHMC receiver ST CHN 230
    Text: Silicore RADIO CONTROLLED RECEIVER IC DESCRIPTI ON D6002 O ut li ne D ra wi ng Th e D6 00 2 i s a bi po la r in teg r ate d str aig h t th r ou g h r ec eiv er c ir cu it in th e f r equ en cy r an ge f r om 40 k Hz u p t o 2 00 kH z w it h A S K m od u la tio n .

    D6002 CHMC IC chmc chmc sh D6002 wwvb CHMC receiver ST CHN 230 PDF


    Abstract: chmc TA7607AP D7611 CHMC 37 CD7611 Shaoxing Silicore Technology d7607 CHMC IC ta7607
    Text: Silicore V ID E O IF A M P L I F I E R F O R C O L O R AND M O N O C H R O M E T E L E V IS IO N R E C E IV E R CHMC C D 7 6 0 7 C P / C D 7 611C P FU N C TIO N • Three Controlled IF A mplifier stages • Video Demodulator Controlled by Picture Carrier • Black Noise and White Noise In\-erter

    OCR Scan
    CD7607CP/CD7611CP 58MHz cd7611cp chmc TA7607AP D7611 CHMC 37 CD7611 Shaoxing Silicore Technology d7607 CHMC IC ta7607 PDF


    Abstract: CHMC IC Chmc s D7312CP chmc 5 Shaoxing Silicore Technology Silicore D7312C chmc silicore
    Text: Silicore DUAL C H ANN EL PRE-AMP. W IT H ALC DESCRIPTION D 7312C P Out l in e D r a w i ng The D 73 1 2C P is a m o n o l i t h i c i n t e g r a t e d ci rc ui t d e s i g n e d for dual p r e - a m p l i f i e r ci rcui t wi th ALC for r e c o r d / p l a y b a c k a m p l i f i e r o f

    OCR Scan
    D7312CP 7312C D7312CP chmc CHMC IC Chmc s chmc 5 Shaoxing Silicore Technology Silicore D7312C chmc silicore PDF


    Abstract: chmc chmc* 50 CD7640 chmc fm CHMC 46 CHMC am fm CHMC 50 Chmc s CHMC IC
    Text: ifHV Silicore CD7640GP mmmm CD7640G P t/l f f l i M Ä & i M t e ^ S ^ t è $ c ! t l t É J § = d ip i ó ^ m n ^ o • IfN É JIÉ Æ IË III : • V C C = 3~8V Icco=7m A A M ífe J f Icco=10m A (F M ) • FM /A M - F*3f i & Ä FM7AM f t iti • Â W iM Î tL E D të ^ g g s jj: Hamp=10mA ( S ^ I Î Ë )

    OCR Scan
    CD7640GP 100mV 465kHz 180pF 796kHz CD7640GP chmc chmc* 50 CD7640 chmc fm CHMC 46 CHMC am fm CHMC 50 Chmc s CHMC IC PDF