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    C51011 Search Results

    C51011 Datasheets (1)

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    altera cyclone 3

    Abstract: C51011-1 SSTL-3
    Text: 11. Using Cyclone Devices in Multiple-Voltage Systems C51011-1.3 Introduction To meet the demand for higher system speed in data communications, semiconductor vendors use increasingly advanced processing technologies requiring lower operating voltages. As a result, printed

    C51011-1 64-bit altera cyclone 3 SSTL-3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 11. Using Cyclone Devices in Multiple-Voltage Systems C51011-1.2 Introduction To meet the demand for higher system speed in data communications, semiconductor vendors use increasingly advanced processing technologies requiring lower operating voltages. As a result, printed

    C51011-1 64-bit PDF

    elna re3

    Abstract: RJ4 Elna 35222M re3 elna 35V222
    Text: MINIATURE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS RE3 Standard Capacitors Series RE3 • Guaranteed 2000 hours at 85˚C. RJ4 High temperature RE3 Marking color : White print on a blue sleeve or White print on an indigo blue sleeve Specifications Item Performance

    120Hz) 16x25 16x31 16x35 18x31 elna re3 RJ4 Elna 35222M re3 elna 35V222 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RVS VERTICAL CHIP TYPE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Chip Type 105˚C Capacitors height:5.5mm GREEN CAP 105˚C 1000hours SMD Anticleaning solvent • Compatible with surface mounting for 5.5mm high capacitors. • Supplied with carrier taping. • Guarantees 1000 hours at 105˚C.

    1000hours 120Hz 2006/2007E 2007/2008E C5101-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T55 Vishay Polytech Solid Tantalum Surface Mount Chip Capacitors TANTAMOUNT , Molded Case, High Performance Polymer Type FEATURES • Ultra-low ESR • Molded case available in 5 case codes • Terminations: cases J, P, and A: 100 % tin

    2002/95/EC. 2002/95/EC 2011/65/EU. JS709A 02-Oct-12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMCJ Vishay Polytech Solid Tantalum Surface Mount Chip Capacitors Molded Case, 0603 Size FEATURES • Small size, suitable for high density packaging • Terminations: 100 % matte tin • Compatible with “high volume” automatic pick and place equipment

    20electronic 2002/95/EC. 2002/95/EC 2011/65/EU. JS709A 02-Oct-12 TMCJ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 音 響用小形アルミニウム電 解コンデンサ オーディオ用小形標準品 GREEN CAP ROB 音響品 トーンレックス ●音響用に新たに開発した化成方法と複合電解紙採用によリ歪を低減 ハイクオリティーサウンドを実現

    25V100 C5101-1 C5101 PDF

    types of capacitor

    Abstract: C5101
    Text: RC3 GREEN CAP 5mm L Standard Capacitors ● MINIATURE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Diameters from φ3 to φ8mm and a height of 5mm. Miniaturization RC3 RC2 Marking color : White print on a blue sleeve φ3: black sleeve Specifications Item Performance

    120Hz 2010/2011E types of capacitor C5101 PDF

    SMD CAPACITORS color code

    Abstract: 16V-470 C5101
    Text: VERTICAL CHIP TYPE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS FOR AUDIO Chip Type Audio Use Capacitors ● ● GREEN CAP SMD For audio RVW 105˚C 1000hours Audio grade surface mount product with completely new components using synthetic mica paper for the separator.

    1000hours 120Hz. 2010/2011E SMD CAPACITORS color code 16V-470 C5101 PDF


    Abstract: V332
    Text: RW5 GREEN CAP For Audio,105℃ Miniature Capacitors ● ● MINIATURE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS FOR AUDIO 105˚C 1000hours For Audio With the same size as that for Series RJ5 miniaturized standerd capacitors, a high resolution sound quality grade has been realized.

    1000hours 120Hz) 20Rated 120Hz. 2010/2011E C5101 V332 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RJ3 GREEN CAP 105°C Use, Standard Capacitors ● MINIATURE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Anticleaning solvent 250V Max. 105˚C 2000hours Guarantees 2000 hours at 105℃ φ5~8 : 1000 hours . Miniaturized Miniaturized RJ4 RJ3 RJJ High temperature Marking color : White print on a black sleeve

    2000hours 120Hz) CV1000 1CV40 04CV100 120Hz 2010/2011E C5101 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 縦 形チップアルミニウム電 解コンデンサ RVE GREEN 表面実装 耐洗浄 CAP チップ105℃品 高さ4.5mm ●面実装対応 ●キャリアテーピング供給 ●105℃, 1000時間保証 高温度化 表示色:黒色印刷 RVE RV4

    120Hz Z25/Z Z40/Z C5101-1 C5101 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VERTICAL CHIP TYPE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS GREEN CAP Chip Type 85°C Capacitors height:4.5mm ● ● ● RV4 Anticleaning solvent SMD Compatible with surface mounting for 4.5mm high capacitors. Supplied with carrier taping. Guarantees 2000 hours at 85℃.

    120Hz) 35ent 120Hz 2010/2011E C5101 PDF

    smd E61

    Abstract: SMD Electrolytic CAPACITORS C5101 marking e61 g10 smd
    Text: RVC Chip Type, 105°C Use, Long Life Capacitors ● ● ● VERTICAL CHIP TYPE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Compatible with surface mounting. Supplied with carrier taping. Guarantees 3000 hours at 105℃. 10L:5000 hours . GREEN CAP SMD Anticleaning

    3000hours 120Hz) 120Hz 2010/2011E smd E61 SMD Electrolytic CAPACITORS C5101 marking e61 g10 smd PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 7mm L Bipolar Capacitors ● RB2 MINIATURE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS AntiGREEN cleaning CAP solvent Diameters from φ4 toφ 6.3mm and a height of 7mm. Bipolar RB2 RC2 Marking color : White print on a blue sleeve Specifications Performance −40 to +85

    120Hz) 120Hz. 2010/2011E C5101 PDF

    dl 0265

    Abstract: C5101 706 1330 10 16L
    Text: RE3 Standard Capacitors ● MINIATURE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS GREEN CAP Anticleaning solvent 250V Max. Guarantees 2000 hours at 85℃. RJ4 High temperature RE3 Marking color : White print on a blue sleeve Specifications Item Performance Category temperature range ℃

    120Hz) CV1000 1CV40 04CV100 120Hz 2010/2011E dl 0265 C5101 706 1330 10 16L PDF


    Abstract: s25 373 5 C5101 6800 UF 63 V 80UF
    Text: LAH 大 形アルミニウム電 解コンデンサ 小形化高信頼性高リプル品 GREEN 105˚C CAP 2000時間 ●高信頼性高リプル品 ●105℃,2000時間保証 小形化 LAH LAG 表示色: 黒色スリーブに白色印刷 •規格表 項 目

    20120Hz 120Hz C5101-1-4 200V470 s25 373 5 C5101 6800 UF 63 V 80UF PDF


    Abstract: 200V470
    Text: 大 形アルミニウム電 解コンデンサ 高信頼性高リプル長寿命品 LAZ GREEN 105℃ CAP 3000時間 ●高信頼性高リプル長寿命品 ●105℃, 3000時間保証 長寿命化 LAZ LAH 表示色: 黒色スリーブに白色印刷

    20120Hz 120Hz C5101-1-4 200V470 C5101 PDF


    Abstract: RV5 C Cap C5101 SMD CODE G10 h10 marking
    Text: RV5 GREEN CAP Chip Type Large Capacitance Capacitors ● ● ● VERTICAL CHIP TYPE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Anticleaning solvent SMD Compatible with surface mounting. Supplied with carrier taping. Guarantees 2000 hours at 85° C. High CV RV5 RV3

    120Hz 2010/2011E D55 SMD CODE MARKING RV5 C Cap C5101 SMD CODE G10 h10 marking PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RJF 小形アルミニウム電 解コンデンサ 105℃小形高信頼性超低インピーダンス品 GREEN CAP 低 Z 105℃ 耐洗浄 5000時間 ●RJBシリーズと比較し低インピーダンス高リプル化 低インピーダンス化 RJF

    20120Hz 120Hz 3100V 105100kHz 100kHz C5101 PDF


    Abstract: 400V220 C5101
    Text: LA5 大 形アルミニウム電 解コンデンサ GREEN CAP 基板自立形の小形化品 ●φ22~φ35の各径において高さ20mm品をシリーズ化 ●同一定格で最大4種類のサイズバリエーション 小形 高リプル化 小形高リプル

    223520mm 50V-2585 20120Hz 120Hz C5101-1-4 400v220uf 400V220 C5101 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 音 響用小形アルミニウム電 解コンデンサ GREEN CAP オーディオ用小形両極性品 RBD 音響品 ●新開発されたオーディオ用の箔 電解液による明るく伸びのある音 ●リードはCP線 音質対策 RBD R2B

    03CV3 120Hz F-250 C5101-1 1998IEC 1985EIAJ RC-2366 C5101 PDF


    Abstract: C5101 16V-47
    Text: RVG VERTICAL CHIP TYPE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS FOR AUDIO GREEN CAP Chip Type Audio Use Capacitors ● ● For audio SMD New developed AI-Foil and Electrolyte for Audio grade allow lower distortion. New range of bright and smooth sound is achieved in SMD area.

    120Hz) 120Hz 2010/2011E 16V47 C5101 16V-47 PDF


    Abstract: k522
    Text: RHS 小形アルミニウム電 解コンデンサ GREEN 105℃ CAP 5000時間 105℃小形高リプル長寿命品 ●高リプル電流 ●105℃, 4000~5000時間保証 ●電子バラスト用に最適 高リプル・長寿命化 RHS RJ4 表示色:黒色スリーブに白色印刷

    20120Hz CV10000 06CV40 03CV70 120Hz C5101-1-4 120Hz C5101 k522 PDF