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    CA3083 HARRIS Search Results

    CA3083 HARRIS Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: an5296 4814 soic transistor oc 76
    Text: CA3083 Semiconductor September 1998 File Number 481.4 General Purpose High Current NPN Transistor Array Features The CA3083 is a versatile array of five high current to 100mA NPN transistors on a common monolithic substrate. In addition, two of these transistors (Q1 and Q2) are

    CA3083 CA3083 100mA) 100mA an5296 4814 soic transistor oc 76 PDF


    Abstract: AN5296 application note ca3083f CA3018 CA3083 CA3083M CA3083M96 CA3083 Harris harris transistors harris 3083
    Text: CA3083 S E M I C O N D U C T O R General Purpose High Current NPN Transistor Array September 1996 Features Description • High IC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100mA Max The CA3083 is a versatile array of five high current (to

    CA3083 100mA CA3083 100mA) 1-800-4-HARRIS an5296 AN5296 application note ca3083f CA3018 CA3083M CA3083M96 CA3083 Harris harris transistors harris 3083 PDF


    Abstract: AN5296 application note ca3083 CA3018 ca3083f Harris CA3018 CA3083M CA3083M96 application note an5296
    Text: CA3083 S E M I C O N D U C T O R General Purpose High Current N-P-N Transistor Array March 1993 Features Description • High IC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100mA Max The CA3083 is a versatile array of five high current to

    CA3083 100mA CA3083 100mA) an5296 AN5296 application note CA3018 ca3083f Harris CA3018 CA3083M CA3083M96 application note an5296 PDF


    Abstract: CA3083 NPN PNP Transistor Arrays transistor bf 760 TR MJE 350 0100M10 110E 333E microsim npn tr array
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. MM9710 Harris Linear July 1997 CA3096 and CA3083 Transistor Array SPICE Models Author: Rob Adams Introduction Model Performance This application note describes the SPICE transistor models for the bipolar devices that comprise the CA3096, and the

    MM9710 CA3096 CA3083 CA3096, CA3083 NPN PNP Transistor Arrays transistor bf 760 TR MJE 350 0100M10 110E 333E microsim npn tr array PDF


    Abstract: AH8308T sg3183 Cross Reference Harris CA3046 MAXim cross reference MAX232CPE SL322 mn5920 max233cpp
    Text: Cross Reference Guide Semiconductor Signal Processing Communications Products Cross Reference COMPETITOR PART NUMBER HARRIS CLOSEST PART NUMBER AD770 HI3026A AD775 COMPETITOR PART NUMBER HARRIS CLOSEST PART NUMBER H AD9483 HI5630 H HI1175 P AD9620 HFA1110

    AD770 HI3026A AD775 AD9483 HI5630 HI1175 AD9620 HFA1110 AD8001 HFA1100 ULN2083 AH8308T sg3183 Cross Reference Harris CA3046 MAXim cross reference MAX232CPE SL322 mn5920 max233cpp PDF

    IN4007 diode

    Abstract: IN4007 RECTIFIER DIODE thyristor firing circuit IN4007 bridge rectifier ic dual thyristor Multivibrator scr pulse battery charger schematic preamp with bass treble circuit diagrams DIODE IN4007 thyristor battery charger 24v thyristor firing circuits
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN6048.1 Harris Intelligent Power April 1994 SOME APPLICATIONS OF A PROGRAMMABLE POWER SWITCH/AMPLIFIER Authors: L.R. Campbell and H.A. Wittlinger Circuit Description The CA3094 unique monolithic programmable power switch/ amplifier IC consists of a high-gain preamplifier driving a

    AN6048 CA3094 CA3094, CA3080 CA3080A, CA3080A AN6668. AN6077. IN4007 diode IN4007 RECTIFIER DIODE thyristor firing circuit IN4007 bridge rectifier ic dual thyristor Multivibrator scr pulse battery charger schematic preamp with bass treble circuit diagrams DIODE IN4007 thyristor battery charger 24v thyristor firing circuits PDF


    Abstract: Harris CA3018 Harris CA3146e CA3018 CA3046 CA3083 CA3146 CA3146A CA3183 CA3183A
    Text: CA3146, CA3183 S E M I C O N D U C T O R High-Voltage Transistor Arrays March 1993 Features Description • • • • • The CA3146A, CA3146, CA3183A, and CA3183* are general purpose high voltage silicon n-p-n transistor arrays on a common monolithic substrate.

    CA3146, CA3183 CA3146A, CA3183A, CA3183* 120MHz CA3183, an5296 Harris CA3018 Harris CA3146e CA3018 CA3046 CA3083 CA3146 CA3146A CA3183 CA3183A PDF


    Abstract: AN5296 rca3083 AN5296 application note Transistor Array differential amplifier CA3083 amplifier an5296 applications note CA3083F/3W
    Text: CA3083 ^ U UH A R R I S S E M I C O N D U C T O R ^ General Purpose High Current NPN Transistor Array S eptember 1996 Description Features • High lc. 100mA Max The CA3083 is a versatile array of five high current (to

    OCR Scan
    CA3083 100mA CA3083 100mA) AN5296 CA3018 CA3083F CA3083M CA3083M96 AN5296 rca3083 AN5296 application note Transistor Array differential amplifier CA3083 amplifier an5296 applications note CA3083F/3W PDF


    Abstract: an5296 3083F
    Text: ÎSÏ HARRIS U U C 'A Q fiß Q S E M I C O N D U C T O R General Purpose High Current NPN Transistor Array September 1996 Features Description • H ig h lc. 100mA Max The CA3083 is a versatile array of five high current (to

    OCR Scan
    CA3083 100mA) 100mA CA3083 an5296 3083F PDF


    Abstract: an5296 AN5296 application note an5296 applications note ca3083m CA3083 amplifier
    Text: CA3083 i H A R R IS S E M I C O N D U C T O R General Purpose High Current N-P-N Transistor Array March 1993 Description Features • High lc . 100mA Max • Low Vce at 5 0 m A .0.7V Max

    OCR Scan
    CA3083 CA3083 100mA) 100mA an5296 AN5296 application note an5296 applications note ca3083m CA3083 amplifier PDF


    Abstract: TRANSISTOR ARRAY AL transistor
    Text: CA3083 S e m iconductor September 1998 General Purpose High Current NPN Transistor Array 481.4 Features T h e C A 3 0 8 3 is a versatile array of five high current to 1 0 0 m A N P N transistors on a com m o n m onolithic substrate. In addition, two of th e s e transistors (Q-| and Q 2 ) are

    OCR Scan
    CA3083 CA3083 TRANSISTOR ARRAY AL transistor PDF

    77G DIODE

    Abstract: CA3083F/3W
    Text: C ìA Q fìfìQ HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R J T u General Purpose High Current NPN Transistor Array S e p te m b e r 1 9 9 6 Features Description • High lc . 100mA Max T h e C A 3 0 8 3 is a vers a tile array of five high current (to

    OCR Scan
    100mA CA3083 77G DIODE CA3083F/3W PDF


    Abstract: CA3083
    Text: HA RR IS S E M I C O N D S E C T O R m U U blE ]> • 430 227 1 D G 4 7 D G 4 f A H A R R I S SEMICONDUCTOR Q Tfi? W H A S f if W \J General Purpose High Current N-P-N Transistor Array March 1993 Features Description • High lc. 100mA Max

    OCR Scan
    100mA CA3083 100mA) CA3083 DG470Db 43GE571 00470G7 an5296 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ìli HARRIS Arrays S E M I C O N D U C T O R C A3083 May 1990 General-Purpose High-Current N -P -N Transistor Array F e a tu re s : A p p lic a tio n s : • H igh I q : 100 mA max. ■ Low VQEsat at 50 mA : 0 .7V max. ■ M atched p a ir (Q1 a n d Q2) Vfo (Vq e m atched): ± 5 \*V max.

    OCR Scan
    A3083 CA3018 CA3083 A3083 PDF


    Abstract: ca3103 LVB 1.32 TA6103 CA3146E ca3183
    Text: j j j CA3146, CA3183 HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R High-Voltage Transistor Arrays March 1993 Features Description • Matched General Purpose Transistors The CA3146A, CA3146, CA31B3A, and CA3183* are general purpose high vollage silicon n-p-n transistor arrays

    OCR Scan
    CA3146, CA3183 CA3146A, CA31B3A, CA3183* CA3146A CA3146 CA3103E ca3103 LVB 1.32 TA6103 CA3146E ca3183 PDF

    AN5296 Application of the CA3018 Integrated

    Abstract: TA618 ca3083 relay ts4 harris transistors transistor 102 CA3183 transistor 9-t TA6183 DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY
    Text: HARRIS SEflICOND SECTOR blE D • 43DP271 004703S bSG H H A S CA3146, CA3183 33 H a r r i s S E M I C O N D U C T O R ■ W » W W High-Voltage Transistor Arrays March 1993 Features Description • Matched General Purpose Transistors • VBE Matched ±5mV Max

    OCR Scan
    43DP271 004703S CA3146, CA3183 CA3146A, CA3183A, CA3183* A3146A CA3146 AN5296 Application of the CA3018 Integrated TA618 ca3083 relay ts4 harris transistors transistor 102 CA3183 transistor 9-t TA6183 DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY PDF


    Abstract: CA3046 pnp array 5GHz PNP transistor TRANSISTOR PNP 5GHz TRANSISTOR ARRAYS transistor array high frequency transistor array ca3039 HFA3046 npn transistor
    Text: LINEAR TRANSISTOR AND DIODE ARRAYS SELECTION G UIDE. 6-2 CA3018 General Purpose Transistor Arrays.

    OCR Scan
    CA3018 CA3039 CA3045, CA3046 CA3081, CA3082 CA3083 CA3086 CA3096 CA3127 transistor CA3046 pnp array 5GHz PNP transistor TRANSISTOR PNP 5GHz TRANSISTOR ARRAYS transistor array high frequency transistor array HFA3046 npn transistor PDF


    Abstract: ICAN529
    Text: Arrays HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R RCA GE C A 3 1 4 6 , C A 3 1 8 3 I N T E R S IL May 1990 High-Voltage Transistor Arrays Features: A pplica tio n s: • Matched general-purpose transistors m Vb e matched ± 5 mV max. u Operation from DC to 120 MHz CA3146AE, E

    OCR Scan
    CA3146AE, CA3183AE, A3146, CA3183 ICAN-5296 ICAN529 PDF

    m14 transistor

    Abstract: ca3146 AN5296 Application of the CA3018 Integrated an5296 3183a CA3183 CA31B "an5296 Application of the CA3018" ca3083 "Application of the CA3018"
    Text: s e m ic o n CA3146, CA3146A, CA3183, CA3183A d y ,e « rt « High-Voltage Transistor Arrays August 1996 Features Description • Matched General Purpose Transistors - Vqe Max) • Operation from DC to 120MHz (CA3146, CA3146A)

    OCR Scan
    CA3146, CA3146A, CA3183, CA3183A CA3183A, CA3183 CA3146A CA3146 m14 transistor AN5296 Application of the CA3018 Integrated an5296 3183a CA31B "an5296 Application of the CA3018" ca3083 "Application of the CA3018" PDF


    Abstract: avalanche mode transistor
    Text: — COMMUNICATIONS'5 STANDARD PRODUCTS PAGE Standard Products Selection Guides Data Acquisition Selection G uide.

    OCR Scan
    RF1K49088 RF1K49090 RF1K49092 F1K49093 RF1K49156 RF1K49157 AN9640 com/appnotea/an9640/ RF1K49154 CA3081 avalanche mode transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CA3146, CA3146A, CA3183, CA3183A HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R August 1996 High-Voltage Transistor Arrays Features Description • Matched General Purpose Transistors - V qe M atch. ±5mV Max • Operation from DC to 120MHz (CA3146, CA3146A)

    OCR Scan
    CA3146, CA3146A, CA3183, CA3183A 120MHz CA3146A) PDF


    Abstract: CA31B ICAN-5296 CA3TB A3148 ca3083 CA3183
    Text: ¥ j H a r r i CA3146, CA3146A CA3183, CA3183A s High-Voltage Transistor Arrays A u g u s t 1991 Features Description • Matched General-Purpose Transistors The CA3146A, CA3146, CA3183A, and CA3183* are general-purpose high-voltage silicon n -p -n transistor

    OCR Scan
    CA3146, CA3146A CA3183, CA3183A CA3146A, CA3183A, CA3183* CA3146 CA3148 CA31B ICAN-5296 CA3TB A3148 ca3083 CA3183 PDF

    transistor npn 4-071

    Abstract: SIN16 Power MOSFET Selection Guide TRANSISTOR FOR 10GHz oscillator CA3081 CFB600 mosfet selection guide CA3146 NPN

    OCR Scan
    HI5710A HI5746 HI5703 HI5766 HI5800 HI5804 HIS805 HI5808 12-Bit 10MHz transistor npn 4-071 SIN16 Power MOSFET Selection Guide TRANSISTOR FOR 10GHz oscillator CA3081 CFB600 mosfet selection guide CA3146 NPN PDF


    Abstract: AN5296 application note ca3146 AN5296 Application of the CA3018 Integrated 3146A A3146 CA3146AM96 I1021 A3183
    Text: îSî h a r r i s ou semiconductor CA3146, CA3146A, CA3183, CA3183A High-Voltage Transistor Arrays August 1996 Features Description • Matched General Purpose Transistors - V b e M a tc h .±5m V Max

    OCR Scan
    CA3146, CA3146A, CA3183, CA3183A CA3183A, CA3183 CA3146A CA3146 AN5296 application note AN5296 Application of the CA3018 Integrated 3146A A3146 CA3146AM96 I1021 A3183 PDF