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    CERTIFIEDLR20812 Search Results

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    jst ssf-21t-p1.4

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Crimp 3.96mmピッチ BL CONNECTOR 短絡用コネクタ •特長 ●短絡用回路内蔵 ハウジング内に短絡回路用タブコンタクトを組み込んだ 3.96mmピッチ小型短絡用コネクタです。 ●ハウジングランス方式 コンタクトとハウジングの固定にハウジングシェル内にばね

    CertifiedLR20812 R9651159DIN/VDE ACDC11 MAX300V 500V1 3mm20 75mm2 SSF-21T-P1 BL-08V BL-12V jst ssf-21t-p1.4 PDF


    Abstract: HRP-02-S
    Text: Crimp 2.5mm HM CONNECTOR Wire-to-wire connectors - Matable with HR receptacles .098" pitch Features –––––––––––––––––––––––– • Both crimp style and insulation displacement receptacles can be used Both crimp style and insulation displacement HR connector

    HMR-03V HMR-04V HMR-08V HMR-12V SMR-001T-0 SHR-001T-P0 SHR/MR001-06 HRP-03-S HRP-02-S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Branch Short Circuit CL CONNECTOR 中継接続用コネクタ •特長 ●簡単な作業で圧接接続ができます。 接続の際電線の被覆を剥ぐ必要がありません。もちろん特殊 な工具も不要、プライヤなどの工具でコネクタ本体を押えるだ

    ListedE42024 CertifiedLR20812 ACDCCL2218TCL2218S MAX15 ACDCCL1814TCL1814S UL1015VSFAWG 3mm20 75mm2CL2218TCL2218S 75mm22 PDF

    25 HMR 230

    Abstract: smooth 283 1.3
    Text: Crimp 2.5mm HM CONNECTOR Wire to wire connectors - Matable with HR receptacles .098" pitch Features ––––––––––––––––––––––– • Both crimp style and insulation displacement receptacles can be used Both crimp style and insulation displacement HR connector

    03HR-4K 04HR-4K 08HR-4K 12HR-4K UL94V-0 HMR-02V HMR-03V HMR-04V HMR-08V HMR-12V 25 HMR 230 smooth 283 1.3 PDF


    Abstract: HMR 433 HR Connector HRP-03-S 04HR-6S tools 500AWG
    Text: Crimp 2.5mm HM CONNECTOR Wire to wire connectors - Matable with HR receptacles .098" pitch Features ––––––––––––––––––––––– • Both crimp style and insulation displacement receptacles can be used Both crimp style and insulation displacement HR connector

    02HR-8M 02HR-6S 02HR-4K 03HR-8M 03HR-6S 03HR-4K 04HR-8M 04HR-6S 08HR-8M 12HR-8M SMR-001T-0.6 HMR 433 HR Connector HRP-03-S 04HR-6S tools 500AWG PDF