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    CDM 316 Search Results

    CDM 316 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: active bandpass filter 300 khz
    Text: Preliminary Data Sheet December 1998 W3041 IF Receiver with Integrated IF2 Bandpass Filters Features Description + Root Nyquist approximation 400 kHz or 450 kHz bandpass filters specified for PDC 25 kHz channel and baseband The W3041 is intended for application in cellular

    W3041 W3041 20-pin DS98-271WRF W3041BCL active bandpass filter 300 khz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet September 1999 W3011 1 GHz Quadrature Modulator Features modulation of an RF carrier by I & Q baseband inputs. It is particularly suited for use in mobile and handheld cellular telephones designed to the IS-136 North American 824 MHz to 849 MHz , PDC

    W3011 IS-136 RCR-STD27 DS99-205WRF DS98-016WRF) PDF

    UHF Phase Shifter

    Abstract: W3011 EVB3011 IS-136 LUCW3011FCL LUCW3011FCL-TR SAW oscillator 1030 quadrature modulator LUCENT phase modulator
    Text: Data Sheet September 1999 W3011 1 GHz Quadrature Modulator Features modulation of an RF carrier by I & Q baseband inputs. It is particularly suited for use in mobile and handheld cellular telephones designed to the IS-136 North American 824 MHz to 849 MHz , PDC

    W3011 IS-136 RCR-STD27 trans44) DS99-205WRF DS98-345WRF) UHF Phase Shifter W3011 EVB3011 IS-136 LUCW3011FCL LUCW3011FCL-TR SAW oscillator 1030 quadrature modulator LUCENT phase modulator PDF


    Abstract: EVB3011 IS-136 LUCW3011FCL LUCW3011FCL-TR
    Text: Preliminary Data Sheet November 1998 W3011 1 GHz Quadrature Modulator Features modulation of an RF carrier by I & Q baseband inputs. It is particularly suited for use in mobile and handheld cellular telephones designed to the IS-136 North American 824 MHz to 849 MHz ,

    W3011 IS-136 RCR-STD27 DS98-345WRF DS98-016WRF) W3011 EVB3011 IS-136 LUCW3011FCL LUCW3011FCL-TR PDF


    Abstract: 26LS32 BRR1A16P IN4148
    Text: Data Sheet October 1998 Quad Differential Receivers BRF1A, BRF2A, BRR1A, BRS2A, and BRT1A Features • Pin equivalent to the general-trade 26LS32 device, with improved speed, reduced power consumption, and significantly lower levels of EMI ■ High input impedance ≅ 8 kΩ

    26LS32 DS99-008HSI DS98-321HSI) BRR1A BRR1A16P IN4148 PDF


    Abstract: BRF2A16NB-TR BRS2A16G
    Text: Data Sheet March 1999 Quad Differential Receivers BRF1A, BRF2A, BRR1A, BRS2A, and BRT1A Features • Pin equivalent to the general-trade 26LS32 device, with improved speed, reduced power consumption, and significantly lower levels of EMI ■ High input impedance ≅ 8 kΩ

    26LS32 DS99-196HSI DS99-008HSI) BRS2A16P BRF2A16NB-TR BRS2A16G PDF

    3AFY 61201998 R0125 REV A

    Abstract: plc wiring diagram for dg synchronisation schematic diagram igbt inverter welding machine ELEVATOR LOGIC CONTROL PLC 3 phase sinus inverters circuit diagram igbt abb variable frequency drive wiring diagram MTBF fit IGBT 1200 3AFE64514482 Motor Control Center wiring diagram abb wiring diagram dol motor starter
    Text: ABB drives Technical guide book 2 Technical guide book ABB drives Technical guide book 3AFE64514482 REV E EFFECTIVE: 26.10.2010 Copyright 2010 ABB. All rights reserved. Technical guide book 3 4 Technical guide book Contents 1. Direct Torque Control explains what DTC is; why and how

    3AFE64514482 3AUA0000048753 3AFY 61201998 R0125 REV A plc wiring diagram for dg synchronisation schematic diagram igbt inverter welding machine ELEVATOR LOGIC CONTROL PLC 3 phase sinus inverters circuit diagram igbt abb variable frequency drive wiring diagram MTBF fit IGBT 1200 Motor Control Center wiring diagram abb wiring diagram dol motor starter PDF

    Lucent receiver

    Abstract: 26LS31 application note 26LS31 BDP1A16P bdg1a16g
    Text: Data Sheet January 1999 Quad Differential Drivers BDG1A, BDP1A, BDGLA, BPNGA, BPNPA, and BPPGA Features • Pin-equivalent to the general-trade 26LS31 device, with improved speed, reduced power consumption, and significantly lower levels of EMI ■ Four line drivers per package

    26LS31 DS99-144HSI DS99-044HSI) Lucent receiver application note 26LS31 BDP1A16P bdg1a16g PDF


    Abstract: lucent btk1a16g BTL1A16 BTK1A16G 49/BTM1A16P
    Text: Data Sheet October 1998 Dual Differential Transceivers BTK1A, BTL1A, and BTM1A Features Description Driver Features The BTK1A, BTL1A, and BTM1A devices are dual differential transceiver circuits that transmit and receive digital data over balanced transmission lines

    DS99-009HSI DS98-322HSI) BTL1A16P lucent btk1a16g BTL1A16 BTK1A16G 49/BTM1A16P PDF


    Abstract: IS-136 W3013 W3013BCL W3013BCL-TR dqpsk modulation transmitter j3036 0316E
    Text: Preliminary Data Sheet November 1998 W3013 Indirect Quadrature Modulator with Gain Control Features Description n Low-voltage operation: 2.7 V n High-frequency operation: 2.2 GHz n High RF output power: –10 dBm n High-accuracy phase shifter, no trim required

    W3013 20-pin DS98-236WRF DS98-057WRF) EVB3013A IS-136 W3013BCL W3013BCL-TR dqpsk modulation transmitter j3036 0316E PDF


    Abstract: LG1602AXB LG1602BXB TF1001A lucent technologies W series 11d5
    Text: Data Sheet February 1999 LG1602 Decision Circuit Features • Operation up to 3 Gbits/s ■ Good sensitivity to low input signals ■ Low power dissipation ■ Surface-mount package Applications ■ SONET/SDH transmission systems ■ Digital video transmission

    LG1602 DS99-142HSPL LG1602AXB LG1602BXB TF1001A lucent technologies W series 11d5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MX* CDM, INC. MX816 f Preliminary Information C-BUS Ì I COMPATIBLE J NMT AUDIO PROCESSOR Features • Full-Duplex Audio Processing for NMT Cellular System • On-Chip Speech and SAT Abilities TX/RX/SAT Filtering & Gain - VOGAD - Pre-ZDe-Emphasis - Deviation

    OCR Scan
    MX816 MX816J 28-pin MX816DW MX816 000253T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: tijca AMP Military Qualified Electronics SM A Connectors MIL-C-39012 — For Flexible Cable MIL-C-39012/55 .312 Hex. [7 .92] ,250 [6 .3 5] Outer Sleeve 1 O SM Plug Outline 1 Military Part No. AMP Part No. M/A-CDM* Part No. Ref. Only Outline 2 Outline Cat.’

    OCR Scan
    MIL-C-39012 MIL-C-39012/55 M22520/10-17. M22520/10-01 M22520/10-21. 1532129 PDF

    cdm 316

    Abstract: CDM6264 CDM6264-3 ca 3161 e IC CDM6264-2 M6264
    Text: HARRIS SEMICOND SECTOR 37E P Random-Access Memories RAM s . H M3G2271 0023b45 1 Bi HAS - T-46-23-12 CDM6264 NC-AI2— AT — A6 — AS-A4-A3 — A2-A1 -AO— 1/01 — 1/02 — 1703-vss— r 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 IS 14

    OCR Scan
    M3G2271 0023b45 T-46-23-12 CDM6264 1703-vss-- 8192-Word 28-pin cdm 316 CDM6264 CDM6264-3 ca 3161 e IC CDM6264-2 M6264 PDF

    cdm 316

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: mic roelect ronics group A d v a n c e Data Sheet May 1 998 Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations W3011 1 GHz Quadrature Modulator Features + Guaranteed performance at 2.7 V power supply + Output power of +3 dBm into 50 i i load single­ ended with 3 V operation

    OCR Scan
    W3011 R-STD27) DS98-016WRF cdm 316 PDF

    cdm 316

    Abstract: 3162E IS-137 UHF Phase Shifter
    Text: group Preliminary Data Sheet November 1998 Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations W3011 1 GHz Quadrature Modulator Features • Guaranteed performance at 2.7 V power supply ■ Output power of +3 dBm into 50 Q load single­ ended with 3 V operation ■

    OCR Scan
    W3011 IS-136 RCR-STD27 DS98-345W DS98-016W cdm 316 3162E IS-137 UHF Phase Shifter PDF

    CHN 648 Diodes

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet October 1998 group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations Quad Differential Receivers BRF1 A, BRF2A, BRR1 A, BRS2A, and BRT1A Features • Pin equivalent to the general-trade 26LS32 device, with improved speed, reduced power consumption, and significantly lower levels of EMI

    OCR Scan
    26LS32 DS99-008HSI DS98-321 CHN 648 Diodes PDF

    chn 648 equivalent

    Abstract: 1a16g CHN 648 F2A16
    Text: Data Shoot October 1998 ¡nicroGlsctfonics qtoud Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations Quad Differential Receivers BRF1 A, BRF2A, BRR1 A, BRS2A, and BRT1A Features • Pin equivalent to the general-trade 26LS32 device, with improved speed, reduced power consumption,

    OCR Scan
    26LS32 DS99-008HSI DS98-321HSI) chn 648 equivalent 1a16g CHN 648 F2A16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet July 1998 group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations Quad Differential Receivers RF1A, RF2A, RS2A, RR1A, and RT1A Features • Pin equivalent to the general-trade 26LS32 device, with improved speed, reduced power consumption, and significantly lower levels of EMI

    OCR Scan
    26LS32 DS98-321 DS98-041 1141LF2 PDF


    Abstract: 26LS32 41LF T7274B-EE T7274B-PE T7274B-PL application note 26LS31 IN100N
    Text: Data Sheet October 1991 microelectronics group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations T7274B Quad Differential Line Driver Features Description • Four line drivers per package The T7274B Quad Differential Line Driver integrated circuit is a single-input-to-balanced-output converter

    OCR Scan
    T7274B DS91-148SMOS DS90-073SMQS) 26LS31 26LS32 41LF T7274B-EE T7274B-PE T7274B-PL application note 26LS31 IN100N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Shoot March 1999 microfilsctronics Group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations Quad Differential Receivers BRF1 A, BRF2A, BRR1 A, BRS2A, and BRT1A Features • Pin equivalent to the general-trade 26LS32 device, with improved speed, reduced power consumption,

    OCR Scan
    26LS32 ma900 PDF

    lucent 41LF

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet October 1991 microelectronics group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations T7274B Quad Differential Line Driver Features Description • Four line drivers per package The T7274B Quad Differential Line Driver integrated circuit is a single-input-to-balanced-output converter

    OCR Scan
    T7274B DS91-148SMOS DS90-Q73SMOS) lucent 41LF PDF

    chn 807

    Abstract: CHN 510
    Text: group Data Sheet February 1999 Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations LG1602 Decision Circuit Features Functional Description • Operation up to 3 Gbits/s The LG1602 is a gallium arsenide GaAs decision circuit. It features a sensitive broadband input ampli­

    OCR Scan
    LG1602 DS99-142HSPL chn 807 CHN 510 PDF


    Abstract: 26LS31 26LS32 41LG T7275C-PE T7275C-PL T7275C-EL 26LS31 receiver
    Text: m i c r o e l e c t r o n i c s group Data Sheet December 1991 Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations T7275C Quad Differential Line Receiver Features Description • Four line receivers per package The T7275C Quad Differential Line Receiver integrated circuit is a quad differential input to

    OCR Scan
    T7275C DS91-149SMOS DS90-074SMQS) T7275C-EE 26LS31 26LS32 41LG T7275C-PE T7275C-PL T7275C-EL 26LS31 receiver PDF