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    CF00501 Search Results

    CF00501 Datasheets (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    CF005-01 Mimix Broadband Broadband Power GaAs MESFET Chip Original PDF
    CF005-01 Celeritek GaAs FETs and MMICs Scan PDF
    CF005-01 Celeritek Broadband Power GaAs MESFET Chip Scan PDF
    CF005-01 Celeritek Broadband Power GaAs MESFET Chip Scan PDF
    CF005-01 Celeritek 8.5 dB, 12 GHz, broadband power GaAs MESFET chip Scan PDF

    CF00501 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: XB1013-qt CMM6001-BD CFP0103-SP CMM6004-BD XZ1003-QT XU1016 QH XP1073-BD XD1008-QH XP1035-BD
    Text: Sales Contact Information NORTH AMERICA COLORADO, UTAH USA ALABAMA, FLORIDA, GEORGIA, MISSISSIPPI, NORTH CAROLINA, SOUTH CAROLINA,TENNESSEE, Electronic Marketing Associates EMA 919-847-8800 Alabama Office 256-880-8050



    Abstract: CF005-01 celeritek CF003-01 CF010-01 celeritek ghz a32g 3620q
    Text: Broadband Power GaAs MESFET Chips □ PjdB P°wer: A CF003-01: +22 dBm CF005-01: +25 dBm CF010-01: +28 dBm □ High Gain @ 12 GHz : CF003-01: 9.0 dB CF005-01: 8.5 dB CF010-01: 8.0 dB “ A A □ Broadband: Usable to 18 GHz □ Wafer Qualification Procedure

    OCR Scan
    CF003-01: CF005-01: CF010-01: CF003-01, CF005-01 CF010-01 CF003-01 RSY-5 celeritek celeritek ghz a32g 3620q PDF


    Abstract: 117450 CF003-01 CF010-01 a32g
    Text: Broadband Power GaAs Chips Specifications T^ = 25°C CF003-01 CF005-01 CF010-01 Ion Implanted Ion Implanted Ion Implanted A c tiv e Layer Symbol G|_ p1dB Frequency (GHz) Units Linear Power Gain V q s = 6-0 V, iQg = 80 mA V q s = 6-0 Iqq = 160 mA V q s = 6.0 V, Iq 5 = 300 mA

    OCR Scan
    CF003-01 CF005-01 CF010-01 160mA 300mA 117450 CF010-01 a32g PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Broadband Power GaAs Chips Specifications T ^ = 25°C CF003-01 CF005-01 CF010-01 Ion Implanted Ion Implanted Ion Implanted Active Layer Frequency (GHz) Units Linear Power Gain Vqs = 6.0 V, Iq 3 = 80 mA Vqs = 6-0 V, Iqs = 160 mA VDS = 6.0 V, lDS = 300 mA

    OCR Scan
    CF003-01 CF005-01 CF010-01 mA00mA DD0D712 PDF


    Abstract: SPDT FETs
    Text: GaAs FETs and MMICs □ 0.3-micron GaAs MESFETs for Discrete Devices and MMICs □ High Gain: Up to 40 GHz □ Up to +28 dBm Px dB at 18 GHz □ Military High-Rel Screening □ 2-6 GHz MMIC Amplifiers with Low DC Current or Medium Power □ DC to 18 GHz MMIC SPDT with

    OCR Scan
    CMS-12 DC-18 CMS12 SPDT FETs PDF

    amplifier ghz

    Abstract: CF005-11 GaAs FET chip mmic s3 CF001-01 CF001-02 CF001-03 CF003-01 CF003-02 CF003-03
    Text: CELERITEK S7E D M 7 4 S 0 3 0000013 360 « C L R T CELERITEKc o m p o n e n ts , b u t p a rtic u la rly in th e m a n u fa c tu re o f p o w e r a m p lif ie rs . T h e c o m p a n y h as d e v e lo p e d p ro p r ie ta r y te c h n iq u e s fo r m a p p in g th e rm a l p ro file s o f F E T s m o u n te d on

    OCR Scan
    CF003-01 CF003-02 CF003-03 CF005-01 CF005-11 CF005-21 CF010-01 CF007-01 amplifier ghz GaAs FET chip mmic s3 CF001-01 CF001-02 CF001-03 PDF