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    Abstract: GF06P t9ya 363P TRIMMERS 3006P PNZ10z VM5CK-PV RJ-6X ST-4ETA vg067tl1
    Text: Cross-Reference Guide - Bourns Trimmers ACP-Vimex Bourns THROUGH-HOLE / SINGLE-TURN CA6V5 3318F CA6VS5 3318F CA6V2.5 No Cross CA6H2.5 No Cross CA6VSMD No Cross CA6HSMD No Cross CA9V10 CA9V7.5 CA9VR10 CA9MAV10 CA9MTV10 CA9H2.5 CA9H5 CA9H3.8 CA9HS3.8 3319P

    3318F CA9V10 CA9VR10 CA9MAV10 CA9MTV10 3319P CE10ST-F st-4etb GF06P t9ya 363P TRIMMERS 3006P PNZ10z VM5CK-PV RJ-6X ST-4ETA vg067tl1 PDF


    Abstract: 72RP vg033 potentiometer 3296Y 1/2-13X1 3/TSM43YL
    Text: Kingtronics Potentiometer Cross-Reference Guide R ACP Vimex Kingtronics THROUGH-HOLE/SINGLE-TURN CA6V5 CA6VS5 CA6V2.5 CA6H2.5 CA6VSMD CA6HSMD 3318F 3318F No Cross No Cross No Cross No Cross CA9V10 CA9V7.5 CA9VR10 CA9MAV10 CA9MTV10 CA9H2.5 CA9H5 CA9H3.8 CA9HS3.8

    3318F CA9V10 CA9VR10 CA9MAV10 CA9MTV10 CE10ST-F CE10ST-P CE10ST-R CE10ST-U cross-reference 72RP vg033 potentiometer 3296Y 1/2-13X1 3/TSM43YL PDF

    DATA SHEET 2025h

    Abstract: siemens SID 801 pdf working OF IC 2025h 2025h G.723 ic codec four channel decoder ev1 hints IND SMD EM1 taa 723 CA10
    Text: ICs for Communications Joint Audio Decoder-Encoder for Analog Videophone JADE AN PSB 7230 Version 2.1 Data Sheet 1998-07-01 DS 1 PSB 7230 Revision History: Current Version: 1998-07-01 Previous Version: Prelimiinary Data Sheet 02.97 V 1.2 Page Page (in previous (in current

    GPP05614 P-TQFP-100 DATA SHEET 2025h siemens SID 801 pdf working OF IC 2025h 2025h G.723 ic codec four channel decoder ev1 hints IND SMD EM1 taa 723 CA10 PDF

    DATA SHEET 2025h

    Abstract: siemens SID 801 2025h IND SMD EM1 pdf working OF IC 2025h taa 723 Q67101-H6773 MP-MLQ 10-SR11
    Text: ICs for Communications Joint Audio Decoder-Encoder - Multimode PSB 7238 Version 2.1 Data Sheet 1998-07-01 DS 1 PSB 7238 1998-07-01 Revision History: Current Version: 1998-07-01 Previous Version: Preliminary Data Sheet 06.98 V1.2 Page Page (in previous (in current

    GPP05614 P-TQFP-100 DATA SHEET 2025h siemens SID 801 2025h IND SMD EM1 pdf working OF IC 2025h taa 723 Q67101-H6773 MP-MLQ 10-SR11 PDF

    PSB 7200

    Abstract: gp914 ANSam pnp transistor data sheet bel 188 CD10 GP10 PCM24 bel 3726 TIC bus siemens integrated circuit TL 2521
    Text: ICs for Communications Enhanced ISDN Data Access Controller ISAR 34 PSB 7115 Version 2.1 Firmware Version 1.01 Data Sheet 02.98 DS 2 PSB 7115 Revision History: Current Version: 02.98 Previous Version: 09.97 Page Page in previous (in current Version Version)



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Wm High-Performance 128 KByte Asynchronous Cache Module AS7M32DI28 PRELIMINARY 128 KHyte Asynchronous Cache Module | FEATURES _ _ _ I PIN ARRANGEMENT • 128 KByte secondary cache module - Data: 32,768 wards x 32 bits - Tag: 8,192 words x 8 bits - Dirty: 8,192 words x 1 bit

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    AS7M32DI28 128/256KB PDF


    Abstract: lm 458 ic 741C DC CHARACTERISTICS LM 741 741CT OF IC 741C a1458 oc
    Text: SB H A R R I S 1MJ C A 7 4 1 C , C A 7 4 1 , C A 1458, C A 1 5 5 8 , L M 7 4 1 * , L M 7 4 1 C *, L M 1 4 58*, L M 1 5 5 8 * H igh-G ain Single and Dual O perational Am plifiers fo r Military, Industrial and C om m ercial Applications Features D escription

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    CA741 CA741C a1458 lm 458 ic 741C DC CHARACTERISTICS LM 741 741CT OF IC 741C a1458 oc PDF

    Bull Micral of America

    Abstract: pd26 sma 24cd4 CNC12 c024 micral .4T14 AZ9021
    Text: APR I-’ 'v,1 AZ9021 Address Buffer/Data Buffer Introduction Th e AZ9021 provides complete data and address buffering circuitry for a SLIK -based high-performance computer system. A versatile and highly integrated implementation of a variety of standard T TL parts, the AZ9021

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    AZ9021 AZ9021 32-bit 16-bit 12/17/g0 Bull Micral of America pd26 sma 24cd4 CNC12 c024 micral .4T14 PDF

    panasonic timer switch tb 179

    Abstract: panasonic SH-D
    Text: P a n a X S e r ie s B ‘ r i n g i n g ‘T o m o r r o w MICROCOMPUTER MN102L35G LSI User Manual Ver. 2.20 March 6, 1998 Panasonic • 0Q167flS 273 ■ t o ‘T o d a y Restrictions and Warnings Regarding the Use of the Technical Data and the Semiconductors Described in This Document

    OCR Scan
    MN102L35G 0Q167flS panasonic timer switch tb 179 panasonic SH-D PDF

    FFD 455

    Abstract: CA2270 FFD11 CA-575 marking code FFD CA278 5b S34 SARA-S
    Text: Segmentation SARA Hardware Description SARA Chipset Technical Manual Chapter 3. Hardware Description 3.1 Segmentation SARA Hardware Description 3.1.1 Segmentation SARA Internal Block Description Figure 3-1 shows a block diagram o f the Segmentation S A R A chip.

    OCR Scan
    00023Q1 FFD 455 CA2270 FFD11 CA-575 marking code FFD CA278 5b S34 SARA-S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ~ [f| C O M PLIANT W ITH PCM CA2.1/JEIDA4.2 j LI PC CARD CONTROLLER RF5C296/RF5C396L/RB5C396/RF5C396 OUTLINE The RF5C296, the RF5C396L, the RB5C396, and the RF5C396 are enhanced version of the RF5C266 and RF5C366, LSIs functioning as controllers for interfacing IC memory cards, modems, and I/O cards, such as HDDs,

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    RF5C296/RF5C396L/RB5C396/RF5C396 RF5C296, RF5C396L, RB5C396, RF5C396 RF5C266 RF5C366, RF5C296 RB5C396 PDF


    Abstract: PRS0025-01 m9706 lzs compression
    Text: •JUL STAC 9706 D a ta C om pression C o p ro cesso r P re lim in a ry D a ta S h e e t • P ro d u c t D e s c rip tio n ■ F e a tu r e s The Stac 9706 is a high-performance loss-less data compression coprocessor for use in high-perform ­ ance motherboard applications. The local bus inter­

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    386SL QIC-40/80 16-bit PRS0025-01 m9706 lzs compression PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET_ NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT UPD98405 155M ATM INTEGRATED SAR CONTROLLER DESCRIPTION The ^¡PD98405 NEASCOT-S20 is a high-performance SAR chip that performs segmentation and reassembly of ATM cells. It has a PCI bus interface, a SONET/SDH 155-Mbps framer, and a clock recovery circuit and supports an

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    UPD98405 PD98405 NEASCOT-S20â 155-Mbps PD98405 PD98405GL-PMU: 304-pin IR35-203-1 S12689EJ2V0DS00 PDF


    Abstract: LCP-10 6661D D718D lm 555 sp MV172 1623S "golay" MV1720A B1F3
    Text: GEC PLESSEY IS E M I C O N D U C T Q R S h J A r l ~ = = ^ = r 2 2 1 2 - 1.0 M V 1 7 2 0 MAC CONTROL CIRCUIT T h e m a in fu n c tio n s of the M V 1720 for the N ord ic VLSI C /D /D 2 M A C p a cke t re ce ive r are to d e co d e the b it-stream

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS ICs for Communications Enhanced ISDN Data Access Controller ISAR PSB 7110 Version 1.0 Software Version #4 Data Sheet 07.96 T7110-XV10-D3-7600 PSB 7110 PSB 7110 Revision History: Previous Releases: Page F e h le r ! T e x tm a rk e n ic h t d e fin ie r t.

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    T7110-XV10-D3-7600 D-81541 P-TQFP-100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEM EN S ICs for Communications Joint Audio Decoder-Encoder PSB 7280 Version 3.1 D a ta s h e e t 1998-07-01 DS 1 PSB 7280 Revision History: Current Version: 1998-07-01 Previous Version: Prelim inary D ata S h eet 0 6 .9 6 V 2.2 P age P age (in previous

    OCR Scan
    P-TQFP-100 P-TQFP-100 DTC110Qx BR17 PDF


    Abstract: Nippon capacitors mc14151 BM 00362
    Text: MC68HC05L11D/H MC68HC05L11 TECHNICAL DATA M O T O R O L A MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR APPLICATION NOTE Designing with the MC68HC05L11 Data Flow for DDIR=1 in LCD Interface When designing with the MC68HC05L11, please note the following on the silicon with mask set

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    MC68HC05L11D/H MC68HC05L11 MC68HC05L11, 0E29D mc68hc05l11 Nippon capacitors mc14151 BM 00362 PDF

    PSB 7200

    Abstract: PSB 7200 Z v21 modem
    Text: SIEM ENS ICs for Communications Enhanced ISDN Data Access Controller ISAR 34 PSB 7115 Version 2.1 Firmware Version 1.01 Data Sheet 02.98 DS 2 PSB 7115 Revision History: Current Version: 02.98 Previous Version: 09.97 Page in previous Version Page (in current

    OCR Scan

    ic 74ls47

    Abstract: 74LS47 pin configuration MN1020012A ttl 74ls47 7 segment pin diagram of 74Ls47 matsushita stepping motors pin diagram of 74LS47 TTL IC 74LS47 functions A2300F 74LS47 gate diagram
    Text: Chapter 1 Overview 1-1 General Description 1-1-1 Introduction Based on a detailed analysis of device applications, the MN10200 Series Linear Address Edition has adopted a new architecture for C language program development. Under various user system requirements

    OCR Scan
    MN10200 MN1020012 16-bit ic 74ls47 74LS47 pin configuration MN1020012A ttl 74ls47 7 segment pin diagram of 74Ls47 matsushita stepping motors pin diagram of 74LS47 TTL IC 74LS47 functions A2300F 74LS47 gate diagram PDF


    Abstract: LT1665 CA10 A058 dk 300 a008 82360SL LCD CMC 116 L01 2164 intel INTEL 82360 CD 2399 GP A049 crystal
    Text: 5bE ]> • 4ÔSbl7S D i n o S M E34 « I T L 1 up/prpHLS irrte* Intel386 CORP SL MICROPROCESSOR SuperSet INTEL 'T~-(4c\ 1 7 -3 ^ Highly-Integrated Static Intel386™ SL Microprocessor Complete ISA Peripheral Subsystem System-Wide Power Management Static lntel386TM SL CPU

    OCR Scan
    Intel386TMCORP Intel386TM lntel386TM Intel386 IOCS16# MEMCS16# Ctg27 LT1667 LT1665 CA10 A058 dk 300 a008 82360SL LCD CMC 116 L01 2164 intel INTEL 82360 CD 2399 GP A049 crystal PDF


    Abstract: 2COE lzs compression CA895 9705CG3 s 9705
    Text: FEB 3 WC STAC 9705 Data Compression Coprocessor Preliminary Data Sheet • P ro d u ct Description ■ F e a tu re s The Stac 9705 is a high-performance data compres­ sion coprocessor for use in data storage and trans­ mission applications. Using Stacker LZS , a high

    OCR Scan
    QIC-40/80 16-bit STAC9705 2COE lzs compression CA895 9705CG3 s 9705 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SARA -2 X-i t c h DATA SHEET PRODUCT PREVIEW DESCRIPTION Functionality enabled by application-specific microcode e.g., SARA-Lite Microcode Full-duplex segmentation and reassembly of multiple VCs up to 155 Mbit/s in each direction Integrated SONET/SDH 155 Mbit/s framer

    OCR Scan
    TXC-05551 TXC-05551-MB PDF


    Abstract: 82360SL intel 82360SL
    Text: INTEL CORP UP/PRPHLS 3IE D 402tl7S 00aSbb7 2 int@l 7 = V f-/7 -^ 2 386TM SL MICROPROCESSOR SuperSet Highly-Integrated Static 386 Microprocessor Complete ISA Peripheral Subsystem System-Wide Power Management Static 386™ CPU Core — Runs MS-DOS*, WINDOWS*, O S/2*

    OCR Scan
    402tl7S 00aSbb7 386TM 386TM 10-2c. 82360SL 196-Leadâ Ebl75 0125x0 GIGABYTE G41 intel 82360SL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEM ENS ICs for Communications Joint Audio Decoder-Encoder for Analog Videophone JADE AN PSB 7230 Version 2.1 D a ta s h e e t 1998-07-01 DS 1 PSB 7230 Revision History: Current Version: 1998-07-01 Previous Version: Prelimiinary Data Sheet 02.97 V 1.2 Page

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    P-TQFP-100 PDF