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    aec-q100 001

    Abstract: JESD22-A108 JESD22-A110 JESD22-A102 cd4051bcn mm74c922n MIL-STD-883-2019 mm74c925n MM74C48N MM74C923WM
    Text: Date Created: 1/27/2004 Date Issued: 2/6/2004 PCN # 20033803-B DESIGN/PROCESS CHANGE NOTIFICATION - FINAL This PCN has been amended to add additional products to the affected FSID listing. These products were originally slated to be obsoleted but instead will be added to

    20033803-B 1-207CN CD4541BCM CD4724BCM MM74C00M MM74C02N MM74C04N MM74C14MX MM74C157N MM74C165N aec-q100 001 JESD22-A108 JESD22-A110 JESD22-A102 cd4051bcn mm74c922n MIL-STD-883-2019 mm74c925n MM74C48N MM74C923WM PDF


    Abstract: CD4066BC CD4016BC CD4066BCM CD4066BCSJ M14A M14D MS-001 N14A
    Text: Revised August 2000 CD4066BC Quad Bilateral Switch • High degree linearity General Description The CD4066BC is a quad bilateral switch intended for the transmission or multiplexing of analog or digital signals. It is pin-for-pin compatible with CD4016BC, but has a much

    CD4066BC CD4066BC CD4016BC, 15VTHOUT CD4066BCN CD4016BC CD4066BCM CD4066BCSJ M14A M14D MS-001 N14A PDF


    Abstract: CD4066BC MS-001 N14A CD4016BC CD4066BCJ CD4066BCM M14A M14D
    Text: Revised December 1998 CD4066BC Quad Bilateral Switch General Description High degree linearity VDD−VSS = 10V, RL = 10 kΩ • Extremely low “OFF” 0.1 nA typ. switch leakage: @ VDD−VSS = 10V, TA = 25°C The CD4066BC is a quad bilateral switch intended for the

    CD4066BC CD4066BC CD4016BC, CD4066BCN MS-001 N14A CD4016BC CD4066BCJ CD4066BCM M14A M14D PDF


    Abstract: CD4016BC CD4066BCM CD4066BCN CD4066BCSJ M14A M14D MS-001 N14A
    Text: Revised October 2005 CD4066BC Quad Bilateral Switch • High degree linearity General Description The CD4066BC is a quad bilateral switch intended for the transmission or multiplexing of analog or digital signals. It is pin-for-pin compatible with CD4016BC, but has a much

    CD4066BC CD4066BC CD4016BC, 15THOUT CD4016BC CD4066BCM CD4066BCN CD4066BCSJ M14A M14D MS-001 N14A PDF


    Abstract: CD4066BC CD4016BC CD4066BCM CD4066BCSJ M14A M14D MS-001 N14A
    Text: Revised April 2002 CD4066BC Quad Bilateral Switch • High degree linearity General Description The CD4066BC is a quad bilateral switch intended for the transmission or multiplexing of analog or digital signals. It is pin-for-pin compatible with CD4016BC, but has a much

    CD4066BC CD4066BC CD4016BC, CD4066BCN CD4016BC CD4066BCM CD4066BCSJ M14A M14D MS-001 N14A PDF


    Abstract: CD4066BCN C1995 CD4016BC CD4016BM CD4066B CD4066BC CD4066BCJ CD4066BMJ CD4066BCN NOTE
    Text: CD4066BM CD4066BC Quad Bilateral Switch General Description The CD4066BM CD4066BC is a quad bilateral switch intended for the transmission or multiplexing of analog or digital signals It is pin-for-pin compatible with CD4016BM CD4016BC but has a much lower ‘‘ON’’ resistance and

    CD4066BM CD4066BC CD4016BM CD4016BC CD4066BCN C1995 CD4016BM CD4066B CD4066BCJ CD4066BMJ CD4066BCN NOTE PDF


    Abstract: CD4066BCN NOTE
    Text: CD4066BC,CD4066BM CD4066BM CD4066BC Quad Bilateral Switch Literature Number: SNOS366A CD4066BM CD4066BC Quad Bilateral Switch General Description Features Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Wide supply voltage range 3V to 15V High noise immunity 0 45 VDD typ g 7 5 VPEAK Wide range of digital and

    CD4066BC CD4066BM CD4066BM SNOS366A CD4066BMJ CD4066BCN NOTE PDF


    Abstract: AVR VOLTAGE REGULATOR 230V AC voltage rms measure avr varistor SCK 255 SCK VARISTOR AVR465 rms measure with avr three phase kilowatt-hour meter kwh meter AVR465 stepper motor control with avr atmel c language
    Text: AVR465: Single-Phase Power/Energy Meter with Tamper Detection Features • Cost-Effective and Flexible Single-Phase Energy Meter • Fulfills IEC 61036 Accuracy Requirements for Class 1 Meters • Detects, Signals and Continues to Measure Accurately Under At Least 20 Different

    AVR465: 566A-AVR-07/04 TD76V AVR VOLTAGE REGULATOR 230V AC voltage rms measure avr varistor SCK 255 SCK VARISTOR AVR465 rms measure with avr three phase kilowatt-hour meter kwh meter AVR465 stepper motor control with avr atmel c language PDF


    Abstract: 40373 74hc14n equivalent 4046 application note philips HCF4060BE HCF4017BE SN74121 application note MC74HC373DW mc0628 HCF4053BE
    Text: R E L I A B L E . L O G I C . I N N O V A T I O N . Logic Cross-Reference Logic Cross-Reference 2003 Texas Instruments Printed in the U.S.A. by Texoma Business Forms, Durant, Oklahoma Printed on recycled paper. SCYB017A NEW First Revision Logic Cross-Reference

    SCYB017A T74ALVC32374 74CBTLV16211 SN74CBTD16211 SN74SSTV16859 SN74CBTLV16211GRDR SN74ALVC16245AGRDR -SN74SSTV16859GKER MC0628R 40373 74hc14n equivalent 4046 application note philips HCF4060BE HCF4017BE SN74121 application note MC74HC373DW mc0628 HCF4053BE PDF

    5555 FAIRCHILD optocoupler

    Abstract: MC74HC374N 74hc14n equivalent NC7S125M5 14069 HCF4541BEY APPLICATION HCF4013BE 4026 fairchild datasheet 14543 motorola Motorola DM74LS139N
    Text: R E L I A B L E . L O G I C . I N N O V A T I O N . Logic Cross-Reference Logic Cross-Reference 2003 Texas Instruments Printed in the U.S.A. by Texoma Business Forms, Durant, Oklahoma Printed on recycled paper. SCYB017A NEW First Revision Logic Cross-Reference

    SCYB017A A010203 5555 FAIRCHILD optocoupler MC74HC374N 74hc14n equivalent NC7S125M5 14069 HCF4541BEY APPLICATION HCF4013BE 4026 fairchild datasheet 14543 motorola Motorola DM74LS139N PDF

    5555 FAIRCHILD optocoupler

    Abstract: DM74LS75N MC74HC373DW 74hc14n equivalent HCF4060BE 40373 NC7S125M5X datasheet 14543 motorola 14049 CD40106BE
    Text: R E L I A B L E . L O G I C . I N N O V A T I O N . Logic Cross-Reference Logic Cross-Reference 2003 Texas Instruments Printed in the U.S.A. by Texoma Business Forms, Durant, Oklahoma Printed on recycled paper. SCYB017A NEW First Revision Logic Cross-Reference

    SCYB017A A010203 5555 FAIRCHILD optocoupler DM74LS75N MC74HC373DW 74hc14n equivalent HCF4060BE 40373 NC7S125M5X datasheet 14543 motorola 14049 CD40106BE PDF


    Abstract: NC7S125 MC74F138N HCF4541 Motorola MC74HC251N 74ACT161 DHVQFN-20 74V1G08 SOT323/5 HCF4017 SN74ACT14DR
    Text: Logic Cross-Reference Introduction This Logic Cross-Reference for Buyers, Distribution Specialists and others with an interest in Logic will assist in finding a device made by Texas Instruments that is identical or similar to many of our competitors’ Logic products.

    74ABT16244 A010203 53001cov SCYB017 CD4558 NC7S125 MC74F138N HCF4541 Motorola MC74HC251N 74ACT161 DHVQFN-20 74V1G08 SOT323/5 HCF4017 SN74ACT14DR PDF

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    Abstract: CD4066BC
    Text: Revised December 1998 SEMICONDUCTDRTM High degree linearity V qq- V qs = 10V, R|_= 10 k il The CD4066BC is a quad bilateral switch intended for the transmission or multiplexing of analog or digital signals. It is pin-for-pin compatible with CD4016BC, but has a much

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    CD4066BC CD4066BC CD4016BC, 1012il *D4066BC PDF


    Abstract: CD4066BCM
    Text: June 1992 Semiconductor CD4066BM/CD4066BC Quad Bilateral Switch General Description The CD4066BM/CD4066BC is a quad bilateral switch in­ tended for the transmission or multiplexing of analog or digi­ tal signals. It is pin-for-pin compatible with CD4016BM/

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    CD4066BM/CD4066BC CD4016BM/ CD4016BC, 1012fi CD4066BCN CD4066BCM PDF

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