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    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TRS8E65H Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation SiC Schottky Barrier Diode (SBD), 650 V, 8 A, TO-220-2L Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TRS40N120HB Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation SiC Schottky Barrier Diode (SBD), 1200 V, 40 A, 2 in 1, TO-247 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MKZ6V2 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 6.2 V, SOT-23 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MSZ6V8 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 6.8 V, SOT-346 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ20V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 20 V, SOT-323 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    CHIPE ARRAY Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 401J SHU-1H4516-500J 1m1005 1S1005 SHB-1M1005-400 SHB-1M1005-600 SHB-1M1005-800 chipe array 202J
    Text: Chip Ferrite Beads. 1. Effective for suppressing noise at high frequency, form several MHz to several hundreds MHz. 2. Chip type is suited for preventing the abnormal oscillation from high frequency amplifying circuits. 3. Terminal electrode has excellent solder heat resistance for soldering.

    instrument15 SHH-1H4516-600J SHH-1H4516-121J SHH-1T4516-121J SHH-1M4516-132J SHH-1B5432-132J SHH-1M5759-401J SHU-1M2012-600J SHU-1M2012-121J SHU-1S3216-500J SHH-1M1608-121 401J SHU-1H4516-500J 1m1005 1S1005 SHB-1M1005-400 SHB-1M1005-600 SHB-1M1005-800 chipe array 202J PDF


    Abstract: 29F002
    Text: ADVANCED INFORMATION MX29F002/002N 2M-BIT [256K x 8] CMOS FLASH MEMORY FEATURES • • • • • • • • 262,144x 8 only Fast access time: 55/70/90/120ns Low power consumption - 30mA maximum active current 5MHz - 1uA typical standby current Programming and erasing voltage 5V ± 10%

    MX29F002/002N 55/70/90/120ns 16K-Byte 32K-Byte 64K-Byte 29F002T/B-45 PM0547 29F002T 29F002 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MX29F002/002N 2M-BIT [256K x 8] CMOS FLASH MEMORY FEATURES • • • • • • • • 262,144x 8 only Fast access time: 55/70/90/120ns Low power consumption - 30mA maximum active current 5MHz - 1uA typical standby current Programming and erasing voltage 5V ± 10%

    MX29F002/002N 55/70/90/120ns 16K-Byte 32K-Byte 64K-Byte JUN/11/2002 PM0547 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MX29F002/002N 2M-BIT [256K x 8] CMOS FLASH MEMORY FEATURES • • • • • • • • 262,144x 8 only Fast access time: 55/70/90/120ns Low power consumption - 30mA maximum active current 5MHz - 1uA typical standby current Programming and erasing voltage 5V ± 10%

    MX29F002/002N 55/70/90/120ns 16K-Byte 32K-Byte 64K-Byte JUN/14/2001 PM0547 29F002T PDF


    Abstract: 29F002T
    Text: MX29F002/002N T/B 2M-BIT [256K x 8] CMOS FLASH MEMORY FEATURES • • • • • • • • 262,144x 8 only Fast access time: 55/70/90/120ns Low power consumption - 30mA maximum active current 5MHz - 1uA typical standby current Programming and erasing voltage 5V ± 10%

    MX29F002/002N 55/70/90/120ns 16K-Byte 32K-Byte 64K-Byte PM0547 MX29F002BQC-70G 29F002T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MX29F002/002N 2M-BIT [256K x 8] CMOS FLASH MEMORY FEATURES • • • • • • • • 262,144x 8 only Fast access time: 55/70/90/120ns Low power consumption - 30mA maximum active current 5MHz - 1uA typical standby current Programming and erasing voltage 5V ± 10%

    MX29F002/002N 55/70/90/120ns 16K-Byte 32K-Byte 64K-Byte 30ms-- 80us-- 100us PM0547 PDF


    Abstract: a19t 82C765 82C235 1NTC0 LG lcd tv tuner 80286 microprocessor schematics 82C601 82c710 sues 1132
    Text: 82C235 System Controller $ ' >"•' fipÉlI «V M M V // S A V A A >V * A * ^ÿV IV fWJ V ÿ . # v . . v K M ^ 0v . 4 v w v v W/ s Single CHIP 286 AT m fÊ P R E L I M I / N A R Y CH!PS* Copyright Nolle* Manual Copyright C 1991, CHIPS aad Technologies. Ine.

    OCR Scan
    82C235 C1991, -MEMCS16 82C235 408-434-060Q f82c235 a19t 82C765 1NTC0 LG lcd tv tuner 80286 microprocessor schematics 82C601 82c710 sues 1132 PDF

    ITE 8721

    Abstract: fnd 503 7-segment TAA 2761 A 486 motherboard schematic 3860S 486dx isa bios pin assignment RAS 0510 cxd 9897 tn ti77 k244
    Text: ISA/486 C H |p g . CepyTlgtt N ette S o t t r a e C o p y ñ f tt O 1962, a * « * d T e d » a i e s i e * . l w x M t o n i I C o p y r i i h t O 1992 . Q ñ p » » d T c c t n o f a p B » , ! ^ . A B SIduR am i Poned ib UJ5A. Tw dw u U t h w lw lgim iil

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TE XA S IN ST R {A S I C / M E M O R V > 77 De | 0 ^ 1 7 2 5 0040^3 Q TM S47C512 65,536-WORD BY 8-BIT READ-ONLY M EM O RY ADVANCE INFORMATION NOVEMBER 1 9 8 5 65,536 X 8 Organization • Fully Static No Clocks, No Refresh N PACKAGE {TOP VIEW) All Inputs and Outputs TTL and CMOS

    OCR Scan
    S47C512 536-WORD TMS47C512-20 TMS47C512-25 TMS47C512-30 746n PDF


    Abstract: MC29100LC MC821 MC82100LC MC82101LC IMRM
    Text: MC29100/MC82100 MC29101/MC82101 M O TO R O LA D U A L M A R K ED Product Preview T TL F IE L D PROGRAM M ABLE LOGIC A R R A Y F IE L D PROG RAM M ABLE LOGIC A R R A Y (1 6 X 8 X 4 8 F P L A ) T h e M C 2 9 10 0 /M C 8 2 100 (th re e -s ta te o u tp u ts } and th e M C 2 9 1 0 1 /

    OCR Scan
    MC29100/MC82100 MC29101/ MC82101 16-input MC29100 MC29101 MC82101) MC29100/ MC29100) METRIX MC29100LC MC821 MC82100LC MC82101LC IMRM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMS4732 4096 W0RD BY 8-BIT READ-ONLY MEMORY M AY 1977 - 4 0 9 6 X 8 Organization R E V IS E D N O V E M B E R 1 9 8 5 N PAC KAG E ITOP VIEW All Inputs and Outputs TTL Compatible A7 H 1 v J 2 4 : A6 : 2 23 A5 c 3 22 A4 : 4 21 20 : A3 : 5 A2 c 6 19 A1 c 7 18

    OCR Scan
    TMS4732 PDF


    Abstract: 198S 74LS
    Text: TMS47C1024 131.072-W0RD BY 8-BIT READ-ONLY MEMORY ADVANCE INFORMATION NOVEMBER 198S N PACKAGE • 13 1 ,0 7 2 X 8 Organization • Fully Static No Clocks. No Refresh} (TOP VIEW A15 C A12 C A7 E A6C A5 C A4 C A3 C A2C A1Ë AO C Q1 C All Inputs and Outputs TTL and CMOS

    OCR Scan
    TMS47C1024 072-W0RD TMS47C1024-20 TMS47C1024-25 TMS47C1024-30 TMS47C1024 576-bit tms*1024 198S 74LS PDF


    Abstract: IS28F010-45PL
    Text: ISSI I S 2 8 F 0 1 0 131,072 x 8 CMOS FLASH MEMORY p r e l im in a r y NOVEMBER 1995 FEATURES • Flash electrica l bu lk chip-e ra se - O ne seco nd typica l chip-e ra se • C M O S low p o w e r con sum p tion - 30 m A m axim um active curre nt - 1 0 0 |iA m axim um sta n d b y curre nt

    OCR Scan
    IS28F01Q 32-pin IS28F010-120PL IS28F010-120T IS28F010-45WI 600-mil IS28F010-45PLI IS28F010-45TI IS28F010 IS28F010-45PL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMS47C512 65,536-WORD BY 8-BIT READ-ONLY MEMORY ADVANCE INFORMATION NOVEMBER 1985 6 5 ,5 3 6 X 8 Organization N PACKAGE 1TOP VIEW Fully S tatic No Clocks, No Refresh) A15Ë 1 LJ28 INcc A12C 2 27 JA14 A7 C 3 26 ÏA13 A6 C 4 25 I] A8 A5 C 5 24 UA9 A4C 6 23 ] A11

    OCR Scan
    TMS47C512 536-WORD TMS47C512-20 TMS47C512-25 TMS47C512-30 TMS47C512 288-bit 74LS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ISSI I S 2 8 F 0 1 0 _ 131,072 x 8 CMOS FLASH MEMORY PRELIMINARY NOVEMBER 1995 FEATURES • Flash electrica l bu lk chip-e ra se - O ne seco nd typica l chip-e ra se H igh pe rfo rm an ce - 45 ns m axim um access tim e • C M O S low p o w e r con sum p tion

    OCR Scan
    32-pin IS28F010-45WI IS28F010-45PLI IS28F010-45TI 600-mll IS28F010-70WI IS28F010-70PLI IS28F010-70TI 600-mil IS28F010-90WI PDF


    Abstract: ti 2732a s45d 409B 74LS 645q Bipolar PROM programming 74S A31s
    Text: TMS2332 4096-W0RD BY 8-BIT READ-ONLY MEMORY SEPTEMBER 1 9 8 4 - 4 0 9 6 X 8 Organization REVISED NOVEMBER 1 9 8 5 N PAC KAG E TOP VIEW All Inputs and Outputs TTL Compatible A7C A6Q A5£ A4C A 3 [j A2C A id AOC Fully Static (No Clocks. No Refresh) Single 5 -V Power Supply

    OCR Scan
    TMS2332 TMS2332-15 TMS2332-20 TMS2332-25 A21S ti 2732a s45d 409B 74LS 645q Bipolar PROM programming 74S A31s PDF


    Abstract: CA3306 Zen Research
    Text: CA3306, CA3306A, CA3306C u A p p ie S E M I C O N D U C T O R 6-Bit, 15 MSPS, Flash A/D Converters A ug ust 1997 Description Features • CMOS Low Power with Video Speed T y p The GA3306 family are CMOS parallel (FLASH) analog-to-digital converters designed for applications dem anding both low power

    OCR Scan
    CA3306, CA3306A, CA3306C GA3306 15MHz, CA3306 CA3300 Zen Research PDF


    Abstract: TMS2532 74LS si2120
    Text: TMS4732 4096-WORD BY 8-BIT READ-ONLY MEMORY M AY 1977 - 4096 X 8 Organization N • All Inputs and Outputs TTL Compatible • Fully Static No Clocks, No Refresh • Single 5 -V Power Supply • Maxim um Access Tim e from Address T M S 4 7 3 2 -1 5 1 5 0 ns

    OCR Scan
    TMS4732 4096-WORD TMS4732-15 TMS4732-20 TMS4732-25 TMS2532 TMS4732 74LS si2120 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HD66320T TFT Driver (64-level Gray Scale Driver for High-Quality TFT Liquid Crystal Display) HITACHI Preliminary May 1995 The HD66320T, a source driver LSI, drives an active matrix LCD panel having TFTs (thin film transistor) in the picture element (pixel) area. The LSI receives 6-bit digital display data per pixel and

    OCR Scan
    HD66320T 64-level HD66320T, -------------------------------------25kQ PDF

    A5 KNA

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: W29C102 f t inbond V n iU/ Electronics Corp. 64K x 16 CMOS FLASH MEMORY GENERAL DESCRIPTION The W29C1Q2 is a 1-megabit, 5-volt only CMOS flash memory organized as 64K x 16 bits. The device can be programmed and erased in-system with a standard 5V power supply. A 12-volt Vpp is

    OCR Scan
    W29C102 W29C1Q2 12-volt W29C102 A5 KNA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M O S E L V IT E L IC V29C51001T/V29C51001B 1 MEGABIT 131,072 x 8 BIT 5 VOLT CMOS FLASH MEMORY PRELIMINARY Features Description • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The V29C51001T/V29C51001B is a high speed 131,072 x 8 bit CMOS flash memory. Programming or erasing the device is done with a single 5 Volt

    OCR Scan
    V29C51001T/V29C51001B 128Kx8-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M O S E L V IT E L IC V29C51000T/V29C51000B 512K B IT 65,536 x 8 BIT 5 VOLT CMOS FLASH MEMORY PRELIMINARY Features Description • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The V29C51000T/V29C51000B is a high speed 65,536 x 8 bit CMOS flash memory. Programming or erasing the device is done with a single 5 Volt

    OCR Scan
    V29C51000T/V29C51000B 64Kx8-bit PDF


    Abstract: CA324E W6022
    Text: O A 'i'ilß HARRIS M M S E M I C O N D U C T O R CMOS Video Speed, 8-Bit, Flash A/D Converter A ug ust 1997 Features • Description CMOS Low Power with SOS Speed Typ . 150mW • Parallel Conversion Technique • 15MHz Sampling Rate (Conversion T im e ). 67ns

    OCR Scan
    150mW 500ns. toba CA324E W6022 PDF


    Abstract: c4742 c1813 C4722 MC2212 C1B25 C2792 C-829 capacitor c829 capacitor 1C9
    Text: KEMET CERAMIC CHIP/STANDARD FEATURES • • • • • Twelve chip sizes COG NPO , X7R, Z5U and Y5V Dielectrics 10, 16, 25, 50, 100 and 200 Volts Standard End Metalization-tin-plated nickel barrier Available Capacitance Tolerance: ±0.10 pF; ±0.25 pF; ±0.5 pF; ±1 %; ±2%; ±3%; ±5%; ±10%;

    OCR Scan
    EIA481 IEC286-6 008tape IL-C-55681 IC1232 c4742 c1813 C4722 MC2212 C1B25 C2792 C-829 capacitor c829 capacitor 1C9 PDF