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    Maxwell Technologies BCAP0003-P270-S01

    CAP 3F -10% +20% 2.7V T/H
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey BCAP0003-P270-S01 Bulk 31,016 1
    • 1 $2.67
    • 10 $1.906
    • 100 $1.4424
    • 1000 $1.15435
    • 10000 $1.01861
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    Maxwell Technologies BCAP0005-P270-S01

    CAP 5F -10% +20% 2.7V T/H
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey BCAP0005-P270-S01 Bulk 10,239 1
    • 1 $2.76
    • 10 $1.972
    • 100 $1.4945
    • 1000 $1.1974
    • 10000 $1.02413
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    Maxwell Technologies BCAP0005-P270-X01

    CAP 5F -10% +20% 2.7V T/H
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey BCAP0005-P270-X01 Bulk 8,780 1
    • 1 $3.14
    • 10 $2.256
    • 100 $1.7176
    • 1000 $1.38235
    • 10000 $1.18659
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    Maxwell Technologies BCAP0003-P300-X12

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey BCAP0003-P300-X12 Bulk 7,299 1
    • 1 $3.04
    • 10 $2.195
    • 100 $1.683
    • 1000 $1.3875
    • 10000 $1.3875
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    Maxwell Technologies BCAP0003-P270-X01

    CAP 3F -10% +20% 2.7V T/H
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey BCAP0003-P270-X01 Bulk 5,718 1
    • 1 $3.06
    • 10 $2.191
    • 100 $1.6665
    • 1000 $1.33989
    • 10000 $1.18584
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    CAP000 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S1C17W22/23 16-bit Single Chip Microcontroller z Low power operation from 1.2V with a single alkaline or silver oxide button battery. z Low power consumption standby driving at HALT 0.3 A . *super economy mode z Built-in LCD Driver: 56 SEG x 24 COM max.

    S1C17W22/23 16-bit S1C17W22/W23 PDF


    Abstract: RST32 CMP407 CMP-506
    Text: TMP19A64C1DXBG Contents TMP19A64C1DXBG 1. ・Overview and Features 2. ・Pin Layout and Pin Functions 3. ・Processor Core 4. ・Memory Map 5. ・Clock/Standby Control 6. ・Interrupts 7. ・Input/Output Ports 8. ・External Bus Interface 9. ・Chip Selector and Wait Contoroller

    TMP19A64C1DXBG TMP19A64C1DXBG 16-bit 32-bit TMP19A64 TMP19A64C1D 32-bitction FC54M RST32 CMP407 CMP-506 PDF

    n8 10229

    Abstract: si f330 TB-20-S RXD-700 0po7c il232 TMP19A63 F339 TB06S TMP19A63F10XBG
    Text: 32-Bit TX System RISC TX19 Family TMP19A63F10XBG Rev1.1 2008-3-28 TMP19A63 32-Bit RISC Microprocessor TX19 Family TMP19A63F10XBG 1. Overview and features TMP19A63 is equipped with the TX19A processor core that forms a high-performance 32-bit RISC processor series. The core was developed based on the MIPS32ISA that contains a 32-bit instruction

    32-Bit TMP19A63F10XBG TMP19A63 TMP19A63F10XBG TMP19A63 TX19A MIPS32ISA n8 10229 si f330 TB-20-S RXD-700 0po7c il232 F339 TB06S PDF


    Abstract: tmp19a44 toshiba TMP19A44FDA TB10F TMP19A44FDAXBG PS 1025 INT1400 philips semiconductor data handbook PDCR 910 dm-58
    Text: 32bit TX System RISC TX19 Family TMP19A44FDA/FE/F10XBG Rev1.3 01-Apr-2010 TMP19A44 Contents 1. Overview and Features 1-1 2. Pin Layout and Pin Functions 2-1 2.1 Pin Layout Top view 2.2 Pin Numbers and Names 2.3 Pin Names and Functions 2.4 Pin Names and Power Supply Pins

    32bit TMP19A44FDA/FE/F10XBG 01-Apr-2010 TMP19A44 TMP19A44F10XBG TMP19A44FEXBG TMP19A44FDAXBG il431 tmp19a44 toshiba TMP19A44FDA TB10F TMP19A44FDAXBG PS 1025 INT1400 philips semiconductor data handbook PDCR 910 dm-58 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 32bit TX System RISC TX19A Family TMP19A43CD/CZXBG Rev2.0 2007.Aug.31 TMP19A43 32-bit RISC Microprocessor - TX19 Family TMP19A43CZXBG, CDXBG TMP19A43FZXBG, FDXBG 1. Overview and Features The TX19 family is a high-performance 32-bit RISC processor series that TOSHIBA originally developed by



    Abstract: PC7122 HSIO POD TMP19A61F10XBG F2A1 tmp19a61cdxbg
    Text: 32-bit TX System RISC TX19 Family TMP19A61F10XBG Rev1.0 2008-11-05 TMP19A61 32-Bit RISC Microprocessor TX19 Family TMP19A61F10XBG 1. Overview and features TMP19A61 is equipped with the TX19A processor core that forms a high-performance 32-bit RISC processor series. The core was developed based on the MIPS32ISA that contains a 32-bit instruction

    32-bit TMP19A61F10XBG TMP19A61 TMP19A61F10XBG TMP19A61 TX19A MIPS32ISA TB-20-S PC7122 HSIO POD F2A1 tmp19a61cdxbg PDF


    Abstract: cap200 FC54M CMP404 TMP19A64F20BXBG IL102 CMP-506 CAP007 CMP401 IL311
    Text: 32bit TX System RISC TX19A Family TMP19A64C1DXBG Rev1.1 2007.March.16 TMP19A64C1DXBG Contents TMP19A64C1DXBG 1. ・Overview and Features 2. ・Pin Layout and Pin Functions 3. ・Processor Core 4. ・Memory Map 5. ・Clock/Standby Control 6. ・Interrupts 7. ・Input/Output Ports

    32bit TX19A TMP19A64C1DXBG 16-bit 32-bit TMP19A64 cmp03 cap200 FC54M CMP404 TMP19A64F20BXBG IL102 CMP-506 CAP007 CMP401 IL311 PDF


    Abstract: CAP007 IL102 TMP19A43CD ADD431 cmp03 DITTO il200 IL311 pe03
    Text: 32bit TX System RISC TX19A Family TMP19A43CD/CZXBG Rev2.0 2007.Aug.31 TMP19A43 32-bit RISC Microprocessor - TX19 Family TMP19A43CZXBG, CDXBG TMP19A43FZXBG, FDXBG 1. Overview and Features The TX19 family is a high-performance 32-bit RISC processor series that TOSHIBA originally developed by

    32bit TX19A TMP19A43CD/CZXBG TMP19A43 32-bit TMP19A43CZXBG, TMP19A43FZXBG, MIPS16TMASE TMP19A43 TMP19A43CDXBG CAP007 IL102 TMP19A43CD ADD431 cmp03 DITTO il200 IL311 pe03 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S1C17W22/23 16-bit Single Chip Microcontroller z Low power operation from 1.2V with a single alkaline or silver oxide button battery. z Low power consumption standby driving at HALT 0.3 A . *super economy mode z Built-in LCD Driver: 56 SEG x 24 COM max.

    S1C17W22/23 16-bit S1C17W22/W23 PDF

    celeritek LNA

    Abstract: CAS2401 CAS2401-AM CAS2401-AM-000T MS03 SOIC-16
    Text: 9— -CELERÊTEK C A S 2 4 1 Am plifier-Switch 2 .3 to 2 .5 G H z June 1995 1 of 4 2 00m W (+ 2 3 d B m ) Functional Block Diagram T/R m odes sw itched w ith am plifier su p p ly -vg Features □ □l □ Q Q 200mW (-)-23 dBm) output pow er 20% power added efficiency (including output switch loss)

    OCR Scan
    CAS2401 200mW SOIC-16 CAS2401 celeritek LNA CAS2401-AM CAS2401-AM-000T MS03 PDF

    celeritek LNA

    Abstract: CAS2401 CAS2401-AM CAS2401-AM-000T MS03 SOIC-16
    Text: 9— -CELERÊTEK C A S 2 4 1 Am plifier-Switch 2 .3 to 2 .5 G H z June 1995 1 of 4 2 00m W (+ 2 3 d B m ) Functional Block Diagram T/R m odes sw itched w ith am plifier su p p ly -vg Features □ □l □ Q Q 200mW (-)-23 dBm) output pow er 20% power added efficiency (including output switch loss)

    OCR Scan
    CAS2401 200mW SOIC-16 CAS2401 celeritek LNA CAS2401-AM CAS2401-AM-000T MS03 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: B -CELERITEK_ CAS1401 A m plifier-Sw itch 1.7 to 2.2 GHz 200m W +23 dB m June 1995 (1 of 4) F u n ctio n a l B lo ck D iagram T/R modes switched with amplifier supply -vg F eatu res J 200mW (+23 dBm) output power !J 20% power added efficiency (including output switch loss)

    OCR Scan
    CAS1401 200mW SOIC-16 CAS1401 1T745D3 PDF